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Fantasy The Blood Wars


Anya stepped out of the limo slightly depressed over the fact of having to face her father, even though he wasn't her real father it didn't make it any better. She just kept hoping that no one had gotten word to her father about her failed fight. Then she noticed Luna walking off, "Luna, wait. What Vani is saying is serious. You don't know what my dad is capable of and how particular he is about the rules in his house. I'd hate for you to get killed..or worse." She told her, shuddering at the thought of what her father had done to those that had broken his rules in the past.

Everything from a slow death by encasing them in silver to cutting off all their limbs and ripping their fangs out while they slowly bled to death.
Justin nodded, looking at the large house. "This is a really nice place...how long has your family lived here?" He walked around the area. It was fascinating to him, definitely not as dark and scary as his castle. He hated it there, but naturally he didn't say anything. He wasn't allowed to do such a thing. He was allowed to be Count Justin Dracula, the next generation of his family and the future of the legacy his father left behind.

@Mitchs98 @NyxNightmare @Kylesar1
@femjapanriceball @NyxNightmare @Kylesar1

Anya turned and looked up at Justin when he asked how long they'd lived here. "Welll. I've lived here a little less than a hundred years. Marlin, my dad, has lived here for well over two hundred. He's technically not my dad, but, he's the closest thing I have and he can be nice when he wants to." She told him, smiling. "And yea, it's a pretty nice house. It's easy to get lost in it if you haven't been here before though."
"Alright, alright, so lay out the rules." Luna particularly didn't want to be bothered by them, but if Anya insisted they were serious then she would sacrifice her attention. Hopefully they weren't too complicated, she couldn't give her attention span too much credit. Making her way back to the group she also wondered if Vani would be staying there tonight as well. Probably. Regardless, she wanted a chance to speak with him alone to see if she could get any information about the hybrid that interested her. He would be a difficult one to get close to, so she figured she would do her research a bit; and Vani was the perfect one to ask given the kind of work he did he seemed to know everyone. The question Justin had asked Anya piqued her interest slightly. I figured they weren't really related, but...I wonder just how close they are. Everyone knows blood comes first, but they aren't in this case. If she slipped up big time would he forgive her?

Vani proceeded to the front door with the others in slow pursuit. As they walked, Vani explained. "This house is huge, so it's easy to get lost in. Another thing is his maids. They're armed to the teeth. They keep weapons in their dress. Some of them are obviously too big to keep in their dress, but they do. Let's not ask where they keep some of their weapons. You'd think women that attractive wouldn't be so willing to kill you, but they will in a second if you break the rules. They'd make everyone swoon, boy or girl. Just stick to the rules and you'll be fine."

Vani continued.

No shoes allowed. Take them off when walking in and leave them at the front

Unless you're a maid or a VIP, absolutely no running
There are rooms specially marked. Under no circumstances are you to enter those rooms
No wandering about at lights out. You'll be taken for an intruder
No disrespect, especially to the VIPs
You're expected to attend all meals
Any battles must be done outside and sanctioned by Lin himself.
Anything broken will be paid for, with anything from money to your life. Hope it's not a priceless artifact

"Basically, just act like you've had a lick of home training and you'll be fine."

As Vani made it to the door, a maid greeted them with a curtsy and a genuine smile. "Welcome all. Mr. Smith, Mistress Anya, Mr. and Mrs. Dracula, and Our accompaniment." She turned to Luna with a friendly smile. "May I have your name?"


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Luna raised her eyebrows with interest. Well, I suppose I wouldn't expect anything less from the master. She turned to the maid that had addressed her.

"Uhm...Levette. Ms. Levette is fine." Luna replied softly. She was known around a bit for being a binge killer for humans, but she was more than careful in concealing her identity. Nobody really ever heard her last name before. But she figured this was a moment to be truthful, and in this case it aided her since her last name had not been tattered. If anything, her last name meant virtually nothing. @Kylesar1
@femjapanriceball @NyxNightmare

Anya listened intently to Vani as they walked and made sure everyone else was as well, she didn't think they quite understood the seriousness of the situation at hand. Although, Justin and Maryanne might given they're royalty. Anya smiled and waved at the maid that had greeted them, "Hai, Sue!" She told her excitedly.
Suzanne bowed again to Anya. She was the only one that ever called her Sue and lived. She had a soft spot for Anya, as she was usually the one assigned to care for her. She turned out of the doorway and beckoned everyone in. "Come in, Come in. Mr. Lin has been expecting all of you."

Vani walked in and looked around. "Just what I'd expect from a blatant showoff."








Marlin's Wife

The interior was huge and smelled amazing, with a scent mix of gourmet and fresh fruit. The chandelier gave off a nice soothing light. In the middle held a hot tub, bubbling gently and inviting. Vani got close to the group and whispered "Piece of useless info: One of the female maids is actually a guy, if you're into that type of thing....... and no, I'm not talking about a guy who identifies as a girl." He chuckled perversely. He'd let them speculate on who was who, if they cared.

There in the tub sat Lin, sipping Champagne out of his cup, along with his wife. "Welcome to my humble abode, family, friends, and friends of family." he said with an overdramatic, Shakespearean bow in the pool. "My name is Marlin Sandrow. You can all call me Lin." The lady stood up in the pool and bowed. "I'm sorry. Lin never told me we were having guests. My name is Elizabeth, his wife. Liz, Lizzy, or Eliza will do."


One...one o them is actually a guy? Luna focused hard on the maids. If that's the case I wonder if one of the butlers could be a female too? How interesting. She didn't want to stare too long so she was happy that something else drew her attention. Marlin Sandrow. The top of the Vampires. The head of the beloved coven of BlackBloods. Hopefully this all goes well. He's making me a little more uneasy than the supposed cross dresser walking around.


"Right," Justin said, incredibly distracted by...well...everything. He already was distracted by the house, but....wow. He noticed, however, amidst the new faces, a familiar one.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.54f6f8b17b2069c17a1aded17a0c2169.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87442" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.54f6f8b17b2069c17a1aded17a0c2169.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Priscilla was a servant of the Dracula house. When she saw Justin, she nearly fell over. "Count Dracula...Countess Dracula...I apologize for following you."

"You," Maryanne prodded her finger at her servant. "You have a helluva lot of explaining to do. How disgusting!"

Priscilla winced. "I was only following your father's orders. Otherwise I would never have wanted to do such a thing."

Justin sighed. "Why did you follow us?"

"Your father told me to."

"Oh. Great," the twins said in unison, but obviously with different thoughts. Justin said it cheerfully. Maryanne said it gloomily.



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@femjapanriceball @NyxNightmare

Anya followed the rest in, taking her shoes off and placing them by the door. No matter how many times she entered her house, it was still beautiful and kinda show-offy. "Hi Mom, Hi Dad!" Anya called out to them, walking over to them, smiling. "I hope I didn't make you worry too much, I'm fine though, real-" She was halted mid-sentence and mid walk, tripping over Justins cloak that she had wrapped around her. Standing up the cloak slid off momentarily, revealing the side effects of the nights events, which included multiple bruises and a few new scars. She quickly scrambled to re-wrap the cloak around her, silently hoping Marlin didn't notice so he wouldn't question her. "If..you guys don't mind I'm gunna uh..take a shower again and change. Mom? Dad?" She spoke, nervously looking between everyone.

When Justin shouted Anya jumped and turned around to see the reason why, apparently he knew the maid that Anya hadn't recalled seeing before. She couldn't help but laugh at the scene before her, If I ever went out of town dad would probably send a maid..or three..to follow me too. She thought to herself.
Marlin looked as Anya tripped like a klutz. He closed his eyes and drained more champagne. "It's pretty obvious where you got those cuts and scars. I know everything that happens at my bar, whether I'm there or not. I won't question a thing. Instead, I'll thank those in attendance for ensuring your safety."

"Vani." He said. "You may go ahead and use a shower. Claire!" A maid came running over


"Yes sir?" she said, bowing

"Show Giavani to a shower."

She nodded and hustled to the shower. "If you would please follow me, Mr. Smith, and I'll show you to the shower."

Vani quickly followed.


Marlin turned to the rest. "Make yourself at home. A midnight meal will be provided, and we'll talk business in the morning. I'm sure with all the things that happened tonight, you're in need of rest." He looked over the Draculas. Why the hell were they here? It wasn't exactly a bad thing, but it definitely meant something big was up. Did it have to do with the Silvermoon? The overseas families?


Justin sat down, waving Priscilla away. "Thank you for following us, Priscilla. You are dismissed."

"Really? I am?"

"Just for now. I will call you if i need anything. In the meantime, busy yourself up by helping Mr. Sandrow with anything he needs."

"Yes, sir."

"Mr. Sandrow," Justin said, addressing Marlin. "I am pleased to make your acquaintance. Justin Dracula is my name," he said, shaking Marlin's hand. "I quite enjoy the company of your daughter. She is quite enjoyable to spend time with." He smiled at Anya.

@Mitchs98 @Kylesar1 @NyxNightmare
@femjapanriceball @NyxNightmare

Anya smiled and bowed slightly out of respect when Marlin didn't question her about her injuries, relieved that she didn't have to go through the embarrasement of explaining it all, and slightly self-concious that he knew what happened. She knew he only wasn't making her explain herself because they had guests, and she was glad they did. "Thanks." She told her father, smiling. "And thanks for helping me out tonight guys, really." She said, turning to face the rest.

When Justin mentioned he enjoyed her company her smile only grew more excited, "I enjoyed spending time with you too Big Brother." She told him, giggling softly. "If you guys will excuse me, I'm gunna go ahead and take a shower and change." She continued before bundling up the excess length of cloak and walking swiftly to and up the stairs, at the top of the stairs she handed the cloak to one of the maids. "Give that back to Big Brother Justin please, June, thank you." She told her before turning and running down the hall to her room without waiting on a response.

Upon entering her room she was greeted with the welcoming plush and pink sight that was her room.


"Sure is nice to be home.." She commented to herself walking over to her closet and selecting an outfit before placing it beside her.


Taking her tattered clothes and putting them in the trash can she picked up the outfit she had chosen and walked into the bathroom.


(I couldn't find any pink bathrooms ;-;...)

Placing her clothes on the sink beside her she sighed and frowned at the damage done to her hair and body, running her finger along a scar on her stomach. Sighing she took ahold of her hair running her hand through it, assessing the damage. It was burned and torn in several patches, frowning she eyed the scissors warily debating on cutting it so it would look even, but deciding not to. It'd taken her forever to grow her hair out and get used to walking with it.

Removing the pink butterfly clips in her hair and bracelet that had by sheer luck survived the night she placed it on top of her outfit before walking around running a bath before slipping in and slowly relaxing in it. The night had been very stressful, much moreso than she'd prefer it have been. Then again, it was also a lot of fun too.
Luna felt a bit out of sorts in such a high class environment. She watched the slightly awkward encounter between father and daughter, but a warm welcome was somewhere in his words she figured. Perhaps It would most benefit Anya if I didn't mention her almost bleeding out and what not. If he knows then he knows, I just won't be the one telling anything. She watched Justin introducing himself. Such formalities...seems like a waste of time. He's no nice. It's kind of disgusting. She couldn't help thinking. Although she never meant to think things like that. I wonder what kinds of thoughts the old me had...

Watching the smile on Anya's face as she walked up the stairs she couldn't help but feel a little happy about the night. A lot had happened. Despite everything, she still felt, alone. But for once she didn't want to kill the people that currently surrounded her. And that was something especially different for her.
Lukas had just arrived at one of the Silvermoon bases. Upon his arrival he was welcomed at the door by a younger looking boy scarred on his left eye, Lukas made eye contact with the boy and gave him a brief nod, returning the greetings. Approaching the large white common room that was usually empty he found himself in slight shock as a large number of eager werewolves had gathered. As he wrestled himself through the crowd, he noticed that many of them had the name of the vampire bar on their lips. The zone. Something about it blowing up. Lukas laughed to himself, what was that? A joke?

“I saw it with my own eyes I swear!” one boy shouted as he stood on an ebony end table gaining the attention of Lukas and some others. On his side stood a girl who had a look of disapproval painted across her entire face. “And then it happened. The enter place just went ka-blooey! I swear I saw some mysterious guy, he looked kinda dangerous.” he continued but right before he could get another word in the girl beside him snapped and grabbed him by the arm, pulling down on it forcefully causing him to fall over.

“Idiot! What guy? Now you're making up stories. You probably didn't see half of what you're talking about.”

The boy scoffed,”Please. My senses are so great I could sense him while tying my shoelaces, I just didn’t say anything because I didn’t want you worrying about him, his presence was that menacing. And do you honestly think my senses would deceive me? You clearly don't understand just how great they are.”

“Clearly.” She retorted.

"What? You didn't see that guy? "


“Then I guess that's all I can say. I rest my lace,” he eyed her, “don’t you get it? shoe-LACE. Rest my CASE, rest my lace." The boy let out an aggravated sigh,"'Cause I mentioned tying my shoelaces earlier and it rhymes."

She rolled her eyes ignoring his attempt at humor and then noticed how Lukas was advancing towards them, she immediately straightened up.

Lukas came to halt before the pair,"You're loud Jill. Is it true though?"

"Sorry it's just, he doesn't have a filter." she apologized but her partner simply stuck his bottom lip out and crossed his arms."Yes it is."

"Do you know what happened exactly?"

"Other than the fact that this kinda news spreads like wildfire, no."

"Just great. Thanks anyway."

But before Lukas could leave the boy spoke out."Why do you care what happens to those vamps anyway?"

A smirk crept onto Lukas' face, " oh well you know if this isn't cleared up they might go looking for who's responsible, who could blame them, and then they'll come knocking at your door looking for answers, threatening to bite your throat out. Whatcha gonna do?"

"Give 'em the ol' number one and two." he replied smugly.

"I don't see how you marking your territory is gonna solve the problem."

"Hey! that's not what I-"

Before he finished, Lukas simply raised his hand and turned away, removing a phone from his pocket. He wasn't sure what had gone down. Things always tended to happen when he wasn't around. The tension among the families was already so strong it was almost tangible, maybe this is what it came to, but it definitely wasn't the wolves move. If it wasn't the wolves, then it was the mix, right? That was the next best thing. He had to get some information but wasn't sure where to start. He dialed a number, hoping the weapon dealer had still used it as it had been some time since he had personally made a call.

(*drops mic* woo that should make up for the time lost)

Vani had opted for a bath over a shower, and was in the bath when his phone rang. An unknown number. No matter. His phone was rigged with scramblers and viruses for anyone who tried to track it

He answered the phone, taking care to not drop it in the water. "Hello?"


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