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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

QZ calmly moved closer to Paint. If she were any other ruthless girl in The Blood, he'd be grinning his butt off and telling her how awesome it was. But for once, he wanted to be gentle—no matter how long this side of him lasted, he'd try. "Yeah, yeah, but I'm on your side, so you don't have to worry about me pointing a gun at your head or anything—" that was probably a bad move. He gave himself a mental face palm, stopping his movements.

@Quiet Is Violent
labyrinthecho said:
QZ calmly moved closer to Paint. If she were any other ruthless girl in The Blood, he'd be grinning his butt off and telling her how awesome it was. But for once, he wanted to be gentle—no matter how long this side of him lasted, he'd try. "Yeah, yeah, but I'm on your side, so you don't have to worry about me pointing a gun at your head or anything—" that was probably a bad move. He gave himself a mental face palm, stopping his movements.
@Quiet Is Violent
Paint stepped back when he moved closer to her, but his words were calling. The phrasing was off, but the thought was nice. So she relaxed and stopped moving away. "Okay... I just don't... I'm only a graffiti artist... Not much of a fighter..." Paint smiled kindly and stepped closer. "Why do you wear that mask?"
Artemis {Sixteen} Secons-In-Command

Artemis stifled her laugh as Stallion had commanded so. "Fine. Anyway, what are you even doing here, from everything I know and have seen, you are anything but a fighter." Artemis smirked, it only took her about five seconds to break a soldier's neck, with Amber's it probably would take half the time. Artemis was very tempted to test her theory. Amber was the least of her problems at the moment, the girl was hardly worth her time.

"If you are looking for somebody to flirt with, I think you should go to the soldiers who are in the lounge, they looks like they have nothing better to do." She added, harshly.

"Ahem..." Stallion had caught everybody's attention and decided to comfort Amber, "How is your nose then?"
Amber was hurt, but she would not show it, so she exhaled in and spoke, "I came here to be alone, but apparently there are a few other people who thought the same thing, so I will just... Be on my way." Hiding in her room was the best option, this would have all passed by next morning.
Red entered the grotto, heading up the stairs towards...what? Her room, she supposed, she didn't really have much to do. The issue with the Wolves seemed to be escalating quickly, and she wasn't really sure what to do. Maybe she should head to the roof...? Generally that was a good place to be alone. Yeah, that seemed like the best idea. The view of the city always was brilliant at night.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

"Is it me, or are you actually getting good ideas?" Artemis ignored the negative expressions from Stallion as she continued, "Now, hurry along. You would not want anybody else gaping at your nose." The raven-haired girl then sighed, slightly happy. Teasing Amber put her into the best of moods at times. She would feel slightly guilty at times but did the brunette dare apologise to her for all of the insults? No, so why would she even think of being kind to somebody who deserved a well-earned slap in the face?

Finished, the italian laid back a few minutes before deciding to join Artemis.

Wherever she was, he wouldn't leave her alone.

"Woah." The cannabis had certainly made effect, since Coriolanus felt a little dizzy and a little careless. After asking a few members and vaguely searching the halls, he found not only her, but also Stallion, the mean girl and Amber.

So much for being alone.

Walking into the room trying to hide his obvious highness, he went to stop at Artemis' side. "Am I interrupting something?" The commander inquired, not so carefully spreading his hand on his girlfriend's back.​
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis then looked toward the door as she heard it creak open, revealing Coriolanus. As she felt his hand comfort her spine, he seemed a little off edge. "Are you on something?" Artemis joked, it was deep into the night, she had taken longer than promised so Coriolanus must have eventually grown tired and impatient. Stallion's glares had now deepened now that the third-in-command had come onto the scene, he would never get used to theidea of her with someone, she knew that but she hoped he would atleast try and adjust.
labyrinthecho said:
QZ calmly moved closer to Paint. If she were any other ruthless girl in The Blood, he'd be grinning his butt off and telling her how awesome it was. But for once, he wanted to be gentle—no matter how long this side of him lasted, he'd try. "Yeah, yeah, but I'm on your side, so you don't have to worry about me pointing a gun at your head or anything—" that was probably a bad move. He gave himself a mental face palm, stopping his movements.
@Quiet Is Violent
Paint stepped back when he moved closer to her, but his words were calling. The phrasing was off, but the thought was nice. So she relaxed and stopped moving away. "Okay... I just don't... I'm only a graffiti artist... Not much of a fighter..." Paint smiled kindly and stepped closer.
QZ nodded. He'd definitely understand that. "I think that's obvious already.. not that that's bad or anything. You just seem too innocent for this kind of stuff," he told her honestly, rubbing the part of the mask where his chin would be in a joking manner. "Why are you here, anyways?"

@Quiet Is Violent

Coriolanus laughed, even if it the situation wasn't particularly hilarious.

"No." He assured with a planned guilty grin, stealing a glance at Artemis' body, an habit he'd taken way back before getting with her.

Well, now he actually could!

Feeling Stallion's glare he held back a laugh, but couldn't really hide his smile.

His leader wouldn't do anything about Artemis, but now that she was taken he acted all mad? Please.

The Italian nodded to Yue and Amber, who both looked quite out of place.

"Are having a party here or what?"​
labyrinthecho said:
QZ nodded. He'd definitely understand that. "I think that's obvious already.. not that that's bad or anything. You just seem too innocent for this kind of stuff," he told her honestly, rubbing the part of the mask where his chin would be in a joking manner. "Why are you here, anyways?"
@Quiet Is Violent
Paint shrugged at his remark. "I'm not innocent. I'm just not needlessly violent." When he asks why she's here, her expression darkens. "Because I am. Is there something wrong with that?" She couldn't help her rather short tone. She'd told two people today of her family issues, this man didn't need to know as well. Especially since he's wearing a mask. Never trust people who wear masks.
Yue sent a grin Coriolanus's way, folding her arms across her chest. "You tell me, Coriolanus," she countered, before lightly elbowing Stallion's arm. "Ah, come on. Stop the glaring. Let the girl follow her heart," she told him, letting a whimsical look cross her features. "No matter how high the guy she chose is," she whispered.

@Chocoholique @Couldyoustfu
(Guuurl Sean o'Pry tho @labyrinthecho)

"At least you got my name right, this time. I don't think I grabbed yours though."

Coriolanus smiled sweetly, fake in a planned way, while adverting his eyes from Stallion's glare.

Not hearing Yue's whisper, which would have most likely caused a few sarcastic and sassy remarks from the italian, he went on with pretending everything was fine.​
Opening the first door she found, Red noticed a large group. "Sorry, am I disturbing a large meeting or something?" She looked around, half backtracking.
Stallion {Eighteen} The Blood's Gang Leader

Stallion rolled his eyes as Yue spoke, "I would love it if you moved away from my face." He said through gritted teeth. Then, another person entered, Red. He looked at the red-head and sighed, obviously frustrated. "For the love of god, why not get everybody in here and toss around a few beers, eh, it is not as if I was having a private conversation(!)" Stallion then pointed at Red, "Out!" He then put his gaze onto Amber, "Get that nose fixed!" Then he finally pointed at Artemis and Coriolanus, "Go to bed, in seperate rooms!"
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Red held up her hands in defeat, leaving with a call of, "Didn't even want to be in here! Going!" She moved up the stairs, heading up to the roof where she swing her lega over the side and glared at the horizon in front of her in annoyance. Can't even fit in in a gang...how fucked up do you have to be?
Altaynna said:
Red held up her hands in defeat, leaving with a call of, "Didn't even want to be in here! Going!" She moved up the stairs, heading up to the roof where she swing her lega over the side and glared at the horizon in front of her in annoyance. Can't even fit in in a gang...how fucked up do you have to be?
(Come join me and QZ. We are painting a wolf)
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent](Come join me and QZ. We are painting a wolf)

(Where are you?)
OOC: Who now? @Couldyoustfu

Yue faked a hurt expression, frowning. The fact that she was so close to him and he was yelling, however, gave her a reason to turn from him. "Alright, alright," she told him as she backed off. As everyone started to leave, she stole a quick look at Stallion. "Somebody's a little ticked off. Do you need your beauty sleep?"

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Frowning, Red decides to go for a run. She climbs down the grotto's side, before taking off down the alley's. She was sprinting at her top speed, dodging between obstacles until she accidently bumped soemone on her way. She whirled and paused, offering to help them up. "Sorry, you alright?"

@Quiet Is Violent @labyrinthecho
Paint gets jostled forward, falling to her knees. A hand offers to help her up and Paint takes it before looking at whose it is. "Red!" Paint laughs, hugging her friend. "I was wondering where you went!"


Coriolanus scoffed, hiding the roll of his eyes with his hand.

''Sure thing, mother.'' Accompanied outside by Artemis, he casually leaned in the direction of his room, wondering if she had changed idea.

''You can still sleep with me-I mean-in my room, yeah. Whatever you wish.'' He grinned a little, embarassed by his own awkwardness.

Thanks THC. He thought sarcastically, realizing that perhaps the joint hadn't been the best of ideas.

The commander casually checked his hair in the mirror, the white tank top he wore leaving nothing to imagine about his muscular body.

Stretching his tan neck until a satisfying 'crack' noise was heard, he moved his blue, and hopeful, gaze toward the second in command.

OOC: @labyrinthecho
"Paint? Hey!" Red smiled, awkwardly returning the hug. She didn't hug. She never gave hugs, she never recieved them. "What are you doing? Did you take my suggestions?" Pulling away, Red smiled down at her friend and chuckled in happiness.

@Quiet Is Violent

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