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Fantasy The Crystal Empire (Always Open)

Valor face her and smile as he pat her head and smile "will you come back?" He ask her with a smile as he fold his wings and let her go.


Rengar look at her "ofcourse i need to help and see if everyone if doing their Work right ... now ... do you have any report?" She ask her as she look at her and cross her arms and smile.

@Olivia Acerbi
That same question. "....Maybe..." She said as she let go of him. She slowly walk out of the library and go back to work.

Still working on washing clothes, she can't help but thinking about the hug she give him. "Why did I do that?" She is asking herself as her face turn red and some of the maids see it and thinking that she have someone she like. They tease and giggle.

Then, work is finish as she headed to her room. Kilala is writing a letter to her Leader Ranger again as she thinking about Valor. Seeing his face close, he dose seems look cute...

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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Valor smile as he sat and write on the paper thoe he cant see but that doesnt mean he can no longer write as he was writing he remember how warm kilala was as he smile. His shadow can tell him what she looks like yet he wanted to see her with his own eyes but he is blind and he know that... he just wish he could see her someday. Upon his own eyes as he wanted to see her smile.

He chuckle as the thought a he dint know he have right what he thought saying 'i wish to see her real beauty and to see her smile' written in the paper as he sat down the the tree and open a books witch his shadow read for him.

"Uhh....no nothing to report. Everything is being carried out just as you ordered.", Lyllias stammered.

"Oh, wow, would you look at the time? I really should be going, there's a whole lot of...um...commander...ing that I've gotta do." Lyllias said while backing up. "It's been really nice seeing you. Ok, bye."

(=>ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ oh god don't kill me )
Morning came, as Kilala is sending her letter and a crystal apple to her Leader Ranger.

Getting all dress up as she is to see the head maid, who is wanted to talked to her. "Head Maid, what is it that you wanna to see me?" She asked.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
(Dont worry i wont)

Rengar look at her and sence something isnt alright. " are you alright?... its okey if u dint have anything but next time you should." She said as she follow her and yawn "bring me to your Quarters i would like to scan something there." She told her.

@Olivia Acerbi
Rengar was on to her way with lillias when a messanger gave her 3 letter containing Kilala's information as she smile and look at the crystal apple as she smile "thank you... ill write something for u later kilala." She saud with a whisper and look at the commander.

Valor look at the tree and read some of the book but there is just something that bother him as he cant stop thibgking about Kilala as he shook his head and ĺaugh it all out.

After talking to the head maid, she go back to work and now the head maid will be keeping an eye on her since yesterday she late for her job.

Not wanting to get in trouble again, she start working as she signs, "I guess I can't go see him...." She said as she dusting the picture.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
"My-my quarters? Of course, just follow me.", Lyllias said and started walking down the corridor to her room.

"Right in here.", Lyllias said standing by the door so Rengar could walk in.

She flinched as Rengar walked past her into the room.

"So, what exactly are you looking for? If I may ask?" Lyllias questioned.
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Valor look around as he wake up but she still wasnt showing so he sign and flow out to the window and land in the garden as his shadows follow and they all circle up the place.

Rengar go inside as she look at some papers "so lyllias how's life u seem to stutter... is there something wrong? She ask as she take out the dagger from her dress and place it in the table becus her hips hurt a little for carrying it for too long as she open the drawer and take an inspection.

@Olivia Acerbi
Finishing dusting as she is helping the maids to hang the laundry dry outside. Kilala is hanging the wet bed sheets as she wipe out the sweat on her forehead. She look up the sky as it a nice weather. She wanna to take a break, she asked permission and go to the garden.

Seeing the sight of the beautiful garden, she walk around and found a nice spot for the shade. She signs and laying on the cool grass as she look at the clouds.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Lyllias watches Rengar place her dagger on the table and fears the worst.

Lyllias gasps quietly. "Me? I'm great! I must just be a little tired. Oh and thirsty.....I'm just gonna go down to the kitchen to get a drink. Would...you like something, also?" Lyllias says trying to leave the room.
Valor has fallen asleep in the soft grass as his wings spread into the soft grass resting as he dream about the time he still has the power to see everything and it was the most beautiful gift he have ever had.


Rengar look at her and sign "alright u can drink some water and thanks for bringing me here" she said as she clear some papers and sat in the table as she look at the message the king have hiden as it place her in wide eyes.

@Olivia Acerbi
(♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ ah yea I got awa----------->╚(ಠ_ಠ)┐wait ------>┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴ did you say....hidden message?)

Lyllias notices Rengar's expression and peers over Rengar's shoulder trying to read what was written.
rengar look at her "i thought u were thirsty?" she ask her and smile and show her the letter "looks like the king is hiding some information in his hands" she said with a grin "this might be the key to place him down once and for all" she said as she smile and take her dagger and place it back under her dress and start walking.

@Olivia Acerbi

(reply when alaster have reply back @Ldybug123)
"Yes! I'll go get my drink now..", Lyllias says as Rengar puts her dagger away.

Lyllias follows Rengar as she walks, "Sooo,......what was on the letter?", she asks.
No reports, no findings. Cinque found himself at loss of what to do as he wandered aimlessly. Tugging his hood, the member of the Resistance considered his options. He could not bother Rengar out of boredom, of course, as if he would ever dare to waste her time with his presence. A break? Just the thought left him conflicted already. It was if he was slacking off... Should he perhaps check if someone needed help with their tasks? A long shot but perhaps better than nothing...
Rengar look at her "better off yet ive read that the new king place a poison in the old king and that what lead him to his death yet i mist know about it ill call conque for this kind of information and when everything is clear we will watch him die upon our hands" she said as she made a letter and send it to Conque

@Mine @Olivia Acerbi
Elizabeth stared at the mans bleeding head and scooted back in her bed. "W-why are you in my room" Elizabeth asked scared. She waited for an answer since she is a patient person unlike her step father.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
"no worried Princess Elizabeth im one of your Father king Xerax trusted warriors" he said as he sat down by the door and wipe the blood that flow in his head and i look at you "are u alright princess?" he ask her.

Elizabeth turned her head to the side in confusion. "huh" Iz flew to the window to check up on Elizabeth to make sure she was ok. "I-i'm alright th-thank you for asking" Elizabeth said cautiously. "You uh... you're bleeding... do um... you need help" Elizabeth asked.
"He poisoned King Xerax?!", Lyllias exclaimed. She became red with fury. "Lazarus!", she yelled. The ground began to shake slightly and Lazarus slammed through the wall adjacent to them. He ran up to Lyllias and assessed the situation, he noticed she was mad but was confused as to why. Lyllias became frantic, "Rengar, what do you plan we do about this? We must notify the queen. Lazarus, we need to get Xin Zhao. Where's my sword? Guards! Ready my horse". Lazarus picked her up and held her by her shoulders to get her to calm down. "Put me down!", she struggled. "That's an order!"

Lazarus looked back at Rengar.
Melenda took her time to the palace and snuck in again " i shoud get some sleep. but whatever" its been 3 days scince melenda last slept. "

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