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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis raised an eyebrow, "Yes Red, we understand how keen you are." She sighed, heavily. "Fine, but do not wander off alone. Listen to my orders." She stated, allowing the auburn haired girl to join her one man band.

Artemis then glanced towards Coriolanus, would he join. She would not force him, of course she would be more careful as she knew about his scars.
Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

Stallion rolled his eyes as Coriolanus stood with an offer. "I can hold the fort, I guess." He sighed, as soon as he was forced to face Artemis' gaze, he agreed.

"Any-fucking-body else?" He asked, watching members face towards him and whisper among themselves, "Come on, we only a few. We have three now." Stallion then looked down, "Fine. Take Slim and, urm. Hailey." Stallion struggled to keep track of everybody's identities, he also attempted to not sound rude.
Coriolanus smirked in satisfaction, before his brain immediately started working.

"Good, now everyone should think about a story for themselves. The reason why you joined the Wolves, how you heard of them."

He moved his sharp gaze on the small 'spying group', licking his bottom lip.

"The time we've spent in The Blood? Forget it, one slip and you'll kill us all. Perhaps we could even pretend to be relatives, or to have some sort of connection. Or none at all. As long the story holds it's fine. We also need a code for when we are among the enemy lines."

As always, the italian thought about everything. He'd been often called paranoid, but it were his worries that often saved them from awful situations.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

"I have an idea, actually. I need your help Stallion." She said. "We find Kobra at a local place he goes to and cause a scene there, leaving me being the devestated girlfriend as you leave. Ring any bells?" Most members laughed, remembering the moment when Artemis had played the same scene in another scenario to rob a club. The new members lay dumbfounded, a few forcing exaggerated laughs, how embarassing.
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"A little risky, don't you think? Stallion could be spied on again, and if they make the connection Artemis will be killed."

An idea went through his mind, perhaps a little more extreme but nevertheless good.

After all, who didn't enjoy romantic stories?

"Since this accent of mine can't be really taken away, I can intensify that. You can play the part of the girl who left her home state to run away with her lover," He suppressed a snort as he pointed to himself "And just acting desperate and broken into one of their clubs will get their attention. So we can both get in at once."

Truly not only he did this to keep both Stallion and Artemis safe, but so that he could be near the second in command even when they were in the Wolves
Paint smiled, watching the scene intently. She wanted to spy. But she is a little scared of speaking up. Spineless. Paint scolds herself. So she stood straight and said. "I'd love to help you, Ms. Artemis." She says confidently. "I'm a very good liar. And I am quiet. Easily ignored." Paint starts to trail off hen, her bravery starting to fade. "That is... If you'll let me... Join that is...."
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

"Well we need back up." Artemis then shrugged her shoulders. "I just want to get a hold of that Kobra, and of course make our home feel somewhat safe again." The young girl then sat down, arms crossed and one leg on top of the other. The wind which entered through the open doors hit her hair and pushed it back, making her seem so sassy.

"When shall we set this plan into motion?" Artemis asked, and answered her own question. "I think we should set this plan for the start of next week, we now have a full seven days to plan this mission." From across the room, Stallion coughed for attention. "What the fuck do you want?" Artemis sighed.

"Who said I told you to speak for me, I shall decide." Stallion spoke, glaring. It was a relationship they had, the more they argued, the more they were showing their friendly love to one another. They both had simillar views on the whole situation but Stallion loved to seize control.

"Fine, when should we carry out this mission then?" Artemis spoke, quite rude but when did she start caring about what people thought?

"Well, we should do it... Next week, like Artemis said." Stallion concluded smirking. Artemis rolled her eyes and threw the nearest thing she could get hold of in Stallion's direction, that was a worn pillow which was beneath her stool to give comfort.
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Paint faded back into the crowd, embarrassed. This is why she is spineless. She is terrified of rejection. Paint wants to leave so she can start touching up her piece, but she also wants to stay. Paint can't really leave anyways. Doing so makes her look odd. So she just stands against the wall, silent.

That is, until they say the plan starts next week. Suddenly Pain got nervous. Does that include the piece? Or is it just the spies? Would Stallion get annoyed if she asked? Perhaps it would be better to ask after the meeting. But by then, someone may find the piece. Then again, someone already could have found it. Paint started scratching her wrist, double guessing herself.
"To next week then." The italian muttered, adverting his attention from the two commanders' fight.

Coriolanus had always found it peculiar how those two could fight and insult each other mercilessly and still share a bond so strong.

He shrugged to himself, taking advantage of the occasion to leer at Artemis' backside.

They were dating, weren't they?

Walking behind said girl he spoke in her ear, having noticed it had quite the effect on the girl.

"Perhaps we should start and study our little act, then."
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis rolled her grey eyes as she smiled, "We can practice that later. Now, eyes up here." Artemis motioned to her face.

The young girl had noticed how many of the men stared in their direction, it was rare seeing a pair from The Blood get together, people refrained from that type of relationship knowing that their partner may suffer a chance from dying in battle.

Coriolanus and her may have been the first pair, it may have been something else.

Jesus, Stallion was right. This outfit is certainly not better than what I wore before. Artemis looked down at the attire she currently covered herself with. Her sleevless top went below her waist but her acid washed denim shorts were a little short, exposing her smooth, milk-coloured legs.
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Coriolanus turned his head to glare at all those who had been staring at the second in command's form.

His expression wasn't exactly murderous since the italian understood the other members, females in The Blood were few, but they should have had at least a little bit of respect. As many gazes left Artemis' body to meet his own, they quickly pretended to be going on with their duties.

"Well, what were we talking about?" The commander smirked sarcastically, glancing back at Artemis and Stallion. "Oh yeah, then I'm awaiting for orders."
Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

Stallion brushed a hand through his volumous hair and sighed, "Well, this is where Slim comes in. He is quite impressive and sly when it comes to scouting. You need to find enough information so we can get you all in working in the inside." Stallion then remembered about the member sent to scout them. His face turned towards Hunter, wearing a sly smirk.

"I think somebody should kill him, he has heard too much." Stallion stated, and allowed a few excited members to take the wailing enemy into the game room. Stallion had to admit that this was done deliberately, he would normally let them go and deliver a message but if they had been scouting The Blood without being caught, they must be a threat. The leader was just filled with so much pride that he could not admit that they may be playing games with a far dangerous breed of gang than what they had dealt with in the past.

The game room was Stallion's favourite room, the room was equiped with all sorts of weapons, machine guns, daggers and even ninja stars. Headphones were obviously provided to assist members to keep going through the noise. To keep the prisoners in their position, there were chains and chairs with straps.
Coriolanus wrinkled his nose in disgust at the statement, shaking his head as the soldiers brought a struggling Hunter to the game room.

"He sure deserves death, but torture? Hunter was just an unimportant reclute." The italian muttered his opinion to Artemis, not sure wherever the younger girl would have agreed or not.

Unlike many gangsters, Coriolanus valued human life. He'd never kill an innocent 'for the fun of it', and those he killed he did it in the most fast way possible.

Seen the brutality with which many seemed to fight the eighteen year old had always had a goal: keep his humanity.
Slim suddenly snapped out of the gaze which he had currently inspected Artemis and Coriolanus with. He heard his name and the compliment addressed to him, which he reacted to with a smile. "Gee, thanks." He muttered, at least he still got enough attention. But now the only thing on his mind was that Artemis, the one girl and person he loved and relied on, had run off with the person who replaced Slim. What about their playful scene in front of The Grotto? Surely, their flirting meant something.

"Actually, Artemis. I need to talk to you. About business." He spoke casually before getting up.

He assured himself that Artemis still loved him, if she did ever love him. She had only gotten involved with Corio-whatever due to keeping Slim safe from Stallion. That's what he believed anyway.
Paint paled at the fact that they were going to kill the scout. This is not what she expected when joining the gang. Then again, what did she expect? She only joined in the hopes of finding a family. She hasn't really done that either.

The young girl turned away from the crowd and walked towards the exit of the Grotto. But she couldn't make herself leave. She didn't want to. Some sick, twisted part of her mind wanted to hear her enemy die. That's not normal for Paint. She doesn't like violence. But this urge overpowered any sense of personality and Paint went to the game room. She didn't step inside. She sat by the door, eager to hear the screams and horrified by her own bloodthirsty instinct.
Aremis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis shrugged her shoulders, listening to the cries for help from Hunter. "Stallion would never kill without a reason. But, I do slightly feel sorry for him." She bit her lip as she heard the door slam shut, and guns clicked and memers jeered.

Suddenly, Slim came to the rescue with a request.

"Surely, you should speak to me about this if it about business?" A voice interrupted her reply. Stallion, again.

"No, you are far too busy. At least let me do my job." Artemis scowled, standing up and walking over the legs of members. A path was created for her and Slim as she walked outside, sighing as the noise from The Game Room became louder.
Still unnerved by the whole 'torture' business, the Italian light himself a cigarette. He was about to suggest a walk to Artemis before Slim, who had also been unnerving the italian with his continue staring, decided to approach.

Coriolanus wasn't obvious to the feelings the previous third in command held for the sixteen year old, so he couldn't hold back a smirk at the other young man's request.

He had stolen first his role, now his crush.

'Casually' blowing smoke in Slim's face, the italian placed a kiss on Artemis' temple.

"I'll be talking to Stallion." He muttered, watching the duo head off with a glare.

Turning to his leader the male nodded toward the direction of the screams.

"If this is what we do to their reclutes, what are we doing to Kobra?" He chuckled, before turning serious again.

"No hard feelings about me and Artemis, right?"
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As a grin spread on her features at the sound of screams, Paint could also feel her hands shaking. Part of her desperately wanted revenge on the boy. The other part wanted to get away as fast as possible. And as the boy screamed more and more, Paint started to get more desperate to escape.

Paint couldn't take it anymore. She stood up and walked away from the game room. She saw Stallion with Coriolanus and she walked over with her head down. "Stallion? Sir? Um... may I ask you a question?" Paint murmurs, blushing deeply.

Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader of The Blood

Stallion raised an eyebrow as he watched Coriolanus walk towards him,
Do not come over here, whatever the fuck you do, do not come here. Oh, crap. Stallion winced lightly as Coriolanus spoke, "Yes, everything is still exactly the same." Stallion reassured the Italian member.

Stallion refused to clench his fists and respond differently by giving Coriolanus a surprise in the face, but refrained from violence.

Suddenly, the new member spoke as every other member scurried away. "Please - it is just Stallion." Calling him 'sir' reminded Stallion of his previous life where he lived luxuriously with staff and family heirlooms worth probably millions. His accent gave away to all of the members that he was not a social outcast with financial problems and family problems, well the last one was false. But he spoke with such vocabulary that it was difficult to understand him sometimes, but now he had been with his family for so long he had adapted to their street talk, well some of it.

"Yes? What do you wish to discuss?" He asked, folding both arms across his chest firmly.
Coriolanus' lips softened in a thin line.

"Of course." The commander muttered, holding back the narrowing of his eyes.

Reading people had never been that hard for him, and it seemed that for Stallion not anything was the same.

He did not wish to enter in conflict with his leader, but he also wouldn't bend to the others' resentfulness toward the relationship he shared with Artemis.

"Well, then I'll be over there organizing guard turns if you have anything to tell me." With a courteous smile, Coriolanus approached a group of soldiers.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis sighed heavily as she escaped the screams which were muffled by the sound proof doors, that is the thing that made her feel slightly scared, the doors were sound proof, was Hunter suffering alot. No, he was not. He needed more.

"I am a monster." Artemis muttered to herself, coating her chest with her arms as she cane across the merciless thought, "I like it." A smirk then came aross her face, she was supposed to be the second-in-command, she was supposed to be pure evil.
Slim followed the girl out and walked a few small paces behind her. Hearing her even mutter the words she did, it was like music. Slim's auburn hair was free in the wind and his emerald green eyes were like gems as he looked upon Artemis. "I don't think you are a monster. Well, not necessarily."He smirked, rubbing the back of his neck. Was he still able to flirt even if she was now bought off the market?

OOC: This is part of the storyline for Slim, it was okay with
@Chocoholique so... Yeah, Slim will get leathered. Bare...
Paint flushes and scratches her wrist. "Right. Sorry sir-- I mean, Stallion. I mean..." Paint looks up at Stallion quickly, then quickly averts her gaze to her feet once more. She's jittery, terrified of the leader. "I was just.... wondering... Um... you said that we weren't... doing anything for a week... does that... um... include the... tag I was going to do?" Paint murmurs, almost too quiet to hear.

"Alrighf gentleman, you're free to go." Coriolanus didn't bother watching as the other soldiers walked away from his table, focused on his paper.

He had been calculating everything about the guard turns, and also things not involving them.

The italian had made it so that from midnight to three a.m, the timespan in which many went to sleep, a group of four guards would be guarding the roof, and would give their change to other three guards from three to six a.m, time in which most started to raise. Another five would guard the halls at night, four all safe holders, and three outside of the Grotto.

The italian rubbed his hands in satisfaction: he had got each angle of their base covered, now it resembled Alcatraz more than anything

His eyes calculatingly slid to the new members, and he added a small yet important note "all members that have joined less than two months ago must have someone guarding their actions." He didn't want to risk a spy inside The Blood.

Coriolanus' gaze fell on Stallion, would the leader approve his plan?

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