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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

Tetro said:
Priest followed Paint, keeping a comforting arm around her the entire time. "I don't know but we can find out. Maybe some closure will help you. Stress is pretty dangerous to keep bottled up. It can lead to.... unsavory results." His mind immediately went back to the day he met his dad. But he shook the thought as quickly as it came. "Tell me more about these people. I don't want to go in blind. It wouldn't be very appropriate of me, despite what we are already doing."
@Quiet Is Violent
Paint nodded. "I'm not usually stressed. My foster parents let me do whatever the hell I want, I'm practically free. I don't know why this broke me down so much." She admitted. "Um... What else is there to know... They might be moving, because one of the ranking officers left for a rival gang. Um... And the leader is Stallion... I think I already told you that..." Paint walked rather quickly, her nerves on edge because of her condition.
Erik regarded him coldly. His eyes followed Foxie for a while until his gaze returned to Stallion, and he gave a short bark of laughter.

"I'm sure that wasn't your fault. Anyway, it actually isn't my problem when you choose a horrible partner. And the name's Fenrir. I'll make sure you don't forget in the future."


Stalion seemed quite amused at the latest member and his attempt at threatening the leader. "Don't be blue, Becky." It did make him giddy, the amount of times he mentioned Jay Z's mistress and called her by her name, 'Becky'. As Stallion stood up, towering the newest member, his name already forgotten, Stallion chuckled, "I like you. Now how would you like to-" Stallion stopped mid-sentence as Artemis, from across the room glared

at him. "I have no fucking idea what I did, but we can talk outside." He said to her, gathering some attention from passing members. He was oblivious how the members thought it would be Stallion and Artemis getting together and discovering Artemis' previous feelings, long before Coriolanus, Stallion could now see why. He turned his heel, he could not really try and talk to her in that same old way.

Erik smirked as Stallion tried to look tough and held a tighter grip on his gun. He chuckled as Artemis stopped him and stopped slouching, facing Stallion eye to eye.

"Don't make that mistake. I advise you to get to steppin' with your girlfriend, before you go out of your depth and get hurt. That's not a threat, Pony, that's a promise of a target on your head."

Venus laughed, smiling at Red. "You're not so bad yourself, Red". Believe or not, Venus wasn't incredibly friendly. Really, she came off as a fake bitch which wasn't suprsing cause she was one. Red hadn't done anything to her, she needed someone to finish the giant ass bag of candy with and it was good having allies so why not be "friends ?". "This place already seems like home-too bad Stallion's gonna torch it".

Venus selected a lollipop for herself too, a blue raspberry one that was sure to stain her mouth. Unwrapping it, she'd pop it in her mouth before pointing to the guy speaking to Stallion and Artemis. "You don't know how bad I want to run up and grab those sunglasses off his face..".

Erik turned his head to Venus and Red, noticing them when he first walked in. He lowered his sunglasses and winked, giving a sly grin to each of the girls. Turning back to Stallion, he flicked a finger gun at him and Artemis before walking to the duo.

"Talk to ya later, boss. You, too, babe."

Behind his glasses he rolled his eyes and tilted his head at Venus as he stopped in front of the pair.

"Heard you were talkin' shit."

@Of the Red

Artemis scoffed at Fenrir's snarl. She expected a reply from Stallion but all the leader did was chuckle. As Artemis trailed after her supposed-to-be best friend and as she walked past the clearly troubled man she hissed. "His girlfriend? What gave you that idea?" She was with Coriolanus, whom she loved dearly, except being a naïve sixteen year old, Artemis had no real idea what true love was.

What's up, Becky?" Stallion required, crossing both arms and leaning against the wall, hoping to replace the girl's disappointed frown with a grin.

"Leave Becky out of this. Are you fucking kidding me?" Artemis cried, "You did not even know that dude's name and you allowed him inside The Grotto, you even allowed him to speak to you like that." Glancing back at the mouthy member, Artemis lowered her voice so Stallion could hear her question. "What the fuck happened to carrying out background checks?"

Stallion smirked, "
Well, that is why we have Amber over there." He said, gesturing towards the brunette and causing the raven to turn around. As Artemis realised she had finally figured out the reason to why Amber was here at all, she forced a smile. "Right..."

When Artemis questioned him, Fenrir sighed and threw his head back, grabbing her shoulder and firmly, yet gently, turned her around.

"Because I'm not blind, nor an idiot. Plus, I've seen your little boy toy, and I'm truly not surprised. The stereotypical bad boy for you, a girl who might have the street smarts, but not enough smarts in here."

He lightly poked where her heart was and shook his head.

"Use it, it's there for a reason. It's why I do what I do. You need me to slap some more sense into ya, you know where to find me."

He patted her arm and jerked his head to Stallion before he started to walk away.

"I'm goin' out on a limb here and sayin' he's always like this."

He didn't wait for any kind of reply before turning his attention back to Venus and Red.

@Chocoholique @Of the Red @Altaynna
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Venus scoffed when the newcomer pulled down his sunglasses, revealing icy blue eyes, and winked at them. Guys like that would wink and cajole until you finally gave them what they want or told them to fuck off. Sure, he might be nice but Venus was a cynic when it came to romance involving any gender.

That's why the dark eyed girl wasn't suprised when he swaggered and tilted his head at her, saying nothing but "heard you were talking shit".

Venus didn't say anything for a second, instead looking him up and down with her eyes. Dark hair, blue eyes, pale skin and lean. She could admit he was cute. Pushing up the sleeves of her large, olive hoodie, Venus took a step closer to the other. She barely met his shoulder but her body language was as confident as his. "First, that's not how you start a conversation. Say hi, introduce yourself, tell me I'm pretty and then accuse me of 'talking shit'. Second, you wanna specify who I'm talking about ?".

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Fenrir raised and eyebrow and adjusted his sunglasses.

"I never directly said you were pretty, nor did I say hi. I saw you look directly at me and say something to your friend, here, all the while pointing at me. Now, it can't be about my dashing, rogueish good looks, because you'd never admit true feelings to anyone, but you'd most definitely say something about the way I was talking to my superiors, or, for instance, my glasses."

Fenrir grabbed the lolipop from her mouth and stuck it in his, crossing his arms with his eyebrow still arched.

"I think that qualifies as talkin' shit."

@Of the Red
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Venue wanted whatever he was smoking because he had to be high if he thought he could waltz into The Grotto and speak to her like he owned the place. And after all that, he just added insult to injury when he still didn't say she was pretty. Venus turned to Red, gesturing at Fenrir with a look of disbelieve, her expression clearly saying "can you believe this guy ?". Turning her attention back to him, she'd look the other up and down oagain, Venus would roll her eyes.

"Exactly ! All I really want to hear is how
gorgeous I am but no, you have to turn the conversation back to yourself ! Well, let me clear this up for you, pretty boy. I point and talk about a lot of people so you're not special and I couldn't give a fuck about your 'dashing, roguish good looks' or how you talked to our, dear, dear Stallion. It's the glasses, hon".

Pissed at the way Fenrir causally snatched the candy from her mouth and put it in his, Venus took a step closer to him and stood on the tips of her sneakers to pluck the sunglasses from his face and place them on hers. "If you get off thinking about people talking about you, feel free to believe I was talkin shit all you like".
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Fenrir jerked his head away as she removed his glasses and quickly snatched them back. There was a slight glimpse of a long scar from the left side of the bridge of nose curling around the underside of his eye. The glasses almost immediately covered it up.

"Don't touch my glasses."

He bit down on the lolipop and took a big chunk out of it, handing it back to Venus.

@Of the Red
Ooh, Wolf Boy had a scar. How interesting. What's next, a giant tattoo ? Venus gazed at the scar for as long as possible, allowing him to snatch the glasses off her face and put them back on. She wondered what happened but didn't bother asking now but she wouldn't forget about questioning him later.

"Don't touch my candy and we have an agreement"

Venus twirled the stick of the lollipop between her finger before leaning up and placing the candy back between Fenrir's lips, patting his cheek. "Keep it, Wolf Boy. You need something to remember me by".
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Paint led Priest to the Grotto. She froze in her tracks. "This is a bad idea." She whispers, slowly approaching. "Yep, this is not a good idea. He's going to make me do something bad again." Paint's eyes teared up.



Artemis narrowed her eyes as Fenrir made human contact with her, "I would prefer it if you did not touch me." She muttered, grimacing as Fenrir walked away. As the raven observed the scene, she found Venus, a person she would happily bring with her on missions. "I like her. Anyway, remember your promise because I know you will fuck EVERYTHING up." She turned back to Stallion who also dropped his gaze on Venus, not really caring for the things Fenrir said. "You know, when I partnered up with Ms.Right, I had no idea her first name was 'Always'." He groaned, rolling his eyes playfully.

"I already do."

Fenrir took it out and flicked it into a nearby trashcan.

"And it's not as sweet and pleasant as a piece of candy. I wouldn't take anymore of your candy, either. It's a tad bitter, I wonder if tastes that way cause you radiate that feeling. That fact aside, what's up with Ms. 10-foot-pole-up-her-ass, she always like this? I gotta say, I'm thinkin' that pole is European, douchey, and an overall prick. Just my opinion."

@Of the Red
OOC: I remember when I was a new member and I was 'unwelcomed' and nobody bothered explaining the rules to me, so there is a tab on this roleplay which reads 'Out of Character Chat' this is where all members talk on this roleplay as themselves and not as their characters. The 'Character Sign Up' tab is used to create charcaters and where they should carry out an application giving a brief description and background of their character. There is an 'Overview' tab which highlights the storyline of the roleplay but I have not really made one since I have already described the roleplay situation in this tab ('Main').

You can still join but please apply in the 'Character Sign Up' tab and since in the roleplay Stallion (gang leader) has promised to not take in any more new members to the gang, you can come in as a transfer from one of the camps.

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"Of course you'll remember me", Venus shot him her trademark pearly smile, "it's not every day women this beautiful waltz into your life and let you taste their candy". She fished out another lollipop, a pink one that matched the hue of her lips. Unwrapping it, she'd wave the candy around in Fenrir's face before wrapping her lips around it. She closed her eyes for a moment, making a noise of satisfaction. Was this strawberry ? It was fucking delicious.

"Maybe it's bitter cause it's not yours ? If it wasn't obvious, I never offered you any candy. If it's in my mouth, it's
mine. Besides, like sour candy, I'm pretty bitter until you lick the sour off". If there's anything Venus liked, it was candy related euphuisms. "Artemis ? She's pretty cool, she just doesn't like assholes".
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Stallion could not supress his smile, it was nice seeing a family unite to bring down the new member who in this specific scenario seemed like the 'cold outcast'. "Ten foot pole up your arse. Why, lovely stripper joke but the day I catch Artemis being that open to sex for money, pigs will fly." He scoffed. Seeing as how Fenrir was being helplessly roasted, Stallion raised his hand. "Come on, ladies. I am sure we are aware of when to stop. Let us leave the man alone and get back to a few more important things. Like shifting ourselves out of here." He suggested, folding his arms.

"I'll remember the way you severly irritated me, yeah. And, well, a lot of beautiful women walk into my life. Actually, my bedroom. I don't understand how you can have that many dicks, though. Or you keep a freaky collection. A piece of advice, sweetie, or the contrary, I'd never lick you. You can bet on that. But, yeah, I'm an asshole."

Fenrir shrugged and turned to Stallion.

"Are you mental or just plain stupid? I said she was uptight, but if she was a stripper, I'd bet on you knowing her pretty well, considering the only way you get laid is whem money is involved."

@Chocoholique @Of the Red

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