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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

OOC: If Paint is feeling lonely, do you want to come back to The Grotto? She can watch it burst into flames if she wants. :)
"Well I think with a bit of persuasion, anyone is capable of anything." Priest nodded confidently. "I like to see myself as a people person at times." He began to make his way back outside. "So, shall we?" He asked her. A plan was already forming in his head. What could happen, his reaction to any problems that might arise, and more importantly, would weapons be involved at all. He also had to take into consideration that this girl wasn't exactly right in the head.

@Quiet Is Violent

The mis poked a button and the device then rattled haired girl edged closer to the transmitter where she curiously inspected the device, tilting her head to the side. "What would happen if-" Artemis was about to poke a button when she heard a few members chatting, their belongings trailing behind them and making loud and disturbing noises. The girl stood up straight and seized hold of her bag, swinging it onto her shoulder and ruffling her hair. "I suppose you can show it to me later? Write now, we must not waste any time." She said as she opened her bedroom door, twisting the door knob and exiting the room. The tortilla coloured floor was now blanketed in brown smudges, "What a mess, I like it." She said to herself, sighing.

Amber was cautious about letting Artemis rven set eyes on her beloved possession, let alone touch it.

As members of the gang ran in different directions, gathering up everything they had, Amber followed Artemis out. "Sure thing." The brunette then pointed towards Stallion, "After we leave though, I have something to take care of." The scout then strolled over to Stallion where she placed a hand on his back.

"Stallion? Are we all set- Who is this?" She said quite coldly. Stallion started out as a game, something she had not had sex with yet, but Amber did not approach competition with a smile. Hey eyes fell on an unfamilliar member, looking past Red, wearing that worn hoodie.

The new member reminded Amber of a wird, 'wannabe'.
Slim's lip trembled, "You know nothing!" He would not let Kobra get to him and his loss.

He loved Artemis ever since he laid eyes on her, ever since she asked for a slice of bread from him.

She was all he saw and now she was somebody else's thing. "It was not like that, I just did not fit in." He reassured himself, speaking out loud. The members were all different with strong builds but all he had was a slender body.


Stallion found something come into contact with his spine, swivelling around he found Amber, her chocolate pools glancing around at Venus and Red. As her eyes rested on Venus, Stallion smiled. This was Venus' opportunity to make friends, "Venus, this is our most treasured scout, Amber. Amber this is our new member, and last, Venus. I take that you will take good care of her?" He asked, gesturing between the two girls and having his British accent drawl, making him appear more alluring than ever. London playboy who is clueless about his love life, that was the thing that was trending in The Grotto, right If so, he had it.

Red rolled her eyes at the drama going on, quelling any even possible emotions she might have for Stallion, she'd worry about that shit later. She nodded at Venus. "Red." She turned to Stallion, eyeing him up and down quickly. He had seemed rather off lately, and it was worrying her. Yes, there had been lots of stuff going down when she was gone, apparently, but this...it was never good to have a distracted leader in times of crisis. Not that she could blame him, but still.

@Chocoholique @Of the Red
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Kobra cackled, pushing Slim's face back. "Oh, good one! But you are somewhat right. I mean, look at you, what did you do? Draw maps and plan attacks? Not really participate in them, did you?" He questioned. "Come back down to Earth, Moon Boy. The commander was way out of your league." He spat. Kobra wanted to see how much pain Slim could endure and how much he would suffer. "She never did love you, you were just some escape from all the women surrounding Artemis. Come to think of it, Stallion hardly called you a friend and replaced you with a foreigner who knew less than a month. Funny." He would make sure it hurt, he would force Slim to become vulnerable and allow himself to join The Wolves.

Venus was about to ask Stallion if there was anything she should "buy" for the trip before a new person joined the conversation. The way the girl stood by Stallion indicated protectiveness not to mention the hand on his back. Venus still wore her amused smirk as she nodded at Stallion. "Go on, introduce me".

Venus looked up at Stallion, his handsome face was crinkled with worry but there was nothing that said he knew about the little competition between the two girls. She couldn't blame him though, he had enough to worry about. "Red, huh ? I like it".
Paint nodded. "Yeah, let's go. Maybe the voice will stop talking when we get there." She said this optimistically. The voice laughed at her and she shivered. Stop? Me? Never. You released me from my prison, I'm here to stay. Paint shook her head violently. "No! No! You'll go away and I'll make you!" She screamed, holding her temples. The voice's laughter only grew louder and more vicious. Tears fell down Paint's face. "Priest... Help..." She whispered helplessly, stuck in her place in fear.


Stallion brushed a hand through his hair, "We best get going." He said, forcing a frown. As he looked up, his eyes locked with Artemis' grey orbs, her glare making her seem so childish and yet so bitchy. "I will meet you three outside," he concluded, leaving the crowd and silently walking away. Something had to be done about this place, if anybody was to stumble upon it then they should find nothing and no sign of life. The man pulled out a box full of matches from his pocket and closed his eyes, he was going to miss this place because he knew that his memories would die with the building.

Chocoholique said:

Stallion brushed a hand through his hair, "We best get going." He said, forcing a frown. As he looked up, his eyes locked with Artemis' grey orbs, her glare making her seem so childish and yet so bitchy. "I will meet you three outside," he concluded, leaving the crowd and silently walking away. Something had to be done about this place, if anybody was to stumble upon it then they should find nothing and no sign of life. The man pulled out a box full of matches from his pocket and closed his eyes, he was going to miss this place because he knew that his memories would die with the building.

OOC: Can you wait for Paint and Priest to show up before torching the place? Paint needs to talk to artemis
OOC: Priest is not really a member (yet) so he might just be told to go away. Just a word of warning and Bubbles wants a showdown with Venus so-
OOC: Hell yeahhh

Amber flipped her dark waves as she walked away, her caramel complexion glowing in the lounge's lights. Who was Venus? Hardly anyone to her. "Stallion, wait up." She called, slipping her hand into his arm where she held onto him with such grip.
Red rolled her eyes. "Hormones." She turned to leave, before pausing and turning to Venus. "You coming?" She waited patiently, her mind turning over the girls here. There had been a lot of drama about boys, but she would be lying if she said she wasn't looking for love. The idea sounded nice, anyway, but she wasn't about to throw herself into some barbaric competition to get it. She'd lived without it for a while, she could survive a little longer.
OOC: What type of love octagon is this ??

"I'm right behind you", Venus said as laughed and flipped her corkscrew curls just like Amber did. God, she knew her for less than five minutes and she could already tell the dark haired girl was a piece of work.

Venus had
eight older brothers. She wasn't exactly adept to picking out petty emotions but if there was one thing she could detect, it was a challenge. Beside, the majority of those brothers shared Venus' good looks with a bad boy personality so it was no wonder girls flocked to them. All those girls saw Venus as a threat. "Jealous much ?".

She caught up to Red and held up a finger. With the other hand, she'd reach into the many pockets of her hoodie until she found what she was looking for...a plastic bag stuffed full with candy. "I might've taken a little...detour when I delivered the weapons. You want anything ?".
Red laughed, reaching in and pull in out a lollipop. "I like you already." She offered a friendly smile and unwrapped it before placing it in her mouth and smiling. "Welcome to the Blood. I'm rather new myself, but I can try and help if you want to know anything."

She had learned the hard way that any potential ally was also a potential threat. Bei the to your side and you don't have an issue on yoru hands. It's always better to have friends than to have enemies. The more friends, the easier to face enemies. It was a simple science, and he so many ignored it.

Stallion then felt a tight squeeze on his arm. Amber yet again. He did not mind her attention because for some reason she gave it to him when he needed it. "Dang it. Where did you find your strength? Anyway, I hope you will look after Venus, she would make a good scout." He looked at the other brunette, her thick curls

pswaying as she walked. Stallion then hugged Amber playfully, knowing how emotional she could be and lufting her off the ground slightly. "I'll give you a minute to say goodbye." To be honest, it was Stallion needed that silent minute with The Grotto. As his eyes drifted onto Artemis again, she rolled her eyes at the playful behaviour presented by Stallion.

"What up Becky?" It was a little joke between the two and always made the pair laugh as he boomed with the one liner.

Erik pushed his aviators closer to his face, light glaring off of them. He sighed, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans, where a pistol rested. It wasn't for any malicious purposes, it was just a precaution. For now. He glanced around The Grotto and saw a trio of people, a guy and two girls in the lounge area. With a close eye, he studied each of them for several seconds each before finally approaching them. He recognized Stallion and internally groaned at his street name.

No lack of self-identified studs 'round here...

He took out a roll of twenties and raised it up for Stallion to see, his eyebrow raising slightly.

"Deal went bad. Snagged this off him, along with the goods. Left 'em where picked 'em up before."

To be honest, Erik had kept some cash for himself. Just hazard pay, as he thought. He had taken the guy out after he pulled a gun when he thought Erik wasn't looking. His mistake.

@Chocoholique @BubbleBoo
Priest finally gave her a hug, even though he was never one for physical affection unless it was with someone who was extremely close to him. He held her quietly, "Don't worry, you'll get better. After this whole thing maybe we can get you to a doctor. I know a few people who can help us. Now, lets go find Artemis." He kissed Paint's forehead. This was a situation that would take everything he had to persevere through, and the thought of it made him internally shudder.

@Quiet Is Violent
Tetro said:
Priest finally gave her a hug, even though he was never one for physical affection unless it was with someone who was extremely close to him. He held her quietly, "Don't worry, you'll get better. After this whole thing maybe we can get you to a doctor. I know a few people who can help us. Now, lets go find Artemis." He kissed Paint's forehead. This was a situation that would take everything he had to persevere through, and the thought of it made him internally shudder.
@Quiet Is Violent
Paint hugged him tightly in return. She couldn't stop crying. "He keeps taunting me. Why does he do that? Why won't he stop?" She whispered, trembling quite severely. She calmed considerably at the kiss on her forehead, but she was still on edge. "Right. Artemis. Let's find her. We can do that, right?" She whispered to herself, pulling away from Priest. She looked around her. "The grotto. Artemis is at the grotto. I can get us there. It's just a little ways away." Paint started walking towards it. "Follow me." She whispered.

Stallion was approached by yet another member, "Oh I forgot about you. So I guess you are the last one." The leader raised an eyebrow as he was being told the situation which he was not at all buying. "Right, funny how that never happened with Red or Venus. I knew we should have stuck to our local supplier. Anyway, that is your task over and done with, welcome to The Blood, Erik. The results were sure poor but that's not your fault, is it?" Stallion took hold of the wad of dollar bills and thrusted it to a passing member, "The safe, Foxie." He ordered. "A little update, home becomes hell hole and we have to pack a sack and move." He explained, quite briefly.

Priest followed Paint, keeping a comforting arm around her the entire time. "I don't know but we can find out. Maybe some closure will help you. Stress is pretty dangerous to keep bottled up. It can lead to.... unsavory results." His mind immediately went back to the day he met his dad. But he shook the thought as quickly as it came. "Tell me more about these people. I don't want to go in blind. It wouldn't be very appropriate of me, despite what we are already doing."

@Quiet Is Violent

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