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Fandom The Day The World Changed { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

"Incredible. Right. Like the sharks." Josh repeated, taking a deep breath as the couples in front of them quickly vanished. He looked at the operator and then at Hayden. Once their basket arrived, he let Hayden get on first, and before his boyfriend could notice, he asked the operator to stop them at the top and the operator nodded. Then Josh climbed into the basket, the thing was locked and he swallowed as the wheel moved. "It's not so bad so far."
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden eagerly climbed in first, getting distracted by the view out the other side. He stared for a moment, unaware of Josh’s absence. When he finally turned to look at him Josh was climbing in. Hayden moved to sit right next to him. He slid his arm around Josh’s. “See, not so bad. It’s like a train ride, you know. Kind of slow moving. It’s also like watching those IMAX movies. Um, the ones where they make it seem like you’re flying over different places around the world.” He turned to look of the basket and smiled. “Only this one is our home.”
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

He smiled as Hayden sat next to him, and Josh nodded. "Just like the IMAX movies. Those really interactive ones. Right." Josh agreed, looking out at the Seattle coastline. "Our home.." Josh whispered, taking it in as they got closer and closer to the top. Joshua swallowed hard, took a deep breath in and out, and centered himself. He was fine. He had this. Once they reached the top, Josh felt the Ferris Wheel come to a halt and he swallowed again, standing up and moving so he stood in front of Hayden. "My love. You've been by my side since middle school. You and I became a couple in high school, and we've moved in together after. It's been a crazy ride the last seven years, and there is no one I'd rather spend my life with than you." Josh paused and got down on one knee and pulled out the ring box from his pocket, popping it open and holding it out. "Hayden Gaines, will you make me the happiest man ever and marry me?"
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

As the Wheel moved, Hayden was prouder of no one more than he was proud of Josh. He looked so calm and serene. Sure, he had the telltale signs of a little freaking out, but he was doing so amazing. Honestly, he was handling this so much better than Hayden thought he could. He was quiet, and that was okay. Josh wasn’t the most talkative all the time anymore. As they slowly rose to the top, the amazing view of the city and the water filling in around them, he absentmindedly rubbed at the leg he had. Soon they would be at the top, and he was going to break all this silence by telling him just how proud he was. And then everything stopped. For a moment, Hayden thought this just happened to be one of those stops where someone was getting out and swapping to the next family. There weren’t a million people down there waiting, they managed to pick the best time. It was reasonable. This was both lucky and terrible timing. He didn’t want Josh to feel stuck. He turned to Josh, planning to distract him so that he didn’t get too freaked out about them stopping at the highest point. Hayden was going to tell him how incredibly proud he was, and how he loved him so much.

And then Josh was getting up too. What was going on? Josh was suddenly standing right in front of him. Words of confusion morphed the shape of Hayden’s lips as his eyes moved to take in the shape of his best friend and partner. His absolute true love. The man he had been in love with since middle school even though he didn’t really get it until they were in high school. The man who was always there for him no matter how hard the days got. No matter how easy. Joshua spoke such meaningful words harkening back of their life they built together, and Hayden stared at him in awe as it started to dawn on him what exactly was happening. As he moved to one knee, pulling out the tiny little box that he held so delicately open in his hand, Hayden could already feel the tears brimming at the edges of his eyes. Were those little sharks on the edges? Where did Josh even find that?

Joshua Smith, his best friend and his partner for seven years and the rest of forever, braved the scariest place in the world, stopped at the place that would cause him the most problems, planned a date to Hayden’s absolutely favorite place, and found a ring with Hayden’s favorite creatures just to ask him to marry him. Hayden’s hands were already over his face as the tears fell from his eyes and rolled dangerously down his cheeks. They came from shock and elation both. He stood up and threw his arms around Josh’s neck. “Yes, yes, a million times yes, oh my god, yes, Josh, I will marry you, um,” he sniffed quickly, “I have wanted to marry you for so long.”
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Joshua would never do something like this for anyone other than Hayden. He would never get on a Ferris Wheel and have it purposefully stop at the top. He could feel his heart racing the faster they moved to the top. Josh was nervous, not only because he was getting close to the top, but because he wasn’t sure just how the proposal was going to go. As he was there on one knee, he watched Hayden cover his face, saw the tears escape his beautiful eyes and arms were around his neck. Josh held onto the box, and wrapped his arms around Hayden. He stood up from his kneel with his now fiancé and held him close.

“I’ve wanted to marry you since I first met you. It wasn’t until we became partners that I realized it was more than a childhood fantasy.” Josh said, his voice near Hayden’s ear as he held him. He pulled away, gently took Hayden’s hand and slipped the ring on. And then he pulled the other hand away from his face and used his own hands, cupping Hayden’s cheeks, to wipe the tears off his beautiful face. “I love you so much.”
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Once upon a time, they were young boys in middle school who did not know how to tell the difference in all of these relationships. Hayden knew he had a lot of friends. He knew he had a handful of good friends. He knew that he had a handful of close friends. He knew he had a best friend. How many people got to say that they were going to marry their best friend? They had talked about this before, and they both agreed that marriage was something both of them were interested in pursuing. Their last conversation was before they moved in together. Hayden had been so caught up in preparing for college and working to bring home that extra money that the topic slipped away. But Josh never forgot.

He let his partner, his fiancé and husband to be, take his hand to put the ring on. He wished he could see better so that he could really take in the beauty of it. He leaned into the touch of Josh’s hands as he wiped away the tears of his joyful emotions. “I love you so much, Joshua Smith. So so much. I am so excited for the life we’re going to build together.” His arms slid around Josh’s back as he pressed his lips to Josh’s in a kiss he could only hope was any good with how much of a mess he was. Married. He was going to be married to this man. They were going to be tied together in the best way for the rest of time. Nothing could ever be better. He was so happy.
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

If the world fell apart around them, Josh probably wouldn’t notice for a while. He was wrapped up in his fiancé, hearing him sounding so excited about the life they were going to build together. About the world that consisted of them and that’s it. He felt Hayden’s arms slide around his back and the kiss. The kiss that Josh deepened as his hands slid from his cheeks to the back of his head and neck. Fingers moving into hair as he kissed him. Then they started moving and he reluctantly pulled back. He wasn’t a fan of standing while the wheel was moving so he moved them to sit on the bench in the basket. “How did I get so lucky to be marrying my best friend. Oh and we’re going to have to tell our parents. They won’t be surprised.” Josh said with a laugh.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

The world came crashing back around him as the basket started moving again and forced him to remember where they were. Hayden all but fell beside Josh, his eyes refusing to look anywhere else. A very large part of him really wished that they weren’t in the public eye right now for numerous reasons, one of which was the social stigma he still struggled with. But a part of him staring at this amazing man knew that Josh had never been afraid. He had never been held back by society’s narrow views. He defied everything to make this happen. It made Hayden want to be strong and confident like that too. He laced his fingers in Josh’s and leaned his head against his partner’s shoulder as they slowly made their way back down. “Kyra asked me like two weeks ago when this was going to happen. Apparently my family has been exchanging bets for the last six months. They should use that betting money to pay for our wedding.”
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh’s eyes never left Hayden as they moved. The only fears Josh ever had included heights and Hayden rejecting him. But both fears have now been conquered, well. One of them anyway. He knew that Hayden wouldn’t reject him, knew it the moment he asked him out. The fear of heights was going to be tougher to really overcome. Josh had considered when he was getting out of high school joining the military but he’d chosen not to in the end. He would’ve been an excellent soldier, and little did he know, he was going to have another chance. Seattle would be a lot less strict on relationships between officers and normal civilians, unless they were part of the rebel group. But that’s a tale to come. For now Josh was quite content with how things were for him.

“My older brothers have been betting with my parents on when we were going to get engaged and even married. I agree, they should put the money towards our wedding.” Josh said with a laugh as the Ferris Wheel got to the bottom. The operator paused Josh and asked silently if it worked and he smiled and nodded. “Thank you for your help.” He said before taking Hayden’s hand and leading the way to the car. “I think we should go have a romantic dinner out tonight.”
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Everything was unbelievable. It was like a dream. An amazing, wonderful, fantastic dream. He walked hand in hand for a moment then made a choice. A brave choice. He linked his arm behind Josh’s and brought it back to the front to clasp their hands together. Then he crossed his arm over his chest and hooked his hand around Josh’s biceps. They were going to be married. Married! He never really doubted it. He thought eventually this would happen, and he knew they both wanted it, but it was still so exciting to know that it was really happening. And he wanted people to know. Maybe he wasn’t shouting it out to everyone, but he liked that he was not hiding it.

He stared at Josh as they walked to the car. Unbelievably perfect man. “Aquarium, Ferris wheel, marriage proposal, and a romantic dinner? Will you ever stop spoiling me? Because I am okay if the answer is no. Let me live in my dream.”
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh loved the dream he lived. Loved his life, and smiled as the two of them walked hand in hand. He wasn't expecting for Hayden to link his arm with Josh's and holding his hand, before holding his bicep with his other hand. That was something Hayden hadn't done in public, and he smiled wider. Josh loved how brave his fiancé was getting, and it made him happy. This was a beautiful sight to Josh, and then he saw Hayden staring at him. "To answer your question my love, absolutely not. I will never stop spoiling you in some way, every day. You're stuck with this romantic sap and he loves to spoil his future husband. Speaking of, how does Joshua Gaines sound to you? Or would you rather be a Smith?" He asked, as they got to the car. He opened the passenger's side door for Hayden before kissing him deeply once more and then pulling away.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Joshua Gaines? Joshua. Gaines? Would he really want to take Hayden’s name? Someone usually took someone else’s name when people got married. Married. They were getting married. They were really going to get married. They were going to have their happily ever after. Hayden loved a happily ever as much as anyone else. He knew he would find it even all those many years ago before they were together. Even when his friend told him he would be miserable. He knew he wouldn’t be. He had Josh. Joshua Gaines? The kiss melted all of his thoughts away, and his entire being was a puddle at Josh’s feet. “Oh. Um.” He laughed shyly, looking away as he felt his entire face run red. He put his hand on the door. “I’m gonna, um,” he looked to the door and then to Josh before back to the car. “Gonna get, uh, in.” He let out a little laugh and slipped into the car. Would he want to be Hayden Smith instead? He had thought about this a million times. He talked about it with Kyra and Ari constantly, especially since Ari worked next door to his job and they frequently had lunch together. It was like he never thought about it at all. He waited in the car until Josh was also in his own seat. “Would you really take my name?” That was crazy.
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

As Josh slipped into the car, he looked beside him at Hayden and smiled with a nod. He'd heard Hayden laugh shyly, heard him make an almost broken sentence. "I would take your name. Although I'd be just as honored to have you take my name if you would prefer." Josh told him as he started the car. He would listen to Hayden as he drove. "Any food in particular you'd prefer tonight?" He asked, gaze flicking over to Hayden with a smile, he'd drive to wherever Hayden wanted to, today was all for him after all.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden was really baffled by the entire day. Josh was just so amazing. He planned this whole thing out. He was always doing this for Hayden. He was so thoughtful. So kind. “Why don’t you choose? Everything else has been for me. We went to the aquarium for me. You braved the Ferris Wheel for me.” His face lit up with the big smile that permanently lived with him now. He looked down at his hand and the ring that he twisted. “You got me sharks, Josh. I don’t know how I got so lucky.” He turned his attention to his fiancé. Fiancé. Wow. “Let’s go to your favorite. This is about you too. Because you’re amazing. The most amazing person I have ever met. You make me better.” Hayden could have courage because of him. “Joshua Gaines does sound pretty nice though.”
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh loved Hayden, more than he thought he would ever love someone. Hayden was his person, the one that he turned to for comfort in the few moments he gets nervous or scared. He didn't know what he'd do if he didn't have his fiancé at his side, it seemed like a nightmare to Josh honestly. He looked over at Hayden when he was told to chose where they would go for dinner. He decided on where they should go and then he smiled over at Hayden hearing him. "I'd do anything for you my love. Even brave the Ferris Wheel. It took a special order to get that ring but I'm glad you love it." Josh added as he started driving towards The Walrus and The Carpenter restaurant. It was a smaller place but each time they'd been there, they've had good food. Josh, driving safely with one hand, opened his other for Hayden to take if he wished. "Joshua Gaines it is then dear."
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Without thinking, Hayden took Josh’s hand. He was confident enough in Josh’s driving through the city that was their home. He liked the place they were going. It was a good little restaurant. He loved those small restaurants that were locally owned. Something occurred to him then. “Josh?” He looked over at him even if Josh couldn’t look at him while they were driving. “You had to have it specially ordered.” He looked at the ring. Beautiful engraved sharks. “How long have you been planning this?”
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh held Hayden's hand as he drove, navigating the streets of their home city easily. Growing up here, learning how to drive in Seattle, the traffic and crazy streets never phased him. He glanced over at Hayden, hearing him and hummed. His eyes returned to the road seconds later though he heard the question. "I uh well. I think I started thinking about it after Christmas last year. I saw how excited you were when I got you that shark blanket and everything just fell into place. It took like five months to find someone to make the ring, order it and then have it shipped. Remember last week when I had to go to the post office? It was to pick up that ring."
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

He should have been expecting this. There was no reason for Hayden not to be expecting months and months of perpetration. Last Christmas? That was when he had the idea for the ring. When was he planning on proposing? He sat on this for so long because he wanted the perfect ring? A tiny smile pulled at his lips and the edges of his eyes that grew as he really thought this through. “I absolutely love you,” he said almost incredulously as he stared at his specially made ring. His gaze lifted up to windows before looking back at Josh as he squeezed his hand. “So much. Like more than anything else ever.” He shook his head. “I actually can’t take it.”
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh heard Hayden, a smile growing on his own face as he heard him. “I love you too, so much. You know I have a fear of heights, but did you know I was scared of you too?” Josh asked as his fingers tapped on the steering wheel. They were currently at one of the hundreds of stoplights in Seattle. Josh could only take so many side streets to avoid the lights, especially headed to the restaurant they were going to.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

What? He narrowed his eyes as he tried to comprehend what Josh just said. Scared of him? What did that even mean? Did he used to be a terrible person? Oh no, what if he was? He spent so much time trying to be a good person, he was sure that he had to slip up somewhere. Wait, he was probably overthinking that. But how could he be as scary as heights? Josh was terrified of heights! “What do you mean?” He asked trying to be cool about it instead of the freaking out that he was doing inside.
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

josh had a few minutes at this light and he looked over at his partner. He saw those narrowed eyes and knew that Hayden was freaking out and over thinking. “Hayden. Babe. Breathe. I merely meant that I was scared you’d hate me for wanting to be more than friends. I was petrified you’d hate the ring, and terrified you’d say no to marrying me.” Josh explained as the light changed. He drove on and turned off onto the street where the restaurant was. Josh found a spot to park and parked the car. He twisted in his seat after unbuckling and took the hand that Hayden was holding and held his and Hayden’s hand in his own. “You are the best person I’ve ever met, always so kind and sweet. I don’t know how lucky I got to have found you, to be able to love you, but I did. You are mine as I am yours and we have forever together. Now, I’m starving so let’s go eat yeah?” Josh finally stopped his words, leaned over and kissed Hayden deeply before he pulled away with a smile.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh telling him to breathe and essentially calm down did not make this any better or easier. That was just Josh being his amazing self. And sure, the explanation made sense. He was absolutely terrified that on their first date he would do something horribly wrong and make Josh not even want to be friends anymore. Or not even that bad but something uncomfortable enough to make it weird to be friends. They were best friends, and he absolutely loved Josh before they ever started dating. The idea that he would ruin that scared him more than anything else in the entire world. When Josh took his hand, he finally pulled himself away from his thoughts to focus on him. He melted at the words. At the touch. At the moment. He nodded. “Yeah, okay, let’s go eat,” he was finally able to say after the kiss. He pulled his hand away reluctantly and got out of the car. He stood there a moment, breathing like he was told to, before he met Josh on the other side and put his hand out for his boyfriend’s. No, not boyfriend. Fiancé. They were going to be married. Happily together as one for the rest of their forever. “I would like you to know that you have never once scared me. Just me scaring me. For obvious relationship reasons.”
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh smiled as he heard Hayden after he'd kissed him. He watched with a sigh as he lost Hayden's hand so that they could get out of the car. Once they were on the other side, he gladly took Hayden's hand with a smile on his face. He could hold his hand forever, and that was his plan. Forever, married, together, growing old together. Loving each other forever. "I'm glad I never scared you, because I was good enough at scaring myself. Oh so we scared ourselves and yet, here we are." Josh said with a chuckle as he led the way into the restaurant, the waitress leading them to a small booth near the wall. Josh let go of Hayden's hand as he sat down, but offered it again once he sat down.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden sat across the table and sat down. He was torn of course as to whether or not to treat this like it was normal or if he should allow the excitement of the day’s events to rule him. Was he really able to not be a jittery mess? Would he be himself if he wasn’t? He reached for Josh’s hand the moment he could grab it again. Attached. He had never been so attached in public. Part of him was excited to do what he always wanted but also afraid of the backlash that it might cause him. How much did he actually care about all these people he didn’t know knowing that he was happily with another man? He didn’t. So why did he act like he did? Society. Why should society get to determine what he did and did not get to do? He squeezed that hand tight and with a smile. “I don’t think I’ll ever not scare myself,” he laughed. Nervously. Always nervously. “But I’m glad you were persistent. I never regret any of this.” Even the parts that were terrifying. Never ever.
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh smiled when Hayden did take his hand the moment Josh offered it. Josh felt the tight squeeze on his hand and squeezed back with a bigger smile. "That's why I'll never leave your side, someone has to bring you back from being scared." He said with a laugh, before nodding. "I wasn't going to let you run away from me. Not when I was so in love with you." Josh told as the waitress came over to hand them menus and take their drink orders. Josh order a soda and then the waitress looked to Hayden.

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