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The Butterfly Effect.

Will you join in this deathly dance?

  • Metamorphosis: I shall.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Caterpillar: I shall not.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
NimbusTheCat said:
It is funny because he is so tiny. Tinier than me.
If it's too much trouble, then don't worry yourself, hon. Here's the coming, though:

[bg=#c6c6c6][border=7px inset #000000]

[border=7px inset #000000]
Ian Montgomery Kidd

David to Goliath, #0004


July 13, 1997

Cisgender Male

Homoromantic Asexual


Eye Color:

Hair Color:

120 lbs.


Apparance Description:
Manhattan, New York

(Teens only)

(Add three)

(Add three)

General Skills:
(Add three)

Augument Name:
Superhuman Strength
(A paragraph please 7-10 full sentences)
(One or two paragraphs each need to be 7-10 full sentences)
Theme Song:{/slide}

Fight me, you're cuter.

I think we still have the video tape somewhere.


I feel clingy as hell.

Like I want to hug you forever.

But I can't.


He's so cute.

I fixed it, sorry it took so long. Do you need me to add borders or fonts?

Totally watching it.


There are a lot of clingy things I am feeling..

We must makes this happen so I can hug you for real.
AbstractAnnabella said:
He's so cute.
I fixed it, sorry it took so long. Do you need me to add borders or fonts?

Totally watching it.


There are a lot of clingy things I am feeling..

We must makes this happen so I can hug you for real.
I did not see this for some reason.

Again, thank you so much. I think I shall be fine from here, but if I do I'll let you know.

Not without me you're not.

I am going to buy you an armoire and you are going to put the knives INSIDE THE FUCKING ARMOIRE.

Yes, we must. Or I fear I might explode.
AbstractAnnabella said:
You would never, dickhead. I said I love you, that won't change.
Thanks asshole, same goes for you.

But even if I fixed the poles to ensure that Trump won the presidency?
NimbusTheCat said:
I did not see this for some reason.
Again, thank you so much. I think I shall be fine from here, but if I do I'll let you know.

Not without me you're not.

I am going to buy you an armoire and you are going to put the knives INSIDE THE FUCKING ARMOIRE.

Yes, we must. Or I fear I might explode.
I'm always here.

We'll watch it together.


*Is literally feeling pains from how much it hurts*

I really need to do something with my hands..
AbstractAnnabella said:
I'm always here.
We'll watch it together.


*Is literally feeling pains from how much it hurts*

I really need to do something with my hands..
As am I. In spirit when not physically. xD

I'll get the popcorn.

*points to brand new armoire* PUT. THEM. IN.

Kill a small animal. Crush a squirrel to death. Smash a tomato. Do some crocheting.

Light the entire city on fire.
NimbusTheCat said:
As am I. In spirit when not physically. xD
I'll get the popcorn.

*points to brand new armoire* PUT. THEM. IN.

Kill a small animal. Crush a squirrel to death. Smash a tomato. Do some crocheting.

Light the entire city on fire.
God, I just--

*Screeches in frustration*




*Throws knives in* Happy, mother?

I was talking about eating but that's ok too.

Iris Mason || The Caterpillar


You're still the one I'm falling for.
Mas Ysa

{The song is killing me, it could have been used for an angstier situation but I needed to post it now. I just wanted a fluffy scene for a moment...so much depression and guilt.}


The apartment was still in the state they had left it which was reassuring, Iris trudged into the living room before turning right around and heading directly into the kitchen. She rooted through the cabinets, extensively searching for one thing in particular whilst muttering of random things concerning the psychological effects of being comatose. It was merely a distraction, the information comforting her in order to prevent her from thinking about what had happened to Rosaline and the state she had been in when they had left. Mordecai's words also made her feel better about the situation but the woman knew that there would always be an inkling of guilt in the back of her mind whenever the event was recalled. The psychologist pulled out various boxes of uneaten snacks before flinging her shoes towards nowhere in question; finally finding what she wanted, she pulled out a box of hot chocolate with a childish gasp of delight before practically tripping over herself to get to the cups.

Hot chocolate. She hadn't had the beverage in ages but it helped..on quiet days when she was alone with only her thoughts as a source of comfort, this had been the only thing to turn to besides the sickening stench of alcohol. She wondered if Mordecai liked hot chocolate, if he had ever drank any, if he even knew what hot chocolate was? The man had seemed so..composed when she had first interacted with him and although she knew he was only human, it was strange to image him sitting in a windowsill with a mug gripped tightly in his hand. Or was it? This was certainly a less than mature action but Iris hadn't been acting like a civilized adult lately, the woman resigned herself to quietly making the cocoa before shoving two cream-colored mugs into the microwave. She waited patiently, her back turned to the living room. She had made a beeline for the kitchen so there was no doubt that Mordecai was possibly befuddled to her behavior.

Truth be told, Iris wanted them to have a good day. She wanted to forget about everything...alcohol was a perfect contender for this but she wasn't about to place herself in that situation again. It had been bad before Mordecai, she wasn't going back to that. "Did you know that it believed that the Mayans created the first chocolate beverage around 2,000 years ago? They drank it cold, flavored it with wine and chili peppers, and it certainly wasn't as sweet. Just a random fact."





NimbusTheCat said:




Aw, thank you.

*Casually takes compliments towards Iris as compliments to herself* Because jealousy..

Mmmm, yes..

I have more horrible ones but this one was the most chilling.. I am glad you like it..
AbstractAnnabella said:
Aw, thank you.
*Casually takes compliments towards Iris as compliments to herself* Because jealousy..

Mmmm, yes..

I have more horrible ones but this one was the most chilling.. I am glad you like it..
All the compliments are for you, hush. No need to steal. xD

I am honestly worried to see the posts that would warrant the usage of those songs.

I liked it. Very much so.
NimbusTheCat said:
All the compliments are for you, hush. No need to steal. xD
I am honestly worried to see the posts that would warrant the usage of those songs.

I liked it. Very much so.
*Basks in ego* I'm sure they are..You love me best. :)

*Giggles evilly* Ohhh yeah.

I am glad you did, off to reply to Omerta.

Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}



Mordecai entered Iris' home with nerves on edge, half expecting to see a mutilated corpse sprawled out on the floor as soon as they passed over the threshold, blood painting the once fawn-colored walls and the stench of death hanging heavily in the air. But there was no corpse, no blood, and the place still smelled solely of its owner, sweet and subtly comforting, and relief settled over him, only to be replaced by more uncertainty as Iris made straight for the kitchen without a word. Was she alright? He followed after her in bewilderment with this question hovering in his mind. Of course she wasn't. Who would be, after the day that they'd had? Even he wasn't sure if he had left his sis- his house completely unscathed. The feeling of Rosaline's hands on him still lingered, along with the echoes of her gentle threat, but these afflictions were promptly shoved aside in lieu of his concern for Iris. Guilt was a powerful thing, he would imagine. He had only experienced it a handful of times in his entire life, most of them over the past few days, but what he knew was that it made one feel sick, and that sickness was one that could not be shaken by mere words of reassurance. To think that Iris was quite possibly caught in the throes of this illness at that very moment, especially over vermin such as Rosaline, infuriated Mordecai. Even stronger than his anger, though, was the cold apprehension and the driving need to make sure that Iris wouldn't do something that she would re-


Whatever Mordecai had been expecting upon entering the kitchen, it was not to see the woman in question rooting through her cabinets, and the look of utter joy that spread over her face as she produced a box of hot chocolate, nearly falling over herself in her excitement. Charming. She was so very charming to watch. Mordecai wondered if she knew that, and hoped that she did. He watched on in amusement, reassurance washing over him once more as he watched her fling her shoes off into the great unknown. It struck him then that it would only be polite to remove his own, and he headed back into the foyer to place them neatly beside the door before returning to the kitchen just as Iris was turning on the microwave. Silently, he came up behind her as she spoke of the Mayans and their ancient version of the drink, wrapping his arms around her with a tranquil smile on his face. (Of course, he needed to stand on his toes to rest his chin on her shoulder, but that was just a minor technicality.)

"Ah, yes, I do seem to recall something of the sort, although the part about the wine is quite new to me. It was the Spanish who first thought of using sugar, correct?"

Or was it the English? The fact that this was the direction that Mordecai's mind had taken, as to ponder over such common things as the origins of hot chocolate, was funny, in a way. It was the type of conversation that was familiar and comfortable. It didn't carry a great and heavy weight, there were no overbearing emotions, no pressing matters that needed to be spoken of and no desperate words that absolutely needed to be said. All of that was for another time, in another place. For once in such a very long time, Mordecai was content in that moment to just enjoy the simple things.

AbstractAnnabella said:



{I am not entirely sure if you'll be able to visualize any of the movements Iris is making. xD Just think of someone turning around, is all.}

Iris relaxed as Mordecai hugged her from behind, smiling discreetly at his statement. It was reassuring to know that he was willing to partake in such conversation with her, it made it even more evident as to why she loved him. She thought over his question before nodding slightly. "The Spanish were the first to trade sugar and other spices however the Southeast Asians produced sugar before anyone else, due to their isolation from the rest of the world and the Spanish being intent on dominating everything within sight in their quest gold, glory, and God it would appear they got to it first. You are correct, love." Iris reached over and opened the microwave, gently removing the cups before turning carefully. It was a bit of a challenge however she managed with some careful maneuvering of limbs.

"I am assuming that you drink cocoa. I would hope so, at least." Iris knew not of Mordecai's preferences which was surprising, after all of this they had still not had time to sit down and actually speak of things. Iris had not forgotten about the moments in between and she wanted that chance right now, to have the ability to speak about something that didn't concern death or despair. Iris carefully sat the other mug down on the counter, once again turning back before gently taking Mordecai's hand and placing the glass into his. "I just want us to be able to have one good day although having you here is a nice addition." She grinned playfully, feeling better now that they were no longer in the presence of Rosaline. She didn't think she'd be able to face the girl again, it would be too shameful of an experience. It was a wonder how the girl had not chosen to do anything in lieu of her actions, it had taken her by surprise.
AbstractAnnabella said:
Short ass fucking post. >.<
NOOOOOOOO, shhhhhh, it was fucking beautiful and so adorable that I think all the angst has been chased from my heart.

And I think I was able to get a pretty good image of her movements. You did well explaining them, dear, do not worry.

Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}


(Uneventful and short as fuck, I apologize.)

"Indeed I do, love, as strange as it might be to imagine," Mordecai responded, accepting the offered cup with a soft smile, reveling in the warmth that it brought to his hands. It was true. He consumed the stuff like most people would tea or coffee, being as he didn't have a taste for either. A roommate in college had introduced him to the drink, and he had been hooked ever since. "Sweet things are a bit of a...weakness of mine."

How long? How long had it been since he'd conversed with someone like this? It was quite possible that he never had. It was so normal, so...honest and innocent, and Mordecai felt his love for Iris increase tenfold. There was still so much he didn't know about the woman. What kinds of things did she enjoy? Did she have any hobbies? Was there anything that annoyed her to no end without fail? What calmed her when she was upset? What stories and secrets were tucked away in that beautiful mind of hers? It felt like an offense of sorts, to be so in the dark about the one person whom one loved above anything else, and Mordecai wanted to know so much. Everything about Iris that she was willing to divulge, he wanted to know. He nodded in agreement at her statement about having just one good day, returning her playful grin. She really was the most charming of women.

"I could say the same of you, my dear. Would it be too entirely disagreeable to ask if we could just...talk, for a bit? I find that there is a great deal about you of which I am unaware, and that is what people do in this sort of relationship, is it not?"

He stopped himself there, unsure of himself all-of-a-sudden, a feeling for which he mentally scolded himself. He wasn't the most adept at personal conversation, but he would give it his best.





Yes, that was exactly what Iris had wanted. She grabbed her cup, careful of not bumping into him as she did so before thinking over what needed to be said. Mordecai was a complex man, he had so many emotions and experiences piled into his very essence and Iris was curious about all of them. Simply put, she wanted to be able to sit down and listen to him speak. Iris gestured towards the living room before gently removing herself from Mordecai's personal space, she did not want him to feel suffocated. The thought was ridiculous but even after everything, Iris wanted to be careful, she quickly made her way towards the living room before plopping down onto the couch. It was strange to be back here again..especially in the company of another, Iris assumed she would never get used to this. She waited patiently for Mordecai, choosing to speak anyways.

"I wanted to learn so much about you and it truly is a shame I haven't been able to get to have that chance, I would love to speak with you Mordecai..for once about something that doesn't involve death." She smiled sheepishly, struggling to ward off the oncoming awkwardness that was sure to arrive.

{Short ass fucking post, I am so sorry.}
Last edited by a moderator:
AbstractAnnabella said:




Yes, that was exactly what Iris had wanted. She grabbed her cup, careful of not bumping into him as she did so before thinking over what needed to be said. Mordecai was a complex man, he had so many emotions and experiences piled into his very essence and Iris was curious about all of them. Simply put, she wanted to be able to sit down and listen to him speak. Iris gestured towards the living room before gently removing herself from Mordecai's personal space, she did not want him to feel suffocated. The thought was ridiculous but even after everything, Iris wanted to be careful, she quickly made her way towards the living room before plopping down onto the couch. It was strange to be back here again..especially in the company of another, Iris assumed she would never get used to this. She waited patiently for Mordecai, choosing to speak anyways.

"I wanted to learn so much about you and it truly is a shame I haven't been able to get to have that chance, I would love to speak with you Mordecai..for once about something that doesn't involve death." She smiled sheepishly, struggling to ward off the oncoming awkwardness that was sure to arrive.

{Short ass fucking post, I am so sorry.}
Shhhh, no, it is fucking beautiful. These two are so sweet they are giving me diabetes.

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