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Fandom The Day The World Changed { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh looked at Soren as he listened to him. Worse than this morning already? And the lower levels.. was that where Jacob had been sent? Josh shook his head and swallowed hard. He couldn’t think like that right now. Wait. Lockdown? He had to find his brother and mother. Before this hospital went on lockdown. Rescue mission, possible clear out. Get the research. “Yes sir.”

Jacob was again blocked, the back door had a guard on it too. He decided that he should probably join his coworkers in the front courtyard. As much as he wanted to get inside and find his brothers, if he aggravated these guards they might just arrest him and then he’d never find either of them. Jacob made his way back to the front courtyard and waited with clear annoyance on his face.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

The chorus of ‘yes, sir’s didn’t give him the kind of hope that Soren was looking for, but at least it was something. No one had heard from Harry’s team. That was bad. Harry was a good soldier and a good officer. He was very good about keeping everyone informed. If Harry wasn’t responding, then he was probably dead. Or infected with whatever this was. “Let’s do this then.” There was no time for a rousing speech that would make them overlook this less than exciting moment. These men were not used to this kind of emergency. They were used to going in and cleaning up the messes that came with natural disaster. Was this natural? It didn’t feel natural. It didn’t matter. They had places to get to. “Elevator or stairs?” He called out to his soldiers. “Go stairs!” Jules called back as Soren changed course to job that way. “The elevators all have a certain smell you won’t be able to handle in an enclosed space.” “Okay, stairs it is. How long do we have before they lock it down?” Jules shrugged. “They’re talking probably sooner rather than later. I wouldn’t be shocked if they were locking it down now. Anyone who’s in is gonna be stuck in. And anyone who’s out-“ “better not want back in or they’ll have to jump in real soon.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh followed his new team towards the stairs. He was thankful that they wouldn’t be taking the elevator with the smell. He wasn’t thrilled that they had a limited time frame until the hospital is locked down. He didn’t want to be stuck in here, he had to get back to Hayden. He was torn between choosing this life and rushing back, out the door and to his partner. Josh swallowed hard and pushed forward with the rest of his team, ready to get the research, rescue who they can and then get out, hopefully before they lock the hospital down.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden was a miserable mess. Whereas Lucas was pacing around hoping that someone would call them with information, Hayden was sitting in a chair he moved to a window to see out towards the street, knees pulled up to his chest, head hidden beneath his heavy limbs. The lack of movement was comforting in that this meant that no one was coming to attack them and heartbreaking because that meant he still didn’t have his Josh. Or any of the rest of the family. And then the truck. His whole body shook with anticipation. It also fell when that was not Josh. He loved Logan, he did. He was so glad that he was okay. But the fact that it was only Logan made his entire being feel like it was going to die. He already knew that Josh joined the military. He already knew that he would not be coming home soon. He already knew it all. That didn’t make it any better.

As they moved down the stairs, a door from lower below burst open and out ran one person who was quickly followed by three different people, none of whom were the kind of person who wanted to have a nice chat about their situation. The first move with a fear probably for her life as she tore up the stairs. The rest moved erratically, crashing into walls and tripping over the stairs. Even with their injuries, and they had a lot, they did not seem to be deterred at all. There were no clear shots that they could take in a stairwell like this, especially with this nurse running towards them. So all Soren could do immediately was run as fast as he could down there and hope that he could get between the lady and the three pursuers. He also had to hope that she was no infected or this would probably go poorly for them all. He moved to the side as she ran up the stairs and then took up as much space as possible, thrusting his gun forward to ram into the first clearly infected person.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh waited for a moment as Soren moved to the side, his eyes watched the woman. She seemed afraid but she didn’t look like she was bitten. She wasn’t, having managed to get away before they bit her. Josh turned to look at Soren, as she made her way up the stairs. He moved forward and stood beside Soren, ramming the butt of his rifle into one of the other infected. Josh rammed it again, and the person crumpled. He turned and moved forward to kick the other one down, shooting it in the head. He was breathing hard, and heavy as he looked at Soren, then back at the woman hoping she made it out. He turned to keep going with his team. Moving towards the basement.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

As Soren knocked his rifle into his infected, he nodded towards Josh as he did the same. He was a good choice to pull in last minute. Soren always knew this kid had potential. He was sorry that it was this kind of event that had to happen to bring it out of him. He pointed towards the last of his soldiers with a “See her out and then join us down here as quick as possible.” Soon they were descending on the basement door and presumably the one the nurse came out of. “Don’t get bit,” Soren said as he let everyone take in one last deep breath before he pushed open the door, shoving himself against it as it crashed into a wall to keep it open for the soldiers to move in.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Something in Josh made him smile as he saw Soren nod at him. He was happy to be doing this well. He had always had the potential to be a great soldier but he’d refused before. Josh swallowed as they descended to the basement. As Soren pushed the door open, Josh took a deep breath and entered. The area was covered in blood, and bodies of people. Immediately a screech to his left, close to him and he swung his rifle around, shooting at it and dropped them. The basement looked like hell, and he could only imagine the lower levels. Josh moved in further, heading for a desk. Another shot and another person down. He searched through the desks drawers and didn’t see the research in this one so he moved on. He was determined to get the research and get out of the basement. He didn’t want to be in this hell any longer than he had to be.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

The moment the makeshift unit entered the basement, they split apart. It was not necessarily the smartest idea, but it was what happened as the screeches began. Josh took down several, Soren took down a larger one that seemed hardier than some of the other people, and several of the others moved out in another direction to take care of the sounds of people from afar. When Soren woke up this morning, this was not what he thought that he was going to be doing. He thought that he was going to open up his computer and do a Zoom meeting that he was going to hate and then have a nice chill afternoon. He promised himself it was about time for one of those. But nope. He was stuck in a murder hospital full of crazy people who were acting like World War Z type zombies. These were no slow shuffling kind of people. These were raging, fast things. Soren clocked Josh checking one desk so he moved to the next before realizing this was certainly not the laboratory. These were more like secretary desks or something? He moved into another room but the sound of several gun shots and the screams of someone who did not sound like they were an angry animal drew his attention away. He ran around the corner and fired on an infected who was crawled on top of Gray and most definitely eating at his neck. Soren kicked off the infected and bent down to Gray who was coughing up blood. He was ripped apart. There was no saving him. “I am so sorry,” Soren whispered and put him out of his misery.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh had taken down several, and he heard the screams. He followed Soren, before he stopped, seeing Gray on the ground. He was being eaten.. and then Soren shot the infected and then shot Gray. He swallowed hard, backed up and turned to the room that Soren had been headed to. Inside looked more like a laboratory. He fired on two infected inside and one person who was clearly not yet, but had been bitten. He searched the lab and found a briefcase full of notes and research. He searched the rest of the area but didn’t find anything. He made his way out and looked for Soren. Josh wanted to get this, whoever they could save and their teammates out before things got worse. That included the lock down of the hospital.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

As Josh went back to the room Soren did not get to check, Soren moved down the corridor where more of their soldiers had gone. He bit down hard as he saw one and then another of their men fallen. He followed the line of bodies. There was a mixture of doctors, nurses, researchers, and FEDRA soldiers. These were Harry’s men. This was why they had not heard anything from them. Soren whipped back around as he realized that the screeches he heard from afar were coming closer. If they stayed down here much longer, he was not sure that any of them were going to make it out. They were going to run out of ammo, and then they were going to either become of them or die. “Josh, tell me you’ve found something, because I think it might just be you and me left.” He backtracked and hurried down the hall and towards the front. He did not like it down here. He was also pretty sure this was not the lowest of the levels.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh was alone in the original room they had been in. He looked over as he heard Soren come in. “I’ve got this briefcase that has notes and some research in it. I think you’re right. We’re the only ones left.” Josh said, turning towards the door they had come in. He headed out the door and towards the stairs. “I think that’s a good idea to get out of here.” He added, looking at the stairs and then back at Soren.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren was relieved to see that not only did Josh look okay but also that he found something. He would have gone back up her without research, but he likely would have had hell to pay for it. “I think I’m starting to see why we’re locking this place down,” he muttered as they moved quickly towards the stairs. Another person came tearing towards them, crashing into desks and bodies like they meant nothing at all. Soren wasn’t sure how much ammo they had left, but if there was more like this, they were going to need to save it. He stepped aside last minute and turned around to ram his rifle into the person’s head. They squirmed and he kicked him down hard, stomping at his skull. It wasn’t pretty, he didn’t like it, but he didn’t see any more options. “Yeah we gotta go,” he breathed as they made it to the stairs. When he pushed that door closed, he frowned. That was not going to keep anyone in.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh looked at Soren and sighed, hearing his mutter. He had gotten used to hearing soft words. “I can definitely see why.” He mumbled as his eyes widened seeing the person tearing towards them. He wasn’t sure how much ammo he had left but this person wasn’t a problem. Soren took care of them, even though he cringed at the way he did. Once they made it to the stairs, Josh turned to see him shut the door and sighed. “Can we drag one of those desks out quickly and use it to barricade the door from out here? Or something?” Josh asked, knowing that door wasn’t going to hold against the infected.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren gave it a good two seconds of thought. “I mean, yeah, but I don’t know how much trouble that’s going to be or if that’s going to be hell to move when the powers that be send people down here again.” He gritted his teeth. “That better be with a whole lot more preparation though.” He was going to suggest more when his radio buzzed. He listened and muttered a string of curses under his breath. “Yeah, we’re coming but it’s just me and one other. This place is falling part, Cap. We can’t let-“he paused briefly, “Yes we found some-“ He locked his jaw in place and growled a, “yes, sir,” before ripping out the ear piece and ramming a hand into the wall. He pointed to the case in Josh’s hand. “They want that and then they want to send more people in to find more. Just send another unit. That’s not going to save anyone if all our men die down there. And do they even care about the workers still trapped in the lowest parts?”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh hadn’t thought of them sending more people down here. That would be hell to move if they wanted to get in. Josh looked over at him to respond when he heard the radio buzz again. He heard the pieces of sentences that Soren spoke but from what he could gather, it wasn’t good. Especially with the growled words and then earpiece ripped off and the hand rammed into the wall. Josh looked at the briefcase and then his face paled. “They want to send more people into this hell? And those workers just get to stay trapped? What do we do? Take this up like the Captain wants?” Josh asked, looking to Soren. He didn’t know much about being in any kind of military so he was absolutely trying to learn what he could. And do what he was told to do, even if he hated the fact that these workers were trapped, but if there was even one infected, the longer they take the less chances those workers could be saved.
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Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren spun for a moment because pacing wasn’t an option. “Well we should take that upstairs to get to whoever is gonna get it to researchers who can figure out more about this outbreak. We should let them send another team down here to deal find more research and hopefully save some people. We should allow them to do what they need to do, but they’re just gonna die. We almost died in there. We aren’t equipped for whatever is happening in there.” He gestured up the stairs. “If we go back in there now, we aren’t going to make it out. I don’t know how many are in there, but it gets worse the further we go, and I heard about how many people were sent to the basements for containment and surgery.” This was not an easy situation. It was a downright bad one. “So we take it back upstairs like the good soldiers that we are and we hope we can illuminate them on what’s really going on down here.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh watched Soren spin for a moment and then listened to him. As much as he wanted to save everyone, the other man had a point. They’d just die down there and he wasn’t about to do that to Hayden. “Okay. Then let’s get back upstairs. Maybe we can stop them from sending more soldiers down.” Joshua agreed, moving and beginning the trek up the stairs. “What do we do once we give this to them? How else can we help?” Josh asked as he walked up the stairs, briefcase in hand.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren moved with him, each step a clear indication of his agitation. “I don’t know. Welcome to the military, kid. Sometimes we can do great things and sometimes they ask us to care more about some papers than people’s lives.” He stomped up the stairs and shoved his earpiece back in. If he missed too much, it was going to be far worse for him. Once they made it to the top, he closed the door behind them and pulled over a soldier. “You don’t let anyone go down there until you talk to me. If someone higher sends them, that’s fine, but I debrief them first.” The soldier nodded and Soren moved around. “Alright now who the hell wants these research so bad? What even does it tell us?”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh saw the agitation in Soren’s footsteps, and listened to his words. This was the military? He thought they saved lives not cared about paperwork. But he could still save people. He just didn’t know how. As they came to the top and back through the door, he saw Soren pull a soldier over and talked to him. Josh looked around before a man in a white coat and glasses stepped up. “Dr. DeAngelo. I was sent to collect the research and get it to the scientists at HQ.” He said, taking the case from Josh. “As for what it tells us? That’s for us to figure out and once we know, you’ll know.” He said. Josh tried to not roll his eyes and instead bit his lip as the doctor walked off to a big truck that would take him and the briefcase to a chopper that would bring him to the FEDRA HQ in DC. “Okay… so that was awkward and weird. Now what?”
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Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

“Yeah well, we kinda need to know sooner rather than later, because we’ve got a shit ton of crazy down there!” Soren knew that he was yelling to no one because those kinds of people never paid attention to the grunts like them. He tried to control the anger but it didn’t seem to matter. “Someone tell me there’s good news somewhere.” “I heard that the World Health Organization is also trying to work on a cure. Said that they know about what Seattle was working on before and they think they can figure something out.” Soren nodded. “But what the hell is it a cure to? What’s making people go crazy? And how do we know when someone’s about to lose it? I mean other than because they just got chomped on?” He stomped to the exit and looked out. “When are they locking it down?” “Already did sir. Right after the good doctor left.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh wasn’t paying much attention to the conversation, catching bits and pieces until his heart sank. “Wait. We’re locked in here? No.. no.. I c- can’t be locked in here.” Josh said, looking at Soren then at the other soldier. He looked out the doors and thought about Hayden. He needed to see him, especially after all he’d seen so far. The basement was terrifying. Josh pushed a hand through his hair as he started pacing, he had wanted to help, but he wasn’t intending on being trapped in the hospital. And his brother.. mother.. where were they? Josh backed up against the receptionist desk, sliding to the floor and looking down at his lap. He should’ve stayed home.. but the urge to protect was so overwhelming that he left the safety of his home, left Hayden and his father, just to be stuck in the hospital. Josh felt a ragged breath leave his body as he fiddled with his hands, rifle laid across his lap. Thinking. Worrying. And missing his partner terribly.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

“Great.” Soren was not happy about this lockdown either. It could have been worse though. It could have meant that they simply weren’t doing anything about it. He moved from one person to the next to get as much information as possible. The lockdown is to make sure no one else gets in and the infected don’t get out. The rest of the hospital was already evacuated and it only left those lower levels. No one knew exactly who was left down in those lower levels, but they knew it was bad. FEDRA higher ups intended to send more people down to clear those levels sooner rather than later with end game objectives of getting as much of the research out to continue learning about this outbreak and potentially creating a cure as well as getting out as many non infected people. However, the non infected people were starting to look like a lost cause, because what they were now being told was if anyone so much as looks hurt or has anything wrong with them, shoot them. This was not how he wanted this to go. He moved to the next wave of people they were sending down. It was only a squad of five. He gave them the run down of what they found and what he knew. They left.

Angry, frustrated, and feeling more than a little ignored, he sat himself beside Josh. He had other things to do, yes, but it didn’t seem to matter all that much right now. “Hey, you’re going to be okay. I know this isn’t the ideal work you wanted to be doing, but that’s the breaks of emergencies.” He placed a hand on his shoulder. “But we’re going to make this better. Lockdown isn’t necessarily for us. We’re stuck here for a little, but we’re the first to be let out as long as we get done what needs to be done. So, take a deep breath. You wanna tell me what’s going on in that brain of yours?”

Outside the building in the overflow, a woman in her FEDRA uniform approached anyone and everyone with highly specific questions in her search. She was moved from one person to the next as she gathered intel. This was her job, because she was not good at the kinds of things that were happening right now, but she was good at finding things. She had been tasked with one thing that she knew she could do. Finally, she reached a man who seemed to fit the description. Without any additional pleasantries than a businessy “Hello,” she went straight in. “Are you Mr. Smith? Jacob Smith I would assume based on your outfit?”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh was busy watching his hands, fiddling with them and he jumped a little when Soren sat beside him. “I’m okay. I understand that these things happen. But..” Josh paused and sighed, feeling the hand on his shoulder. He listened to Soren and took a deep breath. Okay. “I’m just worried about Hayden. I know he wasn’t really okay but he told me he was and I left him. I just.. left him. I shouldn’t have left him. I just wanted to help and I.. didn’t help him.” Josh rubbed his eyes as he felt tears brimming in them. “I’m sorry.. I’ll be fine.”

Jacob was upset, he saw the hospital was locked down. He didn’t know where his brothers were, and he hated it. His eyes widened as he saw the woman come up to him. He looked at her and nodded. “I am. Who are you?” He asked confused, seeing her uniform.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren didn’t have a family back home. When he was in the army, which admittedly wasn’t long since he was in a particularly stressful unit, he was happily single and learned that single soldiers housing was awful. When he swapped over to FEDRA due to his high scores and impressive background for his age, he did not have a choice to live with others. This wasn’t a base of the army, though he was quite acquainted with the base close by. He was on his own. He never married or even really had any serious relationships that lasted more than a couple of months. So when he got sent to some other state for three months, he didn’t have anyone he was leaving behind. When the world fell apart and he was locked in a hospital full of crazy people who wanted to eat him, he didn’t have anywhere else to go. For the first time, he realized just how much he was not aware of how all of his people must be feeling.

He frowned, thinking about Josh’s partner. He was a sweet kid with a lot of life in him, but this morning had been rough. “He’s probably not. None of us are. You saw how it is down there. But we’re going to fight to make it okay. I could not have done what I did without you today. And maybe that research we got out will help them find the answer to this mess. You’re helping him too.” He patted Josh’s shoulder again before standing up. Another officer waved for him to join him. “Do you want to take another moment or do you want to join me? Hopefully someone has good news.”

She smiled professionally and politely but not in a friendly way. “The name’s Cynthia Gallows. I was sent to find you by Officer Truelson. He’s with your brother. The younger one we are pretending has been part of the team this whole time.” Her lips kept that smile but thinned. She would keep her opinions to herself. “I am also searching for your mother. I believe they already found your other brother and sent him home. Have you seen your mother?”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Joshua looked at Soren, listened to him. He knew he wasn’t okay, but then again, no one was. Really. Having to see neighbors and family members lose their minds and attack you? Josh sighed and nodded. “Okay. We’re going to help. Okay.” Josh repeated, as if trying to convince himself. He stood up after Soren did and tilted his head slightly. “Good news?” He asked, curiosity in his voice.

Jacob looked at her, seeing that not so friendly but professional and polite smile. He tilted his head a little and then a smile broke on his face. Logan was okay, Josh was okay. “Our mother was killed, she had been.. bitten.” Jacob informed her, with a soft sigh.

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