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Fantasy The Crystal Empire (Always Open)

"ive got a plan he really deserve" she said as she look at her "al we gotta do is simple we will capture him and let all the people torture him to death and we also can join" she said with a grin "finally now is what we have been waiting for a time to take revenge from everything that barbarian king have done to all of us".

Xin walk beside them "heya leader" he said with a wave and smile as he saw a letter "whats that?" he ask as he look at it and look at his comander "hey"

@Aragon @Mine

calixto look at her and shook his head and laugh ""thank you but wounds can heal" he said as he sat down "Queen elizabeth ive notice you have change from the time the new king u started hiding in your palace" he ask her as he look at her and he was starting too heal

"Qu-Queen I um I'm not a queen yet" Elizabeth said shyly. "If I was a queen it would be of another kingdom plus I would be married and ya'know probably have kids" Elizabeth said poking her two fingers together. She looked down a slight red tint on her cheeks. She looked up at Calixto for a response.
Calixto look at her and lean by the chair "i know that but do u even love the one who you merry soon princess Elizabeth?" he ask her with a smile as he look down and his bleeding stop.

Lyllias squinted her eyes at Xin.

"How are we supposed to do that?", Lyllias asked Rengar as Lazarus put her down.
Even if he tried, it would be impossible to ignore the commotion coming from Rengar's quarters. In a brisk pace, Cinque made his way towards the place in question, opening the door after a few light knocks on it. " Leader. " He addressed her with respect, as he always did, bowing his head with a fist on his chest. A polite nod was given to the rest of the occupants in the room. " Nothing to report. But it seems something is at disarray as of now... "

@Astaroth Suzumiya @Olivia Acerbi
"Love him I haven't even met him" Elizabeth said as she looked out the window. Iz watched the conversation trying to read facial expressions since she didn't understand human talk. 'Hm Elizabeth is blushing and that guy seems tom be smiling which can only mean one thing' "SECRET LOVERS" Iz tweeted. Elizabeth turned her head to the small bird her face now a red equal to a tomato.
rengar look at them and smile "we will attack them way back here in the palace but first we ust talk to the Queen" she said as Xin smile and take a smoke "good idea" he said as he look at lyllias

@Olivia Acerbi
"You took your sweet time getting here.", Lyllias says glaring at Xin.

Lazarus reacts defensively at Cinque since he's a new face to him and draws his sword, Rengar and Xin have to duck under it as it's massive blade swings forward and points at Clinque.

"Who are you?", Lyllias asks from behind Lazarus
Calixto look at her and look around as he saw some painting as he smile "you sure do like to paint ... sorry if i would stay for a while here ... mostly by King Zerax orders" he said to her with a sign as he smile "anyways so when would u meet your prince?" he ask her.


rengar look at him and smile "i got you a special task and i walk you to put sleeping pills on King Valori when he get back into the kingdom as i shall talk to the Queen" she said as she gave him a letter "take this letter and hide it we will be needing that when we have capture the king and his return and there i might let you be the one to slay his at everyone" she told him with a smile

@Mine @Olivia Acerbi
[QUOTE="Olivia Acerbi]"You took your sweet time getting here.", Lyllias says glaring at Xin.
Lazarus reacts defensively at Cinque since he's a new face to him and draws his sword, Rengar and Xin have to duck under it as it's massive blade swings forward and points at Clinque.

"Who are you?", Lyllias asks from behind Lazarus

(he is one of us de hell??? xD )
[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya](he is one of us de hell??? xD )

( one of the most important figures in the Resistance, i might add... )
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"When my parents set up a marriage meeting, though mother said that I have a choice to choose to fall in love with someone of a lower class but that wouldn't help the kingdom" Elizabeth said. She got off the bed and walked over to the window "Iz go away" Elizabeth muttered before shooing the bird.
[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]Lol ahahahah xD

( well, not a random knight/spy might be the best description instead ^^ )
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(Hooded people spook the giant ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, idk I kinda assumed you were hiding your face lika da bio.....I could edit it and talk about your weirdo tattoo instead (• ε •))
Calixto walk beside her "dont show the bird it would only get back more" he said as he gently take the bird and he take a birdseed from his hand as the bird start eating it. "See when its full it would fly back to were it belong." He said with a smile. "The Queen must have love you for taking such a risky dessission for you." He saud as he made the bird fly away.

[QUOTE="Olivia Acerbi](Hooded people spook the giant ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, idk I kinda assumed you were hiding your face lika da bio.....I could edit it and talk about your weirdo tattoo instead (• ε •))

(Ahahahah a lil bit true)
[QUOTE="Olivia Acerbi](Hooded people spook the giant ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, idk I kinda assumed you were hiding your face lika da bio.....I could edit it and talk about your weirdo tattoo instead (• ε •))

( i said he hides the tattoo, not the face. but i'll just roll with it, no need )
"I am her oldest so I guess I get it, she sees a lot of herself in me. Mother is a good woman but she still has her quirks" Elizabeth said as she looked down at Iz. "Your secret lover is nice he gave me all of this food, Though I have to admit when Xin finds out you have a secret love he is probably gonna cry for days" Iz tweeted. "He isn't my love and I see no reason for Xin to be upset in this situation" Elizabeth said to the bird quietly.
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Cinque's immediate reaction was not at all visible, but subtle at best. He simply moved his gaze towards the Commander and her...giant. Reluctantly, he pulled his hood back, having forgotten how ridiculously suspicious people were around here to the point of not even recognizing him by now. No matter. A waste of time to try to force her to tell the man to put down his weapon. He had better things to do than pick a fight with anyone in the base. He now faced Rengar, as if ignoring everyone else altogether. He listened to her orders before bowing once more. " As you wish. " Orders were orders. He did not particularly care for spilling royal blood, for him it was just another kill. But coming from the woman he deemed his liege, it felt like a honour...

@Astaroth Suzumiya @Olivia Acerbi
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"Oh, Cinque!", Lyllias exclaimed forgetting the fact he just completely ignored her.

"What a cool, guy. See Xin, why can't you be more professional, like Cinque."
Calixto look at the bird as he tought it was just sitting and place it down "princess ive ever notice u havent got out of the palace do u ever want to try?" He ask her with a smile.


Rengar nooded and smile "be safe Conqur the king is t such an easy target as there are gems around room an it have eyes i trust u on this task becuz i know u have the ability to do it... capture the king alive the well make a show for everyone and u will be the one to kill him... in the end u mught be well to be called as e hero." She said with a smile.

Xin sign "a goo luck bro looks like i miss such a great offer" he said as he look at his comander "its quite nice u fin your way back in the castle as i knew you ont have a plan Direction

@Mine @Olivia Acerbi

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