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Fantasy The Blood Wars

Lucifer quickly made himself at home in the Nightclub, Most of the Vampires there already knew his name so it wasn't a surprise that when Lucifer went up to the bar he was formally welcomed by the bartender "So what have you been up too lately, You haven't been working here for a while now so something must have come up" the bartender said as he pored Lucifer a glass of what might have been mistaken for wine; However it being a Nightclub for Vampires the best and main drink served here was different Blood types of various people to suit any Vampires tastes. After the glass was filled Lucifer took a quick swig, drinking down half the glass and almost seductively licking his lips afterwards he seemed to avoid the bartenders question with a compliment "Like always...Brilliant." letting out a soft smile afterwards that was until he heard the door open again, looking back at the door which lead into the Nightclub he wondered who it'd be to walk through.
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The lights were colorful as always, and the scent of so many vampire mingling almost made Luna sick. So this is why I never walk into these anymore. She preferred to view these clubs and bars from the outside, at a nice distance of where she could hear the music only lightly. Luna sat at the bar next to a vampire. He was all tatted up and she couldn't help but admire the art upon his body. However she didn't comment on it as she peeked at the bartender. She could still taste the hybrid's sweet blood on her lips, in fact she could still taste his actual lips, which infuriated her. How dare someone tease and mock her like that? Inexcusable. especially since he had been a hybrid. So caught up in her fury a dark aura radiated around her, and she didn't hide the fact that she was bothered. She noticed how the bartender seemed to fawn a bit over the vampire next to her. In fact, everyone seemed to acknowledge him. He's not that special, he's just a vampire after all. She couldn't judge how old he actually was for she couldn't get a good look at his eyes. But she was sure he could feel her glaring at him.

@femjapanriceball @Kylesar1

"Shiro?..what a cut name" Anya spoke absent mindedy, stroking the cats neck. By now she had healed enough to, albeit painfully, posistion herself against a wall so as to see easier. Her leg would need another day or two to heal, with or without blood.

When the male vampire whom Anya didn't know appeared she began feeling un-easy, she was still healing, her leg definetely needed a good day or two to heal even with blood. "Um..who are you?" She spoke, staring at him, reaching for one of her knives. She couldn't put up much of a fight, but if he was the man who planned on killing her she would at-least try.

And then a familiar face appeared amongst those around her she didn't know, Vani. She felt relieved, if anything happened he would help her. She relaxed her grip on the knife in her holster and simply let her arm lay free on the ground.

"Vani." Anya spoke, smiling up to him. "A welcome surprise." Her face turned red and she looked at the concrete when he mentioned the obvious mistake she had made. "But..I..was embarrassed. I lost a fight to something as simple as a teddy bear! I mean..it did explode, but...still!" Anya spoke sheepishly, admitting her loss and what she lost too.

"I'd rather of died than went back and faced the family after such a heavy loss..they would've dis-owned me for being useless in the one task they assigned me..." Anya continued, sounding depressed.

Anya cringed slightly at the gun being drawn, perhaps Vani was the one that tried to kill her earlier? Then he explained why. She stared in dis-belief for a few moments until he popped the top off of one and poured the contents on the ground.

Shortly after the mysterious woman that had helped Anya fled the scene, cutting the male vampire on the way out. She seemed..interesting. Anya would definetely have to find her later and talk to her.

She stared at the blood as it dripped onto the ground, half tempted to lick it off the ground. She had lost a lot of blood and thd hunger began to show. Shortly after Vani tossed five of the bullets over to her, she quickly popped the tops off of all of them and sucked the precious red liquid from them.

She could feel herself healing more rapidly and her hunger sub-sided, for now. It wasn't much by a long shot, but it'd do for now. Anya staggered to a standing posistion, leaning against the wall clutching her chest.

She wasn't in quite as much pain anymore, she felt her organs healing, as well as her rib and pierced lung. "Thank you so much. Vani." Anya said with a smile. She re-focused on the vampire man beside Vani, "And what brings you to this little party?" Anya said, giggling.


Justin looked at the young vampire silently, watching in awe as another vampire helped heal her, then snapped out of it. "Pardon me, how impolite for me to stare so long. My name is Justin Dracula-Blackblood. I come to assist the Blackblood family." He said in his thick accent, bowing at the girl.

This was awkward. Justin probably seemed the mysterious gentleman at the time. He wanted to be trustworthy, but there was some sort of look of distrust in the injured vampire's eyes.
Well, at least Maryanne isn't here to screw such a flimsy introduction up. The least I need is for her to run around trying to kill everyone. That would be extremely awkward.

Justin continued, coughing awkwardly. "How may I...er...assist you, miss?" Great. He nodded politely at the human—Vani, was it?—and bowed at him as well, wondering if this was as weird to the others as it was to him.
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Vani stared at the girl, who ran off, with a slash on the man's arm. He stroked his chin as he addressed Anya's anguish. "Your father is a bit hardcore. He must be in tonight. Still, that's no reason to be hard on yourself. The person in question has been the center of recent rumors. There's a child who can animate his creations. He's a prodigy, and is very deadly. From what I hear, he's fucked up in the head. You must have a hit on your head."

Then there's this weird guy, Justin Dracula, who came out of nowhere. The bowing was a bit weird too, but it could be a cultural thing, so he humored it and bowed back. "Giavani Smith. Nice to make your acquaintance" he said to him. Vani went over to Anya and helped her stand. She should be completely fine in a moment.

"I just closed a Anti-Wolf deal with your father's advisor. Apparently things are heating up again between the Blackbloods and the Silvermoon. They're suspecting each other again for family deaths." Vani had no intention or interest in getting involved with their deeper affairs. He was there for the money. The more they kill each other, the more money he makes. However, the more they kill each other, the less customers he has. It's a risky black economy. He knew a lot of inner secrets from each clan. It'd definitely evolve into full-scale war if the truth got out, but Vani was under strict patron confidentiality. "Perhaps we should take this back to the bar. Drinks on me. I'm one of few humans who they'll let in. Your little battle is safe with me."

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Justin looked at Vani. He couldn't help but be interested in what the man was saying. This was what he had come here for, after all. He nodded promptly, as he felt that his introduction was enough for them to at least let him tag along. He stared in the direction of the end of the alley and felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. Maryanne was still waiting for him, all alone. And there would eventually be some idiotic flirt coming along and—Justin sighed. He would have to make sure that she wasn't in "Psychopathic Bride Mode", as he called it. Maybe today would be a lucky day....or not.

"GET AWAY, YOU PERVERTED SCUM!" Maryanne slapped a wolf-whistling man away, incredibly tempted to bring her dagger into the matter. "Do you want to die today?!"

Nope. Justin could hear his twin screaming at the top of her lungs. He buried his face in his hands, muttering curses under his breath. "Damn....can't be a lady for ten fucking minutes? This is pathetic...sorry," he said. "My," He paused. No way was he going to admit that he was related to a maniac. He thought, then said, "travel partner is being a pain."
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Vani chuckled. "Well the night is still young. I don't think anything tonight can top the teddy bear fight, so if you will, I can accompany you. We're gonna meet your partner some time tonight anyways."

Tonight was turning out to be more exciting than usual. First a weapons deal, then a teddy bear fight, and now another young lady was yelling at some random dude, and this guy knew her. What was to happen now? Vani unloaded and reloaded his gun with his Anti-Wolf clip. If a vampire was in danger, it was usually from a wolf. Besides, his blood was still protected with his Garlic Holy Water.

Anya was healing up just fine. She would be able to move about on her own now without difficulty. Vani started towards the young lady's yell
Justin nodded. "Thank you, Mr. Giavani, sir." He walked through the alley, preparing to find the nearest straightjacket if necessary. He could see Maryanne clearly once he reached the end. At least she kept her promise...

He said sternly. Maryanne looked up from terrorizing some poor drunk gentleman. "What are you doing? You are in public!"

"So?" Maryanne lowered her dagger. She was just having herself some fun teaching a man a lesson. "He was flirting with me!" She said the word 'flirting' as though it were some sort of disease. Justin rolled his eyes at his pigtailed sister's paranoia.

"Dammit, Maryanne. This is not Transylvania, where you can do whatever you want and not get arrested," Justin hissed, trying to hide the obvious frustration in his voice.

Anya sighed and smiled at Vani "Thanks.." She spoke meekly and nodded "He is..yes." She could stand with minor pain now, her leg would take some time to heal, but other than that she was fine. "Willing to bet the other families put the hit on me..probably Silver Moon.." She continued, walking over to him. "And I agree, we should probably head back. This alley isn't exactly safe...especially with a psychotic kid after me." Anya laughed inwardly at that comment for she was just as psychotic if not more than the kid after her. She turned to Justin smiling as they left the alleyway and nodded "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Dracula. I'm Anya, Anya Sandrow-Blackblood. Good to see a friendly face."

It had been a long night, a drink at the bar would do Anya nicely. "Say, Vani?" Anya asked. "Do you know more about this 'prodigy'? I'll need everything about him if I'm gunna kill him when my leg fully heals. I wanna make him squirm~. No one humiliates me and gets away with it." She made a mental note about what Vani had told her so far, about the creations and about the boy. If he was a child like her, it would be easier, children are usually..weaker..than grown vampires in the long run. And it didn't matter, she didn't take pity on anyone, especially those that tried to kill her.

She stared up at the woman whom Justin had addressed as Maryanne, she looked pretty, you could easily tell the two were related despite Justin seemingly not wanting to divulge that information. Anya giggled "You're in for a surprise if you think flirting is all that goes on around here lady.". She grinned at her, one of her fangs poking out. "Bar should be...south-ish? Of here.." She looked at the side-walk, a clear trail of blood on it, her blood. "Orrr...Just follow my blood trail." She shrugged, starting off slowly down the sidewalk.
Even though Vani started there first, he arrived last. "Hmm. Hello young lady." Vani said, not even flinching at the sight of the torture. "My name is Giavani Smith. I'm afraid your partner is right. Weaponry in public is heavily frowned upon, and your actions will land you in jail in a heartbeat...........or worse, a bounty on your head."

He went over to the drunken man. "Leave now while you have the chance." He said. The look Vani gave the man was terrifying, his presence becoming menacing "These transgressions will not be overlooked a second time." The drunken man frantically stumbled to his feet, his eyes wide with fear, and ran off, tripping on some trashcans on his way.

"We need to keep this one away from the street alone, lest she ends up with a body count."


Anya asked him about the kid who attacked her. "There's not much else to tell you. Everything else can be implied. Weaker strength. Lower speed. Lower reserve of energy. Etc. However, as a child, he also knows, so he'll definitely be hiding due to his physical weaker self. As you've seen first hand though, his creations are nothing to laugh at. Even with my vast arsenal, unless you're an expert at Hide and Seek, fighting him is suicide."

He looked back towards the bar.
"But let's head back. There's nothing left here that's of interest."



"There's a bar here? Justin let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, world. This is precisely what I needed at this moment. I hope they serve tea," he added as an afterthought. "I do consider myself a fanatic of tea."

Maryanne glared at Justin and spoke to the two addressing her. "Yes, yes, nice to meet you," she said. "I swear I won't do it again, yes, yes, never again in my life. And what do you mean, 'in for a surprise'? I told you it was a bad idea, Justin, but did you listen? No."

"Stop it." Justin brushed past Maryanne. "I'm thirsty for blood and tea. We can discuss this later." Some Dracula she was...thank goodness she wasn't the heir.

Maryanne rolled her eyes and focused her attention on Anya.
"Like I said, nice to meet you. I am Maryanne Dracula." Justin let out an audible groan. "And that man is my brother." An even louder groan. "What?"


Anya frowned, nodding and looking down at her leg. "Indeeds. Rather rude to trick a little girl with a giant teddy bear too.." She spoke. "Oh well..I'll just be more careful next time." Anya then addressed Justin, he must've just arrived to the family to not know that the Blackbloods controlled most of the bars and nightclubs. "Of course silly, our family owns it and many others." Anya replied, giggling. "I don't think we serve tea...buuut I think I can get them to make an exception~"

She then addressed Maryanne, giggling. Clearly she had never been in any kind of modern major city before, "Ooh you'll find out, rather quickly. There's much, much more than just some passerby flirting with you. They might even.." She paused, gasping sarcastically. "Ask you on a date or try to steal from you!" She finished with a laugh, clearly enjoying upsetting Maryanne too much. "Nice to meet you, Maryanne" She said smiling. She began humming happily as they walked down the sidewalk, following her trail of blood to the bar, as if she hadn't just nearly bled out and wasn't in enough pain to not move only a little while ago.
"Shut up!" Maryanne said irritably. "I refuse to be involved in such affairs! I do not," she growled. "Wish to be married, or in a relationship, or involved in anything....anything romantic!"

Justin looked at Anya. "Trust me, Miss Anya, if you think what my sister did to that poor man was bad, wait until you see what she did to her last fiancé." He shuddered. "It was terrible. Yet strangely amazing. And that would be nice, if they could make an exception. From what I have heard, the Blackbloods and the Draculas have formed some sort of alliance. I intend to strengthen the alliance. That is why I am here."

"Ah, an ambassador. I haven't heard from the Draculas in a while." Vani nodded. "Time is of the essence then. Let's go."

Vani started back towards the bar, motioning for the others to follow. His guard was always up at night, as this was feeding time for vampires. His blood was protected, but fighting a vampire was still a pain in the ass.

He heard sirens and sped up. "Cops. Most likely due to the Teddy Bear fight. Let's look alive people. I'm not about to be interrogated by the NYPD."

@femjapanriceball @Kylesar1

Anya grinned at Maryannes reaction and stopped walking, turning to greet her with a smile. She ran up as fast as her broken leg would allow, hugged her, then skipped off back in the opposite direction laughing. Oh how she loved to mess with people, especially family, especially new family.

"You'll have to tell me more about it sometime Justin, sounds like a fun story." Anya replied, giggling. She then sped up to catch up to Vani's pace. "I've decided, you're gunna be big brother Justin, and you're gunna be big sissy Maryanne" she turned to face them, walking backwards up the sidewalk. "That sound good?" She asked, smiling before turning back around.

"And they have indeeds, I wondered when you two would arrive. I wasn't told much else other than your names sooo I didn't know how you looked." She told them. "Glad 'ta have ya, with you on our side those wolfies should cower with their tails between their legs!" She shouted, giggling at the thought, even though they weren't real wolves.

She frowned as she heard the sirens. In theory, the police would probably think that Vani and Justin had assaulted her as she was the only one injured as well as her appearing to be a little kid. Being a child vampire had its perks, you inherently get blamed less for things than the grown vampires.

"Wellll, some of them know me. I could convince them, buuut, I'm too tired to do much speaking." She told Vani, speeding up to match his pace. She really hoped her makeshift splints would hold. "Another option would be killing them all, one by one, I am hungry after all." She finished, giggling.
Vani sighed and shook his head, drawing his gun. "You're gonna kill them regardless of what I say. If your father finds that I let you get yourself arrested, he'll put a bounty on my head. I guess it's feeding time for you blood suckers." This was highly unethical, but so was arming both sides to kill each other.

"Killing them one by one is highly inefficient. Kill them all quickly, so we don't have any resistance or fleeing, then I'll call in some cover-up. I got some dirty strings in this city."

He went ahead, to the edge of the alleyway, watching the cops all get out and inspect the scene. 7 cops. Far too many than should be here. He accessed the situation. 4 of them. Him, Anya, Justin and Maryanne. With them being vampires, they'll drop 3 and feed. That leaves the other 4 to run. Vani can kill the fastest of all of them, with bullets. "Kill and feed as you please." He said, screwing a silencer onto his pistol. He changed his clip to normal Hallow Points, not his usual Anti-Vamp/Wolf bullets or his toxic bullets

He aimed at a cop. "The moment you run out, I'll take the shot. Time to show you young ones why I've survived 650+ years against both Vampires and Werewolves."

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"Yes, I am an ambassador of the Draculas," Justin said, looking at the cops. "I suppose this is the right time for me to show off why the Draculas are so famous." He bared his fangs. "It also seems that I should show that I am worthy of being 'big brother Justin'. It does have a nice ring to it." He drew his sword, which had been stowed away in a scabbard until now. "Good evening," he addressed two of the policemen, slashing at them while he was at it. "i am Count Justin Dracula of Transylvania. A pleasure to make your acquaintance." He looked at the bloody injuries he had inflicted on their arms. "My goodness, I'm parched. May I please borrow some of your blood? I cannot say that I will take it back, though." He smiled at his own joke and bit into one of the policemen's arms.

"Do you mind rehearsing Shakespeare somewhere else?!" Maryanne said heatedly.

"Yey!" Anya shouted happily as Justin entered the fray. She drew the knife from her chest holster and pointed the tip between the officers. "Eeenie, meenie, miney..." she spoke, she stopped at the 5th, grinning. "Mo."

She flung the knife with deadly accuracy, the blade piercing the mans chest. She ran up to him giggling, reaching him before he hit the ground. It didn't matter if she re-injured her leg, nor did she notice if she did, she had plenty of blood to heal it. She dug her fangs into the mans neck, draining what little life he clung too. The man beside him, presumably his partner, immediately drew his pistol and fired three rounds into her back.

She ripped the knife out of her current meal, turned her attention to the one shooting, and drove the blade deep into his thigh. He hit the ground screaming in pain, clutching his bleeding wound. "Wait your turn, okay?" Anya told him, giggling and tossing the pistol away out of his reach.

She resumed her previous meal, finishing it before standing up and walking over to the other man. Giggling she drove the heel of her boot into his sternum "Your tuurrrn~" she said in a sing-songy voice.

"No! Ple-" the man began to shout, it was already much to late by then. She ripped the mans throat out and fed.
Vani took a shot as soon as Justin slashed a cop, blasting one of them in the head and killing them instantly

The other cops were trying to draw their weapons, but Vani was a certified gunslinger. With deadly accuracy, he posted bullets right into another forehead, again killing them instantly. "Far too easy a fight."

Anya pounced on a couple of cops and flung a knife for the other one. The carnage lasted less than 10 seconds

2 for Anya

3 for Justin

2 for him

Vani pulled out his phone and dialed a number. "Oi. This is Giavani. Time to call in a favor. A bunch of cops have learned a little too much info, so we had to put them down. Look for the Zone, and you'll find me walking. They're in the area. I want a clean cover-up." These were corrupt cops he was calling in. It was a Thursday, so not many people were out tonight. They were lucky to not get seen. A day before or later, and they'd have a crowd here.

Vani pulled out 3 vials and filled them with the blood of his targets. He wasted some bullets to heal Anya, so he had to get the blood back.

"Feed fast. The cover-up crew is gonna be here in a minute."

Noticing the woman sat down next to him; after noticing the others acknowledge him as he come in he could see a distasteful expression in her eyes as she took a quick glance at him. Lucifer wasn't the type to be shy and turned his attention directly to the woman beside her; taking a sip from his glass before placing it back down Lucifer took off his glasses hanging it on his shirt and glared towards the girl; His eyes glowed a blood red and he replied rather kindly "Hello there miss, you don't seem too familiar.." he paused for a moment as he poked his head towards the girls "My name is Lucifer, you could say I work here." leaning back into his chair he picked up his glass again taking another larger swig than before.

"Yes, sir." Justin looked at the dead bodies and took an empty teacup from his satchel. "I prefer drinking blood using an inconspicuous method," he explained. "It is a quirk." He bent over the dead bodies and squeezed the bloodiest injuries so that they poured into his teacup. He did so until the teacup was filled, and he sipped the blood from it, looking slightly eerie in the moonlight.

Maryanne, meanwhile, was showing less dignity. She tore at the dead bodies' throats, drinking as much blood as possible, almost as though the policemen had offended her personally. She said nothing, only smacked her lips at the taste of the blood every once in a while. Justin shot her a look of utter disgust.

"Could you at least show some dignity?"

"I am," Maryanne said, licking her fingers.

Anya stood and wiped her mouth off with her arm and retrieved her knife from the mans leg, licking the blade clean and holstering it. She shook her once broken leg to make sure it healed fully before removing the makeshift splint. "Muuuch better." She said giggling. "Nice shootin' Vani." She told Vani, turning to him smiling.

She watched Justin drinking blood from a teacup and couldn't help but laugh. "It is indeed weird." She told him. She pointed to Maryanne, "That's much more natural. Maybe...too natural." She teased.

"Just kidding big sissy." She giggled, not really wanting to incur the wrath of someone after finally fully recovering from her injuries. "I'm ready when you guys are, I wanna change as soon as possible anyways. My clothes are all sticky and dirty." Anya told them, unsticking what remained of her shirt from her stomach.
Maryanne rolled her eyes. "He's just too intent on looking like a gentleman."

"No, I want to look dignified whilst drinking my blood, thank you very much," Justin said. "And, like I said, it's a quirk." He finished his cup of blood and stared at Maryanne. Her face, arms, and clothes were covered in blood. "Oh, for god's sake."

"What? You don't look like you've had any fun."

"It was quite enjoyable, yes," Justin said cheerfully. "Let me have my method while you have yours. Shall we be off?"

@Mitchs98 @Kylesar1
"To the bar." Vani said. He put the blood-filled vials into his coat and started off. "With all this blood, we're gonna attract some hostile vampires. That's not in our best interest." He was on high guard as night fell even further, but this blood wasn't making anything any easier. He could never understand why the hell anyone would want to drink blood, but then again humans ate weird shit all the time, so he bothered not to question in all of his 650+ years. Some details were just better off not known.

The clean-up crew was rolling near, and they needed to be gone by then. The crew has never seen his face, and for good reason. He didn't want a lot of people knowing who exactly Vani was. "Don't worry about the bodies or the city cameras. I got everything covered."


Anya giggled, "Oh it'll be fiine. There's a small bathroom in the back with a shower you can use if you want big sissy. I know I will.". Despite being nothing much more than a killer her entire life, Anya was still female, and she disliked looking like she'd been through a slaughterhouse. She definitely didn't like the feeling of her clothes and hair sticking all over her from it. "Let's go then!" Anya shouted gleefully. "Always the resourceful person, huh Vani?" Anya told him before beginning to walk towards the bar again. Despite everything, the night had went well. She met two new family members and an interesting vampire girl she'd have to find to talk to again later for saving her.

"I'm sure everyone will be glad you guys finally arrived, big brother Justin, big sissy Maryanne." She told them, giggling. "It's a good thing too, everyone's on the verge of full on war at this point."
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