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Fantasy The Crystal Empire (Always Open)

(You know you are super dead i assure you -sign- please stop you must follow what Rengar have given order and the Vice-leaders order too and they did not ask for this and dang ahahahahha i FEEl like i wanna KILL a character right now... )

Xin look at her and smile as he cross his arms and write in the paper her request and send it to the mesagenger "you know what your facing right now right.... he take a deep breath" every knight have family waiting for them and if the king knew such thing about this mess i assure you Comander " he look at her "you brought this to yourself" he said as he clutchh his sword "how about we settle this into a fight if i win dont continue your plan" he told her. As he look at the woman hiding and sign at her

(fuuuu Xᗡ, ok fine let's do this (ง'̀-'́)ง)

Lazarus springs forward between Lyllias and Xin, weapon drawn. "Stand down, Lazarus. It's just a friendly dual. Right, Xin?"

"and I wouldn't mess with that if I were you.....it's a breaching charge."
"Alright ive been waitinf for this... outside now." He said as he lift up his cigar and walk outside the training hall and wait fir her as he charge his electricity and made an elextric field "im sorry comander but i want you to live" he whisper and draw his sword.

(There so u wont die ^-^)

@Olivia Acerbi
(lol thanks dying tends to ruin your day)

Lyllias draws her sword, Karnuung, the light dances on the black steel. She positions herself in front of Xin Zhao. "Lazarus, count us down."

Lazarus stomps on the ground three times to start the duel. 1,2,3
Lyllias smiles and locks Xin in place using her telekinesis, just long enough to close the distance. Anticipating he expects an attack she instead slides past him and guards, seemingly having done nothing.
Xin Start to laugh hard when the commander slid to him he already prepare his electric fury and tag it into her body and when she stop she have felt all the electricity occuring her body causing her to shacke and the pain that made her feel that her body is being rip appart .

@Olivia Acerbi
Melenda followed Xin and remianed on the edge of the duel. " I cant...interfear..At all..." Melenda remained quite so she wouldnt be spotted by Lyllias
Lyllias dropped to her knee. "I'm not going down that easy.", she said to herself. Just then the charge she planted on the ground under Xin blew.
" What kind of magic is this?" Melenda thought on what to do but she couldnt do anything, Melenda soon removes her cloak and melendanenjoys this battle. and she soon snuck in and watched the duel.
Aragon said:
Melenda followed Xin and remianed on the edge of the duel. " I cant...interfear..At all..." Melenda remained quite so she wouldnt be spotted by Lyllias
Lazarus notices movement from Melenda's direction. His gaze locked, he crouches to a squat and leaps high into the air, landing near her with a thunderous bang, breaking the floor. He stands there motionless.
Melenda grabs her buster sword and keeps her guard up.." i guess ive been spotted. " melenda smirks and jumps to whare Xin is.
Astaroth Suzumiya]Xin saw the bomb but he ding got the chace to get out as he blew but he isnt gonna go down as he ran to her with his blade and charge to her close as he grab her and gave her a head slam. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36509-olivia-acerbi/ said:
@Olivia Acerbi[/URL]
Having felt the explosion as much Xin, because of the curse, Lyllias can't avoid or counter the head slam and falls to her back. She tries to stand up and pushes Xin back with a blast of telekinetic energy.
Lazarus punches both of his fists into the floor which takes on a water like look to it, his hands surface under Melenda and grabbing her feet. He pulls her through to him
Xin fell back down as he sat up and saw melenda running Over her as he place the electric field blocking her from getting closer to him "stay back ther were its Safe im Alright by here and ive got a winto catch" he said as he smile at her and look at the woman and stand up "comander if u cant stand up i win and you should not continue your plans "he said said with a smile as he sip his sigar and cough a little blood.

lyllias, stands shakily, holding her ribs with one arm and her sword outstretched in the other. She doesn't say anything but is breathing heavily. With the last bit of energy she can muster, she launches her sword, pommel first, at Xin.
Xin notice Melenda was being pulled as he take out the Electric field and pull Melenda away "this isnt with the fight what are you doing?" He ask as he place down Melenda and look at her "are you alright?"

@Aragon @Olivia Acerbi
Lazarus stands straight and does nothing. (He was trying to keep Melenda out of the ring.)

Lyllias uses this distraction to her advantage and hits Xin in the back with the pommel of her sword. She fights telekinetically now, controlling her sword from a distance.
Xin then notice his Cmonder as charging as she hit Xin in the back as Electric flow to jer handle and electrecute her as he cough some blood and grab the blade if her sword that made his hand bleed from the cut as he look at her "enough... i won dont die on this Comander " he said as he throw the sword and look at Melenda "sorry about that melenda if i was looking u woudnt get hurt also lucky that i take out my electricity or we mught get electrecuted he said as he cough more blood and sat down "damn it is close to me hearth." He said as he did his best to stand up.

@Aragon @Olivia Acerbi
Lazarus falls back onto the floor and goes through it, resurfacing behind the Lyllias. Exhausted she falls back and he catches her. " I yield.", she says weakly, in Lazarus' arms. "You win." She's beaten up given that she had to suffer through Xin's attacks and her own reflected back at her. Lazarus takes a step back, carrying Lyllias. He nods at Xin and stares at Melenda, the same cold, black, metallic stare from inside his helmet.
"Glad to know that i did" he said as he cough some bood and his back is bleedin beside his hearth and he sip some of his cigar "glad to be alive" he then look at melenda and pass out in her shoulder as he bleed and blood dripping on her.

@Aragon @Olivia Acerbi

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