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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

Paint laughs awkwardly. "Kind of? I got into a bit of a rage and erased everything..." Paint gestures towards the wall. "I kinda... Messed up a lot. But that's not the point. How are you? Where did you go?" @Altaynna
Turning, Red looked at the wall and raised a brow. "Do you need some help then, Paint." Hoping her dodging of the question was sufficient and not obvious, she took in the wall and tried to imagine what she would do.

@Quiet Is Violent
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Paint smiles. "That would be great!" Paint picks up a light gray spray can to use for the outline. "I dunno what to do... I mean, I showed you my original design, but I won't get all that done by tomorrow... I might just do the wolf..." She looks at QZ quickly. "OH! Red, this is Quarantine Zone. Quarantine Zone, this is Red."

@Altaynna @labyrinthecho
"Hey." Red smiled at the masked figure, suspicious but not showing it. "Why don't-" She pulled a pencil from where it had been tucked behind Paint's ear, forgotten, and outlined a rough oval in the middle, "You make a grey and white wolf here, and I'll paint some words in blood above it? Go for the contrast, kinda like the mural I made before." A teasing smile tugged at her lips, before she reached for a red paint can. "That work?"

@Quiet Is Violent @labyrinthecho
Paint looks at the plan and smiles. "Yeah! And maybe... we could have some red on the wolf... because the wolf would be... bleeding..." Paint starts to trail off, getting to work on the outline of the wolf immediately. She started to lose herself in her work, unaware of the fact she didn't have a bandanna or anything to cover her mouth and stop the fumes from getting in her lungs.

Shaking her head slightly, Red lightly whacked the back of Paint's head in annoyance. "Bandana, stupid." She chuckled, before turning to her own work, studying the wall. What should she write? Something terrifying, something that would show them not to mess with the Blood...that's it. Shaking the can, she began to paint the words across the surface of the wall, using enough extra so that the words would drip down, looking like it was written in blood.

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint giggles and digs her bandanna out of her bag. "You need one too, right?" She asks her friend, offering the bandanna to her first. "I mean, you aren't exactly immune to the paint yourself, are you?"
Red startled and looked over at the girl before shrugging. "Eh, I'll be fine." She turned back. She had only gotten halfway through, and the words sounded too cheesy now. "Mess with The Blood and end up bloody..." She muttered under her breath, her teeth catching her lower lip and tugging on it, her eyes searching the halfway done sentence, as if searching for an answer.

@Quiet Is Violent
Stallion {Eighteen} The Blood's Gang Leader

Stallion raised an eyebrow as Yue spoke, and felt slightly calmer as he noticed the members disappearing one by one. "I do not sleep, maybe a few hours but this place will not run by itself. Anyway, what were we talking about? Ah, yes. The Wolves." The eighteen year old knew how cold-blooded assassins were good at hiding their emotions, but ofcourse he convinced himself that Yue was learning to let go of her past and settle in the present with The Blood.
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Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis was oblivious as to why Stallion was irritated with them, but it made all of them spill out the door like water. As Coriolanus stood with an offer, the raven-haired girl looked towards the door of the sparring room and whispered, "Fuck it." Within a second, she found herself lacing her fingers with Coriolanus' and opening the door to his room. She knew that nothing would happen, but looking at the personalitites of both of them, the tenacity and flirtatious behaviour, she could not promise anything as of yet.
Ooc: oo things are getting steamy

Coriolanus grinned widely, following her into his own room.

The commander took a glance at her attire, and pointed a finger toward his wardrobe.

"I have a couple of T-shirts you could use to sleep, they'll fit you a bit large though."

He walked toward Artemis, putting his hands on both her sides. Then he proceeded to kiss her briefly, the chemicals running through his system giving him courage. Breaking the contact between their lips Coriolanus smiled, his blue eyes searching her grey ones.

"You look amazing in anything, anyway."

Oh, if Stallion could see us now.
Altaynna said:
Red startled and looked over at the girl before shrugging. "Eh, I'll be fine." She turned back. She had only gotten halfway through, and the words sounded too cheesy now. "Mess with The Blood and end up bloody..." She muttered under her breath, her teeth catching her lower lip and tugging on it, her eyes searching the halfway done sentence, as if searching for an answer.
@Quiet Is Violent
Paint shrugged and tied the bandanna over her mouth and nose. She looked at the sentence. "Hmm... I dunno about that... How about... Um... Give me a little while, I'll think of something..." Paint draws the outline of the wolf, filling it in with light gray. That's her base coat. The real art begins once she starts her third coat. The first two are just marker coats so she knows what to put where.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis could say that she was caught by surprise as Coriolanus planted a soft kiss on her lips, she then became slightly flustered. "Sure, I will just wear one of those." She agreed, picking out one of the black t-shirts the third-in-command possessed. She could say that he had great style, but she would not wantto sound like those girls who wanted a job in Vogue and pstered people where they purchased specific pieces of clothing from. A smile creeped onto her lips as he complimented her, she loved how he would speak differently to her when they were alone, she felt special and most importantly, she felt understood.

Coriolanus let his body fall on the mattress, resting his head on top of the soft pillow to avoid staring at Artemis while she changed her attire. Raising his cranium again once she was done he smirked, noticing her choice.

"That's one of my favorites, and I must admit, I like you a lot in my clothes. You should wear them more often..."

All thoughts of Slim, Stallion and whoever there was in The Blood that disliked their relationship was washed away in front of the Second in command.

For a long time the italian hadn't really had a real idea where he might be heading with his future, but both The Blood and Artemis gave him one.

Extracting the second out of his two pillows under the bed he felt it, raising an eyebrow at it's hardness.

"Do you prefer it tough or soft? For me there's no difference."​
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis could not contain her shy smile as Coriolanus spoke, sneaking in a little flirtatious line. As he asked what sort of pillow she preferred, Artemis pointed at the soft pillow. To be honest, she could not give two hoots about what sort of pillow she wanted, she just wanted to sleep. It had been a long and tiring day and so much had happened, causing broken and bent relationships and a destroyed home. As Artemis kneeled on the bed, she sighed, "I wonder what got Stallion in a mood. You know, I think it had to do with that woman. He seemed to have the ability to throw us out of the sparring room just to talk with her." Saying this, Artemis felt very bothered.

She was an older woman, older than her and seemed more mature. But Artemis had tried to be mature, but he still saw her as that naive child running wild on the streets. She was not a child though. The raven-haired girl hoped that Coriolanus would not notice the spot of worry in her tone and expression, she tried to get rid of the thought but for a moment or two she thought, could she still be in love with their leader?

Coriolanus' browns frowned slightly at her tone of voice, so he sneaked one of his arms around her back.

"Maybe she just has some information he cares about, we'll know anyway."

Taking the hard pillow for himself and sneaking under the comfortable and soft covers, which he'd paid a lot for, the third in command left her enough space to be comfortable.

Trying to lighten the mood he also added jokingly "I hope you don't kick me or steal the covers, else you're officially banned from this room."​
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis forced a smile as Coriolanus joked around and put an arm around her shoulder. "Well, I will try to behave..." She smirked and propped her head down onto the soft pillow, sinking into the stuffed cushion. She seemed so close to a man for the first time, it was terrifying. She had no idea what to do, she was only sixteen and it was not as if Stallion and Slim allowed her to go anywhere near men. Slim's reason was no clear as to why he attempted to stop any physical contact between her and other boys but not Stallion.
I know he does not love me, but imagine if he did. Would I be lying next to Coriolanus right now, or next to him? She thought, shrugging the thought out. She had just gotten hold of a boy she loved dearly, she would not be unfaithful.

OOC: Do you want to reply to our private roleplay too?
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Ooc: Gurl you need to mention me there

Coriolanus couldn't help but notice the hesitation in her single movements, her nervousness.

Covering his fave with the best reassuring smile, he spoke in a somehow sleepy voice.

"This kinda reminds me of summers in Italy, my friends came over to my family's estate and we all slept in the same room." He shook his head, amazed by how swiftly time could change everything. "It was...great, extremely 'white' but great."

The italian thanked himself for having taken a room with a king sized bed in the first place, else their bodies would be touching everywhere and Artemis would have most likely rushed out already.

Now it was only his leg that brushed slightly against hers, but it could have been confused with the cover.

"Can you turn the light off? Or are you scared of the dark?" He inquired with a smirk.

Coriolanus didn't really know how he could tell Artemis that he didn't wish to push anything onto her without it all turning awkward, so hoped that the mention of sleep would pass the message.​
OOC: Oops. 8D I'll post for QZ soon~

[ Joan Fa-Lin ] — Yue

Yue frowned, her eyebrows knitting together with worry. "You ought to let your commanders be in charge sometimes. They're not children, you know, and they have "commander" in their ranking for a reason," she suggested, trying to move past The Wolves subject. Of course, she knew that he wouldn't let her slip away easily, but she'd at least take advantage of it while it lasted. "I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job. You're young, and the fact that you've earned such a high title so quick means that you are obviously worthy of it and that you can still learn so much—
win-win, right?" The woman grabbed the nearest towel from her, and began to pat away at the sweat while keeping her eyes on him.

[ Hardy Buck ] — Quarantine Zone

QZ offered Red a small wave(more like just putting his hand up =3= ), before stopping his spray painting and letting the artists do their work. He would probably be in the way, anyways. "Mess with The Blood and end up bloody... Wolves?" he suggested, turning his head to the one, Red, that had started painting words on the wall. Folding one arm across his chest and propping his chin/mask with his remaining hand, he thought. "...Or not. It'll probably provoke them. And I doubt Stallion would like that," he mumbled.

@Quiet Is Violent @Altaynna
labyrinthecho said:
[ Hardy Buck ] — Quarantine Zone
QZ offered Red a small wave(more like just putting his hand up =3= ), before stopping his spray painting and letting the artists do their work. He would probably be in the way, anyways. "Mess with The Blood and end up bloody... Wolves?" he suggested, turning his head to the one, Red, that had started painting words on the wall. Folding one arm across his chest and propping his chin/mask with his remaining hand, he thought. "...Or not. It'll probably provoke them. And I doubt Stallion would like that," he mumbled.

@Quiet Is Violent @Altaynna
"Stallion wants us to provoke them. We're warning them not to fuck with us." Paint explains, painting carefully. "I like that. Mess with the Blood and end up bloody wolves..."
Red nods, before painting the last word under the half circle of the other words. "We good?" She laughs. Looking over the vague outline of what would be a wolf. "I'm not the only one who has to work." She playfully poked Paint with her elbow, not turning her head from the wall.

@Quiet Is Violent @labyrinthecho
Paint laughs. "I shouldn't have erased everything. I was stupid. But, I guess I'm going to have to work through the night." Paint grabs another grey and shakes it, putting a nozzle on the end of the spray and starting on some of the fur. "Y'all should get some sleep."

@labyrinthecho @Altaynna
Stallion {Eighteen} The Blood's Gang Leader

Stallion raised an eyebrow, "The thing is, you actually are telling me how to do my job. They take over when I am currently absent and on business, and unless you have very bad sight, you can see that I am standing right here." He was harsh, but he knew it was a distraction from the real subject they wished to discuss. "Stop Yue, do not run away from this, from them!" He could understand why the member was scared, last time he was there they were electrocuting and mercilessly cutting the 'traitors' and 'cowards'. There was killing someone because they had wronged you, which is what The Blood did and then there was killing for money which Yue did but then there was killing for absolutely no reason. Which is exactly what The Wolves did, not all street gangs rolled like that, if that was the case then Slim would have died by now.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

As Coriolanus asked whether the darkness could take over the room by turning off the burning, bright lamp, Artemis nodded. "It is your room." As she lay in the bed, facing Coriolanus, she could not help but think what Slim could be thinking or doing right now.

The raven-haired warrior then lightly shook her head, averting her eyes to the window. She should not have such thoughts in her mind. She did not like Slim, she could not help that. If Slim liked her and had the courage to express his feelings before Artemus and Coriolanus even met, there could have been a chance, or maybe not. Back then she was faithful to Stallion even if they were not in a relationship. Looking back at everything, she must have seemed like a love struck fool to others as she worshipped Stallion. Was it really that obvious? Now everybody must have been surprised when she came out of the lounge holding Coriolanus' hand.

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