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Fantasy The Crystal Empire (Always Open)

<p>(haha thanks i hit a wall after that last one <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png" alt=" :P " srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />)</p>


"Hard at work as usual I see, Xin Zhao..", Lyllias said sarcastically.</p>
<p>"I am fine, but don't scare me like coming here so close to me...." She said as she look at him. Kilala listen to him of his reason, "Huh? What do you wanna know about my looks, I'm just a plain and simple maid...." She said as she climb down the ladder.</p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24205-astaroth-suzumiya/" data-mentionid="24205">@Astaroth Suzumiya</a></p>
"Yeah since the new king arive weve been having too much enemys and he keep conquering lands..." he said as he take a paper and write "the King will be Gone for 3 days and u know what the means."he said as he take a deep breath and put down his Quil and ink.

(Aw u okey?)

@Olivia Acerbi
Valor sign and fix his gloves "ive been here in the library and the woods for a long time its rare for me to talk to a human like u and its been a day since ive heard a human's voice." He said as he jump down and walk "u must be buzy to your work now hu?"

"It is important to me to get a good impression for this...." Not only that, she need more information around here, so as long as she stay here until her leader tell her to. What a minute, Valor did say he been here for a long time, meaning more information, oh this is going to good, she have a idea. "Oh...forgive me, sir, I didn't mean to make you sad...." She turn to him and talk to him.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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"All too well, unfortunately.", Lyllias said with a sigh. She trailed off in thought but Lazarus nudged her and pointed to the coat of arms brazened on his shoulder pad.

"Ah, yes. I require the Queen's assistance as there are 3 squires prepared for knighting. Could you send some of your guard to ask for her presence in the throne room? I'd like to have this done as soon as possible."

Valor listen to her and shook his head "its alright i understand you there is no need for sorry's your a maid right?... your just doing your job." He said as there were shadow wolves and ran around and burd shadow fly to the Crystal tree.

Xin chao look at her and take a deep breath "should we wait for the kungs arival to the dessicion u have preferd to make?" He ask her "as a Vice commander would u tell me the dessicion u have made."he ask her as he cross his arms and smile.

@Olivia Acerbi
"Yes... im a shadow manipulator and they are my eyes and becuz if that some of my shadow roam around the empire as i know the cause of whats happening here." He said to her with a smile "this was my favorite trick." He said as he snap his fingers and he close his eyes and the shadow roam around and dark smoke emerge as everything even him became invisible in the dark and when he open his eyes its now red like a wolf but he is still blind. As he snap his fingers and everything went back to normal as he smile at her

"Wow...I'm impressed...." She smiles too. She need to be close to him in order to get more information. "So...tell me...what did the shadow say when you asked him how I look....I know I said that I'm a plain girl....that the truth...." She said sadly.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Valor smile "yeah" as his shadow start telling him things as he sign and listen to what she said "well...my shadow told me u look reallt cute with your glasses and short hair he said with a smile "they said u have a nice skin and a gentle smile witch suit youre beauty." He told her with a smils.

Valor shadows told her she was turning red and he smile and shift his head to face her "are you alright... my shadows told me you were red... you must have gotten yourself sick from cleaning..."

"Um, it fine, just a little heat, hehe," She turn around and try to cool off as she look at the time, "OH, it's lunch time, I have to leave for a while..." She turn and face him.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
(Sorry, I had to do something. Is Lyllias acting General until someone takes the role or king returns? If so )

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're enjoying this.". Lyllias sighs. "Halt advances on all fronts. Redistribute resources like so,..", she moves small figurines around a map sprawled across a table. "I want forward scouts here and here and I want a retrieval team to locate scout team 6 of the 188th, we need their information on the sentry towers surrounding the enemy garrison." Lazarus motioned at the siege engine battalion to move up a ridge to get high-ground on an enemy shield city. "Yes, I want 159 loaded with scorpion bombs and up this ridge by tomorrow, have Captain Jorder's men watch their flanks as they go."

(if not, then I'm lost as to what I'm supposed to be deciding :\)
(No u arent having any command when the Dark king isnt there but if my Character follow your order and by the King arrive and have known what you character have done he is gonna execute your character slowly and painfully since he is the dark ruller but anyways since u want to take charges...)

Xin Zhao look at her and raise his brow "ah no... are u a General im confuse but since u ask it ill take your words im bored anyways and if anything happen its on u" he saud as he take out a paper and start writung in the give it to the massenger as he stop "who the hell is Capt Jorger?" He ask as he raise a brow in confusion.

@Olivia Acerbi
(lol I don't wanna get killed (─‿‿─) ah well, I guess I messed up. Time to play damage control)

"He's a confidant of mine, he'll see to it that it gets carried out." Lyllias says to Xin Zhao still leaning over the map.

Lyllias clenches her fist knowing that the stunt she just pulled will almost certainly land her on the execution grounds. She's been "losing" weapons and equipment for a while now, secretly supplying the Resistance. "What other choice do I have?", she thinks to herself "We're gonna need all the help we can get, if Jorder can secure those siege engines for the resistance it could be worth it the risk."

Lazarus places a hand on her shoulder sensing her distress.

"What does it matter, anyway?", she whispers. "I died a long time ago."
(Can u make a character sign up for that character u r prefering to my character)

(Also rengar have oh so many supply u dont have to bring too much for your boss lol and why the hell Rengar look like she is Useless in your storyline)

Xin chao smile and clap his hands "sound like a simple plan yet what are we gonna attack just to make this clear on you what ever happen... its on you Comander" he said with a smile as he write the things she have said and smile "Rengar wont be happy to hear this." He thought in his mind "and so does the king" he added in his thought as he smile at her.

@Olivia Acerbi
(Rengar isn't useless, everyone needs help and I figured that in order to take out a king with an Army willing and able to win so many wars even as capable a leader as Rengar would like to receive some assistance here and there. I dunno in history revolutions have always been an uphill climb so I assumed the same here. Besides, free siege engines are always nice. Revolution doesn't just fund itself, you know and you can never have too many friends just look at the Russian revolutions. I really didn't mean to offend (◕‿◕✿) Did Xin Zhao hear what Lyllias thought to herself?)

"Just send the orders out, Zhao. I have no need for your opinion on the matter.", she said sternly. "and see to it that those squires get knighted TO-DAY, Zhao."

"This is a big gamble, Lazarus. If anything goes wrong, I'll have no options left, no where to go.......just like," Lazarus pounded his Halberd on the ground three times and crossed one arm across his chest, signifying allegiance. "Thanks, big guy. I can always count on you."

(so I'm dead, huh? dang. Yeah, I'll make a character sign-up for this walking deadman (;一_一))
Lyllias lets out a long sigh, "Let's go, there are still things the require my attention. Lyllias and Lazarus begin to exit the room. Lazarus looks in Melenda's direction and drops something on his way out.

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