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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

As soon as Coriolanus closed his eyes sleep came over him, washing away all the tension of the past day.

As usual, his eyes started to drift open as soon as the first ray of suns illuminated his bedroom, and the commander smiled lightly at the sight of the girl that was now resting in his arms.

He didn't wish to wake her up, but if she were to leave later someone would have most likely seen her and the rumor would have spread quickly, so to make her avoid an unwanted fight with Stallion he spoke, softly.

"Hey, sleeping beauty."

The commander nudged her softly in the shoulder, and then proceeded to stretch his sore body. The hour on his clock read 7:13AM, later than usual for him.

Paint worked through the night, spraying the brick wall with greys and silvers until the simple grey blob looked like a very realistic wolf. She wasn't done there. As the darkness of 3 AM set in, she started on the wolf's wounds. She painted a torn open ribcage, bloodied ears, mutilated hindquarters. The young girl held a flashlight between her teeth as she worked, making sure she could see what she was doing. 7:00 came and the wolf was almost done. The only thing left to do was the eyes. She didn't do them earlier because she needed sunlight. But as rays hit the painting, Paint felt her stomach lurch. Was it too realistic? It really did look like a dead wolf.

Then another question. Can she paint the eyes? She liked hearing that boy scream. She did. And that was disturbing. She didn't want to like it, did she? Paint looked at the green cans and shivered. "I can't, can I?" Paint whispered. "I can't do it."
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis moaned as she heard a soft voice bounce off her eardrums. As her eyes flickered and focused on Coriolanus, Artemis shot up into a sittinf position where she scanned her surrounding. She had planned to sneak back into her room before the others woke up but she must have overslept, alot. "Shit, what is the time? I cannot be here of all places right now." She did not want to seem harsh towards him, she did enjoy sleeping in his arms knowing there was nothing to be scared of, that everything toxic was far away from them and that they can be happy but right now she could not be seen like she was easy. Swinging both her milky legs out of the bed, she brushed a hand through her dark hair and ruffled it to get that messy bed-head look.
Stallion {Eighteen} The Blood's Gang Leader

Stallion balled his hands up and rubbed his eyes? he was tired but who would look after The Grotto at night? It was the perfect time to strike and attack, when the members were fast asleep. The leader walked along the corridors, watching as one by one others stepped out of their rooms and bowed their heads slightly when setting eyes on him. "There is food in the store room, save some for the others." He commanded and then resumed pacing down the corridor. As he passed Arremis' room, he sighed, she did love over sleeping but she had duties as a second-in-command. His hand grasped hold of the handle, and his habits took over him as he rattled it twice to get it open.

"That is it, get up. You have slept-," He furrowed his eyebrows as he scanned the empty room. He went around the whole perimeter and did not find her. "JoJo!" Stallion called after one of the members who had passed the room, "Sound the alarm, missing member!" Stallion then jetted off for Coriolanus' room and rattled the door twice, "You might think I am rude for doing this but Artemis is miss-" As Stallion lunged into the bedroom, he found Coriolanus and Artemis in the same room, on the same bed and Artemis was half naked.

"It's not that late." Coriolanus was trying to reassure her, but as he felt the noise of other members walking around and chatting he too was uneasy.

"You should get dressed so that-" But his phrasing was interrupted by Stallion's appearance, and the italian's pigment took on an almost white shade. With all the blood first drained from his face, then bringing a flush on the young man's cheeck he immediately tried to defend both Artemis and himself.

"This isn't what it looks like, we were just sleeping." He immediately took his hands off the second in command, raising from the bed in his lousy pajama pants and tank top.​

Paint backed away from her piece. This is too much. Does she have any control? She wants to make the wolf be Hunter. She wants to so badly. But she can't. She loved hearing his screams, but she hated it. This is too much. Tears of confusion sprung into her eyes. Why? Why did she like the screams? Why did she want to hurt someone? Why?

Paint looked at the Grotto. It's just a block or two away. She could... scream for help... talk to someone... No, that wouldn't do anything. That would just confuse her more. She needs someone from her normal side. Her normal side. "ha. What's fucking normal in my life?" Paint whispers, sitting against a wall. She's shaking. HEr hand reaches for her phone and she dials her social worker. The only person who knows her well enough to help her figure this out. But the moment he picked up, she hung up. He can't know she's in a gang. He'll move her. That's not what she wants to do. She wants to not be scared of herself.

"The sun is rising, Paint." She whispers to herself. "Get yourself to the Grotto. Pretend nothing happened." The artist got to her feet and walked back to the Grotto, but not before covering her work and concealing her paints. She isn't stupid. When she reaches her destination, she almost doesn't go in. But she does. And everyone is freaking out. What? What happened? Paint yawns slightly, dragging her feet through the building.
(Well, I'm just having Red hanging out on the top of her building again, I dunno what else to do)
Stallion {Eighteen} The Blood's Leader

Stallion's nostrils flared as he decided to take a few deap breaths and examine the scene. 'It is not what it looks like'. He felt like scoffing, Artemis was almost naked and only clothed by a baggy t-shirt which Stallion assumed belonged to Coriolanus. The couple were in bed together and Artemis had messy bed hair.

Something then stung his heart, she seemed so innocent but she was not, she was growing up and sleeping with boys. Maybe this made him accept how mature she had gotten. "Out! No, put some clothes on first!" Stallion pointed out into the corridor where from the corner of his eye he could see a few members not daring to come across the same scene as Stallion. Artemis then attempted to protest, saying how they did nothing innapropriate. "My arse nothing happened, go on, get out." He ushered the girl out as she carried her clothes and sneakers to the room across the hall.

Meeting Coriolanus' eyes he shook his head, "I will see you outside." He said through gritted teeth, he had to have a morning like this, didn't he?

OOC: I am sorry for how inactive I have been, my uncle is so young and his wife has been accusing him of cheating, and is threatening to take away his one son. I thought it was time to take a break from the internet and social media and help him.
Paint heard Stallion yelling and she flinched. Tears sprang into her eyes. She needs to go home. She needs to have a break from all of this. She's too fragile. But she can't go home. She doesn't want to. Paint wipes at her eyes and runs up the stairs, not paying attention to where she was going. That's why she ran straight into Stallion.

She stumbled backwards and fell, sniffling and wiping at her tears. "S-sorry." She whispered, standing up. Paint ducked her head and hoped that Stallion wouldn't take his anger out on her.

Stallion {Eighteen} The Blood's Gang Leader

Stallion turned around to meet Paint, her face wet with tears. He sighed, what could he do? The poor girl kept on sobbing as if she was suffering. "I think you should go home. Someone might be looking for you." She was not ready to fight, not yet at least.

The leader then glanced at Artemis'door where light was seeping through the cracks of the door, he would not make a scene now, he was too tired. Instead, the young man went to face his door. He went to rattle his door handle twice but watched as his door flung open as he rattled it once. Someone had been here...

"Who the-" Stallion raced into his room finding everything untouched, everything in its place but one item. His book was always on the right side of his chest of drawers, never sitting in the middle slanted, he found it disorganised. Picking up the book a note fell out, landing slowly on the wooden floor.

He picked up the note with a hand and flicked through the content where he finally shrieked, smacking the book down on the drawers and his fist banging on the wall.
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Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis pushed past Stallion as she was ordered to leave, holding her clothes which she had retrieved from her boyfriend's room. The girl then strolled back to her room and closed the door shut. "Fuck it." She was embarassed, the man she used to love walking in on her and another boy? What would he think, that she was off the market for good now? But why did she care when they were never really an item?

"It was careless flirting..." She whispered as she took off Coriolanus' t-shirt and replaced the garment with one of her t-shirts which read 'I wish I cared'. And she did care, her careless flirting with Stallion was more to her. Everybody thought they were together, then why were they not?

"It does not even matter anymore, I have Coriolanus." She reassured herself, slipping on her bergundy three-quater shorts with her stolen white Adidas Superstars. Glancing quickly in the mirror, she decided that the messy hair suited her raven waves. "Let's go and face hell." She mumbled, referring to Stallion as she opened the door.

Artemis then heard a loud
thud! approach from at the end of the doorway, surely what she did was not that big of a deal?
Paint smiled halfheartedly. "Home? I am home." The lie was blatant, but she wanted to look strong for Stallion. But then he left and Paint blushed. She felt so defeated. Paint dragged her feet upstairs. She wanted to be strong, just like everyone else here. But she wasn't. Then she heard the shriek.

Paint sprinted down the stairs, terrified. She saw Artemis and her eyes grew wide. "What happened? Is everything okay?" Paint asked hurriedly.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis shrugged as she found Paint asking her about what had just happened. "It must be Stallion, it came from his room," she said . The young girl then took a couple of steps doen the hallway, the floorboards moaning under the soles of her trainers. She somehow managed to muster up the courage to face her leader after the incident which just occurred.

She was concerned, why had he screamed? "Stallion." Artemis mumbled, hoping that would be all it takes to catch his attention. And it was more than enough as he swung his head around, his eyes red and filled with rage. A letter was thrust into her hand as she heard Stallion whisper bad words under his breath. He was angry.

Her eyes races through the words and she could feel her throat going all dry, she was not sure what was even happening anymore.
Paint followed closely, terrified. What if someone had hurt him? No, no one could touch Stallion. So why had he screamed. The young artist poked her head through the doorway, and quickly backed away when she saw how mad Stallion was. What had happened? What was in the letter?

"Artemis, what does it say?" Paint asked softly. She was concerned that something terrible had happened, or maybe that there was a spy in the group or something.
Artemis struggled to get the words out of her mouth, "It is Slim. He, um, left." The raven-hiared beauty tossed the note to Paint after she briefly explained the situation. Ofcourse she had hoped that she was not the reason why Slim had set foot outside The Grotto with such valuable information which could be used against them. That would be unfortuante. "But why..." Ofcourse Artemis knew exactly why, the past few weeks had proved to be quite hard for him, and Artemis knew that she had not helped by rejecting him so harshly.

'If only I had been a little more gentle, he would still be here, waking up and eating breakfast with the rest.'

Resting a hand on Stallion's shoulder, she received a shrug, shaking her hand off. He seemed furious, he would be, it was expected.

"He could do anything with that shit we told him." Stallion mumbled under his breath, this shot artemis' head up and she replied with a nod.

"Are you worried about him, or the information?" She asked, challenging Stallion but she received no clear reply. Slim could easily turn his back and sell the information, as a third-in-command he accessed a few base camps which The Blood owned, he knew the locations and the plans we had in mind for them.
Coriolanus stayed frozen for a while, even after the first and second in command had left his room. The door slowly closed, muffling the curious chatters of the soldiers and hiding Stallion's furious gaze.

Immediately the italian smashed his face against the pillow, trying his best to suppress the desperation that had invaded him.

Suddenly raising, and smoothing his dark brown hair with one hand, Coriolanus threw on a set of more suitable clothes than the pajamas he was wearing. Now ready he slowly, yet with broad shoulders and a proud expression, made his way out of the room.

Many doubts actually clouded his judgment: Artemis had barely protested against Stallion, fled the room, as though what she had done was actually shameful. The two of them had just slept together, in the real sense of the phrase, and it was their leader's and their leader's only problem if he couldn't handle it. Feeling decisive and perhaps even a little cocky the italian excited his room, ready to face Stallion, but once outside said man was nowhere to be seen.

Only a few of the soldiers glanced at him and snickered behind their hands, earning a warning and a furious glare from the italian.

Depsite his instinct Coriolano decided to follow the crowning people in the halls, who split upon his passage, and found himself reaching Slim's room. Whispers were beginning to get insufferable, and those he caught among others were ridiculous.

Slim died!

Slim killed one of the soldiers and left!

Slim killed himself and left a note!

"Silence!" Coriolanus shouted, had to do it twice for everyone to get the message, and abused of his height to give a murderous glare to all the heads he could see.

"Does anyone actually know what's going on? Certainly?"

Jet, a very young yet capable boy from Siria gave him a light nod from his position in the first row, and approached him in the first row.

"I heard something from inside Stallion's room..." He whispered so low Coriolanus was afraid he'd miss it "Apparently Slim left The Blood."

At the revelation the italian straightened, eyeing the younger man to make sure hus words weren't coming from fantasy. Yet he seemed serious, so Coriolanus tried to take pleasure from the new. But how could he? Now the gang risked traitory, Cobra could know some of their most well hidden secrets.

Coriolanus almost immediately reacted, discharging Jet with an elegant nod, and indicated for two of his trusted men to approach him.

"Mars," He nodded at the tall and bulky latino man, to then do the same with the dark skinned one, speaking in an extremely low tone so that no else could have heard "Mochave, I need a favour. Look around the base for Slim, look outside for him if you need to. And if he's still around capture him. If he gets away..." Coriolanus trailed off, tapping the base of his gun, the message was clear enough.

Kill him.

After having watched his two men leaving the italian turned with a deep sigh toward the door to his leader's room, where inside Artemis also probably was, but was unsure about entering. He decided that perhaps for now he was to contain the raging and confused soldiers, without giving any explanations as to why, and so he did.

@Chocoholique Welcome back!
Stallion stood silent, several flashbacks running through his mind. He and Slim had certainly lived quite a life, it was just like yesterday when they bumped into eachother in the subway. Stallion was more brawn so Slim did take the intellectual role and became the brain of the companionship. Artemis was just the small, cute but deadly thing they pulled out when anything went wrong. Why would the ex-third-in-command just leave? Nothing ofcourse came into mind, he was not treated badly, maybe lost a bit of respect due to being demoted but nothing he could not handle. Suddenly, his head turned to face Artemis, her grey orbs twinkling with curiosity and wonder. "If that incident yesterday was the reason he left, then he can beg, starve and die on the damn streets for all I care." He growled, exiting the room and not making eye contact with any members, he just balled his fists and that gave quite a negative message and vibe to the surrounding members.

"Pathetic." He muttered to himself, chuckling. Crying over a girl, but then again it was not just any girl, it was Artemis.
Artemis sighed, biting the inside of her cheek as she attempted to take in all of the information, she was struggling to accept anything at this point. Slim had just left, because he had lost his reputation and had his heart broken. But she could not have been the love of his life, nobody at that age knew what it was, did they?

"He could not have gotten far, he has no fucking flesh on his bones. Puny thing like him would nit survive out there for a day!" She attempted to reassure herself, but only found herself shouting at herself.

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