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Fandom The Day The World Changed { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh wrapped his arms around Hayden and sighed. So many lives lost, including their parents. He didn’t know what was going to happen in the future, but he was determined to protect his people. And he realized as he stood there, that had extended to Soren. He’d watch his back too. “Let’s go lay down for a bit okay baby?” Josh whispered, holding Hayden close. He needed that time alone with his partner, the time to exist as the pair they were.

Jacob looked at Soren and chuckled softly. “I’m sure you have many war stories of things even I can’t imagine.” Jacob said softly as he finished cleaning the wound. Once he was satisfied, he grabbed the anti-bacterial cream and wiped it gently on the scrapes and cuts. Jacob heard Soren’s laugh and he couldn’t help the way his heart fluttered a little at the sound. “It was six years ago. In fact I’d just gotten my full time position as an ER and Trauma nurse when it happened. He was such a crybaby as a kid, but he’s come into his own. Yes, it’s a good thing you’re a big boy.” Jacob said when a soft chuckle as he wrapped Soren’s arm up. “There all better, though I’d be careful with that arm, it’s very easy to reopen the wounds while it’s healing.”
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Who was next? That was what Hayden wanted to know now that the skies were fully dark and this horrible day was finally behind them. Who would be next? He nodded but he didn’t moved, because he still didn’t know anything about his mom or Kyra. He didn’t know what happened to his dad. He didn’t know anything, and he was so scared that they were gone too. None of them had called anyone here. The last contact any of them had with them was Hayden’s phone call with Kyra that morning. He shoved a hand over his eyes and nodded again. He really wanted to be with Josh.

“Ah, I’m sure you’ve got your own horror stories I would probably never be able to handle.” That was the thing about nurses and medical professionals. They could handle so much that Soren and his military buddies never even had to consider. He never had to do the real grunt work of so many soldiers because he tested so well. They had him doing a lot more strategy and logistics than actual combat. He did a little but nothing compared to so many. He took in his patched arm and moved it around like he was getting used to something new. Maybe he was. He glanced back at Jacob, his lips curving up without him meaning to. “Thanks, doc. I’m sure it will hold up better than just about anything else.” He sat there a moment before deciding this was going to get awkward now that they were done and they were sitting around in a bathroom. “I should, um, get back now. It’s pretty dark already, and I’m sure they’ll be cranky with me showing up at whatever random time.” He lamely gestured in a random direction away from them and tried to scoot by, but the bathroom wasn’t that big or maybe he was an awkward size, because he couldn’t figure out a good way to move without brushing up against Jacob, which in turn was also awkward, and just everything was awkward. God, he hadn’t been that awkward since his high school days. His heart was racing and his stomach felt funny. He really probably should just go before he embarrassed himself further.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh saw that nod and turned them, taking Hayden’s hand and leading him out of the living room, up the stairs, down the hall and he pushed open his old bedroom and led the way inside. Josh immediately made his way to the bed, let go of Hayden’s hand and laid down on the bed, arms open wide, an invitation for his partner.

Jacob tilted his head slightly at that. Color him curious about this man even more. He smiled at the thanks and flushed at the ‘doc’ because he was no doctor. He just knew how to fix people. He watched him try and scoot past Jacob, and while they brushed up against each other, he placed a hand on the non-injured arm. “You know. I was going to make grilled chicken and potatoes because we all need to eat. You’re more than welcome to join us and uh stay here too. I know Josh already extended the offer but I wanted to ask. Please stay here?” Jacob finished, his brown eyes pleading something he didn’t fully understand but he didn’t want Soren to go outside, go to the hospital, and maybe never see him again. The funny feeling in the pit of his stomach and the clenching of his heart was making him feel weird, not bad just weird.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

In the quiet, Hayden moved with him to the old room they used to spend so much of their time in. It almost felt like it was his old room as well. He probably spent more time there than his own home at one point in their life. He got so much crap about it from Kyra. Kyra. Was she okay? He didn’t know how to find that out. He crawled into the bed, curled up close to him, and cried. He didn’t want to cry but he cried. He cried for his dad and their mom. He cried for family he might not ever see. He cried for their neighbors and their world. He cried and he cried until he had no more tears to cry.

Soren paused at the feeling of Jacob’s touch, his eyes lingering to the hand on his arm before looking back at them. They were really very close, and he should move, but he kind of wanted to stay there and talk? High emotions on a crazy day. But he was talking about food, and Soren realized he hadn’t eaten all day and he was absolutely starving. And then those eyes were pleading with him to stay, and Soren realized that yeah, he wanted to stay. He should go though. He really should. “Uh, yeah, okay.” He stood there a moment. Lingering. Then he coughed and shimmied out. “But you have to let me help you with the dinner.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

The moment Hayden curled up close to him, Josh wrapped his arms tightly around him. Holding him to his chest, and as Hayden cried, he silently did so as well. Head pressed into Hayden’s hair as he realized just what they’d lost. Parents. They lost parents. And neighbors. Like Chase and Ken. God Josh didn’t want to kill them but he didn’t think about anything other than protecting his partner. Josh finally stopped crying and just laid there.

Jacob watched as Soren paused, watched him look at the hand on his arm, his hand. He saw him look back at him and then Jacob heard three words that made him smile. He heard the cough and nodded. “Okay, I guess that’s fair. You can help with dinner.” Jacob agreed with a bigger smile on his face. He followed Soren out and into the kitchen. Lucas looked very forlorn and Logan was staring at his lap. Jacob sighed as he went to the freezer and pulled out two packs of chicken. He walked to the patio door, slowly opened it and looked around. It seemed quiet, he just had to get the grill inside. The same grill that was about a foot and a half from the back patio. Jacob stepped outside, quietly, pausing every step or so to look around. And then he made his move, grabbing the small portable grill and went to head inside, but tripped on the patio, the grill went clattering loudly to the ground, fortunately he’d saved the propane, didn’t need that hitting the ground and exploding. But unfortunately a screech cut through the air and he flipped around to see one of their neighbors headed right for him. Oh no.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden laid there in the silence for a while longer. Years and years and seconds longer. Until finally he could pull his head away from the hole he dug between the bed and the blanket and the bodies. He reached out hungry, aching hands that that grasped at his own sides before letting them fall away with nothing holding them. He did not bother wiping away drying tears as he found Josh’s forehead with his own. “What are we going to do?” He asked in almost a whisper. His voice felt harsh to his own ears but that might have been because of how broken it was.

“This is dangerous.” Soren followed behind Jacob towards their back door. Bringing the grill inside was going to be dangerous enough but having to go outside to get it was a terrible idea. Didn’t they have some other way to cook these things? Soren stood at the door as Jacob slowly inched away, watching to make sure there wasn’t anyone around. It was clear for now. He marveled at the idea of risking your life to feed so many a good meal. That wasn’t just risky. It was reckless. It was noble too. He was going to make it. This crazy guy was going to make it. And then he fell, and Soren was already running out the door before the grill clattered to the ground. “Jacob, are-?” But the screech cut him off, and instead of kneeling down beside Jacob, Soren was grabbing the grilling fork and running to meet this guy and his blood soaked shirt. “Get inside!” Soren, brandishing a giant fork, ducked as the neighbor grabbed for him and popped up behind. He rammed the fork into his side, but all that did was seem to make him angry. The neighbor tore himself away and grabbed at Soren who swore and ducked and rolled out of his way. He tried to grab the fork that was still stuck in the guy, nearly got bit, and moved his arm quickly away. He did this again several times before finally being able to grabbed and run, the neighbor following like he should. Okay, aim for the head this time. He did this again, running at him to duck out of the way and then jam the fork in the side of the neighbors head. The man struggled for a moment before dropping. Soren breathed heavily, trying to catch his breath. He listened to make sure no one else was coming and jogged back inside.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh felt Hayden shifting and he pressed his forehead to his own. He breathed out a shaky breath as he heard his question. “I don’t know. Just stay here for now? I’ve got to leave for the hospital in the morning.” Josh muttered, hearing that broken voice. He really didn’t know what to do now.

Jacob blinked as he saw Soren grab the grilling fork and he grabbed the grill, scrambled to his feet and ran inside. He looked out the back window the whole time though, watching the struggle between him and his neighbor. And the moment Soren was back inside he immediately went to his side. “You didn’t get bit did you? I’m so sorry, I didn’t.. I thought I’d make it.” Jacob said, as he looked the other man over. “You didn’t hurt your arm again did you?” He asked, concern in his voice as his eyes were wide behind his glasses. Wide with fear and shock.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden didn’t like that answer. He didn’t like any of this. None of it was fair. He didn’t want Josh to go. He wanted him to stay here where they could be safer. They could stay here with the family. Maybe they could get the rest of Hayden’s family to come here. Soren could stay too. “Why?” He sounded like a petulant child, but he needed to know. What was so important out there that he had to leave him again?

Soren leaned against the closed door as he caught his breath. “It’s okay, no I’m fine. Are you okay? I couldn’t tell before he came.” He scanned Jacob for any signs of injury as well. He smiled at the grill. “Hey, but you got that. great. I’m starving. I, uh, hope you didn’t need the fork because it’s, um… in use.” He laughed at his own bad joke. He looked over his shoulder and then walked away from the door. “Alright, how else can I help you?”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Why? Josh wasn’t sure himself. But he needed to do something. “Hope. I found research today that could help create a cure. Baby we could save everyone if we can find the rest of the research. I have to help. I have to protect us, you, the family.” Josh said, looking at Hayden. “And I’ll be home as soon as I can.” Josh added.

Jacob let out a sigh of relief, that clenching and fear in his heart and body relaxed. “I’m okay. A little bruised on my knees and lower legs but I’m good.” Jacob replied, and then looked at the grill. “Yeah, got that and put us both in danger. You were right, it was dangerous.” Jacob admitted, as he grabbed the grill and set it on the table. “Uh, yeah. Can you grab the chicken from the fridge. Dad had pulled it out for him and m- mom..” Jacob’s voice broke a little at the end. “I’ll um I’m going to cut it into strips and the potatoes are in the pantry, I was going to peel and mash them. That’s all I was going to do so I guess if you wanna start cutting the chicken into strips, I can start peeling the potatoes.” Jacob said, his voice quiet as he moved to the pantry.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Research that could make a cure. He was going in there to find some research. But if it could create a cure, then maybe that was worth it. That could save so many people. That could be great. They could go back to their real lives after that. Right? They could. Maybe. “Okay. But I still hate it. I hate that you’re not with me. I hate that you could be out there dead somewhere. I hate not knowing.” That was always his fear when Josh considered the military before. How would Hayden ever know?

Soren wished that he could help Jacob. Really help him not just with the dinner. He couldn’t help with the loss of his mom though. That wasn’t something he could really understand. He never had a mom to begin with. “Sure, I can do that.” He made himself welcome in the kitchen and pulled out the chicken from the fridge. He unwrapped it and pulled out a knife, after making himself comfortable, and started slicing it into strips. “Like this?” He asked to make sure he wasn’t doing something horribly wrong.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh heard Hayden and he knew what his partner was thinking. “I know. But if I can do a little good, prevent the rest of us from dying, isn’t that a good thing? And I’ll make it back to you. Each time. I told you that it was you and me forever and I meant it. I’ll always come back to you.” Josh told him, moving so he could kiss him, love and passion in the kiss.

Jacob had grabbed the potatoes and started peeling them. Silent tears tracked down his face, he couldn’t help it. Cooking had been his and his mom’s thing. Even when he moved out, he was always coming by to make something with her. Jacob heard Soren, sniffed and turned to look. “That’s perfect. Good job.” He said, turning and continuing peeling the potatoes. Jacob tried to stop the tears, willed himself to stop but it was hard, really hard.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden wanted to tell Josh that he couldn’t know that. He couldn’t know that he wouldn’t get stuck somewhere or attacked and killed. He couldn’t know that he could come home every night and be with Hayden. He couldn’t know. Hayden never got to say that, because Josh’s lips were on his, and he was so overcome by how much he missed Josh the whole day that he didn’t want to do anything else. Instead, he kissed him back with all of his fear and love and sadness and hope. If they had tonight, then there was at least that.

He wasn’t trying to pry or anything, but the sniff was all Soren could hear as it happened. He whipped around to look at his face, suddenly very worried that something was wrong, and though he should have still been cutting the chicken, he didn’t feel like that was the most important thing right now. Jacob was obviously trying not to cry even if he was trying to hide it. Soren wanted to ask what was wrong, but he knew the answer. God, his mom just died. Of course, he was upset. He didn’t know what to do. He was a stranger in the house. He wasn’t a family friend or even their neighbor. He was the intruder they graced with their hospitality. “Thanks,” he said quietly. He wished he could do more.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh felt everything in that kiss, holding Hayden close as he kissed him. He didn’t want to stop, because he didn’t really know how many nights they’d have like this. He pulled away when he couldn’t breathe. “I love you Hayden. So much.” Josh said, his voice low as he looked at his partner, the love of his life, his other half.

What Jacob really wanted was a hug. But the only person in his family that hugged was his mom. And she was.. gone. Dead. Shot. Bitten. Infected. Jacob’s hands wavered as he peeled the potatoes, but he managed to get them peeled and cubed. He put water in the pan, thanking everything that his parents had a well and still had power for the moment. He put the pan on the stove, lit it and took a step back, leaning against the wall as he breathed in and out, steady Jacob, he told himself. His brown gaze looked over to check on Soren and the chicken.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden closed his eyes when Josh pulled away. He slid his arms around Josh’s shoulder, hands around the back of his neck. “I love you, too,” he whispered. “More than everything in the whole world.” He swallowed. “I can’t lose you. I can’t do this without you.” The world was wonderful before but even then he didn’t know how to do it alone. He thankfully never had to figure it out. What about now?

Soren finished his slices and waited, unsure what to do to help. He stared at his chicken for a moment before turning in the hopes that looking at Jacob would give him something. Maybe he could strike up a conversation. Looking at him now, Soren could tell that he wasn’t okay. Of course he wasn’t okay. He was very much not okay. He took a step forward, one hand out. He had no idea what he was doing. How did he comfort someone about this? He was so bad at this. He placed a hand on Jacob’s shoulder, fingers squeezing just a little for comfort. Words did not come to him. Anything he thought of sounded stupid or callous.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh felt the hands around the back of his neck. He looked at Hayden for a moment, listening to him. He pushed his normal smile on his face and sighed softly. “You won’t lose me. I promise. I’ll always come home to you.” Josh said, even though it was a hard thing to promise, he was going to do everything in his power to keep it.

Jacob watched Soren, but he was also lost in thought. He remembered yesterday, at Josh and Hayden’s. Laughing, winning and losing bets, eating pizza and picking on his brothers. Now? Everything was drastically different. His world had gone sideways and he was losing his traction, falling hard. He blinked at the hand on his shoulder, and looked at Soren. Jacob bit his lip, thought for a moment and decided that he was already falling, what was the worst that happened anymore? He took a step closer, and wrapped his arms around Soren, head on his chest. It wasn’t the same as hugging his mother but it was just as comforting he found. Then he realized what he did and backed up, arms dropped to his side and a dark blush over his face. “I- I’m sorry.. I shouldn’t have done that.”
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

“You promise?” He promised. Josh promised to come back to Hayden. “Really promise? You’ll find a way back to me no matter what?” What he wanted to make sure was that Josh wasn’t going to be the kind of hero who chose to sacrifice himself saving everyone else and didn’t save him. It was a selfish desire. A horribly selfish need.

Oh. Um. Slowly, Soren closed his arms around Jacob’s back. It had been a long time since he had a hug, and an even longer time since he reciprocated one. Maybe back in his high school years? Maybe. It was awkward and strange, but he didn’t hate it. He hated that he didn’t know what he was doing. He hated that all he could do was be the bad hugger when Jacob clearly needed more. Just as he thought maybe he could do it better, the hug was over. He was just Soren again, and a part of him felt kind of lonely after it. “No! no, don’t be sorry. God, you’re going through- uh, through so much. Of course you need support.” Way to not know that’s what someone else needed. He sighed at himself. “Do you- um.” Real bad at this. “Do you need, uh, more?” Awkward and bad at this. How cringy was that?
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

“I promise I will come back to you no matter what.” Josh told him, looking at him. He wasn’t self-sacrificing and he was rather selfish because all he wanted was Hayden. He signed up for this to protect his partner and his family. But he wasn’t going to leave Hayden. He’d find his way back. No matter what.

Jacob had felt those arms wrap around him, and then he had broken it. Broken the contact. He heard Soren, looked at him, listened and swallowed hard. He simply nodded before he closed the distance between them again. He rested his forehead on Soren’s chest and his arms wrapped around him tightly. “Thank you.” Jacob whispered, he didn’t care that this seemed to be an okay hugger or how this could possibly be considered awkward. He just took a deep breath in and a ragged breath out as he stood there, feeling those silent tears coming down again.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Good. He knew that Josh couldn’t actually make that promise. He knew that things happened that were out of their control. Whatever was causing people to go crazy had to come from something, and they could not guarantee that it would not get them. The promise that Josh would try was enough for him. Enough for now. “At least you get to save people.” At least he still had a purpose. Hayden lost his. That was okay. He would rather lose his purpose than his person.

And then there was another hug, that he did offer. This time, he was prepared, and he kept his arms around better than the mostly solid masses that happened to be there. He tried to be gentler and fluid. He tried to sort of meld together? It was weird but it kind of worked. Him and this guy he met like an hour or something ago. Maybe two? That was the funny thing about emergencies. It brought people together in some weird ways. “Some first date, huh?” He asked with a laugh. It was a weird laugh because he was trying to be funny and diffuse the situation, but now he was pretty sure he made it more awkward. He laughed harder at that.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

“The only one I want to save is you. But yes, that is true.” Josh admitted. He had joined for Hayden, for Jacob, Logan, Kyra, his dad, Emily. He did it for them more than the city but if he could save his city too, then he’d be perfectly alright with that.

Jacob felt the arms around him and he sunk into the hug. He tried to complete the meld, with a stranger he met not that long ago. A stranger that he was finding fascinating and interesting. He pulled his head up to look at Soren when he heard that. “So you don’t invite strangers over for dinner and to stay in their family house during the world ending and make it a first date? Psh.. amateur.” Jacob replied, laughing softly. “Though I’ve heard of some pretty terrible first dates so…” He added, laughing a little louder with a small smile crossing his face.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

If the only one he wanted to save was Hayden, why did he have to leave him? He would never ask that. He would never ask him to justify his heroic actions. In the face of crisis, Josh chose to do what he knew was right. He was finding research for a cure that would save the world and also Hayden. He was going to go back to the hospital, and though Hayden had not seen it, he heard about it from Logan. That was a horrible place to be. Hayden was so worried that being part of this FEDRA whatever that is was going to change him. No, stop. He couldn’t let himself get hung up on something like that. Not when their time together was so limited. He constricted his grip and held on so tight it was as though letting go he would fall out of the world. “You did,” he breathed against him. “You already saved me.”

Soren was so absolutely certain that he was making things awkward, and then there was Jacob as smooth as butter making it like everything was totally normal. Like sharing a relatively intense embrace with a stranger was normal. Of course, today he killed several of his neighbors in his own living room, shot a girl no more than twelve, ran down too many people to count, convinced a different neighbor to join the shoot anything that so much as twitches military, and went home with said neighbor and his brother who after only a couple of hours had managed to completely take his attention. So. He was having a weird day. “Nope, my family home would probably be a prison, so that would probably kill the mood. This is a much better place.” He wasn’t looking at it though. “It’s got good bones.” He hadn’t really been looking at the house for a while. “Good roots.” He reached a hand up and fixed Jacob’s glasses that were askew from the hug. “Um, chicken.” He smiled with a hint of red spattered across his cheeks. “I should, um, probably actually cook that now.” He laughed at his own ineptitude. But he also didn’t let go. He told himself it was because Jacob needed to tell him when he was done.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh looked at him for a long moment, heard his words and sighed softly. “But you aren’t safe yet. Not until we can get this under control.” Josh said quietly, feeling the tighter hug and held on himself. He wasn’t going to let go. Not yet anyway.

Jacob had not taken his eyes off Soren, listening to him. Prison? That would probably kill the mood but it also made Jacob more curious. Who was this military man.. really. Under the surface. The red on his face went darker as he heard him, though it was rather obvious he wasn’t looking at the house. Jacob stilled for a moment when he felt Soren fix his glasses and the red grew to his ears as they got warm. His heart was pounding, and he found that he didn’t want to move. He was enjoying the contact, as weird as that was. “R- Right.. and I should uh check the potatoes.” Jacob’s voice was quiet but he didn’t move away for a good few minutes. And then he swallowed hard, and reluctantly broke the hug, moving slowly away from Soren. He didn’t want to stop hugging him, but he did, moving over to the stove to check the potatoes, with a small sigh.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

There were no words that could express how Hayden was feeling with the events of the day. This horrible day. He hated it. He hated it so much. And maybe now it was night, but it wasn’t past them yet. It also was just the beginning. They knew this. Everyone knew that this was not ending soon. If they had to wait for a cure to be made, that was going to be at least months? Maybe even years with testing and trials and everything else. They could die before that. He held on to the one person he felt like he had left. He still didn’t know about the rest of his family, and he loved Josh’s but it wasn’t the same. He stayed there. Hoping. Wishing. Waiting.

It was a good thing he knew how to grill without thinking, because he was so utterly distracted now that if he hadn’t one hundred percent have known what he was doing, he would most assuredly burn that chicken. What was happening right now? Was he… flirting with some guy he met earlier today? Because that’s what an outside perspective would probably tell him. He wasn’t a flirty kind of guy, though. He was a soldier and a leader sometimes. He was the first to crack a bad joke in a tense situation. A joke like a first date? His high school self would have cringed watching that. But it seemed to kind of work? And now he was being way too quiet like he thought this whole thing was awkward and he did. Well, no. He didn’t think Jacob was awkward. Just himself. He was an awkward closing in middle aged man who was realizing something he never really knew about himself until now. “So, um,” because he couldn’t leave them in the silence, “how do you like your chicken?”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

This was probably his least favorite day in his life. And he had a handful of bad days. But nothing compared to having to.. kill someone. Multiple someones. He killed peoples family members. Wives, sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, husbands. He felt himself steel those emotions and feelings away. He couldn’t think of these.. people like that anymore. They were sick. They were infected by something they weren’t sure they’d be able to fix. So they had to be.. killed. To save the rest. Josh felt a piece of himself fading, hardening. He had to. Otherwise he’d break.

Jacob had known about his sexuality for a while. He liked guys and girls, but he never really found anyone he connected to. No one that he had wanted in his life. And his mother kept telling him to find someone, settle down like Josh and even Logan had been seeing a doctor at the hospital, though he wasn’t sure if she’d made it out. Jacob bit his lip as he glanced over at Soren. Was he really.. what Jacob had been waiting for or was it just the stress of the situation? He checked the potatoes but they were still sort of hard. He heard his words and turned to look at him. “Um. As long as it’s fully cooked. I usually have it a little crispy but not burnt anyway.” Jacob said, before he shifted his feet a little. “Uh. Thank you. For just now.” He added, wanting to say more but not sure how. He’d never actually successfully flirted with anyone before. He tried but usually he got shot down early on.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden was so tired. He knew that someone was cooking dinner down there. He could smell it. He wanted to eat, and he would when whenever finished and summoned them. It was probably Jacob. Until then, though, he just wanted to lay there. He wanted to fall asleep and live in dreams of their perfect world again. He wanted to be happy. Everything was so good and happy before. He closed his eyes, breathing in Josh, because he was the only one who could keep him grounded. His best friend and partner. Fiancé? Was that a thing still? He wasn’t sure. Was this the kind of world that had marriage? It didn’t feel like it. It didn’t feel like that should matter as much.

“Easy peasy.” Soren waved a hand over his shoulder to show how easy that was to make this chicken request. Cook it, don’t burn it, leave it a little crispy. Easy. He glanced over at Jacob with the thanks. “Sure.” Because he was awkward with the emotion thing. “I am here to serve.” To show this, he grinned as he held an arm out before letting it drop. “Whatever I can do to help. I know I’m not exactly part of the crew, but it I appreciate being brought in anyway.” He smiled a little. “It’s a nice change.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh could smell the chicken cooking and he heard his stomach rumble as he held onto Hayden. He was tired, hungry, and wanted nothing more than to just disappear with Hayden. But he couldn’t, so he laid there. Waiting, wondering, thinking. Taking in the grounding comfort of his best friend, partner and fiancé. He was still going to marry Hayden but it might be a longer wait for that than he’d originally planned.

Jacob looked at him, studied him and a smile crossed his face at the arm held out. “I’m glad you accepted the invitation to stay. It’s.. been really nice having you around, even if we only met a couple hours ago.” Jacob admitted, turning to the potatoes and swallowed hard as he checked them. Soft. He grabbed the pan, shut off the stove and drained the potatoes. Then he grabbed the masher from the drawer and went to work on mashing the potatoes. It was silent for a few while he worked but once he was done, he covered the pan and then looked over at Soren. “After dinner, I’ll uh show you to the spare room so you can get some sleep. I know it’s been a rough day for us all.”

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