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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis stopped in her tracks as Slim spoke, she had forgotten he was here. "Oh, I thought you just saved me from that hell-hole. I had no idea you actually wanted to discuss business." She was surprised, but she swivelled around her hourglass shaped body to face her friend.

"Now, Slim. What is it you wish to discuss?" She tilted her head slightly as she spoke, allowing a smile to be plastered on her face.
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Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

"Yes, the tag. We need it done as soon as possible. Now, I need to do some work. Excuse me." Stallion sighed, this member stuttered a lot. And asked too many questions.

"Fuck me, this is going to be a long week." The eighteen-year old then sauntered off to his room, where he ordered members to make sure nobody comes in ir knocks on. He had to a little bit of 'business'.
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Paint nodded quickly, his slightly annoyed tone not being lost on her. She annoyed him. She needs to stop asking questions and start just waiting for orders. "It's always better to be spineless and loved than strong and hated." Paint reminds herself as she walks out of the Grotto.

She heads back to her piece, glad that the tarp is still hung so the piece is hidden. She takes the tarp off and looks at the wolf. "Needs more blood..." She whispers, getting her paints out and getting to work.
Coriolanus watched with intent eyes as Stallion left for his rooms, before returning his gaze on the papers before his eyes.

"Gargoyle!" He called to one of the soldiers, who immediately stumbled toward the italian. "Take these and keep them safe, if only one of them gets lost..." The commander said with his best vicious grin, before the bulky man nodded and walked off.

With a sigh the eighteen year old looked around for Artemis, and realizing she was still talking to Slim, he frowned.

What would be of such importance to talk to her and her only?

He made a 'tsk' noise, the idea that Slim was probably putting some crap in the second in command's head was now set in Coriolanus.

Trying to ignore that doubt the young man walked outside and noticed Paint still drawing. To not make the girl jump, he started speaking in a soft voice.

"You know, you're very talented. Perhaps you should not waste your future associating yourself with dreamless and futureless people like us." He smirked at the auto-irony, watching with the corner of his eye for his girlfriend and Slim.

There they are. He could see two forms talking a little farther from there. That bitch better not try anything.

@Quiet Is Violent
Couldyoustfu said:
Coriolanus watched with intent eyes as Stallion left for his rooms, before returning his gaze on the papers before his eyes.
"Gargoyle!" He called to one of the soldiers, who immediately stumbled toward the italian. "Take these and keep them safe, if only one of them gets lost..." The commander said with his best vicious grin, before the bulky man nodded and walked off.

With a sigh the eighteen year old looked around for Artemis, and realizing she was still talking to Slim, he frowned.

What would be of such importance to talk to her and her only?

He made a 'tsk' noise, the idea that Slim was probably putting some crap in the second in command's head was now set in Coriolanus.

Trying to ignore that doubt the young man walked outside and noticed Paint still drawing. To not make the girl jump, he started speaking in a soft voice.

"You know, you're very talented. Perhaps you should not waste your future associating yourself with dreamless and futureless people like us." He smirked at the auto-irony, watching with the corner of his eye for his girlfriend and Slim.

There they are. He could see two forms talking a little farther from there. That bitch better not try anything.

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint jumped nearly a foot and looked up at Coriolanus. She stood, cleaning the paint off her hands by wiping them on her pants. "Oh. Thank you. I... I don't think y'all are future less. I mean, y'all are making your own future in the present." Paint flushed and looked at her shoes. "I mean... I like y'all. You're... Not like most people."

Paint looks at her piece, biting her lip. The wolf is gory; you can see the ribs and lungs through the torn flesh. The fur isn't finished, nor is the face, but the torso looks horrifying.
Coriolanus hummed, giving no asnwer. I

Instead the italian approached the piece of art, lowering his tall form to observe it better; the commander was tempted to place his palm on the paint, but knew it would have left a staint so he kept his hands to himsels.

"It's very...realistic." He commented simply, trying to not let the chemicals enter his lungs by turning. The italian sent a calculating smirk in the girl's direction, yet again studying her.

"Amazing how the people we underestimate always turn out to be the most surprising."

He thought her ability to stay in the back of the crowd silent and listening, yet not being noticed at all, would be a perfect addiction for their little spying group. Glancing again at the graffiti, Coriolanus added his own contribute.

"Hunter's eyes were green, if you want to consider that poor beast's oculars."

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint smiles. Why is Coriolanus talking to her? Paint sits down in front of the piece, rummaging through her bag to find an extra bandana. She gave her red one to Amber. "Here." Paint offers, handing Coriolanus her extra black bandanna. "For the fumes."

When he calls her surprising her smile becomes uncertain. "I don't understand what you mean by that." Coriolanus is in a commanding position, so Paint can't help but be afraid that he is disappointed in her.

"Hunter? Who was..." The memory of the screams comes back to her and she shivers. "Oh. His eyes were... Green? Huh." Paint looks at her paints. She has a light green and a forest green. But nothing in between. "Hey, are you terribly busy? Would you like to go to the store with me? I need to get more paints, I'm running low."

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The Italian smirked at her offer, putting the bandana on.

"I meant exactly what I said." He said with a laugh, his voice slightly muffled by the bandana. His surprised expression was also hidden by the mask, since he hadn't expected someone as shy as her asking him such a thing.

His blue irises slid to Slim and Artemis, still talking. The italian glared at the duo, before turning to the younger girl. "No, I'm actually free, let's go."

They walked together out of the base and into the street, and Coriolanus was unsure if taking the bandana off was a good idea.

What if The Wolves were spying on them? After all they had sent a man to learn about The Blood, and he had never returned.

As they took a sharp turn for the black market, he took it off, stuffing it in his pocket.

"Paranoia can bring someone far, huh?" He muttered really to no one, giving a glance behind his shoulder. No one.

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint smiled. He accepted her offer. "Great! I gotta get more greens." Paint packed up her backpack and covered her piece before catching up with Coriolanus.

Paint listened to his comment about paranoia and thought for a moment. "I think that the driving force behind all of our actions is fear." Paint whispers, leading the way to the art store she usually visits. "Man is animalistic. Fear is the force that keeps man alive and that is what drives every decision."
He gave a nod at her thinking, but couldn't bring himself to agree completely.

"Perhaps, but not all choices are. Else I wouldn't be accompanying you here, would I?" Coriolanus grinned, holding the store's door for her.

As soon as he entered the Italian walked to a little stand of artwork.

Noticing that the owner's attention was taken by Paint's presence, the commander slipped a can full of what he supposed was violet and orange, not having seen any in Paint's collection.

@Quiet Is Violent
Couldyoustfu said:
He gave a nod at her thinking, but couldn't bring himself to agree completely.
"Perhaps, but not all choices are. Else I wouldn't be accompanying you here, would I?" Coriolanus grinned, holding the store's door for her.

As soon as he entered the Italian walked to a little stand of artwork.

Noticing that the owner's attention was taken by Paint's presence, the commander slipped a can full of what he supposed was violet and orange, not having seen any in Paint's collection.

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint smiled. "That's true. I suppose not all choices." Paint walked into the store and went to the spray paints, looking carefully at the greens. She picked out four, and walked up to the cashier.

This cashier knew Paint rather well. She came here often. So when she gave him the spray cans to bag, he added some extra nozzles. She smiled at him and tipped him generously, glad that she wasn't spending her own money. She then walked to Coriolanus. "You ready to go?"
@Quiet Is Violent Sorry got dinner

"Yeah, let's head back." As soon as the two were out of the store the italian extracted the two paints, sliding them into her bag.

While they roamed the streets Coriolanus frowned at a couple, walking around with their kid.

Unpleasant memories of family and duties flashed back to him, so he distracted himself by snooping in Paint's own business.

"Don't your adoptive parents wonder where you are?" He actually found himself asking how uncaring someone could be to not know their daughter, foster but still daughter, spent her evenings in the bad part of the town with it's most dangerous members.
Paint stopped walking. "What?" She whispered, staring intently at the ground. "How did you... I never told you..." She could feel herself panicking. More than anything right now she wants to run as fast as she can, but she won't do that. How on Earth did Coriolanus find out that she was a foster kid?

"You mentioned a certain Susan earlier, I assumed you wouldn't call your mother by her first name." Coriolanus grinned to himself, a little voice in his head chuckling.


He could have bluffing and Paint would have easily revealed herself: this was officially his new favorite game.

"Also real parents would never allow you to finish in certain situations. Good parents, at least."

He was reminded of his own father, dishonest and manipulative to a sickening point. Nino would have been proud of him for joining illegal activities, and this didn't reassure the third in command at all.

'He's dead, anyway.' Coriolanus thought, returning his focuses on the fifteen year old.

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint eyes him warily. "Sharon. Her name is Sharon." She whispers. "And don't speak of them. I don't... Talk about my family." Paint sighed, catching up to Coriolanus. "Sorry, it's just a very touchy subject for me." Paint explained, starting to blush. She shouldn't have acted like that. "My family life is... It's been difficult recently and I don't want to think about it. Secrets. You get that, right?"

Coriolanus raised his hands in a defensive way, a casual expression on his sharp features.

"Sharon, alright, and yeah I can relate. Sorry for getting you triggered, I suppose."

He tried to relate to the girl, but found it impossible. Not because of her gender, simply because her parents' death or whatever had happened to them seemed to have changed the girls' behavior, while Coriolano hadn't cried even at Nino's funeral; she had probably never killed anyone, and didn't actually have any "thug" attitude.

In some way, he envied her, and was tempted to tell her life could be worse.

But that little voice spoke again, and this time it was his mother's cold and rough one.

What might not kill you might kill someone else, so be careful with using the phrase "I've had worse".

Quiet Is Violent

Yh I saw that phrase on Instagram I'm not ashamed
Paint sighs. "It's okay. You didn't know. I shouldn't have gotten mad. I'm sorry." Paint mutters. She feels awful for snapping at him. But that's not the only thing on her mind. She really does want to confide in someone. But she doesn't at the same time. Get a spine! Paint yells at herself in her head. "Can you keep a secret?" Paint blurts before she can stop herself.
Coriolanus' curiosity peeked at those famous five words, and the italian nodded slowly. She shouldn't have expected an eye for eye kind of thing, since the only moments in which the commander spilled secrets were those when at least eight bottles of beer had been involved.

Was Paint actually about to tell him something secretive? Was she not as shy as she liked to be or was Coriolanus simply good at inspiring trust in others? The dark haired male wasn't sure, but whatever it caused him to become the official "secret holder" of The Blood was sometimes a blessing and some other times a true pain.

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint sighed. "I can do this, I can do this..." Paint whispered, walking into an alley so they can speak in private. "Alright. I... No, nope. I can't I can't I can't." Paints eyes fill with tears and she starts to pace. "I can't do this, I'm sorry I thought I could I can't it's too much."
He watched with wary eyes the girl's reactions, calculating each next words he was about to say.

"Hey," Coriolanus softly grabbed her shoulder, making the young girl turn. "You don't own me anything, your life isn't really my business. If you want to tell me I'll listen, but if you don't want you're not forced."

What was so bad that couldn't be told? The italian's fantasy flew, imagining horrible deaths and events so terrible might have happened to the fifteen year old.

@Quiet Is Violent
Couldyoustfu said:
He watched with wary eyes the girl's reactions, calculating each next words he was about to say.
"Hey," Coriolanus softly grabbed her shoulder, making the young girl turn. "You don't own me anything, your life isn't really my business. If you want to tell me I'll listen, but if you don't want you're not forced."

What was so bad that couldn't be told? The italian's fantasy flew, imagining horrible deaths and events so terrible might have happened to the fifteen year old.

@Quiet Is Violent
"I want to, I really want to, I just... I can't..." Paint sat down against a wall. "I... I'm so sorry. I thought... I really thought I could..." Paint wiped away her tears. "My father... He was a drunkard. He would... I have a scar on my shoulder... He got mad..." Paint shifts her shirt so the broken C shaped scar was visible. "Four inches... They couldn't get all the glass out... And then Mary... Too soon... I should have... Should have..." Paint buried her face in her knees and sobbed.
"Oh..." Coriolanus muttered darkly, his eyes narrowing. "Oh."

The commander tightened and relaxed his fists a couple of times, unsure about how to react to Paint's breakdown.

His eyes studied the C shaped scar with interest, and sat down next to her.

The italian's hand turned so that his owns were visible, and he sighed.

"Our scars don't define us, remember that. But they mark us, and I understand how difficult it is to ignore them."

The three lines deeply imprinted in the back of his hand seemed to be mocking him, so he hid them back in his pocket.

"I truly do."

He found an ounce of pity in himself for the fifteen year old, yet he couldn't bring himself to truly comfort her, he was unable to.

Coriolanus had done his best.

A new name was just added in his list of secrets.

@Quiet Is Violence
Paint shook her head. She was hysterical. There were too many memories. Too much pain. When Coriolanus sits down next to her, Paint looked at his hand. He spoke, and Paint nodded. "I... I'm sorry..." She whispers, wiping at her tears. "I shouldn't have... You've had worse probably..."
"Most likely not." After all, who was he to judge?

Reaching into his jacket's inside pocket, where one of his knives was hidden, Coriolanus extracted a Kleenex and offered it to the girl.

Raising on his feet again the italian waited for the girl to clean herself up so that they'd be able to go, seeing that the passing people on the streets had stopped and looked at them.

The commander sent them all a glare, his expression returning soft only the moment his eyes laid on the arist again.

Taking a step in her direction, he offered his warm hand for her to raise.

@Quiet Is Violent

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