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Fandom The Day The World Changed { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh felt Hayden flail and he just held onto him, humming softly and rubbing his back. He would help him each time he got this way, no matter how little he slept. Because he was there for Hayden, he'd always be there for him. They were one unit, a pair, partners. And Josh wasn't going to let him sink into this sadness.

Jacob smiled a little hearing that, he watched the arm fall away and he took a moment to breathe before he moved onto the bed. Jacob laid down facing Soren, and shifted closer until he was all but curled into him completely. He turned his head up and looked at him. "I- I don't know if I can. I'm scared I'll see her face again, see that moment again." Jacob replied. He needed a distraction but he never knew how to ask for it. When he was scared like this, back when he was younger, his mom would talk about anything and it usually distracted him enough that he could sleep. "C- Could you maybe talk about anything? My brain tends to focus on one thing when I'm scared, but hearing someone else talking usually works to remove that focus. At least it did when I was younger."
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

When his breathing slowed, that was when he actually cried. It wasn’t the big heavy sobs but the quiet tears that slid down cheeks without warning. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. He was sorry that he was going to be the one keeping Josh awake when he needed to be rested for the next day of saving everyone. He was sorry that no mattered how much Josh tried, saving Hayden was going to be the hardest. He was sorry that he couldn’t be strong and brave the way Josh thought he could be. He was sorry that he had to be sorry.

Soren readjusted himself so that he their bodies flowed together more. They could be the ebb and flow. He put his arm across Jacob’s side as they laid there. “Anything? Well, okay.” He thought for a moment but didn’t want to take too long. My favorite color is green but no one knows it. I like when the grass looks like it’s just been raining and now the sun is out and shining. Sometimes, if I decide not to be lazy and actually go outside, if no one else is around, I like to walk in new grass barefoot, because it feels so strange. But I like it. It’s weird with people around, I think. They question your lack of shoes. I haven’t done that in years though. When I was stationed in Texas, the grass would get really dry, and I’d walk out in that barefoot too just to feel the difference. It was so crunchy and strange.” He laughed. “It was not my wisest plan but I kept doing it anyway.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh let out a soft sigh as he rubbed his back. "You don't have to be sorry sweetheart. It's okay to hurt, to cry, to feel like this. And I'm here for you, I'll stay up with you, I'll hold you and protect you." Josh replied, holding him as tightly as he possibly could. He didn't like hearing that soft whisper, knowing that Hayden was dealing with this.

Jacob felt Soren readjust and the arm across his side. He curled his head into his chest, breathing in deep and listening. Green is his favorite color and only Jacob knows now. He liked grass, so did Jacob. Especially the taller grass in the field when it blows in the wind, bending and arching. He chuckled a little hearing about his time in Texas. Crunchy dry grass? That's so weird. "Where else have you been besides Texas and here?" His voice wasn't as broken as it had been, it was more curious yet still sounded a little tired.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden shook his head. His eyes hurt from being so utterly exhausted. So utterly sad. “You need to sleep. You have being a hero to do. And I’m-” broken. Broken and keeping his hero up. Broken and screaming in the night after watching terrors that he could not describe. When he thought about them, his heart beat faster, and his throat ran dry. He tried not to think about it. He was trying to feel better for Josh, but he didn’t know how. “I can sleep.” As terrified as he was to keep his eyes closed. Maybe he could instead just lay there and pretend to sleep. Maybe Josh could sleep then.

“Hm, I guess a lot of places.” Soren absentmindedly rubbed Jacob’s arm as he spoke, right on the edge of his shoulder. “Georgia for a little while. California was interesting. Uh, I was over and Istanbul for a very brief amount of time. Turkey was beautiful. I’ve been even more places since I got to join FEDRA. They send us out to places with disasters for a few months at a time, so I’ve been to Maine, Pennsylvania, um… Arizona for like a week.” His absentminded rubbing ran along the top of his shoulder as well. “Cozumel has the most beautiful water. It’s so clear. You can see down so far. Way more than you can here.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh sighed, hearing Hayden and squeezed him gently. “I’ll be fine.” He whispered, though he did try and sleep again. Only when he saw Hayden close his eyes though. He curled around him and tried to sleep.

Jacob hummed softly feeling that rubbing on the edge of his shoulder. It was soothing and comforting. He was a little surprised, a little shocked and curious about all the places Soren went. “I’ve only been to Colorado and Tennessee. Nursing conventions. It’s pretty neat that you’ve seen so many places.” Jacob said, his voice fading as he felt the rubbing run along the top of his shoulder. “Thank you.” He whispered, as he curled in and his eyes closed as he fell asleep curled up against Soren. Perhaps he’ll get a better sleep now.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

When his eyes closed, Hayden had to bite back the terror. He focused so hard on those memories from before trying to keep the demons in his mind away. And it worked until he could tell Josh finally fell asleep. Then he opened his eyes again and tried to stay in that for as long as he could make it. He fought with his demons as his body shut down. He would startle awake, not too violently, and try to fight it again. It was hours before he actually fell asleep. But he did.

“You’re welcome,” Soren whispered back as he watched Jacob falling asleep. That was what he wanted. He would have stayed up longer, but he was glad that Jacob could be calm enough to fall asleep. “Maybe when the world isn’t ending, I’ll take you some of those places.” He knew Jacob was already asleep, but he said it anyway. He didn’t really know why. He liked the idea though of traveling with him. Maybe. One day he could show him the parts of the world he loved the most. He closed his eyes and he too slept.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh was jolted awake at 5:30 when the alarm he’d forgotten that he’d set went off. He saw Hayden sleeping, finally. He kissed his head and moved off the bed. He looked down at his outfit to see he’d never changed from the clothes he’d been given. Well. That makes it easier. Josh headed towards the door before he looked back at Hayden. “I’ll be back soon my love.” He whispered.

Jacob had a okay nights sleep, not great but considering his day it was better than he expected. He woke up around 5:15, but he was so comfortable that he just stayed there. Jacob’s eyes blinked awake as he shifted his head to look at the man sleeping beside him. He seemed so peaceful, and close up he could tell he was good looking even without his glasses. A small smile tugged at his face, before he shifted his head to look at the clock. Blurry numbers but he could make out the time barely. So he stayed still, letting Soren sleep a little more as his eyes closed to relax in his hold.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden stirred at the alarm, but Josh turned it off fast enough for it to not be enough to really wake him. He had so few hours of sleep that he quickly drifted back to a state of shut off. He would probably sleep a little while longer before his mind refused to let him have peace any longer.

Soren awoke at about 5:30 when his body’s internal clock went off. He wasn’t worried about timing, because honestly, if they were late, they could always blame it on whatever the hell was happening out there. He woke with someone in his arms, and for the briefest of moments, he didn’t remember the day before. No. He remembered Jacob. He didn’t remember everything else. “Hey,” he smiled as he stretched. “Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping?” He reluctantly sat up and stretched some more. He needed to retrieve his clothes which were in the other room.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh was glad to see Hayden stayed asleep. He crept out of the bedroom and gently shut the door behind him. He headed to the bathroom to freshen up a little before he headed downstairs to wait for Soren. No one else was awake that he knew of.

Jacob’s eyes opened as he felt Soren stretch. He looked at him and smiled back. “Hi.” He replied, as he let out small huff when Soren sat up, rolling onto his back. “I’m usually up this early for work. Or earlier if I have the midnight shift.” Which was the shift he’d been on when things went south. Jacob knew he wasn’t going to get back to sleep though. “Be safe today.” Jacob said softly, knowing it was hard to promise but wanted to tell him that. He had just found someone he actually really liked and he didn’t want to lose him so fast.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

So being a nurse has the same horrible hours as being a soldier. That made a lot of sense. He guessed that would be convenient overlap for them in a different world. He smiled at the thought as he moved off the bed and stretched once more. Why did it feel like he was leaving a significant other behind? Already. How would he feel about that? Everything was so easy before he had someone waiting on him. “Of course I’ll be safe,” he replied, his hand finding Jacob’s in the dark. “I’ve got to make it back for our second date.” He was going to embrace whatever was happening. He liked it, and he was pretty sure Jacob liked it. They could all die at any moment. He squeezed that hand with a meaning he didn’t quite understand yet before letting it go again. Then he moved away from the bed, lingered at the door a moment, and disappeared to the guest room where he put his clothes back on, found his way to the bathroom , and downstairs to find Josh. “You ready to go?”
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Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Jacob heard that reply, and felt Soren take his hand. He smiled even though it was impossible to see in the dark. “I’m gonna hold you to that.” He said, a quiet chuckle slipping out. He felt the squeeze and then Soren was gone. Vanished. Out the door. Jacob laid there, thinking. He was too awake to sleep and too alone. So he laid there, eyes staring at the ceiling.

Josh looked over at Soren when he came down and nodded. “I’m ready.” He said turning to follow Soren to the truck.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren picked up his abandoned vest and rifle with its lack of ammunition, at least it would make for a good enough bludgeoning weapon until they got back to the hospital, and nodded towards Josh. “Alright, let’s go.” He pushed open the door and moved quickly and quietly towards the truck. It was still dark, which was probably good for them, and he didn’t hear anything out there. He unlocked it and moved rapidly inside, waiting until Josh also made it in to start the engine. The smell was rancid now. He really should find a way to safely clean that out. Instead, he rolled down the windows as he started driving to the hospital.

The start of the engine was enough to wake Hayden. He was already on the edge of sleep with the alarm and now with this, there was no more. He opened his eyes, and he was alone. “Josh?” The panic set in fast. Where was he? Why was he gone? The dark made everything a thousand times worse. He scrambled out of the bed, frantically searching without being able to see. He ran to the window in time to see the headlights pull away as the truck left. “No no nono NO!” The last was almost a screech itself as the word broke out of his him. He slammed his hand against the window as he sank to the floor. His hands moved to his face and ears as he rocked against the wall. “No no no no” he kept repeating to himself as the images of horrors bled from his mind to his vision.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh nodded and followed Soren quietly and quickly out to the truck. He looked around but it was silent out. He got in and looked over at Soren, before pushing his head back against the headrest of the seat. The wind from the moving truck helped get rid of the smell.

The screech was enough to wake the rest of the house up. Not that Lucas and Logan got much sleep either. Jacob, already pretty awake, shot up from the bed at the sound. “Hayden..” His voice was soft and he hoped it was just a nightmare, the sound reminding him of his mother yesterday. Jacob got off the bed and quickly moved from his room to Josh’s old room. He opened the door to see Hayden rocking against the wall hands on his face. Jacob immediately sat beside him, a soft touch to his shoulder. “Hayden? It’s Jacob. I’m right here. Whatever you’re seeing, it’s not real.” Jacob’s voice was kind but loud enough to hopefully register something in the other man.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren’s mind was back at the family home. Back in a dark little bedroom. Back with Jacob. What had he gotten himself into? He needed a distraction. “Hey, how did you sleep?” He turned to look at Josh for a moment before looking back at the road. It was clearer now, but he could see the traffic jam up ahead. He had a feeling FEDRA was going to have to deal with this sooner rather than later. “How, um.. how was Hayden?”

The sensation of pressure on his shoulder was enough to jolt his senses, and his entire body wrenched away, twisting in ways that would make him sore later. He scrambled to move away, but his limbs were not working properly. His breath came rapidly, but the rocking and the repeated words stopped. Jacob. “Jacob?” Oh. Oh oh it was Jacob. His breathing slowed, his arms relaxed, and he tried to focus on the dark shape that was his almost brother-in-law. Almost.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh looked over at Soren and sighed. “I slept.. okay. But it took a while to get Hayden to sleep. He’s not handling this well, at all. And the worst part is I don’t know how to help him.” Josh said, looking out the window. “I appreciate you helping Jacob with dinner last night. None of us probably would’ve even thought about making food. But Jacob.. he’s always been the one to help mom cook and take care of us as well. I’ve had him patch up way too many wounds on me. And I know he’s helped Logan out more than once too. So thank you. For that.” He said, glancing at the man beside him.

Jacob saw Hayden’a body wrench away at first before he heard his breathing slow. “That’s it buddy. I’m here. Do you want a hug?” Jacob asked, he didn’t want to startle Hayden more than he did when he’d touched his shoulder.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

That was about as well as Soren thought it went for Josh and Hayden. After the very little that Soren got see of Hayden’s trauma, he was sure it was worse. “It’s the least I can do,” he answered as he skirted around a group of five or so people who were at first kind of shuffling but then started running after the truck. They sped past them easily. Oh, cooking was something he did with his mom. No wonder he had such a hard time during the dinner. Soren sighed and nodded. “I, uh.. I’m glad I could help him out then. He seems like a pretty good guy.” They were nearing the hospital, but getting there was going to be an absolute pain. In the hours that they were gone, more FEDRA units had shown up or were created and the more Army was there as well. He shook his head. The Army was so easily being overwhelmed by FEDRA’s numbers. Honestly, he was shocked that they were absorbed already. If the rumors were right about the potential for martial law, they probably would be.

Jacob. Jacob was there. He wasn’t alone. He nodded, but the world was so dark that he was afraid that Jacob couldn’t see him, and if he tried to talk anymore, he wasn’t sure what would actually come out of him. Instead, he closed the gap between them, falling into a hug with someone he didn’t normally do that with. It was comforting to have family there. Family. Where was his family? He did not want the dreams to be true.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh looked over at Soren and nodded. “I’m sure he appreciated it. And yeah, he’s pretty great.” Josh admitted, and then his eyes widened at the amount of people surrounding the hospital now. “Wow. Are all these people FEDRA?” He asked, his voice betraying his shock and surprised. Josh was still learning how big the agency really was.

The moment that Jacob saw that nod, he was opening his arms and held Hayden as the other fell into the hug. Jacob started humming the lullaby that his mom used to sing to them when any one of them had trouble falling asleep.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren nodded. “Yep, they’re coming in full force now. I don’t know how if they’re having to be everyone all over the country. Maybe they’re enlisting.” He grinned as he looked over at Josh. “Maybe I won’t be in trouble for bringing you on after all.” He parked a bit away, because there was no getting as close as they were last time. “I think we’ll have to walk. Don’t worry about getting through them though. That’s what I’m for. Most of them out there are lower than me. And you. I promoted you. And if anyone wants to question it, I’ll call Cap. I mean, I know he hasn’t been a captain in a long time, but old habits die hard.” He grabbed his rifle and got out of the truck.

Hayden stayed in his arms, listening to the hum of a song he thought he might know, for a while until he could breathe again. Until he could see again. Well, see the shadows of the real world instead of the one that seeped into his vision. “Thank you,” he whispered. Even that tickled his throat in ways he hated. After another minute or so, he asked, “Did I wake you? I- I’m sorry.” He hated that even more. His nightmares were creeping out into the real world and hurting everyone else around him.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh was shocked for sure but then he saw the grin from Soren. “Oh, good. I wouldn’t want you to get into trouble because of me.” Josh told him, as he noticed they parked a little bit further than yesterday. “Okay. Wait. You promoted me? I thought promoting someone had to be earned?” Josh asked as he got out of the truck and walked around to the front of the truck.

Jacob kept going until he heard the whisper from Hayden. “You’re welcome.” He replied, before he shook his head. “I uh I was already awake. I couldn’t sleep well at first last night, until I had company.” Jacob said, thankful for the darkness to hide the blush on his face. “But I wake up early most days anyway, thanks to my work er ex-work?”
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

“Field promotion,” Soren added as he slapped a hand on Josh’s shoulder. “You went down into that pit of despair, got research out to start the cure process, and have continually saved the lives of innocents everywhere we go. That sounds earned to me.” He jerked his head towards the hospital and moved quickly that direction. With the presence of so much military, the doubted there would be much trouble with the infected. “In fact, in case I was a dolt and didn’t give you this before, I am a Unit Leader except for when I get to be Supervisor, which does happen sometimes. Cap is an Incident Commander now, so I guess I really should call him by his title. That’s about as high as you get in this type of position. But you know what’s about to happen? We’re about to go in there, and we’re going to demand information, and get things done. Which might mean that I am about to promote us again. We’ll see how this goes.”

Hayden understood exactly what Jacob meant. There was no way that he would have been able to sleep at all if he didn’t have Josh. It was good to know that he was not alone in that. A thought dawned on him then. “Company?” He took in the comment about the work, and he was sad for them both about losing their jobs. He would rather that than their lives though. But company? Jacob had company?
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Field promotion. Huh. Josh felt the hand slap his shoulder and he smiled. “Oh. I see. Okay.” Josh nodded, a little more confident in his steps as he followed him. “So am I part of your unit?” He asked, wanting to confirm that. He matched Soren’s pace towards the hospital before he tilted his head. “Okay. Let’s do this than.” Josh agreed with a determined look on his face.

Jacob heard Hayden ask about the company that he had. “Uh.. yeah. Um. Soren came and uh stayed with me last night.” Jacob said, with a sheepish smile and a quiet chuckle. “I.. think I like him. H- How did you know you really liked Josh?” Jacob asked, trying to turn the conversation as well as learn more about what he was feeling.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren laughed. “You are my unit. I wouldn’t want anyone else in here with me. Now we have to go in there and make a new one.” He was glad that Josh was feeling more confident. That confidence was going to win this war against whatever fungal infection was attacking them. He pushed forward and to the makeshift gate. He stopped at the front of the guards and said, “Soren Truelson. And my unit.” He fished out his badge. The man nodded and moved aside. It was good to know that in the chaos there was still some order. Wow, this was really a lot of people. He moved to the front of the hospital and stopped when that too was guarded. “We’re on lockdown,” the soldier said like a robot. “Uh huh, and we were last night too but that didn’t stop me from walking through those doors. So unless you plan on dealing with the basement problem, I would like to go in now.” The man shifted in his spot like those words made him nervous. “Uh, no, sir. Go ahead, sir.” He stood aside and let the two of them move in. So the basement was still a problem.

Hayden smiled. He hadn’t smiled in what felt like years. “Oh.” He didn’t know Soren very well. He thought he seemed like a nice enough guy from the very little he interacted with him before yesterday. He appreciated his help, but he felt a bit of resentment that Soren stole away Josh. “I don’t know. He… was my best friend. I.. loved having him around. And it was always better when we were together.” Hayden relaxed more now, talking about things that were happy memories. “I thought about him all the time. His joy was my joy.” Hayden almost laughed. “I was at one of his track meets, and I’m standing at the fence instead of sitting in the bleachers, because I wanted to be as close as possible as he ran. And I’m really close to the start of the race before everyone merges onto the inner lane, and he’s on the outside one that butt’s up against the fence where I am, and he’s running right up against me. He smiles. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. He smiles, and I know in that moment, that I love him. And I’d said that a million times already. We’d said that a million times just like best friends do. But I knew in that moment that I didn’t just love him like a best friend. I loved him like we were meant to be one. Like the world would somehow magically complete itself if we could be one. So I put me hand out, because I was young and stupid, and as he’s running, he puts his hand out too, and for that brief part of a second, watching him in his element, I am part of it with him.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh raised his head up when he heard that. As if knowing that he was someone that Soren wanted to fight this with was the biggest confidence booster. He walked beside him, matched him, and felt a flash of pride at hearing Soren say his unit. When they got to the soldier at the doors, Josh heard the nervousness about the basement and sighed. He had a feeling that it would still be a problem. And then they stepped inside the hospital. So many people. Josh stood beside Soren, waiting for his orders.

Jacob listened, a smile on his face. He thought about the little interaction they’d had and he had to admit that he liked seeing Soren smile and it made him happy. Was this.. what Hayden meant? “Did your heart ever clench or flutter around him? Did it ever race or pound? And when you touched it felt like electricity and like the world was complete when you were together?”
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

When they were inside, Soren nudged their shoulders together. “You look good, kid. You’ve got the importance walk down. I am personally impressed with it being only your second day and all.” A hand shot up to his mouth and he covered it. “Excuse me, your… second year? Sure.” He laughed and moved them forward, pushing past a couple of groups. As they moved, he pointed to a couple of soldiers he knew and had them join him. In dire times, units got moved around. It would be fine. “Okay, now who’s in charge of this? Anyone have any news for us? Because last I heard, we were not yet afraid of the basement like we should be.”

Hayden did laugh. It was little but there. He was already dipping his chin and nodding fervently. “Oh yes. Every day. Still does sometimes. You know, the day he asked me to marry him, I thought it was just another date. I thought it was a totally normal day, and I was sitting in the car with him nervous. Not because I thought it would go poorly or whatever, but because I always get excited when he’s around. And when he wanted to ride the ferris wheel when he’s scared of heights? My whole body felt like it was melting, because it was just so sweet to do that for me.” The light filtering through the window made everything a little less terrifying now, and he appreciated that. “I still get excited when I’m coming home from work and I know he’ll be there. Or when he’s been away for a couple of days, my stomach feels all funky anticipating when he’s going to be back.” It was kind of exciting that maybe Jacob was finally getting to feel all of that too. “But when we were in high school still, I felt like that all the time. I longed for any touch. A hand brushing against arm, knees touching under the desk, accidental footsie. I would take any of it, because it felt like magic.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Joshua smiled, really smiled and then chuckled a little at the comment. “Of course. Uh thank you.” He replied before he walked with Soren, he had no idea what was going to happen, but if the basement was bad yesterday, he could only imagine what it was like today. A soldier stepped up to Soren when he heard him. “They sent more units down there and we haven’t heard from them. Higher ups said to close off the basement and lower levels, and they haven’t decided if they were going to send more later or not.” He said before he frowned. “I haven’t got any other information sir.” He added.

Jacob listened with wide eyes as the light started filtering through the windows. He thought about seeing Soren tonight and he gasped softly. His stomach felt like it had butterflies in it. And his heart had started to race a little. “Wow. And.. you feel that all the time? I thought it was from the stress of the situation not.. well. I guess would it be too soon to call it love?” Jacob asked, unsure exactly what to call these new feelings he had.

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