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Fantasy The Crystal Empire (Always Open)

"G-get out of the castle..." Elizabeth's eyes lit up and a smile graced her face" I would love to" Elizabeth replied joyfully. She felt a rush at the thought of sneaking out of the castle. She knew not many people knew what she looked like. This was going to be fun.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
...A compliment? How bizarre. He expected a scolding for such a 'suspicious' behaviour, perhaps even a comment on his 'bad manners'. Lyllias' reaction threw him off ever so slightly for a moment. Surprising, most certainly. But of course, being Cinque, a tilt of his head would be the best she could get out of him. He was not at all used to such an exchange, not even from Rengar. Taking the items with him, he nodded at her, letting her words be carved in his mind. And, with a bow, a polite nod towards Xin, Lyllias and her protector, he exited the room. His mission had begun.

@Astaroth Suzumiya @Olivia Acerbi
Calixto smile "great wear your cloack your highness we shall make an escape and be back when neeeded "he to her with a smile as he look outside the door and sign "please forgive me king Xerax but im just bored as hell." He whisperd and look outsie.

"Yeah, beating girls up is how you get your sick kicks isn't it Xin?", Lyllias said smugly.

Iz looked at Elizabeth and tweeted "Have fun on your secret lover rendezvous" Elizabeth gave Iz a glare and went to grab her cloak. She fastened it around her neck and put the hood up. "Ok I'm ready to go" Elizabeth said excitedly.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Sandro stalked across the hall with his hands in his pockets. He had never seen it this bad...the empire really had hit a megalomaniatic state of fascism. The resistance at least had the logic to take it slow with thievery and spying. He whistled a tune as he walked.

(Non armor)
He had to be quick, leave no trace behind. The journey to the castle had been easy enough but now it posed the more difficult part of the equation... Cinque summoned a dagger, clutching the hilt tightly as he hid in sight from those who waltezed carefreely inside the safety of the castle walls. Waiting, waiting, he was but a shadow... A disguise was needed and seeing how no ally was in sight, he would have to improvise.
Lyllias uses telekinsis to hold Xin back. "Wait! But, if Cinque is doing the capturing.....and the killing.....what am I supposed to do?", Lyllias worriedly asked Rengar ¯\(°_o)/¯
Calixto look at her and smile as he grab her and jump down her window as he land down safely such as he look around and see if there is any guards and place place the princess down "are u alright princess?" He ask as he walk and look around and find the exit "jackpot." He smile and look at her.

A thought occurred to him, he hadn't received any orders for a while...perhaps he should go check on that...

(Sorry kids I'm tryin to get him in lol)
Rengar smile "we will have to wait you shoud call all the Crystal Guards becuz this mught end as a war." She said as she look at her and smile

Xin livitated up "wha not fair." He said as he laugh deliruoisly "let me down" he aaid with a laugh.

@Olivia Acerbi

King was walking back to the palace as they all take a rest into the mountain as everyone of them take a look out if something might happen.

"This is so exciting" Elizabeth said looking at Calixto. Her Heartbeat quickened from the rush of sneaking out of the castle. Elizabeth looked at the man who was helping her escape and couldn't help but smile. No one would have to know about this especially Xin since he would freak out about her sneaking out. Elizabeth followed Calixto closely and wait for any sign for then to continue.
"Okey were safe lets go." He said as he run by the exit and wait for her with a smile as he look at the guards as he throw a rock in another direction and they follow it as he laugh silently.

The butler obeyed his order under the threat of his life though Cinque could not afford to trust him to keep his silence after leaving. There was no need to end the man's life, however, as taking an innocent from this world would just make him nothing less than a bastard like the king. After assuring no consequences to come by placing him in a remote closet, he made his way to the room where his meal awaited, his hair covering his tattoo as best as he could. After adding the pills to his drink and make sure nothing would give it away, he awaited by the door, avoiding the gaze of maids whom could not recognize him but just assumed he was a new staff member.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Mine said:
The butler obeyed his order under the threat of his life though Cinque could not afford to trust him to keep his silence after leaving. There was no need to end the man's life, however, as taking an innocent from this world would just make him nothing less than a bastard like the king. After assuring no consequences to come by placing him in a remote closet, he made his way to the room where his meal awaited, his hair covering his tattoo as best as he could. After adding the pills to his drink and make sure nothing would give it away, he awaited by the door, avoiding the gaze of maids whom could not recognize him but just assumed he was a new staff member.
@Astaroth Suzumiya
(King is right up the mountain like i mention you XX)
Lyllias lets Xin go while he's still in the air and falls hitting the ground with a thud. "Alright, you can count on me!", she declares.

"Xin, Lazarus, let's g.. *to Xin on the ground* See! This is what I mean, you're just laying on the ground like some kind of degenerate. You just love to slack off don't you? I bet that's what you were doing with that girl in the woods earlier too! Try acting like a Vice Commander for once! Ugh, I wish Cinque were here"
[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya](King is right up the mountain like i mention you XX)

( he's waiting for him to come back, like Rengar told him...? )
Mine said:
( he's waiting for him to come back, like Rengar told him...? )
(Oh i see what u r up to ahahaha but do something else for a while becuz he is going to come back the next day and ill made a long talk about his war at the mermaids -_- )
Xin gran a little as he sign mostly like he dont like being lvl with someone he stand up and walk to the office as he write a letter and ran to the guards "alright start training cuz were going into a war!" He said as the soldiers and the guards nooded at him as they follow mostly as he isnt giving his comander her works as he look at her and smirk "look at u ... dint stand up like that so maybe thats why u have been defeated are you" he said with a laugh and thake chatge of the armors.

@Olivia Acerbi

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