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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}


Paint rolled her eyes. Now even Artemis' enemy was against her. "Whatever. I don't care anymore. Y'all have fun getting killed by the wolves." Paint picked up her paints and walked away, her face red with anger. She should never have trusted Coriolanus. SHe should never have trusted Red. They were all on Artemis' side. Even Amber was with Artemis. So Paint was by herself. That didn't matter. She was always on her own anyways. Unless she joined the wolves. Then she'd be able to exact her revenge.
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The feeling of the girl he loved in his arms made Coriolanus lose all his worries.

Maybe there could be an happy ending, at least for the two of them.

Barely listening and only nodding because of the mention of food the commander took Artemis hand and gently lead her toward the dining room, the distant smell of spices reaching his nostrils.

"I hope it's not that damn stew again, one more and I'll have stew running through my veins."

And as always he was disappointed when a steaming bowl of stew was dropped in his hands. "Thanks." He said in a sarcastic tone, waiting for Artemis to do the same and the finding two empty seats amongst the room's tables. He settled down and blew on the hot meal to then swallow the first spoon, the usually vivid taste of Ginge's food now boring to his tongue.

Trying to distract himself he started making small talk to the girl sitting next to him.

"So," He took a glance around and was not surprised to find many eyes on himself, which quickly turned away upon meeting his frown "has Stallion decided where we'll be moving?"
Amber watched as Paint walked away, "Good luck wherever you fucking end up." She sang, "You are going to need it." She muttered under her breath, what harm could the girl do, spill Paint. Amber turned her body to enter The Grotto once again, her gaze immediately fell on Artemis and Coriolanus. Walking towards them, she gave a daring smile. "Hello, hello. I, believe it or not defended you when Paint gave a little cheek." She said, stirring her stew.

Artemis looked down at the bowl of stew which sat on the table. Unlike Coriolanus, she thought this recipe was timeless and delicious every time she engulfed a bowl. "Well, today at the least. We will have to move somewhere. We might even fix up that lake house." Artemis' face then fell as Amber approached them, rambling on about how she justified her behaviour towards Artemis by defending the raven. She rolled her eyes, "Damn it, Amber. Take the hint, nobody likes a suck up." She said harshly, of course now with Stallion out of the picture they had nothing to fight for but the brunette was still annoying. Artemis stirred the stew with her spoon and took a sip, smiling as her stomach became enlightened when the flavours entered her mouth.

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Amber's smile soon disappeared. "You know, we have no reason to fight. I would like to propose a truce. To forget about everything which happened. We fought over one lad, the people we should be fighting are The Wolves." She said, attempting to reason one of the commanders. "I'm sure it would get rid of one problem of the gang?" She asked.

Slim awoke, he felt quite drowsy. As he opened his eyes, his surroundings had transformed and he awoke in a dark room where one bright light flashed in his face. He attempted to move, but struggled. He then figured he had been tied down onto a piece of furniture. 'Crap.' Was it The Blood, had they captured him?

Artemis narrowed her eyes at Amber who offered a truce. She found no lies hidden in her eyes, the brunette seemed serious. Artemis wold till be cautious, it could all be a joke, but she took the risk of getting humiliated. "Well this game has gotten quite out of hand already. It would do good to everyone. Fine, you have yourself a deal. Only it means we both are civil when in eachother's presence, since I would hardly call you a for The Blood. The gang ad suffered enough trying to break up any fights or arguments between the two girls when they could have been spent stealing stock or even taking care of a few disrespectful people.

"Sorry." She rubbed her neck, before speaking again. "I finished up the task you sent me two cities over for, and I didn't ask any questions. But, uh...I wanted to know why you sent me, exactly? And I suppose I should ask what the hell is with all the drama going on over here?"


Stallion smiled at Red, "Yes well, you proved your worth on the last task so I figured you would be able to do it again. I do hope Pheonix received his good in good condition?" He asked, "And you have missed quite a bit. I am just unable to even figure out myself what is happening." Stallion shrugged, he would be aggressive at times but most of the time he was friendly. "You arrived this morning, did you have any breakfast?" Stallion was genuinely concerned as the members were like his brothers and sisters. "If not, Ginge cooked up some grub in the lounge."


Red waved off his suggestion for breakfast with a quick, "I'm not hungry, it's alright Stallion. And yes, although he almost took my head off when I found him." She grumbled slightly, but she kept up her good-natured smile. "Hey, I got a cool scar now." She displayed the bandaged hand she had, before lowering it as a small frown crossed her face. "He mentioned...Eliza and code purple, or something, I don't know he seemed rather out of it. Is it anything important?"


Fizzy was hidden in the shadows of the room, watching Slim with narrowed eyes. Around him his accomplices grinned, questioning what they would do with the hostage. "No, Kobra will deal with him. You know the man, if he sheds blood, he is happy." Fizzy instructed, holding out his hand to make one of the men resist. Slim seemed quite confused and puzzled, he felt some sort of amusement as he watched the man take in his surroundings, getting the impression that something was wrong. "This makes me want to laugh." He sneered, hoping he caught Slim b surprise.


Stallion seemed quite surprised that their ally would treat one of Stallion's members like how he did. "I shall have strict words. And it is sort of, I am guessing Eliza, the right hand woman of the gang 'The Mass', will be delivering some resourcesto help us set up somewhere else." Suddenly, Stallion remembered to tell Red what the key event was that everybody was gossiping about in her absence. "Slim... He left The Blood, something about losing everything. He was almost sensitive but I never thought it would come to this." The muscular man sighed, it meant they were not best friends anymore. "We are relocating. Slim knows too much information which could put us in danger. I request you to gather up all of your sentimental items and your belongings as we leave at the latest, tonight." He instructed, he still had to gather up his items which were many. With all of this work, he wondered if he would have to leave it all behind due to how time consuming it could be.


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Coriolanus watched the interaction between Amber and Artemis with an amused smile on his lips, silently eating his stew.

He could barely hold back a chuckle at the agreement between the two girls.

"Oh breakfast and show, that was great, made my day. Thank you." He finished his food and set his bowl on top of the plate of a passing soldier, before returning his focuses on the two girls with a faked sweet smile.

"In all truth I'll miss you two arguing, but perhaps it's better this way. Better for your face that's for sure." He muttered the last bit smugly for Amber, to then proceed to take a sip of his water.
"What?" Red felt anger bubble up, and let out a deep breath. "Slim...damnit." She shook her head, before dipping her head. "I'll go...pack, then." She moved off and up the stairs, opening the door to her room. There wasn't much there, her good running shoes (expensive and artfully stolen), some clothing, a first aid kit, her backpack, her knives and a single, worn sketchbook. She piled it into her backpack, hefting it up and moving one strap over her shoulder, before unwinding the bloody white scarf around her hand and quickly winding up a new, fresh bandage as tightly as she could, before stepping out of the room and locking it behind her. She stepped down the stairs, finding herself back at the main room.

Artemis finished up her stew, it certainly filled her up. As she took a sip of her water, pressing her lips against the rim of the glass, Coriolanus made a comment. Artemis could not help but laugh, accidently spitting out the water. Grasping hold of a napkin, she dabbed her mouth, smirking. "But like you said Amber, all of that is in the past. May not have been my best moment, punching you in the face." Then Artemis diverted her attention to the red-head standing in The Boardroom. "Where has she been then?" She was curious, wondering why and when the member disappeared.

@Couldyoustfu @Altaynna @BubbleBoo

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Red noticed the small group looking at her, and she shuffled into the kitchen, pulling a chair around and sitting in it backwards, placing her head on her folded arms over the back of the chair. "Hey." She smiled, raised her eyebrows slightly. "Haven't been around in a bit, I heard a lot has happened."

@Chocoholique @Couldyoustfu @BubbleBoo
Paint arrived home and practically sprinted up to her room. Her parents were downstairs, and one of them called to her to stop. She didn't. She packed up every item she owned, shoved it all her in backpack, and then went downstairs. Her foster parents were trying to talk to her. Fuck them. Paint threw her phone to them and then left, slamming the door behind her. She walked back downtown, a scowl plastered on her face. They never deserved you. A voice whispered in her ear. She looked around. "Who was that?" She asked, perplexed. It's me, obviously. They never deserved you. And neither did that stupid gang. Paint was terrified now. Who was talking to her?

(She's now pschizo. Hehe.)

Artemis casually nodded towards Red, displaying a forced smile. The raven warrior was quite wary of the fiery red-head, only because she seemed quite close to Paint. Did Red object to Paint's banishment, but Artemis rid the thought from her mind as she convinced herself that maybe she was kind-hearted. "Yes, it has certainly been one hell of a morning." Artemis then asked the question she had previously said aloud to Coriolanus and Amber. "So where did you run off to again?"


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Amber flushed red, clutching her nose which had been sealed wuth a plaster. "Oh shush, it barely hurt!" She lied, it still pained. As Amber finished up her stew, she found Red approaching them and making conversation. "Are you not best pals with that Paint?" Amber raised an eyebrow, "I saw you two talking earlier did I not? All I can say is she has problems, more than we ever did to be honest." Amber shrugged, settling herself down by pulling a stool.
Red shrugged at Amber. "I'm her friend, yes, but we met a short while ago, and I understand she said some...rather hurtful things and that was definitely a stupid decision." She waved them off, before noticing her bandage had begun to come loose. She set about to re-wrap it, speaking as she did her best to wrap it tightly. "Stallion sent me off a few towns over, so I've been gone a bit. And I heard about Slim...what happened?" Her voice betrayed barely the beginning of concern she held for the fellow member, her eyes letting only a crack of hurt and worry through.

@BubbleBoo @Chocoholique @Couldyoustfu
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Raphael was sitting up against a wall. He had no idea where he was and didn't know how he wound up there. The last thing he remembered was going to a business party, something involving stocks or whatever. He had a few drinks before blacking out. He looked around and everything was a bit blurry. He checked his pockets, groaning to notice his wallet was gone. "Shoot..." He sighed. Raphael stood up slowly and just leaned against a garbage can. "I feel like I'm dying." He laughed painfully.
Coriolanus finished the last of his drink, his eyes darkening as he heard Red ask about what he had been trying to forget.

"He misunderstood something, and fucked up a lot of things. He ran away on his own though, no banishment or anything."

The commander didn't even try to hide the resentment in his voice, in Coriolanus' opinion Stallion and Artemis had been nothing but negligent with the ex third in command, always ready to forgive him and fix his faults, while Paint got kicked out for one single mistake.

He offered Artemis a tight smile, knowing she'd probably argue over that.

He tried to change the argument before a fight could ensure though, noticing the red hair fumbling with her hand.

"Here, let me help." He muttered in a low voice, tying her bandages tightly enough. He was slightly curious about what sort of mission the girl had been sent on, but suspected she wasn't to openly talk about it since she hadn't done it yet. So, in a not very subtle tone, he raised his eyebrows and spoke.

"What happened to your hand, exactly?"
Tetro said:
Raphael was sitting up against a wall. He had no idea where he was and didn't know how he wound up there. The last thing he remembered was going to a business party, something involving stocks or whatever. He had a few drinks before blacking out. He looked around and everything was a bit blurry. He checked his pockets, groaning to notice his wallet was gone. "Shoot..." He sighed. Raphael stood up slowly and just leaned against a garbage can. "I feel like I'm dying." He laughed painfully.
Paint spotted a man leaning on a garbage can and walked over to him. "I'm Paint." She said firmly. "I need help. Will you help me?" Her anxiety would kick in soon, but for now she was angry and impulsive.
Raphael looked at the girl. "..." He stood up straight and fixed himself up, clearing his throat. "Priest." He introduced himself. "What can I help you with?" He studied her. Maybe he could get some money out of helping her, or anything really. Raphael figured he looked presentable enough to go about without attracting too much attention, but this girl had an odd feeling to her. "And how many laws will I be breaking if I do in fact help you?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint smiled. "None at all. I need you to inflitrate a local gang. It's called The Blood. I need to find out where they are relocating to." Paint leaves against the wall. "I'll pay you 50 bucks a day."


Artemis raised an eyebrow, "Yes well, he will rarely be able to survive one night so before we kill him he will probably kill himself. He is just confused, everybody did always wonder if he hit his head when he was born." She tried to reassure herself. She would not really kill Slim, she did not want to but before she was angry and when the raven gets angry she says things she cannot take back, infact she ends up carrying them out. It happened in many scenarios, 'Amber, one day you will mess with the wrong girl and your going to end up on the floor, near to death.' 'Well, father. We are here in this situation, arguing so many times. Do not be surprised when I pack a sack and take off some day.' 'For some reason, I cannot let you go. I will never stop loving you, in that friendly way.' Of course she had not yet said it aloud yet. She did not want to. But why ever not? Is it because people may think of it in a different way? Hardly, since she did not even listen to what Stallion himself said.

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