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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

Couldyoustfu said:
But hey I'm 16 and it was a party I never drink if not at parties i don't like drinking that mucj @Quief I Violent
No you don't have to justify it. I just haven't been exposed to that really
Couldyoustfu said:
Hey someday you'll try it even if Idk how it works in USA really, and you'll either tolerate it or love it
Actually I'm pretty sure I'm not going to. My family is prone to addiction so I'm scared of it.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis nodded as Coriolanus went to clean himself up, she then decided to wander around and explore the room. Coriolanus possessed quite a few worthy items, a few luxuries and many pieces of gold.
Definitely stolen, she thought as she observed exactly how many pieces of jewellery there were. Even on the days off he would work, it seemed. The girl then sat down on his bed and brushed her hand through the sheets. As the Italian offered a beer, she accepted it with an open gand. If drinking would send her somewhere else, she hoped he had lots of where they came from.

OOC: I am a Muslim and I'm just there like, "I am thirteen and you know what bitch, yes I get drunk too. On pepsi, mostly and the other 25% would be coca cola... I love my life.
The italian grinned as he saw Artemis observing his 'furnitures'.

"You can take as many as you want, anything for my lady."

With now a clean hand he also took a beer, and sighed in content as the first sip washed over the sour taste in his mouth, and taking off his jacket he unceremoniously laid on his bed, letting the soft pillow relax his nerves.

"Ah, when did our life get so complicated?" He thought aloud, truly curious about what had brought him from a continent to another but without changing life style.

He could have most likely changed, taken on a good path, but Coriolanus kept on falling on anything illegal, and he liked it.
Stallion {Eighteen} The Blood's Gang Leader

Stallion shook his head, "Believe me, this was no trouble compared to what we deal with everyday." The handsome male then turned himself to face The Grotto, they would have to leave this place, tomorrow at the most. He would have to inform everyone about what danger they could be in if they stayed, he would not allow The Grotto to become destroyed again. Instead, they would move to the first camp they set up.

"The first camp... Shit, Yue is probably waiting inside." Stallion then turned to Paint, he nodded and gestured to the building. The ex-assassin must have something important to discuss so he made his way to the sparring room. "Right, make it quick, I have an army of misfits to manage."
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis nodded, hesitant at first to take a sip, she was not one to drink, after all she was still sixteen. "Tell me about it." She then took a small sip and watched as all of these different flavours entered her mouth and burned her throat. Artemis then rested her head on the headboard of the bed and shifted her whole body to sit on the bed, she hoped Coriolanus would not get uncomfortable that she was making herself at home.

"I do not want to go to my room right now, I just do not feel safe when Slim lives a few doors away." She then took another sip, "Can I sleep here tonight? I know, it is too soon but I do not want anything to happen, I just do not want to be alone right now." She blurted out, brushing a few strands of her out of the way.
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He searched for her eyes, slowly nodding.

"I wouldn't let you alone or near that bastard, so don't worry, I'll take the couch."

He pointed toward said item, which resembled more an armchair and would have had the italian sleeping upright.

But as long as the second in command felt at ease, he didn't mind.

Would Stallion make a fuss about it? Most likely. Would Coriolanus bring it up? Nope.

Not having really eaten anything that day the commander reached out for his hand and extracted something from under the table.

"Don't judge me, I'm famished." He said while taking an handful of the tacos, also offering the package for Artemis to take.

Seeing her leaning on the headboard Coriolanus immediately made more space for her on the bed, a soft look in his eyes.

I don't bite.
Slim shook his head as everybody left him one by one. "Fuck..." He was now alone, completely. He had been in love with Artemis since he first laid eyes on her, how could she choose Coriolanus over him? He was angry, he hated both of them. Of course, after he had simmered down he knew he would not really hate Artemis, as soon as she spoke, he would be falling for her all over again. Slim then strolled into The Grotto and slammed his door shut, after glancing to see if he could spot a little bit of light coming from Artenmis' room. Now he knew what to do... He needed paper and a pen and some balls.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis shook her head, placing a soft smile on her lips, "No, just stay here with me." She then reacged out for him and wrapped her arms around him and buried her head in his chest. She felt like crying, she did not want to hurt Slim, he was her friend. "I hate myself sometimes. I do not mean to hate people but they piss me off. Amber, Slim and I even terrified that Paint." Artemis then sat up straight, "Am I really that scary?" She questioned.
Coriolanus sighed in content at her head's weight on his chest, one of his hands reaching out to brush her air.

"I don't hate you, and you don't scare me." He said seriously, taking the last sip from his beer before letting it fall on the floor.

"Most of the time anyway." The commander added jokingly, letting one strand of her hair get in between his fingers.

"And what Slim did to you would have pissed off anyone, Amber is annoying and Paint...well, Paint is fine. She just got you in a bad moment." He let his eyelids close, the moving of his hand and the breathing of his chest now the only thing that indicated he was alive.

But then, he spoke again. "People only see their issues until you expose yours, you'll be fine Meredith."
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis' mouth went dry as Coriolanus uttered her real name, she liked her name, it sprung up an image of a classy girl who was loved by her father dearly, it would surprise people when they saw she was anything but. "I would apologise to Paint, but, I am not really good at that sort of thing." Then a slam of a door got Artemis' attention, she knew it was Slim. The others closed their dors like normal people, Stallion rattled his door handle a few times before entering and she did not even use the door handle, she kicked the thing open to allow her to enter her room.

"He is so cheap..." Artemis whispered, why kiss her? He could have had Amber, someone who was sort of, or really pretty, and would probably suck anybody's face off.

@labyrinthecho I replied as Stallion a few posts ago.
"Stop worrying, we'll fix everything. I'll help you with Paint, and Slim..."

Coriolanus searched some not utterly offensive words for the other male, really did, but ended up trailing off.

"Things get fixed in time, don't think about it."

He didn't really believe in the "time heals all wounds" sort of thing, but he thought Artemis might have needed some reassurance.

Both his muscular arms enclosed around the younger girl, he would try his best to reassure her.

"We will all be fine, a way or another."

Coriolanus had Artemis, Slim would find someone else, Paint would have found her place in The Blood, Stallion had Amber, if he wished.

We'll be fine. He repeated in his head, as though trying to convince himself.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis nodded her head, allowing Coriolanus to comfort and console her. As her head fell back on Coriolanus' body, she felt his chest bulge out so she sat back up, he was muscular, simillar to Stallion. "Do you grate cheese on that thing?" She grinned. "Anyway, who was that new girl, Chinese member? Stallion does not talk about her often." Artemis wondered, she seemed hooked onto Stallion as she whispered a few words in his ear.

Stallion disappeared to lend a hand to Paint, but he could have gone to meet this mysterious soldier.
Coriolanus grinned at her compliment, just before je shrugged slightly, the image of the red hair turning back in his head.

"Not sure, probably some pompous ex-assasin that thinks she owns the place. She gave me a pet name."

The italian shook his head, smirking at the idea of revenge that earlier had invaded his thoughts.

"At least on who bathroom cleaning duty will fall on this week."

Stallion seemed a little too familiar with Yue, which made the italian wonder if those two had something going on.

Or perhaps she has a secret, which only Stallion is allowed to know about. A voice whispered maliciously in his head, intriguing him.

Perhaps his leader hid a few secrets of his own, after all.
Slim rummaged through his belongings and found a piece of card and a pencil. In his beautiful hand writing, he scrawled the following words:

This place gave me nothing. I have lost everything I card about. Fight The Wolves by yourself without my help. I don't belong. - Slim

He then left with a stuffed bag full of belongings and entered Stallion's room, where he put the note in a book of his and left by climbing up the stairs to the roof and jumping fom building to building using the pipes stuck to the walls. He would spend nights rough but it was better than being hated.
Yue was attacking a punching bag with fists and legs, hard at training. The light shone directly on her, exposing signs of muscle and illuminating her sweat. Once Stallion came in, she turned around. She had changed, now wearing a white tank top, black athletic capris, and a pair of blue athletic sneakers. A grin was spread across her face as she asked,"You spar, right? I've always wanted to see how The Blood's famous leader fought." After grabbing a Gatorade bottle filled with water and taking a gulp or two, she added,"While I tell you my problem, of course."

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Paint nodded. Of course. She looked back to her piece. The only thing left of the piece was the wolf's head. She wished she hadn't erased everything, but it was too late to change it now.

Paint grabs her green paints, shaking each one to mix the paint. It's going to be a very long night.
Stallion {Eighteen} Second-In-Command

Stallion shook his head, chuckling. "Cut the chit chat, and start talking about your little problem." Stallion demanded. He knew about Yue, she was an assassin, someone so deadly who killed not for family, but for money. He also knew about her past, he had lied about not knowing anything about The Wolves, to prevent panic from The Blood, and to protect Yue's identity. She was associated with The Wolves, which is why Stallion was now quite wary about her.
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[ Joan Fa-Lin ] — Yue

Yue's lips turned up, a smirk appearing. "Scared of being beaten?" she paused for a second, waiting to see his expression as she leaned against a column of cement that was in front of him. Folding her arms across her chest, she shrugged. "Ah, well, I'm joking of course. I'll just stretch," she told him, going to a stepper and putting her heel foot up on it. Reaching forward, she counted in her head. "I guess I'll get straight to the point, then. I hate my guard," she breathed in, out, then switched legs. "I consider hate to be a very strong word, so you must understand that I'm being serious," she added, switching legs again. "Timmy is... horrible, to say the least.. especially when he treats me like fresh meat," a disgusted look on her face appeared as she said this, though Stallion couldn't see.

"Or when he's staring at my ass."
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[ Hardy Buck ] — Quarantine Zone

Quarantine Zone(QZ) stared at Paint through his mask, wondering why she was here. With The Blood. The girl that he was seeing looked as innocent and sweet as Persephone—from the outside, at least. But how was she, personality-wise? He walked outside from the Grotto, hands stuffed in his pockets. Night was nearing, and the stars were beginning to peek out from their hiding places. "Hello," he waved at her in a friendly manner with his right hand, before letting all of his hands fall to his side casually. "Are you new, too?"

@Quiet Is Violent

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