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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

He smiled brightly at her statement, smirking proudly at those eho enviously stared at their hands locked together.

Corolanus turned his gaze back to Artemis as she spoke, nodding his approval.

"Great idea, perhaps we should also intensify the guard turns, I can organize that if you'd like Stallion." He said with confidence to his leader.

The italian wasn't sure about the brite's feelings toward his relationship, but he couldn't honestly say he cared.
Altaynna said:
Red strolled into the room, hearing the end of the conversation and grinned. "I've seen something she's drawn, I don't think she'll let us down." Then she winked at Paint. "And I'll take a rain check for that drawing you were gonna show me, the blood comes first."
@Quiet Is Violent
Paint grins. "I will get that done, I promise. But this piece comes first." Paint says this with a wide, toothy grin. "Plus, you can help with this one!" Paint giggles and grabs Red's hand. "how good are you woth stencils?"
Altaynna said:
"Um, I've only sketched with pencils before." She tilts her head, regarding Paint. "What are we drawing, exactly?"
@Quiet Is Violent
Paint smiles. "Um... I'm not positive yet. I have an idea, but it's not set in stone." Paint frowns. She left her backpack at the wall. "Um... Stallion? Sir? May I begin working on the piece?" She asks quietly, averting her gaze to show respect.

@Altaynna @Chocoholique
Hailey that day woke up with a obnoxious headache that made her face contort and her senses weakened. She walked into the room when many had gathered, she even sent a short wave to Coriolanus, before turning to the two nearest girls.

"I'm sorry, what's going on exactly?" She asked a younger girl and a redhead. @Quiet Is Violent @Altaynna
"Appernetly I'm going to go paint with Paint for propaganda against the Wolves." She nodded to the girl clinging to her hand and smiled briefly at the new girl. "I'm Red."

Paint and Red, those two made quite the duet! "Haley." The pale girl said with a smile, before cocking an eyebrow in interest. "Sounds cool, what kind of painting?"

She had felt useless lately, only occasionally patrolling The Grotto at night so she would have been glad to help.

A cute blonde soldier winked at their little group as they passed, and Haley giggled. "The guys here are so flirty." Her eyes fell on the Boss and on the Third in Command. "And so handsome too!"
mirrorohmirror said:
Paint and Red, those two made quite the duet! "Haley." The pale girl said with a smile, before cocking an eyebrow in interest. "Sounds cool, what kind of painting?"
She had felt useless lately, only occasionally patrolling The Grotto at night so she would have been glad to help.

A cute blonde soldier winked at their little group as they passed, and Haley giggled. "The guys here are so flirty." Her eyes fell on the Boss and on the Third in Command. "And so handsome too!"
"It's going to tell the wolves to fuck off. We are going to make something of a warning. I'm thinking a dead wolf and a person writing in its blood. But that might be gruesome. Of course the more gruesome the better." Paint smiles, energized by Stallions approval. Haley seems nice. "Haley, is that your real name?"
Haley nodded at Paint's description "You should make Stallion or the three commanders doing something to the wolves, that would deliver the message." At the young girl's question she laughed lightly, giving a shake of her cranium "Not really, is Paint yours?" She asked skeptically.
"Hmm...what about doing the whole painting in black and whiteand having a dead and battered wolf laying on the ground, and the writing in blood and the only colored thing above it? We don't need to have a person, I think just the words would be powerful."
Haley made a noise of consideration "You two are the artists, but I think having a person like Stallion, Artemis or Coriolanus will cause fear among the enemies. Some of them will get terrorized only at their sight."
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis scowled as a new blonde entered the scene, "Terrorized at our site? I apologise, I had no idea I was a beast." She whispered under her breath. As her and Coriolanus' fingers laced together, many glanced in their direction.

"I cannot take it anymore!" A voice boomed, and in the center of the boardroom, Stallion rubbed his eyes in frustration.

"Fucking stop looking at them, they are not exactly famous. Yes, they are together. Did that answer your question?"
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Coriolanus glanced with an impressed glance at his leader, nodding in thankfulness.

He went to whisper in Artemis' ear "You were right, he doesn't seem that angry. But he shouldn't be surprised about people staring, I mean, we make quite the good looking couple."

He joked with a large grin, wiggling his eyebrows. Turning his attention to Hailey, which he remembered meeting, he spoke in a calm tone.

"Perhaps, but then our faces would also be recognized everywhere."
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis rolled her eyes, "I do not want to be noticed, I am still currently wanted since I broke into Miss Selfridges, I had to take Amber with me. Other than that I had a great time." Artemis wrinkled her nose in disgust at Amber's name, the raven-haired girl then looked around, but she could not spot Amber's honey coloured waves.

"Forget being a total nut job, bitch is a slut job. Half of her is probably plastic." Artemis said aloud, receiving a few chuckles.

"Sorry, you are laughing? It is the truth, I would pity her really." And this time Artemis received a few smirks agreeing with her.
Red nodded. "I think they'll get the message without someone there. Plus I don't think we could do them justice." She smiled and laughed. "Good idea however, but I think we should refrain from using it."
"Better to be feared than to be lovedloved right?" Hailey smiled hesitantly at Artemis. She had a lot of respect for the girl seeing that she had obtained her position of secone in command, but wasn't sure about her friendliness. "Oh! Cheers for the happy couplecouple, the sex must be great."
Red's eyes widened and she burst into laughter. "Oh my god, she is going to kill you." She doubled over, clutching her stomach. "Oh, you are dead. It was nice knowing you though."
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis sighed, wondering why others would talk to her. She disliked the new members, anybody could call it being judgemental but they lost great men a few months back and now these new recruits would fill in their spaces. "Please, not another Amber, is sex constantly on your mind too?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Where is she, anyway. I must have broken her nose." Artemis concluded. She then a few members whisper loudly about Artemis actually braking her nose.
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He along with the others members chuckled at the other commander's statements.

"You and Amber just love each other don't you?"

The italian plopped down to the nearest chair, massaging the pinch of his nose.

His attention was brought back to the scene at Hailey's phrase.

The eighteen year old laughed nervously, moving his blue irises from the rookie to his newfound girlfriend, glad that a fight had not started.

"Last time I saw her she was bleeding on the ground, and yes, you broke it." Truth to be told Coriolanus actually pitied Amber, suspecting that if not for her slutty attitude the girl could be quite interesting.

Obviously, he didn't express his thoughts.

Returning to the 'Wolves' topic, the commander expressed a suggestion to Stallion and his right hand woman.

"We should start thinking about sending spies in also, it would be quite useful to get to know this Kobra guy better."
Red nodded, her expression turning serious. "Right. We need someone who would be a good spy and wouldn't be suspected as strange for joining the wolves." She paused, suddenly her eyes ran back over the people standing in the room. "Granted, they may have done the same."
He avoided answering Red, since he had done the same thinking the day of the wreckage.

Artemis had assured him that it was impossible, and he trusted the girl's judgement.

"I'm going to enjoy bringing them down."

The Italian wished to get his hands right around Kobra's neck at the moment, but suspected that honor was to be left to Stallion and to Stallion only.

Playing with the silver ring on his finger, the italian wondered if he'd make it out of yet another gang war. His eyes fell on Artemis.

He sure hoped so.
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Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis scanned the crowd, all members attempted to hide their faces. "Fuck me right now. You are all such cowards." She then raised her hand, forcing everybody to face her way as she rolled her eyes. "I will volunteer!" If nobody was man enough, she would help them all.

"Fine, pick your team, small." Stallion said, facing towards her, a few members raised an eyebrow at the unusual nickname, but Artemis smiled.

"Oh, good." Who would she pick to infultrate The Wolves?
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Red raised a brow. "I'll help if you want me." She smiled lightly, although it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I want to bring them down, from the inside out."
(Damn you pulled some Katniss Everdeen shit right there)

"Well," Coriolanus raised, walking next to Artemis "I sure won't let you alone. I'm up for it too!" The italian turned to the second in command with a bright smile.

The mission was dangerous but it wasn't for his safety that he cared, it was for the brunnete's next to him.

He hoped Stallion would understand and let him go, eveb using him to protect his best friend. Coriolanus sure wasn't the best of candidates: even if very skilled at lying and sneaking, the eighteen year old stood out easily with his height and cold eyes.

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