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Fantasy The Blood Wars

"That's one of the reasons I came," Justin said. "Rumor travels faster than the speed of light—and I am quite the adventure seeker," he added, with a twinkle in his eye. "Well...I'd at least like a little adventure before I seek out a wife. It's hard, having to be the heir and choosing a wife. If you happen to find a girl looking for a hus—OW!" He felt his head get hit (hard) with the edge of Maryanne's knife.

"Shut UP!" Maryanne said angrily, looking away from her brother.




Luna raised her eyebrows a bit. "Yes, well, that's because I don't usually drop by these...blood bars." She watched him return her glare and take another drink.

His eyes were a deeper scarlet red than hers could be, which meant he was older than her by far. She sighed and leaned against the bar. "Since you work here I'll trouble you with my problems. I just got my heart broken and I got my meal stolen by some creepy old guy." Luna raised herself and turned to look back at the older vampire. Or should she say Lucifer.

"Show me what you do for fun, Lucifer." His name rolled off her tongue as she looked at him, completely ignoring the status difference. "And the only reason I found out your name is because a bunch of girls were fawning over you a moment ago." She explained.

@Sinister Clown
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Lucifer listened to what the woman had to say, looking around the bar after she mentioned she didn't come too often it would explain why he had never seen her here before looking back over to his glass which was less than half full by now, he drank down the last of it only to look back at the girls who were apparently 'fawning' over him glaring back towards the woman sitting next to him "Most likely because they want free drinks, but I won't complain" he said with a smug grin on his face before answering the girls last question with another "Well that all depends miss, what do you like to do for fun?" moving his right arm and leaning it on the bar bench so he could rest his head on the palm of his hand.


Luna was a bit surprised when he didn't give into the girls. She completely took him for the type. "Let's just say Im always having to find new toys." She was referring to herself as a binge killer. "But I actually wanted a change of pace tonight. So that's why I asked you, I don't usually hang with other vampires so consider it an honor." She said this rather seriously without any smug face. She watched him lay his head on his palm. I wonder its okay to affiliate with this guy? He's....weird. Kind of reminds me of a snake.

Her eyes turned from dissatisfaction to curiosity.

@Sinister Clown
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Vani scratched his head, almost at the bar. The lady was certainly a feisty one. Vani's words would be ineffective to her. He's met many many people in his 650+ years.

"The bar is just up ahead. This place is much quieter at this time of the night, so it should provide a nice leisurely place for a while." Vani thought about the tension between the Silvermoon and the Blackbloods. Something had to give. Maybe a meeting between the 2 families. Would that even work at this point? He's been striking more and more deals, which was bittersweet. More money, but a brewing war

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"Brilliant." Justin smiled, clutching the spot where Maryanne had hit him. He stayed away from his sister at that point, shooting resentful glances at her every once in a while. "So, Giavani, are you a friend of the family?" He asked curiously, still clutching the bloody wound on his head.

Maryanne refused to look at her brother.
Why must he bring up marriage? He knows that I hate the very idea of such things. She sighed. Of course, His Royal Highdund Justin Dracula has a right to speak of love.
They arrived at the bar when Justin asked him a question. Vani scoffed "A friend of the family? I'm the type of person who buys fries and a drink of Mcdonalds, their burger from Burger King, then sits down and eats it in Chik-Fil-A. I'm nothing more than a businessman"

Vani went up to the bouncer. "We're with Anya." The bouncer nodded when he saw Anya and let them in.


The bar was only moderately full.
"This is the social drinking phase, where people are drinking more to socialize than to get drunk. The celebratory phase won't kick in until later tonight." The vampires here were having pleasant conversation on low voices, out of respect for those around them. The atmosphere was mellow and inviting. The place itself was pretty vintage, but preserved. The Zone was was pretty strict when it came to those obnoxious drinker who interfere with others' good time.

Vani took a seat at the bar. He passed is ID to the bartender.
"Give me a Jack on the rocks." His ID told the Bartender that he was Vani, thus wanted no blood in his drink


Anya giggled at Vani's reply to Justin about him being a family friend, then smiled and waved at the bouncer as they walked in. "You guys settle in, I'm gunna go change and take a shower. I'll be back!" Anya called to the three, running off to the back room.

The back-room housed a small office, a closet, and a small bathroom with a shower. It wasn't really anything too fancy, but it was common for her adoptive father Samuel and others of the family to come to the bar a bit...messy..after work.

Opening the closet amongst some suits was a spare outfit that looked exactly like what she had on only less bloody and shredded. It looked like Samuel had stepped out for a bit too, lucky for her she wouldn't have to explain herself and what happened save for the hole in the back of the bar that'd need repairing.

She sighed unsticking her hair from her clothes and her clothes from her body, tossing the now ruined outfit into the trash-can in the bathroom and gently putting her butterfly wristband on the sink.

The water immediately ran red as the dried blood was washed off of her, "Ahhh...much better." She sighed, laying against the wall letting the water un-mat her hair. Tonight had definetely been eventful murderous teddy bears, a mysterious female vampire that had saved her for unknown reasons, and then slaughtering a patrol of cops to top it all off. And the night was still young at that.

She'd have to ask around to see if anyone had seen the girl before, she seemed the tiniest bit familiar, but she couldn't place a name or a date when she had seen her before. She then set to work on the long and ardous task that was washing the black mass that was her hair, which was one of the main reasons she always did her best to keep blood out of it.

After a good fifteen minutes of scrubbing her hair she stepped out of the shower, dried off, and slipped into her fresh not-sticky-and-covered-in-blood clothes. Humming she put her wrist-band back on and walked back out into the main office sitting in the office chair and began digging through old records, determined to find something about the vampire girl that'd saved her.
Justin nodded at Giavani's comment. "That makes sense, thank you." He greeted the bartender. "I will have some...jasmine tea. Add two teaspoons of blood, but nothing more, I beg of you, so it doesn't completely ruin the taste." He looked through his bags and put on a top hat to hide the still-bleeding injury that Maryanne had inflicted on him.

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"A fine evening," Justin continued. "I am happy that my sister and I have received such a warm welcoming."

"That man doesn't know how to have fun," Maryanne snorted, washing the blood out of her hair. "He's impossible! He's...he's...îngâmfat și prost și un eșec la viață!" she exclaimed, reverting to her native language. She stepped out of the shower and put on her grey uniform, as the black one needed to be washed.





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Anya jumped when Maryanne shouted, hitting her head on the desk. "Oww." She cried, rubbing the back of her head. Anya stared at her briefly, trying to see if she could decipher what Maryanne had said. She could not. However, it was clear enough that whatever was said was indeed not a compliment.

She wasn't really sure what to say in turn with Maryannes shouting, but she felt it warranted some kind of response. "What happened Big Sissy?" Anya asked her, genuinely curious to know what had happened.
Maryanne scowled. "I can't believe my brother! He's so arrogant and greedy, and you know what? Back in Transylvania, I overheard Father speaking to Justin, and you know what he said? I quote—'Iustinian', that's his name over there, 'you disappoint me so'. Clearly he is a disappointment to the family and he ran off." She tied her hair into her usual pigtails. "But I could be wrong."

While waiting for his tea, Justin noticed a bunch of ladies looking at him. "Why, hello. How may I help you?"

The girls squealed and jumped on top of him, saying something about him being a Dracula.

"Aaaaaghhh....what the hell....?"

On a rooftop several buildings away from the zone stood a man in a tattered leather coat, watching over the Zone, a grin plastered across his face. "And so, all the little people gathered in the schoolyard to play." He spoke. "Oh what fun shall we have on this beautiful night."

Reaching his hand inside his coat he pulled out a small detonator, "Let the opening act commence, shall we?" He spoke, laughing madly and pressing the small red button on top of the detonator.

10 bricks of C4 armed themselves with a one minute timer all around the Zone, what survived the blast would be quickly disposed of by the mysterious man.


Anya listened intently at Maryannes' rant, giggling when she finished. "Well, maybe. He seems competent enough to me though, then again to me if you're good at fighting you're competent." She told her, shrugging.

That's when she noticed a faint beeping sound, a sound that hadn't been there before. "Do you hear that..that beeping?" She asked, getting up from her chair and looking around the room. The beeping continued. "Jeez, this beeping is annoying.." Anya spoke, mostly to herself, searching for the source.

Eventually she spotted the source, a small grey brick with a red..blinking.."Oh shi- GET DOWN!" She shouted, clambering away from it and diving under the desk. Shortly after explosions ensued all around the Zone, nothing but dust and rubble with bodies buried underneath was left in it's wake.
Vani jumped over the bar when Anya screamed. The moment he jumped over, his vision filled with smoke and he lost his hearing. Shit was going down. He was only buzzed before, but that was long gone now, and replaced with adrenaline. What saved him was him rolling under the bar during the explosions. He coughed and his eyes burned as smoke got to them

Vani drew his gun. His eyes started glowing red, and his senses increased. This was his gift from Silvermoon: Enhanced Senses. It's the only way he could ever keep track and react to vampire's and werewolves movements, as he was still a normal human, even though he could never match their speed and strength. It's saved his life multiple times over his 650+ years.

"Not this shit again. I swear. Do I have to slay some wolves tonight?" He said, staggering to his feet, lifting a blown off piece of wood blocking his path. His clip was full of his anti-wolf bullets. Smoke was everywhere. Rubble was all over the place. "My glass is shattered." he muttered.
The night was only slightly chilly, at least to Austen. She walked down the street, making her way to one of the Silver Moon family's many houses. That is, until she heard the explosion. "Must be the Mix..." she mutters to herself, curiosity taking her closer to the sound. The informer knew that the weres had nothing planned for tonight, and to her knowledge, neither did the other two families. And her knowledge was rather extensive.
The Twins were in one of Lucian's brothels when they heard the explosion. Jaxon sat with a blonde on his lap and a ginger at his side. "Someone's having fun," he says to his brother with a smirk. Xander, who was looking distastefully at the prostitutes crawling on his brother, shrugs. "And someone's dying."

"Naomi, dear," Xander calls to an olive skinned girl walking by. "You're looking particularly curvaceous today. Have you been eating more?Anyway, where's your pimp? I must talk to him about the service in this place." The girl, unaware of the fact that later that night she would be pinching any visible fat, tells him that Lucian should be here any moment. "Wonderful."

At last, at long last, he was done. Just the faint sound of the door of the brothel opening was enough to bring tears to his eyes. Well, no, not really. It was simply a metaphor. After all, spending hours trying to get a drug addicted to stop ruining her life just because hof how miserable her life felt because of her birth was definitely not one of the first things it would come to Lucian's mind on a night like this. But still, he would lie if he did not felt rather proud of himself. Ah, wasn't there anything that he could do?....Many things came to mind. Hey, he wasn't a god or something, no matter how much he tried to play the part, especially among his subordinates. He wasn't even an immortal.

But if there was one thing Lucian was good at was getting the job done. Everyone knew that very well, especially his superiors.

"Ah, Lulu, someone is calling for you!" Oh, God, no, not now, couldn't she see that he was not in the mood? He had just arrived and he had to deal with more issues? It wasn't bad enough having caught the sound of an explosion nearby...Was it some kind of punishment? For what exactly, then? "What is it this time, Bella?" "Twins. Very handsome, with this dangerous look to them...they just seem to want to have fun." A sensation of deja-vu assaulted him. Well, at least, it was an easy enough task. "Thank you, dearie." Before he knew it, there they were, as troublesome as ever. "Naomi, stop pinching your body, gourgeous." He kissed her cheek and tilted his head at the hitmen. "And a fine evening to you, gentlemen. I apologize but we have no more room, you'll have to dispose of your corpses in some other place!" As charming as ever, am I right?

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Xander smirks. "Hilarious as always, Lucian, but that isn't why we're here."

"We can smoke in here, right?" Jaxon interjects, lighting the cigarette between his teeth.

"Jaxon." Xander glares at his brother before turning back to the pimp in front of him. "I'm afraid this is about one of your girls. Maybe we should speak in private?" The Twins, both smirking now, stare expectantly at Lucian. Jaxon waves off the girls at his side and stands, obviously hoping Lucian would refuse, eager for action.

"Oh?" The expression in Lucian's face suffered a certain change to it, as the mood seemed to become more serious. The twins were certainly not the kind of guys to mess around with a hard pill to swallow or anything among those lines. And the black haired hybrid knew that well. "So mysterious, Xander." He threw off a small joke, just to not let the atmosphere sink into what his estabilishment was known for. Ah, how he hated when that happened.

He could not help but chuckle ever so slightly at the other twin, giving him a slight bow. "Do go ahead. At least you had the decency to ask first."

The sole mention of one of his little lambs was enough to caught him of guard, a frown now carved in his ever so carefree expression. "...Alright then, follow me." Soon enough, they would be inside one of the private rooms, no less, who Lucian had strctly instructed one of his subordinates to not let anyone in. He picked up a bottle of wine, gesturing it to the hitmen, asking them silently if they would like a glass.

A sharp sound rang throughout the atmosphere and hit Luna's ears almost immediately. She quickly excused herself and stepped outside of the hot bar. In the distance she could see smoke. The Zone. She ran off towards the building. Could it be the same person as before? Her breathing grew a little heavy as her speed quickened. As she stopped in front of the building, she gasped. It was completely in ruins. She looked up and saw someone familiar. "Hey old man. What happened here?" She also wondered where Anya was.

Justin struggled to get away from his fangirls, when he heard a sharp sound. He couldn't see a thing. He struggled even harder, until finally he was free. Well, it looks like I'll have to depend purely on my power to sense movement...He took his sword and heard frantic speaking. Obviously, something was going on. Justin focused on his ability. Obviously, a lot of people were....moving. He felt kind of woozy. "S-stop running...I'm trying to....Maryanne!" he called out. "Sister, where are you?!"

Maryanne followed Anya's instructions. "Miss Anya, what's going on?" She heard Justin call her name. "Iustinian?!"

Justin ducked into the area where Maryanne and Anya were. "I'm right here...just stop moving...." he said.
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Anya cowered under the desk in fear as the explosions went off. Rubble, dust, and bits of furniture blew everywhere, some stabbing into Anya. Sure, it hurt, but her main thoughts were Damnit I just changed!

After the initial ringing and explosions subsided Anya heard Maryanne and Justin shouting, and everyone else screaming and running about. "I-I don't know!" Anya shouted, clambering shakily out from under the desk, brushing the dirt and rubble off of her face. Looking around, the entire bar was mostly rubble with people buried under it. In fact, upon standing she noted she couldn't stand at full height at all, even for her short height.

Further inspection noted they were surrounded in rubble. "Ugh." Anya sighed, mostly to herself. "No point in standing around trapped..c'mon Big Sissy, time to move some rocks." She told her, grabbing the nearest piece of rubble and sitting it doen beside her.

She repeated the process, not really making any progress, when she heard Justin. "Hey! We're kinda stuck in here!" She called out, moving the rubble at a bit faster pace now.


Ronin grinned at the chaos he caused by blowing up one little insignificant building. Jumping from his perch he walked slowly to his playing field, grinning maliciously the entire time.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? An old man and a little girl, hmm?" He spoke his voice deep and scrapey like gravel, looking over Vani and Luna his grin still on his face.

"Aww, did something explode? Oh dear me, I hope none of your friends were in there with you? Although, you're much much stronger than you look old man, I didn't expect you to live through the blast." He continued, his grin changing to a smirk. "Although, you're not on my list of targets. While, you're a corrupt old bastard you're not shall we say..special..enough to be on my hitlist."

@NyxNightmare @Kylesar1
Justin gasped. B-buried?! "Don't worry, I'll get you two out!" He began digging at the rocks, then began hacking at them with his sword. It was a slow process, but eventually he could see his sister's face. She looked pissed.

"Why didn't you come sooner, dammit?" Maryanne asked, pushing a rock away.

"I was buried beneath adoring Dracula fans," Justin said irritably. "Don't ask or I will leave you buried here."

Vani grabbed the bottom of his wine glass. Wine was still pouring out of it. He was staring at it and gently shaking it, as if wine was still in there, getting more and more irritated as he did so. A girl's voice rang in his ear. Old man, what happened here? He sighed and looked to the girl. "Apparently this place was just blown to bits, and to add insult to injury, my wine glass was broken but not destroyed. We have to get out of here."

He looked around. Where was the owner's daughter? If Anya was killed, not even he could prevent war.

A mysterious man walked up to them and spoke. Vani turned around and shook his head in horror/recognition. "Damn it. Ronin......." Ronin knew who he was, which didn't bode well for him. He knew Ronin. Not all that well, but enough to know to stay the hell away. He met Ronin exactly 3 times in his lifetime. He was also an immortal human, part of the Silver Fang, who were dedicated to killing both sides of the war. Silver Fang was an organization he's been trying to get info for for a long time, to no avail. Not even Vani's sources could get him info on it

While, you're a corrupt old bastard you're not shall we say..special..enough to be on my hitlist." Vani scoffed. "Your words wound me. I'll assume you're just here for carnage and nothing else. I heard you may come here, but I didn't think it was true." Vani's eyes glowed with his Enhanced Senses and his free hand in his robe on his gun, ready to shoot. He spoke to the girl who spoke to him earlier. "This guy is a madman, far too dangerous for you. I suggest you get away."


Luna was a bit irritated with the whole suggestion to get away, but she understood when she felt the presence of the immortal human. Dangerous was written al over him. She nodded and leaped off to search for Anya underneath the rubble. She found one of the guys from before speaking to stone. She appeared beside him. Anya and someone else's scent filled her nose. She looked at the guy as he sliced through the rock. She drew her blade and helped him until they were able to easily get them out. They seemed to be alive and quite well enough. "We should listen to the old man and get someplace far away for now." I'll stick with them for now...Her hands trembled a bit, and she quickly gripped them tightly. She would need to feed soon. @femjapanriceball
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Xander and Jaxon follow the other hybrid into the private room, the latter periodically blowing out smoke. "Got anything stronger?" He asks, after being offered wine. Xander, however passes entirely.

"We are not here on a social visit, as I'm sure you've figured out by now. I don't drink and work, unlike my brother, here." Xander narrows his eyes briefly at his twin, but quickly clears his expression.
Now is not the time to get into sibling rivalry, he tells himself. "Why don't you tell him why we are here, Jaxon. I'm sure he's dying to know."

Jaxon nods and steps toward Lucian, towering over him. He meets his eyes as he leans over and puts out his cigarette, rubbing it onto the table. "Boss says one of your girls is working with the Blackbloods. Bianca, I think her name is. We need to know where she is, Lucian." The hybrid's yellow eyes glisten with anticipation. Everyone knew what happened to someone he and his brother were looking for. And everyone knows how protective Lucian Yang is of his girls. Jaxon was aching for a fight, and if he was going to get one tonight, this would be why.


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