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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

|The Wharehouse Interrogation Room|

Slim heard a few voices and then a harsh cackle, this did not seem to be The Blood. "Reveal yourselves." As far as he knew, he had no personal enemies, but then a name was muttered from one of the darkened figures. 'Kobra'. Slim shuddered at the thought, he was in Kobra's hideout, he was being held captive by The Wolves. And this time neither Stallion, Artemis and especially Coriolanus would help him. He had fucked up bad by leaving.
Priest looked at Paint, thinking about it for a second. "Alright, sure. But what do you have against them?" He asked. "I am not exactly in any mood to risk my life for fifty dollars. Especially if it's just because a child got upset at some older kids." He eyed her. Priest began to come up with a plan. If he decided to take the job then he might just get enough money to cover what he had lost.

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint scowled. "I'm not a child. Shut up." She pouted. "I hate them and I want to destroy them. You can either help me out or I can fill your lungs with spray paint and leave you to rot." Paint was shocked at her words. "I'm sorry. I don't mean that. Just please help."


Kobra raised a slitted eyebrow as one of his guards whispered about the return of Fizzy and his accomplices who had Slim. The leader got up, sighing. He hoped it would not be another excuse, how Slim it was difficult to capture Slim. As his guard opened the door for him, Kobra sauntered down the hallway where he opened up the door to the interrogation roo. "This better be good Fizzy, because you know what good means in my books." He hissed, and as he looked upon the figure, a devious smile took over his lips. He patted the member, symbolizing how he was proud but Kobra's force was too much for the man to handle so he fell to the ground, laughing nervously. "Now, why would you tie him to a chair? Come on boys, we are not animals!" He said, amused as Slim squirmed.


Stallion inhaled in some air as Red left, he had hardly had any time to himself to lash out at any objects about the situation regarding Slim's 'retirement'. He looked around, scanning the room, there were so many thing to hit, to destroy, but why did Stallion not feel like eliminating an object which had nothing to do with the situation? He was hurt, he realised. Instead if anger, all he felt was hurt. He had been turned on by his closest friend. Somebody who promised to always be there for The Blood, always there for him. "Some brother..." Stallion muttered to himself as he exited the training quaters.

Returning to his room, Stallion's eyes began to examine what valuable and sentimental items he possessed where worth taking. He then came across some of his old weaponary, the memories he shared with them forced him to throw them in a bag. He then looked around for any valuable items, so his jewels and gems were then stored in the bag. Flinging the bag onto his shoulder, he exited the room, moving quite slowly, as if he wished he did not want to leave which he did not. "I hope everybody has packed their things." His mouth went dry as he entered the loungewhere Ginge stood, carrying a heavy, steaming pot of fresh stew, around him members nodded and the odd few shook their head, dumbfounded.

"If not, now is the time." He mumbled, but he could not leave it at that, he had more to say. "I have something else to say, I supoose all of you are aware of the recent situation." Around him members remained silent. "Oh come on, now everybody is just telling fibs. Anyway, I do apologise. Being the leader I needed to prevent what happened, to prevent Slim leaving. But what has happened, has happened. We will start somewhere new, this place holds such sentimental memories I am sure you want to bring along with you, but after this hour The Grotto will mean nothing to you. I am sure you have all heard about the lakehouse, it is very special to me, and I am sure it will prove as a worthy home for you too. Our ally, The Mass, have kindly sent over some resources to help us get started. We would be a few days behind if Red had not carried out the task quickly and yet single-handedly. Now, as your leader, I order you to keep contact with the people outside to a minimum. To prevent situations like this happening again, forcing us to relocate one more time, we will do background checks on every person who thinks they qualify for our group. I will give that job to my two fellow commanders who will select trustworthy people to assist them."

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Priest took a step towards her, his plain and cold expression not changing. "..." He remained silent, simply glaring at Paint. He thought about taking her out with a punch but instead leaned in closer. "If you threaten me again, I'll give you a reason to need help..." He whispered. He stood up straight, "I'll help you, but you better watch your mouth." He warned her. The last thing Priest needed was some random punk kid threatening him because she didn't like being called what she was.

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint stiffened. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me today." She was practically shaking with fear. "First the mouthing off, then the voice... I'm a wreck." She runs a hand through her hair. "You don't have to help. I'm sorry."

Artemis turned her head, shooting it up as Stallion spoke. His speech and apology seemed geniune enough so she blinked, paying close attention. What else could she take apart from her clothes and weapons, anyway? As he appointed her and Coriolanus to carefully select members who would carry the background checks with them, she turned towards Amber and Red. She and Red had a rocky start, and now since she needed her family more than ever, she was willing to let the red-head join them. "You up for it, Red?" She then faced Amber, sure the brunette was annoying as hell sometimes but she was a scout, and finding information was what got her into the gang in the first place, "How about you, Amber?"

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Priest blinked, "The voice?" He asked. Priest had always wanted to be, well, a priest, but only for the sake of being able to help people. His instinct to help this girl overpowered his violent tendencies. "Do you have anywhere we can go? I would like to know more about this voice." He put a comforting hand on her shoulder. Priest had years of experience and exposure to the charismatic and persuasive words of church leaders. His own training for it helped as well, and he had seen dozens of people like Paint come in to talk to the priests.

@Quiet Is Violent
Amber smiled, not at all surprised how she was selected almost immediately. Searching for information was what she did best, it was her forte. She had the real name, the age, the background information and who they currently worked for and who they recently contacted in a matter of seconds. "Now, I would talk business but I do have a few things to gather up. Do not miss me, it will only take a few minutes." She grinned as she excused herself, leaving her seat to walk back to her room.

Amber was given the room located in the far end of the corridor, as she walked in her usual vanilla scent lurked in the aur. Amber gathered her clothes, her pocket knife and her technology, it was just an old mobile phone which had many links and a transmitter. She had eyes everywhere in the neighbourhhod due to the many camps of The Blood members. Amber then returned with a bag stuck to her bag.
Slim gulped, his lip trembling as Kobra spoke. "What do you want?" He said, struggling to understand why of all members, he would be the one captured? He was the weak link, the one who left. Slim rattled his wrists but the rope did not leave his skin, it burned as it made contact with the material. Was his life at risk at the moment?
Tetro said:
Priest blinked, "The voice?" He asked. Priest had always wanted to be, well, a priest, but only for the sake of being able to help people. His instinct to help this girl overpowered his violent tendencies. "Do you have anywhere we can go? I would like to know more about this voice." He put a comforting hand on her shoulder. Priest had years of experience and exposure to the charismatic and persuasive words of church leaders. His own training for it helped as well, and he had seen dozens of people like Paint come in to talk to the priests.
@Quiet Is Violent
"We can go to my hideout? It's a couple blocks away." Paint muttered. "The voice is not a big deal. It's just this deep thing that tells me that I should exact revenge and stuff." Paint sighed. She looked at her feet and shook her head. "What's wrong with me?" The question was more rhetorical than literal.

Kobra cackled, his voice bouncing off the walls of the small room, he edged closer, revealing his face. "We want you to be on our side. The dark side." He saud briefly, crossing his arms over his chest and making him appear unapproachable, "I understand you feel let down. They really wronged you did they not?" He questioned. Kobra, if he was honest he would say how we was disinterested in Slim's personal affairs but he needed to show that he could be sensitive to the situation so he could earn trust and information. Slim was the least of his worries.

The third in command was not at all impressed nor surprised by Stallion's speech and request, so he too turned to give a look around while Red and Amber were personally picked by Artemis.

Truly most members were ruthless brutes, more fit for fists than sneaking, so who would he choose?

He designated a small group of slim and young soldiers, almost all of them were scouts.

Raising from his feet with an heavy sigh Coriolanus approached his leader, stopping at his side and turning to offer a positive smile to the crowd of soldiers, while lowering his voice so that only Stallion could hear, and Artemis if she were to approach too.

"It's obvious but if I can make a suggestion I say we dig into the past of anyone wanting to join the group from now, Slim may or may not be spilling our secrets but it's a precaution I'm willing to take care of personally."

The Blood was the only real family he had ever been in, he wasn't willing to let it go easily.
Red flashed a smile to Artemis, nodding. "I'm up for anything." She grinned, adjusting the backpack on her shoulder slightly before regarding Stallion. The lakehouse...curious, she was interested. She nodded slightly once more, before regarding the walls of the grotto. She hadn't been here long enough for this place to mean much to here, but still it felt...odd, to have another home slip by under her fingers. More running.


Stallion blinked as Coriolanus stood next to him, offering an idea Stallion had already suggested. "Yes, digging up any information about them, professional or personal. Which is the definition of background checks." Stallion disliked the man by the minute and he had no idea why. "Anyway, as you were." He said, leaving the lounge and all of the members dining. He had to just walk around here for one last time, he had been here the longest, he owned this place, it was his. Sure, it sounded selfish but who founded this place and sharpened up the abandoned flat building?

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Priest gestured out of the alleyway, "Lead the way." He smiled at her. If she were schizophrenic then he wouldn't have too much trouble helping her out. "No matter what is wrong with you, I won't leave you to deal with it by yourself. Lets go, child." The usage of the word 'child' was more of a term of endearment, similar to how a priest would talk. Which of course wasn't a big surprise at all.

@Quiet Is Violent
Tetro said:
Priest gestured out of the alleyway, "Lead the way." He smiled at her. If she were schizophrenic then he wouldn't have too much trouble helping her out. "No matter what is wrong with you, I won't leave you to deal with it by yourself. Lets go, child." The usage of the word 'child' was more of a term of endearment, similar to how a priest would talk. Which of course wasn't a big surprise at all.
@Quiet Is Violent
"I'm not a child." She mumbled under her breath. Make him pay for it. The voice whispered. Mitchy shook her head violently. "No! God, what is wrong with you?" You know you want to. Just do it. Make him pay. "Shut up, shut up!" Mitchy slapped herself and then looked at Priest. "Sorry. I... it was talking to me again. Uh, follow me." Mitchy blushed and walked towards her hideout, which was just a few blocks away.

Priest followed the girl, not surprised at all at her outburst. Whoever this gang was, they were going to pay for hurting her. Yes he knew they weren't totally at fault and she may have already been like this, but they weren't tactful about dealing with her and the proof was in her current state of mind and attitude. Someone was going to either die or suffer physically for antagonizing the girl's condition. Although he still had a job to do so those shenanigans would come afterwards.
Tetro said:
Priest followed the girl, not surprised at all at her outburst. Whoever this gang was, they were going to pay for hurting her. Yes he knew they weren't totally at fault and she may have already been like this, but they weren't tactful about dealing with her and the proof was in her current state of mind and attitude. Someone was going to either die or suffer physically for antagonizing the girl's condition. Although he still had a job to do so those shenanigans would come afterwards.
Paint looked around her, her hands fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. They closer the two got, the more graffiti art decorated the walls. Paint stopped at one piece, a small butterfly on a human heart. She ran her hand over the paint and smiled. "Should have had more blood..." She whispered. Should have painted it in human blood. The voice replies. Paint nearly jumps out of her skin and looks at Priest. "S-sorry. Uh, it's just this way." She blushes deeply. They reach the abandoned garage and Paint sighs heavily. "Well, here it is! House sweet house."


Artemis wondered what they would do now. The current plan was to infultrate The Wolves by having Coriolanus and Artemis pretend they were an eloped couple, which would not be too hard, but now seeing as Slim had ran off, he would do anything that nobody would think of, including joining The Wolves. Ofcourse, she did not mention this to anyone, she wanted to be positive before causing a scene. Now what would they do? Slim would be able to identify them. The raven warrior looked across her to find Amber listening attentively tohe chatter of the lounge, beside her was her bag containing some device. Artemis knew very well what it was but she had no idea how to operate it. "Amber, can I please speak to you?" As a few members did turn to see what would happen in this 'conversation', Artemis then added onto her sentence, "In private?" Sure enough the members resumed into their conversation. Artemis would now have to do twice as much work during the last hours in The Grotto, finding out about Slim's movements and packing her things before they left for the lakehouse.
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Venus wasn't the most die-hard member of The Blood. Really, she was just some kid who used to follow them around, begging for food before they just adopted her in. That's why she felt the tiniest twinge of pride when they asked her to bring the stolen weapons back to The Grotto. It wasn't the biggest mission but it was a step up than the petty theft and "sit here and look pretty" assignments she usually got.

That's why there was the slightest swagger in her step when she entered The Grotto, armed to the gills. There where weapons in her duffle bag , the backpack slung over her shoulder and the pockets of her hoodie. Venus was fit to rob a bank and she loved it.

She pushed the hood of her head, running her hand through her honey colored curls. Where were Stallion and Artemis ? She had habit of referring to the two as Big Man and Little Lady. The thought put a small smirk on her face but she really needed to find those two. Fuck, she's even settle for that cutie Coriolanus. "Anyone home", Venus called out lightly as she
really didn't feel like searching.

mentioned: @Chocoholique @Couldyoustfu

interacted: @Anyone
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