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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

Couldyoustfu said:
"Most likely not." After all, who was he to judge?
Reaching into his jacket's inside pocket, where one of his knives was hidden, Coriolanus extracted a Kleenex and offered it to the girl.

Raising on his feet again the italian waited for the girl to clean herself up so that they'd be able to go, seeing that the passing people on the streets had stopped and looked at them.

The commander sent them all a glare, his expression returning soft only the moment his eyes laid on the arist again.

Taking a step in her direction, he offered his warm hand for her to raise.

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint took the Kleenex and blew her nose into it, calming herself down. She smiled at Coriolanus, taking his hand and standing up. "I... I shouldn't have broken down like that. I'm sorry. But... Please don't tell anyone? I don't want anyone to know. They'll think... They'll think I'm weak."
Coriolanus nodded graciously, smiling secretively at Paint.

"It's better to be underestimated, but alright, it will be our secret. Promise."

He started walking in The Grotto's direction once again, softly whistling his national anthem.

How ironically hypocrite.

Not turning toward Paint he spoke again, instead observing the various shops Darkbridge provided.

"In The Blood your past won't really matter to anyone except yourself, what is really important is the way you set yourself as now. You're already making yourself a name with the whole graffiti thing, so you don't have to worry."

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint nodded. "I try to stay quiet, try to be underestimated. But... I don't think people see me as weak. Do they?" Paint walks behind Coriolanus, trailing him as closely as possible. "I mean, I've never seen myself as weak. Just not a fighter. It's not weak to be calm, is it?" Paint is talking to no one, just speaking. "I think my anger comes out in my art. It's easier to express when words aren't involved. Words are three dimensional. Art is four dimensional. What I mean by that is words have only three elements; the word, the tone, and the expression. Art has so many more. The colors, the composition, the figures, the size, the placement, the moment it was created and the moment it is seen.... It's so complex. It's... It's easier to get everything in your head out with art." Paint stops herself. She's ranting. "Sorry, that must have been incredibly boring to listen to. I got.. Lost. In my thoughts that is."
Coriolanus laughed at her rant, shaking his head. Chatty once opened up, wasn't she?

"No, it's actually admirable how you found a way to express your anger, not anyone can do that." Her argument on art was truly interesting, seen that the main interest in the gang was "savaging and killing".

"Weak? No." He started regarding her previous question "Personally I see you as insecure, not confident, but that doesn't make you weak."

@Quiet Is Violent
Couldyoustfu said:
Coriolanus laughed at her rant, shaking his head. Chatty once opened up, wasn't she?
"No, it's actually admirable how you found a way to express your anger, not anyone can do that." Her argument on art was truly interesting, seen that the main interest in the gang was "savaging and killing".

"Weak? No." He started regarding her previous question "Personally I see you as insecure, not confident, but that doesn't make you weak."

@Quiet Is Violent
"Insecure..." Paint nodded. "Yeah. I am. I... Seek approval a lot." She whispers, kicking a pebble down the side walk. "Do you think that maybe that is why people get angry? Because deep down they are hurting?" Paint asks, looking up at Coriolanus with her brown eyes filled with a sort of admiration.
Coriolanus sighed, his blue irises shifting to meet the teenager's.

"Everyone has anger inside of them for a reason or another, and anger isn't something that slowly consumes you from the inside. It's a constant, and sometimes it explodes too. But if you find something to keep it tuned, well, that's great."

@Quiet Is Violent I have to go out for two hours or so
"Nah, it's fine, I was actually waiting for someone." The italian fidgeted with his ring, frowning at the memory of Slim and Artemis' conversations. That guy probably had every reason to hate Coriolanus now, but that wouldn't justify any vindictive action by him in the eyes of the now third in command.

Sighing, the brunette distracted himself with chatting.

"I actually enjoy making new friends, the more the merrier. Just because I'm a commander that doesn't make me some kind of divinity that raises above you mere mortals." He shook his head at the image, slightly turning his chin to the teen.

"If there's anything you wish to discuss I'm going to be always there. When I got chosen I took it seriously, I can't simply be your commander, that would be boring."

The italian treated most soldiers the same, ordering them around and scaring them off, but as delighting as it was he still felt the need to connect with his "family". Especially with it's most interesting members.

He wanted to be a guide, an example to follow.

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint smiles. She felt... Content. She rarely feels content. Usually she feels lonely, dejected, or empty. But this was a warm feeling. She can't help but tear up.

Paint looks up at Coriolanus. "You and Artemis... I think y'all are cute. It's really quite lovely how you two still find time for love." Paint whispers. "I know I couldn't."

A smile crawled up his features at the menfion of the girls.

"Thanks, but there's not really that much time. It seems like we can't find a moment alone without being interrupted by..." His eyes narrowed "...someone."

Coriolanus cracked his neck, a chuckle raising from his truth at her comment.

"You're young, you're pretty, there's always going to pop some guy around. Some will be scared of you because you're probably way smarter than most of the male population out there, and they're used to all those dull dumb dolls who swoon at every word they say. Just gotta find a good match."

Coriolanus actually enjoyed Paint's company. She feels familiar.

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint smiles. "Well, at least y'all can steal moments. Sometimes moments are more special than years." Paint says this sincerely, feeling at ease with Coriolanus now. "Just like a quote. A book can be great, but a quote can be more memorable."

Then he talks about her love life and she sighs. "Boys my age only have one thing on their mind. And it isn't something I am going to give them. Maybe when I grow up I'll find a guy. But right now? Not happening."
Coriolanus laughed, scratching his chin.

"Most, there's always someone different. Take me at fifteen, I was perfect." The italian sarcastically said, before placing a spread hand on his chest "Just like I am now, after all."

The commander shook his head again before returning to a serious tone. "No, honestly, there's always the exception. The bad apple."

As a large man walked around with his wallet obviously stuffed in his exposed jacket pocket, Coriolanus smirked, taking it as soon as the man had passed.

The content was deluding, only eighty dollars, but better than nothing.

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint shrugged. "I suppose. But I'm not looking for anyone. I'm only in one place for a limited amount of time anyways. Probably gonna have to leave here eventually." She said this casually, because moving had become a casual endeavor for her. Every once in a while she packed up and disappeared.
Slim's throat became dry as soon as he was up against Artemis' sharp features. He took a minute to look into her grey eyes and attempt to read her. "Tell me, even lie to me. That you are not with him of all people. Coriolanus. Whatever the hell his name is." Slim then turned away, looking down. He was not looking for a fight but he could not believe of all people she was with the one who replaced him.
His slowed his pace, raising his gaze to her.

"Seriously? Why's that? I mean, what more to wish than such a bright and serene city as Darkbridge."

Coriolanus took in a deep breath of the polluted air, feigning relief "Nothing better!"

The commander wondered if it had something to do with her family, but refrained from asking, not wanting Paint fo have yet another breakdown in the middle of the streets.

@Quiet Is Violent
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis scowled as Slim spoke, "Hey, he might be a little frightening at first but once he learns to open up, he is actually a really nice person. I honestly do not know what is going on with you at the moment. It has been a long day, you lost your position and you became so drunk you could barely walk." The young girl then placed her hand on his shoulder, "I understand if you are worried for me, Stallion was. Coriolanus is older, and Stallion did tell me to be careful because men that age only have one thing on their mind. But I do not see Coriolanus looking for that right now."

Artemis then forced him to face her by grasping his face into her hand. "Why do you keep on pushing people back."
Couldyoustfu said:
His slowed his pace, raising his gaze to her.
"Seriously? Why's that? I mean, what more to wish than such a bright and serene city as Darkbridge."

Coriolanus took in a deep breath of the polluted air, feigning relief "Nothing better!"

The commander wondered if it had something to do with her family, but refrained from asking, not wanting Paint fo have yet another breakdown in the middle of the streets.

@Quiet Is Violent
"Just... I do. A lot." Paint whispers, not amused by his sarcasm. She looked up at the street. "I don't actually know how to get back to my piece from here."
Slim held Artemis' hand in his and sighed. How could he get the words out. "I was hoping you would find a man elsewhere. Somebody not Coriolanus. There are much better men than him." Slim waited for her reply and tilted her chin up with his fingers.
He sighed in relief upon approaching The Grotto, it had seemed like no one was spying on them.

"Well, weren't we on the eyes-" Coriolanus' eyes moved to the spot were Artemis and Slim had been talking, and still were before, and he noticed them making physical contact.

His temper flared up, the italian's face twisting in a vicious glare.

Not turning to Paint, he exhaled air from his lungs.

"Fucking distract me." He hissed, not moving his eyes from the second in command and Slim. "Distract me or I'll shoot that piece of shit."

@Quiet Is Violent
Couldyoustfu said:
He sighed in relief upon approaching The Grotto, it had seemed like no one was spying on them.
"Well, weren't we on the eyes-" Coriolanus' eyes moved to the spot were Artemis and Slim had been talking, and still were before, and he noticed them making physical contact.

His temper flared up, the italian's face twisting in a vicious glare.

Not turning to Paint, he exhaled air from his lungs.

"Fucking distract me." He hissed, not moving his eyes from the second in command and Slim. "Distract me or I'll shoot that piece of shit."

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint looked at the two of them and made a small noise of surprise. She then grabbed Coriolanus' arm and tugged him towards her piece. "Don't, don't do that, bad idea. How about I teach you how to spray paint? It's really quite fun!" Paint said this very quickly and hurriedly, and every word sounds a little clipped.
Coriolanus allowed her to push him toward the piece, and he nodded, his sharp jaw clench.

"Alright, alright." The commander muttered, taking a random one out of the right sprays.

Playing with the light tube in his hands Coriolanus started muttering, desperately trying to calm his nerves.

"Remember what I said about rage? I haven't found my way to express it. And trust me I'm probably one of the calmest men among the people here...but there are some things I just can't stand. And I'm usually not even the jealous type. Oh the moment I get him alone..I'm going to snap his neck in half." The last part was said lowly and darkly as he went to a blank wall and started to randomly spray, gripping the tube so tightly he could feel it twisting under the force of his palms.

"Some people are always out there to ruin your happiness. If he tries anything..." He bit his lip so hard that the taste of blood invaded his tongue "I'll make him wish he had never been born." Nervousness made his accent stand out more.

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint winced at his anger. "It's uh.. it's alright... just calm down. Trust in Artemis. She won't let him do a thing to her." She said this calmly, almost reassuringly. "I'll take care of Slim. I can hurt people in ways you wouldn't believe." That's true and not true at the same time. She can hurt people, but Coriolanus could probably predict how.

"Be careful with that paint, Coriolanus." She warns him, unpacking her bag. "Just, here, let me show you how to tag." Paint gets up and taps on Coriolanus' shoulder. "Coriolanus?"

Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis brushed his hand off lightly, and mistead him. "You mean Stallion? Oh, well you know that saying 'been there, done that.' Except, I did not do anything with him." Artemis then turned around, finding Coriolanus spraying on a wall. She felt an urge to join him and tag along, but she was not going to be that girl which would constantly pester him for his time, so she stayed with Slim.
[ Joan Fa-Lin ] — Yue

Yue walked through the corridors of the storagehouse(or wherever this place is), heels clicking on the tile floor. A pause, and a turn of her head occurred as her senses were alerted of someone's voice: Stallion's. Smiling, she sauntered towards the leader, hoping to grab his attention,"Stallion—?" He barely turned to her before entering his room. Two guards towered over her at the entrance, and although she could take them out relatively easily, she wouldn't. Instead, she smiled her innocent smile, looking as sweet as an angel. "Excuse me, boys, but do you think you could let me in? I have urgent business with Stallion." She said it loud enough so that the man himself heard her. Hopefully, though, he'd let her in. It really was an important matter. "It has to do with my guard, Tommy."

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