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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

Paint ran into the room to see the violence. Oh god. She feels like vomiting. But she won't. This is her family. Nothing will take that away from her. Paint, in a moment of bravery, jumped into the fight. She grabbed Coriolanus and pulled him back. "STOP IT!" She screamed, unaware of the tears on her face. "STOP FIGHTING!" Paint couldn't help herself, the fights seemed like the ones in the homes. She was always Slim. She would not let the same thing happen to her new family. Not again.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis rolled her eyes as Paint came running.

"I probably will regret this." She clenched her fists and narrowed her eyes. "Do not try and act like a fairy, 'family this and family that. Families do not fight'. Open your eyes and try and see that this is the sort of family we are. If you do not like our version of 'fighting', you can get the next car out of here." Sure, she was harsh. But all of the new members had a past which they want told. Everybody was hurting but nobody can stop it.

"Since when were you rookies in control of the commanders and the ones who have been here longer than any of you." Artemis then turned to face Slim. "Let him go. He has had enough after kissing me."
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Coriolanus growled in Slim's face but obeyed, whispering so that only the other male could hear.

"When I get you alone..."

Before eventually harshly releasing him and taking a step back, immediately walking to Artemis' side. "Did he hurt you?" He narrowed his eyes at the point in which Slim's hand had gripped her.

"I knew I couldn't trust that motherfucker."

The commander would have taken Artemis' hand, but feared that the black paint still on his hand would dirty hers, so instead he took deep and calming breaths.

"Let's get away from here." He said hopefully.
Slim enjoyed the kiss while it lasted, but was quite hurt at the rejection he faced. He then felt embarassed and humiliated as soon as Stallion came, running. The idiot could have gotten any girl around his finger, but he did not do that to Artemis. As he was being beaten, his vision blurred. He deserved it, but then Coriolanus came, and he seemed quite mad.

As the new third-in-command insisted to go inside with Artemis, Slim shook his beaten face. "Artemis. Atleast bloody listen to me. He doesn't deserve you! And you know that." Slim watched Artemis' curvy figure and how she would clench her fists. Yes he would probably get beaten again but he did not mind, as long as he got that right answer.

"Shut the fuck up!" He snapped as yet again Slim spoke, stopping himself from hitting him again. The instinct was strong, though.

"Do you think I stole everything from you? Well, wake up! I didn't steal shit from you." The italian sneered, running an hand through his dark hair "Everything I have, I worked for it. I didn't steal your position, it was given to me, and most of all I didn't steal 'your' girl, since Artemis was never ever interested in your pathetic excuse of an ass."

The commander hoped the second in command would also defend Coriolanus, and that Stallion would not take Slim's side. The dark haired young man now simply wished for everything to return back to like it was before, and for himself and Artemis to have a normal existence.
Paint felt her stomach flip. Artemis' words hurt much more than she probably thought they did. Paint wanted a family that actually cared for her. And once again, she's been rejected. Only this time, she's spilled part of her heart to the family. It hurt far worse than most rejections did.

Paint wiped away her tears, backing away from the scene. She didn't know what to do. She could leave the gang all together, forget about ever trying to find family. Or she could stay, and deal with the constant pain. Neither are what she wants.

As she backed away, Paint looked at Artemis. A cold hatred filled Paints eyes. This is her fault. All of this. And for that, Paint won't forgive her. Paint turned and left the grotto, returning to her piece. She scowled and picked up a white paint, completely erasing her work. They won't defeat the wolves if they can't work together. And in all honesty, Paint doesn't want them to. The Blood hurt her. She tried to open up and they hurt her. And that is not something Paint takes lightly.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis rolled her eyes as Paint sauntered off, she was of no use to The Grotto anyway. As she turned her heal to follow Coriolanus' command, Slim spoke and Coriolanus replied. "Who does deserve me then, Slim?" Artemis then slowly turned her head, and within a minute turned her whole body. She wanted to cry, she wanted to apologise. To everyone. "Yes, he has been my boyfriend for about ten minutes and you have been a friend for so many years. But that is all you are. I am sorry. You know that I know the feeling you are going through now. I have been called 'just a friend' for so long now that it was time to move on." Saying those words, she glanced at Stallion but soon flicked her gaze back to Slim.
Stallion {Eighteen} Second-In-Command

Stallion grunted as Artemis said such a speech, he had no idea who this man was who broke her heart but he would kill him. "Right, well now that we are all quite calm, excuse me as I deal with another situation." The leader then disappeared, in search of the artistic member.

"Oh Rookie," He smiled, "Someone seems mad." Stallion's eyes then averted to the piece, "Someone also works fast." He then observed how Paint furiously erased her work, "Someone also likes ruining that piece of work." Saying those words, Stallion caught hold of Paint by the collar, lifting her up off the ground. "I think you should calm down."

Stallion had no idea how he could be so cool in such situations, but it was a good quality fo a leader. He hid all of his emotions, well most of them. He was still quite violent and angry openly but it was The Blood, you kill to survive, right?

He observed with a pained frown the scene played before him, before furiously stomping his foot down on the hard Grotto's floor.

"Enough, this isn't a race and Artemis is not a price, she chooses what she wants and what she doesn't want to do, I can't change it and neither can you." Coriolanus sighed, pleading with his eyes the second in command to go.

The italian wanted to make sure she hadn't changed her mind and that she still felt the same way about him, and he couldn't do it with all those people around shouting nonsense. His eyes studied her features, her grey eyes, her body and her dark hair, and Coriolanus wanted it all to be his.

He wanted to kiss her again, to touch her, but perhaps he wanted a little too much from Artemis without giving her anything, so the commander decided he'd open up to her, whatever her desires and questions would be.

Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

As Stallipn left the three to attempt to solve the situation, Artemis knew what she had to do. She had to choose and the choice was an easy one.

"Shall we go inside, Coriolanus?" Artemis turned to face him and soon started walking off, feeling a little sorry for Slim but restrained herself from turning back to apologise again.
Chocoholique said:
Stallion {Eighteen} Second-In-Command
Stallion grunted as Artemis said such a speech, he had no idea who this man was who broke her heart but he would kill him. "Right, well now that we are all quite calm, excuse me as I deal with another situation." The leader then disappeared, in search of the artistic member.

"Oh Rookie," He smiled, "Someone seems mad." Stallion's eyes then averted to the piece, "Someone also works fast." He then observed how Paint furiously erased her work, "Someone also likes ruining that piece of work." Saying those words, Stallion caught hold of Paint by the collar, lifting her up off the ground. "I think you should calm down."

Stallion had no idea how he could be so cool in such situations, but it was a good quality fo a leader. He hid all of his emotions, well most of them. He was still quite violent and angry openly but it was The Blood, you kill to survive, right?

Paint looks at Stallion and tears filled her eyes again. She shoves him away, to angry to think straight. "get away from me!" She almost screamed, her emotions now uncontrollable. "Leave me alone! I'm not your property, I don't belong to you! You let them fight and hurt each other and don't realize how weak the gang is because of it! If the wolves wanted us dead, we would be dead already!" Paint was sobbing uncontrollably, all of the pain she tried to suppress now flooding out of her. "I wanted a family. I tried to be a part of it. And you.... All you do is act like children and fight!"
Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

"I am not good at this..." Stallion attempted to comfort her, "That is not necessarily true. It is just that new members joined. Artemis and some others do not like that. You actually remind me of one of the old members, died in 'battle'. Her name was Giselle. And anyway, we do not fight with eachother often. And if we do, we solve the problem. Like how Slim and Artemis did after you left." He did not know what else to say, he remembered those who died, who they buried and who they missed. Giselle was only one of the few.
Coriolanus let a smile warm his features. So he'd won. Again.

"Yes, let's." He followed after the younger girl with no glance back, even if the temptation to send a middle finger in Slim's direction was strong.

"Wanna come in my room? It's a little messy but at least we won't get bothered. I also have to wash my hands, so." The italian really meant it, not in his intentions to bring Artemis into something she wasn't interested in. He even exposed his still spray painted hand for eyes to see.
Chocoholique said:
Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader
"I am not good at this..." Stallion attempted to comfort her, "That is not necessarily true. It is just that new members joined. Artemis and some others do not like that. You actually remind me of one of the old members, died in 'battle'. Her name was Giselle. And anyway, we do not fight with eachother often. And if we do, we solve the problem. Like how Slim and Artemis did after you left." He did not know what else to say, he remembered those who died, who they buried and who they missed. Giselle was only one of the few.
"I don't care. I honestly don't." Paint was angry again. "I don't care about your excuses. I don't. I... I thought I... You were supposed to be a family. You were supposed to care! And... you don't. They don't care. They don't..." Paint started to calm down. "Why don't they care? Why doesn't anyone care?" Her anger turned to just pain, pure and heart-wrenching pain. She looked up at Stallion with an almost pleading expression. "I just wanted a family who cared about the others. But those don't really exist, do they? Those aren't real."
Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

"They do. We are a family and we show it, but at times we all lose it. Like how you lost it there. With no paint and words, nobody will know how ready we are for this. To be honest things were better when there was just us and the others." Stallion placed a small smile, attempting to relive the memories, but Paint's state sort of disturbed him. "Nobody talked back, everybody would be there for eachother. We all would have a gang banging if anybody brought trouble to one of the members. You know my doorman, Knuckles, the man was picked up on the streets by me and he may seem mute now but he used to talk alot back in the day. He has been suffering a lot, lost a couple of friends and a girl. Which is why I am not fond if Artemis' relationship with Coriolanus." Stallion was very open, who could stop him?
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Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis peered at Coriolanus' stained hands and nodded. The black spay paint coated his hands, he needed a good wash. "Yeah." Artemis took a few steps forward, but could not help it any longer and carried out her urge to look back at Slim. She was not positive about what may happen to their friendly relationship, after this, it may not even be friendly.
You will find someone soon, it just will not be me. I am so sorry. She thought and said with her grey eyes.

The wind blew her hair back, and sounded like music as the autumn leaves floated around them.
Slim watched as Artemis' mouth moved to utter the words he dreaded. He had been rejected, he had not been chosen to hold her hand or kiss her lips. He would have done a better job of making her feel happy. As the two figures walked away, so close, Artemis flipped back and her grey eyes met Slim's emerald green ones. They apologised, but he would not have any of it. NOW he had lost everything.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis then looked at her hand, how her long and thin fingers shook a little after punching Slim continuosly, she had to stop doing this. She had to stop getting angry at those she was supposed to love. She then took hold of Coriolanus' clean hand and laced her fingers with his. Leaning back on his chest, Artemis sighed. She then lifted her head back up and attempted to lead him inside. She wanted to get out of here, she wanted to fly away, she wanted to be anywhere else, even hell, where she thought she may as well end up.
Chocoholique said:
Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader
"They do. We are a family and we show it, but at times we all lose it. Like how you lost it there. With no paint and words, nobody will know how ready we are for this. To be honest things were better when there was just us and the others." Stallion placed a small smile, attempting to relive the memories, but Paint's state sort of disturbed him. "Nobody talked back, everybody would be there for eachother. We all would have a gang banging if anybody brought trouble to one of the members. You know my doorman, Knuckles, the man was picked up on the streets by me and he may seem mute now but he used to talk alot back in the day. He has been suffering a lot, lost a couple of friends and a girl. Which is why I am not fond if Artemis' relationship with Coriolanus." Stallion was very open, who could stop him?
Paint looked at the ground, slightly embarrassed by her behavior. "I'm sorry..." She whispered, wiping at her tears. "I mean... for everything. For yelling. For pushing you. For all of it. I shouldn't have... I was just..." She wrapped her arms around herself and sighed. "I don't have a family. Not a real one. Not anymore. I thought... I thought families were supposed to always get along... I was wrong. I am wrong. And I'm sorry for taking you away from the gang just to deal with my break down."
Coriolanus observed warily Artemis and Slim's interaction, stopping himself from commenting.

"Here we are, ladies first." He held the door to his room open upon having reached inside. His room was medium sized, a king bed and some of his belongings, mostly stolen merchandizing.

"Make yourself at home, I'll be over there." He said softly, washing his hand throughly with the sink in the room's angle.

"This day has been...heavy, take a beer if you wish so." The italian pointed to the minifridge positioned near his bed, inside of which many alcoholics resided.

@Chocoholique Sorry for possible typos kinda drunk

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