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Fantasy The Blood Wars


Austen stood back and watched the scene from the shadows. The man, Ronin, he said that Giovani wasn't one of his targets. Giovani was a human. The only human in the bar, to be exact. She had a sinking feeling that someone was going after the supernaturals. But she couldn't tear herself away in order to tell the Alpha or Lukas. So she hid in the shadows and watched.

@femjapanriceball @Mitchs98

"Yay!" Anya shouted excitedly when she was able to see Justins' face, speeding up the pace she was moving rocks herself. Soon, she and Maryanne were free. It didn't take Anya long to notice Luna had helped Justin. "Thanks a bunch Big Brother Justin! And thank you again, mysterious girl I don't know know." Anya told them, giggling and climbing out of the rubble, she turned and extended a hand to help Maryanne up. "I agree, we should. It's obvious someone came after us, I have a sneaking suspicion it was one of the other families but I could be wrong." Anya told them.



Ronin continued grinning madly, "You'd be half true in assuming I'm only hear for carnage." He replied coldly. "And but of course I'd come here. Who wouldn't? War is brewing, and I believe I just jump-started it rather nicely. That brat in there will go crying to daddy about one of the other families trying to kill her, and of course war will start then."

Sighing he paced the perimeter of the wreckage closely. "I'd hoped it would've killed her, but I'll take what I can get. I also didn't account for those two Draculas. Though..I wonder what would happen if word got out they were murdered almost as soon as they arrived whilst under the watch of the Blackbloods famed hitman." He continued, his voice as cold and calculating as ice. "Why, a four way war between the Draculas and the three families. What a sight to behold that would be."

He turned and walked slowly towards Vani, "Now then, that said. If you would kindly move, I have buisiness to attend to, and as said you aren't part of it." Ronin told him, grinning.
"That depends, what do you perceive as ‘stronger’?” Absinthe would come to mind but of course, Lucian was merely pulling his leg, as usual. He liked things clear and straight. Ambiguity had always been something he was never keen on. But before he could start listing drinks and ultimately keep up this light-hearted scenario, the objective of their visit on his establishment raised its ugly head.

“Oh yes, I forgot, you’re the ‘serious twin’.” He poured down a glass of wine for himself, his back facing the two brothers as he assembled various bottles of alcoholic drinks for Jaxon. The calm tone of his voice say it all, this man is most certainly not easy to intimidate, despite all your efforts. But that did not seem to stop Xander.

Cut the crap and get on with it, he would like to say. But his lips did not move, instead kissing the tip of his glass, allowing the sweet liquid to be savored in his mouth. While he was not exactly “dying to know”, like Xander had so ironically put it, this whole build-up was getting on his nerves. Why must everyone in these parts have to be so damn cryptic, he thought, I thought there were enough vamps for that already?

Before he knew it, Jaxon was before him, towering over his body. Was he attempting to make him uncomfortable? Pfft, good luck with that. A bemused smirk was brought upon the hybrid’s handsome features. He was well-acquainted with the male body already, thank you. And finally, they laid it down to him. But he showed no reaction, as if it did not affect him. Instead, he would take another sip and adjusted his glasses.



“…Uh, uh, and why wasn’t I, as one of the Boss’ capo, and the one personally in charge of the little lambs working here informed of this? Care to explain that to me, gorgeous?” Even with that charming smile of his, one could taste the venom in each of his words. “Oh and while you’re at it, does the boss have any evidence of that accusation?....Or perhaps ‘he’ is not even aware of it?” Oh yes, he could be ambiguous and cryptic too if he wanted. “Oh and don’t you use the ‘that’s no one of your business’ bullshit. I just need to call the boss if you want to play kindergarten conflict with me.”

They wanted a fight? Fine, if they were going to play, it would be by his rules, gentlemen.


PS. I changed my character's looks, hence the glasses.
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Maryanne took Anya's hand and escaped from the rubble. "Gee, this has been a warm welcome," she muttered to herself. "First a pervert, then authorities, and now this. Is it like this everyday or what?"

"Maryanne," Justin warned, also taking a look at the mysterious woman. He gasped. Isn't that the lady that greeted me with her weapon a while back, right when I was exploring the alley? He considered saying something, but he didn't; he just bowed, once again showing off his politeness. "Pardon me, ma'am, I find it polite to introduce myself. I am Justin Dracula, and I have come with my sister, Maryanne, to represent my family and aid the Blackbloods. Pleased to meet you." He turned to Anya. "Miss Anya, are you all right? Are you hurt? Good God, your clothes are in a wreck. Here," Justin unclasped his brown cloak and gave it to Anya, his fancy outfit now even more revealed (though admittedly, there were holes in the outfit thanks to the fangirls and the explosion combined).


Giggling Anya shook her head, "Nah, we usually save explosions for special occassions and weekend parties." Anya teased Maryanne. When Justin mentioned her clothes were pretty much ruined and offered her his cloak, she frowned and looked down at them. What she had on really couldn't even be classified as clothes anymore, it was more like thin cloth held together by singular pieces of string barely holding onto her body.

Embarrassed by that fact she quickly took the cloak and wrapped it around her body. "Thanks.." She said, her face slightly red, embarrassed.

"I'm not hurt, mostly. Just a few scrapes and bruises. And, your clothes aren't looking much better than mine either Big Brother Justin." She continued, laughing. She then turned to Luna, "Thank you for helping Big Brother. I don't think I ever properly introduced myself. My names Anya, Anya Sandrow Blackblood, nice to meet you and thank you again for saving me earlier." She told her, smiling.

@femjapanriceball @NyxNightmare
Vani laughed. "If you believe I have no place in this, then you're sorely mistaken. You underestimate my influence, which is insulting. Also, your plan is flawed from the ground up. Perhaps you need someone to work these things out for you. Someone with a stable mind." In no way was he suggesting working with that madman. Business would boom if Ronin got his way, but an all out war would get the Feds involved, or worse, the National Guard or Army.

If Ronin knew anything about his influence, Vani could destroy his plans with a few words, with the girl from earlier as a witness. A fight between them would rip apart the city. They were complete opposites of each other, Ronin an impulsive close combat beast, and him a calculating marksman. If they were allies, they'd be unstoppable, but Ronin was a madman

As Ronin started moving towards him, Vani stepped back, keeping the gap between them. It may look like a fear move, but Vani was maintaining the ideal shooting distance. As fast as Ronin could close the gap and strike, Vani could have a bullet flying towards his head. A dead tie. He needed a slightly bigger gap to get his shot off before Ronin made it to him

As far as Vani knew, a fight was in neither of their best interests. They could end up killing each other simultaneously. "Both of us know that your plan failed."

Ronin grimaced as he took in the words Vani was speaking. The old man was right, his plan had failed badly. The damned girl was barely even scratched and no one else was injured in the slightest, save for the un-important bar patrons. He also knew Vani could easily pick him off, or at-least mortally wound him, if he tried to attack him. He'd all but lost the element of surprise, and his plan had failed entirely. Well, mostly.

The Blackbloods would still consider this an act of war on the part of another family, that is, they would if Vani didn't tell them otherwise. Vani was right, all he had managed to do was blow up a bar and shake up a few people.

He spat on the ground in disgust and pulled his hood tight over his head. "Well, damn. I guess you're right." He told him, sighing. "As much fun as it would be to be shot by you, I think I'll have to decline. At-least for tonight. I guess I'll have to move on to plan B..."

Ronin turned and began walking off. "Take care of yourself old man. Don't die before I can kill ya." Ronin told him, waving behind himself as he walked off down the street.

Luna looked off to the side, a little uncomfortable. They're so polite...I'm not sure whether I should find this embarrassing or amusing. Formalities weren't really her thing, but she decided to acknowledge them and play along. "You can just call me Luna. I'd say it's a pleasure but all things considered..." She nodded to Justin, "I cut your arm as our first greeting." She then motioned to Anya. "And although I saved you by giving you blood earlier in the alley, I can't say I didn't have alterior motives. So, nice to meet you." She smiled and smoothed out her skirt. This outfit would no longer do for the school play she was planning on attending tomorrow. Her killing spree would have to wait. Her eyes flickered to the other woman. She figured it must be Justin's sister, the one who was recently given the name Maryanne. She seemed a bit sassy, so she didn't let her eyes wander that long. "I suggest we stay away from bars tonight..." @femjapanriceball

"You weren't supposed to be involved." Xander takes a bottle, not caring to see what it is and hands it to his brother as he talks. "Unfortunately, she seems to have run off. We're simply wondering if she's told you where she went." The hybrid says calmly. "We aren't here for a fight."

Jaxon shoots a look at his brother, clearly not liking being dismissed, and mumbles something about one of them not being here for a fight, anyway. He takes a drink of the liquor and backs away, not in the mood to get into it with his brother. "Just tell us where she is if you know, old man," he says with a smirk. "Besides, no one ever said we have the same boss."

At this, Xander turns and backhands Jaxon, leaving a spot of blood in the left corner of his lip. "You keep saying shit like that and the Boss will be sending someone after us." Something of a growl escapes Jaxon's throat as he wipes the blood away, but despite every fiber of his being wanting to take the bottle in his hand and smash it over his stupid immortal brother's head, he does nothing but narrow his eyes and glare.


Sorry for the wait I have a bunch of work piled up right now
He wasn’t supposed to be involved? Well, at least he was straightforward about it. Lucian would simply shrugged his shoulders, but the disapproval at this fact was clear either way. “She had to go meet a client tonight. A purist, no less. A Blackblood, apparently.” Of course, the latter was simply him going along with their “mission”. At least Xander was a smart man, a trait his brother did not seem to share, at least regarding violence that is. How cute.

“…Old man?” A roaring laughter escaped his lips, gracing the brothers with no sense of discretion his bemusement. It was not insulting, it was not shocking. It was just…a pure delight. Oh yes, these two he liked. Moments like this one reminded him of how enjoying it was to interact with the twins. “Oh, we do not?” He folded his arms, tilting his head ever so slightly to the side. Well, that was certainly something to ponder upon. Watching over their bickering brought a chuckle to him. But even such a display could not change what was going on here.

“Do remind me then, why should I give out personal information regarding my business?” If this was not The Mix’s orders, why else would he put one of his girl’s in danger when this could might as well be a set-up to blame an innocent woman for something that she could never even imagine doing.

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"Yes, I do admit that was an....interesting way to greet me," Justin said, rolling up his sleeve to reveal the dried wound on his right arm. "However, I understand why you did it, as at that time I was a stranger to everyone." He addressed Anya. "Well, yes, I admit, I will have to get a new suit. A pity," he added. "This was my favorite."

"Whatever. I would like to murder the one who did this."

"Er...maybe later," Justin said, searching his bags for a sewing needle. Once he found one, he began stitching up his shirt using a pink thread. He tried to hide the embarrassment of this as he stitched, but his left eyebrow twitched in annoyance of only being able to find that color.


Luna couldn't help but giggle at the pink thread. She shook her head. "I admit, a guy that can sew is quite impressive. But I suppose you'll be expanding your style a bit with that color. Bold, it sends a message, I like it." She gave him a thumbs up, obviously teasing him a bit. But none of it was hostile. She crossed her arms. "So where does miss Anya wish to go with all this?" Luna figured she would go ahead and spend the rest of the night with them. Besides it might bring up a good opportunity to snack on them later. At least Justin anyways, he seemed nice enough to play with. And seeing Anya again somehow set her a bit at ease. It reminded her of being in the coven again.

@femjapanriceball @Mitchs98
@femjapanriceball @NyxNightmare

Anya wondered just what Luna had meant by 'alterior motives', she simply shruggrd it off after thinking momentarily. "You still saved me nontheless. I'd probably be dead if it wasn't for you and Vani." She told her, smiling. "And yes, it would indeeds probably be a very good idea to stay away from bars for the rest of..ever really." She continued, laughing.

She couldn't help but giggle when she saw Justin sewing up his clothes with pink thread. Then she turned her attention to Lunas' question about where to go. Rocking back and forth on her heels for a minute she thought about it. Only other place she could think of was her house, really. "Welll, we could all go to my place. I mean. There's not really much else place to go." She told them. "Plus, if we go anywhere else, I'd prefer getting a change of clothes first at-least."

Anya sighed, the day had been very eventful. First rampaging exploding teddy bears, a cop massacre, then her dads bar blowing up. The question was, who did it and why? Well, the why was fairly obvious. The who was...slightly obvious. All she knew is her father would be furious. "That is, unless any of you have a place you'd prefer to go?" She told them, looking up at them.
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"Oh, shut it," Justin said, but he grinned as he said it and continued sewing his shirt. "I can get a better suit later." Finally, he looked halfway decent. Well, that is, both of his sleeves were attached to his shirt and his vest wasn't wrecked. He adjusted his hat and looked ahead. "Your house? Sounds lovely."

@NyxNightmare @Mitchs98
Vani sighed when Ronin turned. A disaster averted, as Ronin could've killed him just as easily as he could've killed Ronin. It'd have been a split second fight, with one or both of them dying immediately. "Unfortunately, I won't be seeing the last of you, so you'll stab me and I'll shoot you in the future." He said right before Ronin walked off.

He turned back to the ruined bar. "There goes my night." he said, exasperated. His buzz was done for, the bar was ruined, and the worst possible enemy had caused it all.

He moved towards Anya and the group. "This explosion was a hoax to spark a massive war." Vani said as he approached. He didn't bother with injury checks, as he was pretty sure they'd already done it. Vani himself looked like hell. There was rubble littering his hair, he had cuts all over his body with some of them deep, his robe was torn in multiple places, his shoes has scuff marks all over them, his wine was ruined, his guns were unclean, and worse of all, Ronin had revealed himself. "Good thing you all came out without too much injury."

Luna thought for a moment before twirling, "Yay! Sleep over, its been ages." She exclaimed. As Vani made his way over she almost considered healing his wounds, but she figured him being as prepared as he was he would have some remedies up his sleeve. There was also the fact that she hated revealing her ability to heal. Being around Vani still made her a bit uneasy, but with Anya here he most likely wouldn't be hurting them. She wondered if he would be going with them to Anya's house or stalking off to wherever he hid out at. "So that spectacle was only for show? Wonderful." She sighed. But a part of her was a bit excited something big was taking place. Secretly she hoped it would be big enough to lure the hybrid she met earlier out.
Vani was talking when his phone rang. "Allow me to take this." Looking at the caller ID, it was Anya's father


"Vani. This is Marlin." He didn't bother with anymore formalities. He cut right to it "In lieu of tonight's events I have a proposition for you"

"I'm all ears."

"I'll need you to do me a favor first."

"Depends on the favor."

"Simple. I got word that you were at my bar last night, I need you to give me Anya's status."

"Alive and well. I'm standing with her and the Draculas now."

"The Draculas? Could you escort all of them to my house? I'm afraid that with the bar destroyed, we'll still have Silvermoon wolves out and about." He didn't know it really wasn't the Silvermoons

Vani just nodded though. "Simple enough. I require a favor in return."

"Oh yea?"

"I was caught up in the explosion, so what I require is stuff to clean my guns, as well as the usage of your shower."

Laughter. "Simple enough. Get here ASAP." Marlin hung up

Vani dialed more guys. "Bring me a change of clothes and some transport for multiple people." He waited a moment then hung up. About 3 minutes later, a car pulled up and out stepped a chauffeur, who handed Vani a new robe. Vani looked to Anya and the Draculas. "That was Lin. He wanted me to escort you all to his place, as it's not safe right now."

"Sleep....over?" Justin repeated. He wasn't familiar with the term, but it sounded interesting enough. "Um, I hate to sound idiotic, but what exactly is a 'sleepover'?" He felt stupid asking the question, and his cheeks burned slightly. "I-I mean, I've just never done or heard of anything like it before..." He stopped to watch Vani talking in the phone. I wonder what's going on....

@Mitchs98 @Kylesar1 @NyxNightmare

Anya got a big grin on her face before shouting "Awesome!" at Luna's statement of a sleep over then quickly turned her attention to Vani. "Watcha' mean this was a hoax? I'm preeety sure the bar is dead." She told him, staring at him questioningly. "Orr do you mean it wasn't one of the other families that did this? Was it that asshole with the bear? I still need to rip him apart for earlier!"

She immediately calmed down and grew silent when Vani got on the phone and she was mentioned, it had to have been her father. No one else would have called Vani and asked how she was or remotely cared. When Vani hung up and said it was indeed him and he said he wanted everyone to go to his house she couldn't help but smile. "Awesome! Sleep over!" She shouted again.

Then Justin asked the random question of what a sleep over was. She couldn't help but laugh. "Think staying at a hotel, only you're staying at a friends house and sleep is generally the last thing you do." She told him. "Luna is coming too Vani, hope you don't mind?" She asked him and looked up at him.
Vani nodded. "You're free to join us." he said. "A sleepover is exactly what it sounds like. You're sleeping over at someone's house."


It was an armored limo, an extra precaution if he was responsible for escorting anyone. It was heavily reinforced, bulletproof, explosion resistant, and shock proof. He could go shooting into a tree at 95 mph, and it wouldn't even crack the windows.

He moved towards the front. "Climb in." He didn't feel like hopping in the back with the rest of them. Things were heating up way too fast for his liking. He liked to develop a war, not powder keg it

Here he was with Anya, the Draculas, and Luna, and he was responsible for their safety. "I'll explain things once we get settled in at the house." He left them in the back to speculate, while he had to calculate his next move


Shit this really is turning into a sleep over. I haven't done this in awhile. It'll be problematic if I snap. Sometimes Luna would get sent into a alternate personality of sorts. Yet she didn't want to turn this moment down, so she gleefully spoke, "Im excited!" She also laughed at Justin's comment about sleep overs. She pouted at Anya and Vani's response. "Darn, I was going to tell him it was something far more scary." She giggled. It was a weird feeling, she actually felt...like she could fit in like this.

But really you're a monster. There's too much blood on your hands.

But aren't they like me? We've all done things we aren't proud of.

Can you honestly say you aren't proud of the things you've done? Of the people you've killed?

For a moment her heart skipped a beat. She was thankful for Vani when he ushered them all into the back. That was close...

As they neared the mansion her eyes glowed. Even though I used to be in the coven officially, I've never actually strayed near the house of the headmaster. So this is what it looks like...



"Right," Justin said, his face still a little red. He stepped into the limo, a look of awe on his face. I wonder where he gets all the funds for this...it seems like he makes a lot of deals to do so....

Hmm...classy...I think I will enjoy this "sleepover" thing if this is how it will be like...Maryanne grinned.

"Very funny, Miss Luna," Justin said in response to Luna's comment. "But I live in Transylvania."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Maryanne asked.

"Naturally you wouldn't know. You spent all your time inside. As for me, I was required to go out there. You wouldn't believe how many human Dracula lovers there are....clawing at your hair, your clothes. Trying to get you to open your mouth...urgh..." Justin shuddered.

@Mitchs98 @NyxNightmare @Kylesar1

Anya nodded and climbed into the back of the limo, bouncing up and down on the seat excitedly. This is gunna be awesome! Now I can ask Big Brother Justin and Big Sissy all about Trannslyvania and stuff. She thought to herself, a big smile on her face while they drove.

Anya couldn't help but laugh at Justin, "Well depending on what part of town you go to here it wouldn't be much different. In-fact you'd feel right at home!" She told him, laughing. Her mood dampened a bit as they approached the manor, though. She just hoped no one had gotten word to Marlin about the bear incident... sighing she stared out of the window as the mansion drew ever closer. "Pretty awesome place huh?" Anya asked, referring to and pointing at the sprawling mansion.

The mansion was huge, easily as big as three normal sized houses if not more stuck together with a marble fountain outside in the courtyard.

The limo rolled up and the gate opened. "Here we are." Vani said, loud enough for the passengers in the back to hear. "This place is huge, so don't wander off."

Vani got out of the limo. "You're done for the night." he said to the chauffeur. Stepping out of the limo, Vani grabbed his change of clothes. "Don't walk in yet. We have to go over a few things that'll help you survive the night here." This place was a safe haven.........so long as no rules were broken. As great of a guy Marlin was, he and his rules were absolutely not to be played with.


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As Luna stepped out of the limo she completely ignored Vani's warnings and her mind escaped to the outside decor of the building. It's really beautiful...and rules blah blah that. Life is too short for rules. Er, but I wonder if I don't listen to these then my life will be cut short. She decided to keep one ear open for Vani's voice.

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