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Fantasy The Crystal Empire (Always Open)

Queen Syndra pat her horse as she smile a little as she look into the sky and look at the general noticing he was quite depress about something "are you alright General u look like u are thingking of something so deeply...may i know about it?" she ask him as she wipe her tears and let her eyes dry away and look at the kingdom as it fade away from her sight.

The Lion would look to his Queen and see her eyes no longer contained tears, deciding to offer her a smile in reply,

"No my Queen, I am alright. I was just thinking about what we should discuss at the Citadel."

The last thing he would want is her to be upset again, or Gods be hate him more than she probably already does. He served King Xerax too, as an analyst, used sparingly under the King's rule. He understood the importance of family, and he too understood that family stretched beyond the literal. It was an unspoken expectation, a duty.

((should we time skip (unless she would question him further)?))
(I wunna ask him further lol)

Queen syndra look at him "thoe u can sy tgat yet your action dint join... u know u r bad at lying please tell me the problem would lessen if someone would listen." She said as she smile a little on him.

The General would sigh, looking away from her,

"Maybe its just that you can read me like a book," he would regret saying that, "It is just that - okay, well you see - There is something I want, right? But I could never ever have it. And it would be bad if I had it!... so I have no clue why I still want it..."

Selia's face would turn a little red,

Sorry, I must sound like the ramblings of a mad man. Trust me, there is even more rambling in my head."

He would allow himself to calm down before looking back at her, meeting the gaze of her eyes,

Have you ever met my elder sister? She is the Knight stationed at the Citadel that runs the place."

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Queen syndra look at him as she listen very carefully and smile "u seem like u are refering to a girl?... who is she may i know what she look like." She ask him now a bit interested of the disscussion she is getting into as he ask her if she know about her sister and she shook her head "no i havent but i think i would love to and we might just get along." She said as she was now a bit smilling at him.

The General would continue with talking about his sister,

"Well things suddenly seem to be looking up for you, because you are going to once we arrive."

Selia would smile,

"...and yeah, I can describe her to you if you want- my Queen..." he would be looking at her as he describes her, "She has... the most beautiful, majestic hair you would ever have the privilege to see... but, really, I just - whenever I see her, find myself lost in her rich hazel eyes, her thin innocent smile. The way she looks at you, it can be mesmerising. It is truly something to be feared when someone can do that to you. Stare right into you. They know when you are lying and such."
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Syndra look at him and close her eyes to wonder what she look like and she smile "she looks beautiful... have u ever ask her on a date or such? Like u have to since u are a General after all and well maybe when this end u can surley ask her on it." She said to him with a smile "but then again i dont want to get too far on your privacy ... its so sweet and truthfully hearthful on how u explain your words through her and i hope i could meet her someday too." She said as she look at the rode

She take a deep breath "when this end... the hard part of my life begins" she said as she stop smilling a little.

The General would sigh when she says she hopes to meet her, and would frown when he looks back to see her smile fade,

"What do you think will happen?"
"When the kinf fall yea i would be very happy about it but the kingdome needs a King next in line the means and becuz of this great incident i may now be the one to choose but it would be so confusing to find the right king for the kingdom." She explain to him.

The General's eyes would fill with determination,

"In my opinion, I think what the Kingdom needs, nay, what it deserves, is to be led by our Queen. You are the only person who has valid claim over the throne, and you are the only person who deserves it. Your claim as Queen of the Kingdom has the backing and the support of the Lion's Legion and all those who support me. I believe we should make sure the rest of the Kingdom feels the same and then overthrow the King ourselves."

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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Sandra look at him and smile " a very wise idea yet i hope i can do it... you would help me when the day comes right... when that final day come.... for now i just want this war to end as i dont want any of my people to die." She thrn reach her hands to his shoulder "dont die... okey?" She ask as she look at him "would u promise me that?"

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Inheritance said:
(What happened sorry I fell asleep (American)
((You would have gotten thrown in the dungeon and then freed by Rengar, the resistance leader.))


The General would smile, his cheeks even turning a little red as he let out a little giggle,

"No dying. Understood my Queen. Anything for you."

The General would stay at a steady pace alongside the Queen, allowing her to remove her hand but staying alongside her as they traveled down the road together. In the distance the Citadel would be approaching, with it not being that far from the Capital.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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(Eating? Wow)

"That was an adventure wasn't it?" He shrugged as he practiced his shooting. He was pissed at himself...hadn't been in a fight for too long.
"I can go back in there as my undercover form...but I really don't have many weapons when I'm not in uniform" he guestered to his battle clothes.
((going to go sleep in an hour or two))

The General and Queen would now have an unrestricted view of the Citadel as they approach its closed drawbridge. The General would be the first to stop, followed by the Lionsguard,

"Magnificent is it not? It is like the Keep of the Capital - but with more room in between its walls."

He would look to the Queen, "Do you think they recognise us?"

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Sandra look around "well its a very unique place habe u thought of this? Its quite such a good idea " she told him with a smile as she look at berween the walls

@PowerPAOK (okey thanks for the announcement)

Rengar look at him " can u help me with your disguise?" She ask him.

"Probably. I can bring you in as some friend or servant. Who knows..." he would have to put his blades in the "Lion". He didn't want to kill him. Just hurt him.
((I mean like, it has multiple layers of walls and room in between for siege weaponry construction, training yards etc xP sorry for not making that clear v_v))

"Yeah, it is rather grand. My family sure knew how to impress when they had it built."

A horn would be blown from atop the walls, the drawbridge slowly lowering.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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