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Fantasy The Crystal Empire (Always Open)

The General would look at the Queen as the drawbridge lowered and the Lionsguard crossed over ahead of them,

"Not sure how many people live there currently my Queen. It is mostly occupied by soldiers receiving training for the Empire's wars. Though I believe there are about 7,000 civilians running the place alongside the soldiers who are assigned jobs while stationed here."

He would start moving across the bridge into the Citadel.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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Queen Syndra follow along " but soon when the war in the empire is done we can take them back and to the people ftom the resistance as they take 50,000 civilians to their hidout for good reasons." She said as she look at him and cross the bridge " u have fone such a nice work General." She said with a smile.

The General would lead the Queen to the stables,

"So you are with the resistance then my Queen? Would you be so kind as to get into contact with them to not engage the Lion's Legion?"

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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Syndra look at him " the Resistant leader is my little sister." She said as she walk close and look up at him " please dont kill her just like the king wanted" she saidvas she hold his hand and look up at him in the eyes.

The General would meet her gaze,

"I already agreed with you that the King must die. Why would I go out of my way to try to kill the person who is working on it? And if not that, then why would I ever kill the sister of the Queen?... On the subject of sisters, I will see if you can meet mine, otherwise we may have to wait for her if she is not available, and I will assign you a room myself. This is the Citadel of House Evastone after all."

@Astaroth Suzumiya
"Im alright at everything." She said with a smile truthfully to the day she was just a little homeless girl but look how much she have change she have grown to be a Queen now yet she have her full life on at anything. Except scary things. "Its alright we could wait fir her return im okey with it." She said with a smile as she follow him.

Selia would lead the Queen into the main stone brick building of the Citadel. He would take her into the meeting room and walk around the table over to the back of the hall, drawing the golden dagger she gave him to put it on display above the fireplace,

"A symbol of good faith from House Evastone to the Queen," he would say he placed the golden dagger so that it could be seen by all that enter, "Now, let me assign you a room."

He would turn to face her, making his way back out of the meeting room to the stairway.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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Syndra follow him around and through the meeting hall as he brought out the dagger and he have placed it near the fire place as she look at it and it really was a nice symbol of good faye only that she wanted her to kill him using it as she follow him on were he is gonna asdign her room as she look at him " is your sister ypur only relative?" She ask hom as she walk beside him and look at the firection of were they are going

Selia would lead her up the stairs and not reply until they reached a doorway,

"I had an older brother, but battle took him from us."

He would open the door to expose an extravagant bed in a vacant room, with a balcony that looked into one of the training yards,

Here, this room can be for you. Will it suit my Queen?

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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"Im very sorry on hearing to what happen about yor brother " said Queen Syndra as she know the feeling of how such a love one dissapear in just like a snap of a finger and its hard to face something like that she then look around the room in wonder " well i truthfully like it but i hope im not a bother on anything of you." She said as she step inside and look around as she spin to face him " but thank you General." She said with a kind smile with her eyes close.

Selia would find himself smiling regardless of the touching question beforehand. Who was he to complain about such things anyway in the company of the Queen who lost King Xerax? Maybe it is bad to be jealous of a dead man, but he cannot help it at times like these,

"...Well- I best leave you alone... while you get acquainted with your room. I will come here to find you once I hear news of my sister. Otherwise, she may come here herself... It was nice, travelling here with you, I mean. It really was."

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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(Ima gtg sleep now ahahah its 1:26am and ill be back at 6:00 or 7:00 ahshaha)

Syndra look at him as he talk and she nodded "anything you prefer is okey tp me." She said as she look at him "its was really nice to travel along with you as u have place me in a hearth warming room."

*A patrol team walks by. Noticing both their dead pal, and the rebel leader with their prisoners. They attempt to sneak away to tell the others. while one of them stays behind to track them.**He hides nearby*
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*He draws his bow , knowing full well the wolf could kill him like his comrade. He aims for the heart , but refrains from doing so; if the rebels see the dead wolf , they might get paranoid, making his job more difficult.**Then again , there are always hunters in the woods. Maybe they would think he was killed in self defense.*
Astaroth Suzumiya](Back) Valor take a deep breath as he place the diary into the table and head in hus bed as he fell asleep andbwonder about her strange actions. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21680-jessbeth/ said:
@JessBeth[/URL] (night)
The next day, Kilala is working as she start to zone out about yesterday. As she is washing clothes, she accidentally spilled some soap on the floor and cause some maids to slipped and fall.
Rengar look at him "i dont know what to wear." She told him as she look at the wolf and wonder as she take some step closer and pat its head.


Valor place his book down the table as he decided to take a nice walk around the castle he woudnt mind much as far as he know Kilala is on work today

*The Patrol archer steps on a twig, He panics and aims at me,knowing I heard it. Kreiger's ears shot up , and he sniffed the air.* *The guard aimed at the heart, as that is the quickest way to kill an animal he thought*

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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Astaroth Suzumiya] Valor place his book down the table as he decided to take a nice walk around the castle he woudnt mind much as far as he know Kilala is on work today [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21680-jessbeth/ said:
"Ohhh.....why am I such a idiot....letting a soap spill and everyone hurts....." Kilala moan as she carry some bucket of soapy water. " I have to forcus and nothing district me--wahh!!!!" As soon as she turn the corner fast, she bump into Valor, water splash up and landed on his head as Kilala fell down. "Ow...." She look at someone she bump into and gasped. "Oh no...."
Selia would have smiled at her before excusing himself, returning to his old room where he grew up to sleep.

There he would call for a Lionsguard to report the Queen and his arrival to his sister, only to be told she was currently out of the Citadel, but would be on her way back.

He woke up the next feeling refreshed, and felt obliged to head over to the Queen's room so that he could take her to breakfast.

Selia knocked on the door,

"My Queen?"

@Astaroth Suzumiya @SimpleReading
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*Krieger starts to growl towards the archer. Barring teeth.*

*the archer fires the arrow in a panic, hitting the wolf in the lungs.*

*Krieger is knocked back by the impact, he stumbles and falls on his belly.*

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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(I just finish some chores sorry ehehe)

Valor fell to the ground as water splash up on him as he take out the bucket and his shadows remain silent again as he wonder why "umm... sorry my shafows are silent again who are you?... sorry i actually cant see." He said as he trt to stand up but fall due to the soap.

Selia would reply to her,

"It is your General my Queen. I did not show you where to go for breakfast yesterday and would have felt horrible if I were left to leave you in your room to starve. I am sorry if I woke you."

@Astaroth Suzumiya

((The General and the Queen are at the House Evastone Citadel, about a quarter of a day's ride from the Capital on horseback. I can RP the Lionsguard lowering the drawbridge to let you into the Citadel if you wish?))


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