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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

It was fine but I was getting worried that Red's storyline died. :)


Stallion rattled the door handle twice, it was an old habit he could never let go of. As he pushed the oak door wide open, he walked upon the scene of Artemis kicking the crap out of a punching bag. Everybody had lost it today, he was so close but he needed to be that bond which brought everybody together. The leader coughed to get the second-in-command's attention but her mind was elsewhere so he shut the door behind him. It was loud enough to scare the living daylights out of the dead. "We need to talk." He simply said, and he found Artemis slowly piverting to face him, lowering her bruised wrists. "You should have used the gloves."

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Altaynna said:
Red had heard the chaos and screaming echoing inside the grotto and had immediately avoided it, knowing better than to approach something as fragile as a family falling apart. It's what she did best. Running. She ran and she ran and she never looked back. She would think...for even a moment, that she had finally found someplace, finally found what could be a family, but it would all be ripped apart. She was nothing to anyone and it would always stay that way. She felt her eyes sting with tears and furiously wiped them away, before she stumbled upon Paint crying and immediately jogged over, kneeling down next to the smaller girl. "Paint! Are you alright?"
(sorry, I haven't been getting notifications and I have been checking up as much because it's been sort of silent here, hope you guys aren't too mad)
Paint wiped her tears and looked up at Red. "No." She replies simply. "I mouthed off to Artemis and I think I've been banished." Paint admits. "Just when I thought we were a family, ya know? It's always right when you think you have a family."

The raven warrior shook her head at Stallion's suggestion. "Keep your opinions to yourself Stallion. And where is that bitch? The quiet one..." Artemis was not at all concerned about Paint's whereabouts as the weakling had just attempted to break off all of Artemis' relationships which she possessed. As Stallion explained the scene where Paint left screaming how she did not need The Blood, Artemis scoffed. "See, that is what you get when you let anybody join. You cannot just trust them. She plays the blame game. It was her fault the tag got ruined, but she admits to nothing she has ever done. She plays tough, but anybody here, even Amber could make her and her cheap paints go splat! I just do not want people like that, come searching for a family and take off once one thing happens. Pathetic." She spat, ranting on about the whole incident only to avoid the question she had been dreading.

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Chocoholique said:


The raven warrior shook her head at Stallion's suggestion. "Keep your opinions to yourself Stallion. And where is that bitch? The quiet one..." Artemis was not at all concerned about Paint's whereabouts as the weakling had just attempted to break off all of Artemis' relationships which she possessed. As Stallion explained the scene where Paint left screaming how she did not need The Blood, Artemis scoffed. "See, that is what you get when you let anybody join. You cannot just trust them. She plays the blame game. It was her fault the tag got ruined, but she admits to nothing she has ever done. She plays tough, but anybody here, even Amber could make her and her cheap paints go splat! I just do not want people like that, come searching for a family and take off once one thing happens. Pathetic." She spat, ranting on about the whole incident only to avoid the question she had been dreading.

(The tag was never ruined?)
"Aww Paint. What did you do that for?" Hesitantly, Red put a hand on the younger girl's shoulder and hoped to god it could be seen as comforting and not awkward. "Everything's gonna be alright." She didn't mention that she felt the exact same, or that that was why she was out here, because she had dreaded their little family falling apart. Although maybe no one would ever call them a family to begin with.

[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent](The tag was never ruined?)

Altaynna said:
"Aww Paint. What did you do that for?" Hesitantly, Red put a hand on the younger girl's shoulder and hoped to god it could be seen as comforting and not awkward. "Everything's gonna be alright." She didn't mention that she felt the exact same, or that that was why she was out here, because she had dreaded their little family falling apart. Although maybe no one would ever call them a family to begin with.
"I don't know. I've just been so angry lately... It all just came out." Paint whispered, tucking her knees into her chest. "She deserved it. That skank ruined our family."
OOC: When Paint sprayed white over the tag. And yes I know she fixed it but Artemis is ranting.

Artemis' breath trembled as there was an awkward silence, any silences would have normally been filled in with jokes but this was no normal situation. "You want to speak, I can tell. Just get it over with." She knew what words he would utter questioning if she had love for him. She knew her answer: No. Stallion was not the man she embraced in bed last night, keeping her safe all throught the dark mornings, he was no the one who would lend her a cigarette when she needed it and he was not the man who ever loved her.

[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]"I don't know. I've just been so angry lately... It all just came out." Paint whispered, tucking her knees into her chest. "She deserved it. That skank ruined our family."

Resisting the urge to laugh and reply, 'what family', Red ran a soothing hand down Paint's back. "Hey. I wouldn't say ruined..." But it was true there was certainly tension surrounding the beauty back at the grotto. Perhaps she had started the conflict, but it was hardly her fault others had fallen for her. "The heart wants what the heart wants."
OOC: Lol, looks like we have another Jane on our hands. (If you forgot Jane, I will never forgive you. Those two characters fighting just make me laugh.) @Chocoholique

Amber tutted, "Honestly, some never learn." That was directed both at Paint and Artemis. Paint was just an unfamilliar to Amber but Artemis, she knew well and she knew now that she would most likely receuve another lecture. "Fill me up Ginge." She said, pushing in the line for the breakfast stew. As her bowl was filled to the rim, the brunette exited The Grotto, she found Red and Paint. "Bitching are we? I have not seem you in a while." Amber said to Red, wondering where she had walked off to, then she looked at Paint. "You are still here? Hm." She was quite surprised.
Pain shook her head. "I thought I found a family. I really did. But that awful slut ruined everything and now everyone could be killed by the wolves!" Paint muttered to Red. She looked up at Amber and sighed. "Whaddya want, Amber?" Paint snapped.
OOC: I am just going to come clean, first I had no idea what you were on about. But then the café scene played like a movie in my head, and I remembered when Jessica covered Jane in a smoothie. My charrie's best moments.

Stallion rubbed his hands together as he looked down, "About what Paint said. Is it true? Any of it?" He pleaded. He never noticed the fact she may have had strange behaviour when in his presence, everything happened under his nose, and he was oblivious to her feelings. How stupid of him, they could not just be friends...

BubbleBoo said:
OOC: Lol, looks like we have another Jane on our hands. (If you forgot Jane, I will never forgive you. Those two characters fighting just make me laugh.) @Chocoholique
Amber tutted, "Honestly, some never learn." That was directed both at Paint and Artemis. Paint was just an unfamilliar to Amber but Artemis, she knew well and she knew now that she would most likely receuve another lecture. "Fill me up Ginge." She said, pushing in the line for the breakfast stew. As her bowl was filled to the rim, the brunette exited The Grotto, she found Red and Paint. "Bitching are we? I have not seem you in a while." Amber said to Red, wondering where she had walked off to, then she looked at Paint. "You are still here? Hm." She was quite surprised.
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]Pain shook her head. "I thought I found a family. I really did. But that awful slut ruined everything and now everyone could be killed by the wolves!" Paint muttered to Red. She looked up at Amber and sighed. "Whaddya want, Amber?" Paint snapped.

Red sighed, brushing her hand through the scarlet strands on her head, moving them away from her face as she backed up slightly. She sent Amber a nod, but tried not to snort. She wasn't bitching, she was talking to an upset friend. "Sorry, it's been a bit. I had to do something a city over for Stallion, so I haven't exactly been around."
Altaynna said:
Red sighed, brushing her hand through the scarlet strands on her head, moving them away from her face as she backed up slightly. She sent Amber a nod, but tried not to snort. She wasn't bitching, she was talking to an upset friend. "Sorry, it's been a bit. I had to do something a city over for Stallion, so I haven't exactly been around."
Paint stood up. "Amber, can you do me a favor and find Artemis. I wanna get a good punch on her teeth before I'm banished for good." Paint muttered, cracking her knuckles. "That little whore and I have a score to settle."
OOC: That Paint just went from 'I can't have fights' to 'Come at me bitches'. ;) We found our Jade. @Chocoholique

Amber smirked, "I only do one kind of dirty work. Seriously, you are turning really snappy. You know what sort of attitude does not get you many friends, by the looks if it, you only have one." At least Amber had friends, even if she was a bitch, she could be likeable. "It is really funny how you want to brawl with Artemis. Why do you even think she is the cause of all this conflict." The brunette realised what she had saud and sughed, "Believe me, I dislike her too. She is the only other girl who gets Stallion's attention. It probably gets on every girls nerves when you see how different he acts with her. But the real enemy are The Wolves. I mean I hate to give her credit, but if she had not sounded the signal then Hunter would not be six feet underground, instead he would be reporting back to that masked bimbo who calls himself their boss." Amber babbled, taking spoonfuls of the stew, all of the different flavours filling up her mouth and exviting her taste buds.

Artemis looked up, attempting to meet Stallion's eye with confidence. "It was merely a small crush. I do think Coriolanus and I have a chance together, Splat just got the wrong end of the stick and accused me of having a serious thing where I saw a future for us. I mean it was never even going to happen. We were better off as friends..." The fighter trailed off, her mouth dry. She said it, a weight lifted off her shoulders, now she had one less secret. It made her easily believe that there would be no relationship with the two. Coriolanus was giving her everything she needed and wanted. For those who thought sex was the thing she was after, they were wrong, she wanted his unconditional love. Coriolanus gave more love in a week than Stallion did all those years, oblivious to how keen she was of him.

She loved Coriolanus but why did she feel saddened at the point where she admitted having no feelings for Stallion.

Red walked up and paused as she noticed the two speaking. "Oh, uh, I'm sorry sir. I came to report on that task you sent me on..." She trailed off, staring between the two and then at her hands. Geez, you could cut the tension with a knife. "I could always come back, I was out speaking to..." She stopped herself, realizing mentioning Paint might not be the best idea in this situation.


Coriolanus simply nodded, narrowing his eyes to slit as soon as Stallion was out of the picture.

He didn't like the situation that had created, the heavy and tense air that filled The Grotto, so he was nothing but pleased to obey his higher up's commands; so walking down the stairs he reached the room where most members had stopped at, and called their attention by knocking his ringed finger hard against a metal door, the noise brought many eyes on him.

"Everyone!" He offered a charming and supposedly reassuring smile to the soldiers "I suppose that now everyone knows what happened, and I also hope you all understand that for security reasons it's better to temporarily leave our base."

The Italian visibly relaxed as many members seemed to agree, truth to be told he'd feared a riot and a whole lot of protests.

"So as of now I want you all to get your belongings and lock your rooms, everything needs to be closed, and try not to forget anything because you won't be given the opportunity to get it back. Spread the message to everyone and go!"

His shoulders relaxed as the soldiers obeyed, even if some reluctantly did so. They probably avoided speaking their opinion because of the upset frown that had formed on Coriolanus' brows. His mind couldn't help but swim back to the conversation with Paint, Stallion and Artemis. The italian's fist clenched at the realization that probably the two of them were talking just now.

Talking? A malicious and hateful voice whispered in his head.

The third in command trusted Artemis with his life but the simple idea of her bending to Stallion's will made the young man tremble with rage. So clenching his fists Coriolanus obeyed to his own command, reaching his room and starting to pack his objects.

The most valuable things he avidly protected, piling them in an heavy and well made tower which he'd have some random and poor soldiers carry for him, then he moved to his clothes and weapons.

His azure eyes moved to the bathroom once he was done, taking anything needed. A whole lot of boxes were now ready and as soon as he was done taking them out of his now sadly empty room he ordered and unfortunate group of passing members.

"Take them out and ready to get on the vans, if you take anything..."

Coriolanus had obviously written his name on each of the eleven boxes. He didn't specify to anyone where fheir next location would be since he himself didn't know, nor Artemis nor Stallion had dared to ultimately specify that one.

His mind turned back to the issue of those two and the italian cursed himself, he had just distracted himself by doing his boxes!

The young man lit himself a cigarette in the hope to relax his speeding thoughts, but it was of no help.

"Fuck it." He hissed, and started to unconsciously walk toward the training room where Artemis supposedly was. And he sincerely hoped she was by herself. He needed to touch her again, kiss her again, make sure she was his.

Those words sounded stupid in the italian's head but he was positive he'd give them some meaning while facing the girl of his interests; so with his head low and not proudly as his usual Coriolanus entered the gym, scratching the back of his neck.

"Look, I know it's stupid but I love you, and I don't care about what some rookie says. But if you do have some feelings for another person then please don't-" He finally raised his head, searching for Artemis' attention.

But he found more than that, since Stallion also seemed to be in the room.

"-mess with me." He trailed off, unsure of what to do. Unsure of what to think also, the first in command followed Artemis like a shadow or was that just his impression?

"I.." Hesitant the commander took a small step back, ready to flee the room if the two higher ups wished for him to do soon. That would have given Coriolanus' a painful and obvious answer, yet still an answer.
BubbleBoo said:
OOC: That Paint just went from 'I can't have fights' to 'Come at me bitches'. ;) We found our Jade. @Chocoholique
Amber smirked, "I only do one kind of dirty work. Seriously, you are turning really snappy. You know what sort of attitude does not get you many friends, by the looks if it, you only have one." At least Amber had friends, even if she was a bitch, she could be likeable. "It is really funny how you want to brawl with Artemis. Why do you even think she is the cause of all this conflict." The brunette realised what she had saud and sughed, "Believe me, I dislike her too. She is the only other girl who gets Stallion's attention. It probably gets on every girls nerves when you see how different he acts with her. But the real enemy are The Wolves. I mean I hate to give her credit, but if she had not sounded the signal then Hunter would not be six feet underground, instead he would be reporting back to that masked bimbo who calls himself their boss." Amber babbled, taking spoonfuls of the stew, all of the different flavours filling up her mouth and exviting her taste buds.
"Why do I think-- she was the straw that broke the camels back with Slim, he's causing tension between Coriolanus and Stallion, and she's been picking fights relentlessly. She's obviously a cause of tension around here."

Artemis was quite startled seeing as Red had burst through the door, glancing at Stallion, Artemis concluded that their privacy had not lasted long. She shuffled her feet, gesturing towards Stallion, "No Red, do what you need to do, I have to leave anyway." She excused herself. Just as she was about to turn her heel, Coriolanus followed Red, bursting through the door and speaking to her, but as his gaze fell on the scene with Stallion and Artemis in the same room together, he stood there, wondering what to do. "Fuck. Coriolanus, wait!" Artemis pestered, running to him. As her hand touched his arm to pull him back. She turned back to look at Stallion. Artemis forced a smile, "Well, this is me." As Artemis led Coriolanus down the corridor, she looked up at him, stopping in the middle of the deserted hallway, "That means I chose you, you know."

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Amber raised her hand, "I can be safe to say that I know about that, she does constantly pick fights but when you have a short temper like that." The brunette set down the stew for a minute. The 'rookie' just did not do it for her. "It was funny at the time when you called her an emotional wreck but you should look in the mirror since you are the one crying about being told to go home. I remember when I first came, Slim was the one I met first, he was a likeable person and believe it or not he was decent. At the time Artemis and I were actually 'friends'. We just stopped calling eachother friends as soon as the rivalry began to compete for Stallion's attention. She is sixteen, she does not even know who she wants." She concluded, but then her ears twitched as she heard Artemis in the hallway say she chose Coriolanus. "Maybe she just is not th pe slut you thought she was. She has men that actually love her, they do not just do it for the sex." Her voice became quiet as she spoke, she was reliving her past. In high school, being with older boys was better than dating the boys in your year group, but what they did to her, all of his friends. She would never forget. That was the story why Amber always wore something short and tight, that was the reason why she would continuously flirt and lead others on, she had been programmed that way. She was told by them that she was a slut, whore and every other dirty word you can think of. Maybe Amber was jeakous of Artemis for the first time. 'Forget one person who would give her love. She had three." Slim and Stallion would obviously place her in their hearts somewhere.

Stallion had nothing left to say, at least he knew the truth now. Artemis had uttered the words of denial, but he was just fascinated about the fact that he had not known, and nobody had told him. Was that the reason Slim always backed off, because her heart was in a different place? The reason why the members would smirk when he mentioned her name? The reason why everybody thought they were both involved with eachother? He always thought of her as his younger best friend, the one whom he treated like a child, ruffling her dark waves to get a reaction out of the teenager. It was staring him in the face, and he missed it. The reason why she always argued with Amber even though she was just having a little fun. For a split second he felt proud, the girl which most was chasing was fond of him since the beginning, but he shook the thought out of his head. The leader turned to Red who stood there, "Yes, Red?"

He was just as surprised as Stallion seemed to be when Artemis walked in his direction and brought him out, he had honestly hoped so much for this but not actually expected it.

"This means I chose you."

Those five words filled him with pure ecstasy and erased all the anxities that had formed in the back or his troath.

The hall in which she had marched the two of them in was empty but even if there had been the whole gang watching them Coriolanus wouldn't have cared less as he held the girl in front of him close and kiss her, way more passionately than the previous times.

"I'll always choose you." He whispered as their mouths separated, offering a sincere yet reassuring expression to the girl.
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Fizzy pulled up outside of the warehouse, "Right get that piece of shit out of the boot and we will take him to Kobra." He ordered, opening the car door. His face beamed, so far he had received such an important task, to track down Slim and capture the misguided. As the other men groaned when picking up the unconsious body, it was a miracle that this was not another hostage which squirmed, desperate to be free from the burning rope and black sack which covered their head. "Kobra will be pleased, now get him inside the interrogation room and tie him to a chair, be ruthless. If he struggles, be merciless." Fizzy said, but by looking at how lifeless Slim seemed, there was a 'slim' chance. The effects of the drugged scent did not leave him, the man was quite slow at everything, was he not? It was the right decision to get rid of him, he was of course dead weight.


Artemis' fair complexion soon turned to a light rose colour as Coriolanus leaned in, sharing a kiss. It seemed different than the other times, it contained more feeling and passion. As he broke free from the kiss, unfortunately, leaving her lips, she smiled as he stated how he would always choose her. She felt all of her insecurities disappear, he did not want any prepossessing girl who had conditioned hair, wore short dresses and revealed her legs. He wanted her and only her. Artemis rested her head on Coriolanus' chest, burying her head into his build and embracing him. As she broke free from him, she placed a smile onto her lips, "Shall we go and get breakfast?" She asked, she felt quite peckish as Ginge was cooking his breakfast stew which contained elements of spices and all sorts of flavours. Ginge was appointed chef years ago, his food was mostly created from scratch and anything they could get their hands on, he made everything taste good.

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