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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

"Severely irritated ? Honey, you need to work on your sexy talk. It'd be hotter if you said, I don't know, 'Venus, I fucking hate you' but you clearly don't have that much expirence with women so I'll let it slide. Hell, I've probably screwed more girls in the last month than you have in your whole life !". Venus yanked the candy from her mouth with a slick 'pop', admiring the color again. "You wouldn't ? God, I was hoping you'd say that. Oh, and if you want to keep your minuscule, pathetic excuse of a dick, don't ever call me sweetie again".
"Know what? Fuck it. I'm done playing impossible to get. Gonna have to go back on a promise, sweetie."

Fenrir grabbed her collar and kissed her, raising her the few inches needed with ease. Even though it seemed passionate and real, his eyes were open and narrowed, studying her responses carefully. He even slipped some tongue in for extra effect.

@Of the Red
Venus took Stallion's cue to leave Fenrir alone, allowing herself to stand near him while holding the lollipop between her fingers like a cigarette. Sure, it was more than fun going back and forth with him but Venus was a good girl and she'd listen to boss man.

That was one of the reasons she looked so suprised when he grabbed her collar and kissed her. At first, her whole body was stiff with confusion but then she realized she had done this many times before and relaxed. Venus kissed him back just as hard, noting his use of tongue and doing the same before moving pulling away. Considering it for a second, Venus gave him another deep kiss and pulled away again. "Am I sweet enough for you now or do we need to do that again ?"
Fenrir smirked and acted surprised at her second kiss. In truth, he knew he had her like putty in his hands. It was worth it, after all, and Craig was right. He recalled the conversation he and the member of the Wolves had prior to when Erik had accepted the job for the Blood.

'Erik, this isn't easy. I can't just get you back in. You know who likes you, but treason is treason. You should be glad he even considered doing this, but whatever.'

"You and I both know the Wolves can't lose me. I'm one of their most experienced and skilled leaders. And that wasn't treason, Craig. You know that. I was just...scouting."

'Yeah, scoutin' how to get in that girl's pants. She's part of the Blood, anyway. Maybe when we send you as a sleeper you can-'

"A sleeper?! Is he bonkers?! Jesus, I hate this already."

'Just do a small job for 'em, work your way up. Get close to a couple girls, especially the one you were checkin' out. I'm sure it's easier to pretend when your feelings are real.'

"She's with that douchebag, Craig. And he's able to kick my ass straight outta the gang if I hit on his girl and she talks."

'Then do it slowly. I dunno what to tell you, man.'

"Fine. I'll hit on a few, but that's it. Only for information."

'Even her? Dude, you spy on her like almost every week.'

"I put my home first, and the Wolves are my home."



Fenrir snapped back to reality and put on an slightly insecure, wavering smile.

"That'd be nice, yeah. I mean, no. I don't roll that way."

He leaned in close, brushing his lips against her cheek, slowly moving to her ear.

"Maybe another night, sweetie."

His acting was impeccable, but his stomach fluttered with a certain thought. He needed to get connections higher up. Artemis. With a small wave, Fenrir left Venus and walked back to Artemis and Stallion. He pushed up his aviators and nodded to the girl.

"I would've asked for a tour, but it seems that's down the drain."

@Chocoholique @Of the Red[/i]
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Stallion laughed, "Chill, it was a joke. Sometimes nobody believes I have humour." He pouted, only to have Artemis him quite hard in the ribs. She was more, let us say insensitive. She did not accept easily. "Well go on then." He gestured, "You do it."

He found Artemis looking at him with unbelief, "
He just kissed Venus. You have your answer." She was so cold but Stallion would not take no for an answer.

"Remember, I caught you and Coriolanus together, in bed and he is currently alive. And Venus can hardly get around The Grotto, you know every room everywhere. I rest my case."

OOC: When did Erik exactly join The Wolves? Kobra is the leader and BubbleBoo has confirmed with me that she will make a right hand woman, the second in command? Do you want me to message you the plot and key events with just what happened.

Paint walked up to the door hesitantly. She tried the handle. Locked. She knocked softly, and when no one answered, she knocked louder. A large gang member opened the door and Paint looked at her feet. "I need to talk to... To Artemis... Please." She muttered. The door was slammed in her face and she winced, fighting down the voice in her head. She knocked again. The same man opened the door. "I'm talking to Artemis now. Where is she?" Paint said this more confidently. It got her inside the Grotto. Now she just needed to find Artemis.

"I don't need to hear about your couple problems, alright. Just walk me around or something, I'm bored. Don't make a dog joke, either. Maybe meet some other members?"

((Not long after it was started. Let's say he was in the running for second in command and after he was punished for treason she replaced him?))


Artemis scrunched up her nose, when would this guy understand? "We are not a fucking couple. I am with somebody else. Coriolanus who is YOUR third-in-command." At Artemis' statement she could feel Stallion looking down, and she wondered if she was not with the man, would she and Stallion be together? He was always oblivious and treaded on her heart every time he was seen with another girl. He had just discovered she loved him, for a good few years before Coriolanus came along. Stallion did not approve, she wondered if he was jealous, but that was out of the question since every female member flirted with him now and again. Amber mostly. "Fine." She said, "I won't likke this, especially since we're going to burn this place down."

OOC: Sure thing.

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Fenrir closed his eyes flicked a hand at her.

"Whatever. Your private problems, then. And you should know my opinion on authority by now. Especially for that guy. People born into power don't deserve it. Me, I crawled my way to where I am now. At least Pony over here worked for his position instead of having a parental reputation. I have no respect for the guy and never will. Build a bridge and get over it. If there's one thing I have for people that's positive, it's respect. Pony over here gets some, cause he's pretty okay, besides the forgetting my name bit. You, you're a strong girl who's second in command of a powerful gang. That's fucking impressive. Not sayin' anything about girls, but kudos to you. Although Curls could be considered a slut. Over a hundred girls in month, wow. That's a lotta ass."

Fenrir was visibly and audibly making a joke about his sex life. He didn't care about what people thought of him, so he used himself as most of his humor. Most of it.


Artemis was quite impressed, he had pissed off a lot of people just at his arrival. "You are down-right savage. I like you." She concluded. As Artemis turned her body, she caught a glimpse of Paint, "Take care of Splat, will you? The girl is worth hardly our time." She whispered to Stallion. "Now, where were we. Oh yeah, the quaters." Artemis' hourglass figure swayed as she walked down the corridor, "Get away from the corridor Winston." She pushed a member with one hand, who mumbled an apology.

Maybe after this she could be with Coriolanus? She doubted it, not long left until The Grotto would burn down. Seeing this place in flames whould scar her for life. "Follow me."

"Always nice to be liked. Especially by the attractive superior."

Fenrir weighed some risks in his head as Craig's advise came to mind. He decided to test the waters a little and followed Artemis, moving a little close than normal to her.

"This is where the magic happens, eh? Or do you have rules on who sleeps where and curfew?"

He shoved his hands in his pockets, where his right hand touched the cold metal of his gun.

Slow your roll, man. Slow down, take it easy.

Fenrir took out a blunt of maryjewwahnas and put it in his mouth, it always calmed his nerves. He patted his pockets, looking for his light.

"Damn, where is it...?"


Artemis smiled and raised a brow, "Are you sure you want to compliment me? My boyfriend might jump you." She grinned, "Funny, how Venus demanded to be called pretty where as me, any boy gets within a metre around me, I lash out. A few are only the exception." She mumbled, gesturing towards the corridor filled with rooms. "Stallion does not mind 'sleeping around', especially since he has done a few girls himself. And still friends with his exes." She grimaced, remembering the nights when things got a little too loud and she eventually cried herself to sleep, knowing everybody thought it was a schoolgirl crush but to her, it was something more. She had Coriolanus now, something real.

OOC: Since Couldyoustfu is not active on this roleplay, I guess somebody needs to take his place and his position but pretend he was there the whole time. I'm going to change Stallion and Artemis' storyline too.

Fenrir rolled his eyes behind his glasses and frowned. He spoke around the blunt in his mouth.

"Not the least bit worried. Meh, I could be all smooth and say you prolly lash out a lot, then, but I'll play it safe, even though I seem to be an exception. Wouldn't wanna get beaten down with a canoli. Y'know, I'd love a nice canoli right now. Those Italians, they know how to do foodstuffs. Pizza, Ramen, canolis, pizza. The good stuff."

He looked down at his blunt and grunted.

"Maybe I could just snort it...? Nah. Got a light, oh sexy, mind-blowingly-hot, gorgeous, bombshell of a boss?"

Fenrir smirked at the comment, trying to lighten the mood. He could tell she was a little troubled.

Troubled marks didn't give much information, but don't push it. Maybe that was too much.

He was trying to keep the mindset of a loyalty to the Wolves, but failed at assuring himself.



Artemis nodded, "Just do not be forward. You do seem like an exception since you are not running around sucking Stallion's arse." Artemis reached into the depths of her pocket and pulled out Coriolanus' lighter, she was sure he would not mind if Fenrir lighted one thing. "That's Stallion's room. My room. Across the hall we have Coriolanus and a few doors down we had Slim's. Oh, are you aware of the situation with him? He left." She said, not admitting that she was partially the reason why. Forcing him to leave due to being heartbroken too many times.

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"I can go forward, backward, diagnally, up, down, left, right, every direction. Except towards asses. I mean, certain asses are great and I love to go near those, but I'm talkin' about kissing asses. That's not a good trait to have. Bad for your breath."

Fenrir lit his blunt and tossed it back to Artemis. He knew good and well what happened to Slim, but didn't know if he should let her know that. Maybe it was time to build a little trust. He lightly touched her shoulder and leaned forward toward her, speaking into her ear from her right side.

"Hey, Art...mind if I talk with you in a more...private environment?"



Artemis furrowed her brows at Fenrir's request. They were already at that nickname stage? She did not think so, making friends have never been easy for her, all she knew was how she terrified others. "We just met. Surely Stallion is in a better position to know about your concerns." Artemis stated, she disliked work. Aiding members were what Stallion and Slim did, she was just the one who controlled the whip. "Now, let me take you around to the lounge. It is sort of a busy room with members. Might have a stolen television and a battered radio but at least it has an open fire." She babbled on, looking back at Fenrir as she walked down the corridor. "Coming?" She questioned.

Fenrir sighed and rubbed his face with his hand and then crossed his arms. He shook his head, tapping his foot in thought. In an internal debate, he was caught between whether to tell Artemis of his past or not.

"There's just something you need to know about me, alright? I didn't tell Stallion about this, but..."

He grabbed her arm and pulled her into the nearest empty room.

"You need to make me an oath that you won't tell a soul about what I'm gonna say. Now."


Artemis shook her head as she was beung dragged into the nearest room possible. She had signed up, or in other words forced, to give this member a tour. She had not applied to listen to a little sob story. "Listen Fenrir-" Turning around to reply to the member, she found her grey orbs inspect the room. Maps plastered on the wall, a few clothes neatly folded and placed on the mattress and books piled up on the side. It was Slim's room. The raven beauty shook her head, her eyes widening. It was like Slim was a ghost, "Even when he is not here, he is still here." Swivelling her body around, Artemis went for the door, she needed to get out of here.

It was her fault, Paint said and after thinking it through, she too agreed with the statement.

Amber raised an eyebrow at the scene. Venus was quite the slut and now a bitch as Artemis declared taking a liking to her. "Hmph!" Her waves flipped onto her shoulder and her figure faced Stallion. "Pony eh? I almost feel like riding you." She commented on Fenrir's choice of nicknames.
Fenrir walked to the door, slipped past Artemis, and shut it. He took a deep breath and looked the girl straight in the eye. Then he glasses came off. He pointed to a scar that went from the left side of the bridge of his nose and made a pale pink trail that curved around his eye and stopped at his temple.

"This is the punishment of a traitor. I would've gotten my eye cut out if I wasn't friends with my superiors."

Zeus trailed along the crowd of members. Being third-in-commands had its perks as a path was made for the leader.

"Artemis?" He searched for his girlfriend, looking past all the women who smiled in his direction. Where had she disappeared to? She must have been with Stallion, like always. He would not her who to be friends with but he had a feeling Stallion disliked him.

Artemis began to be cautious as Fenrir blocked her exit, what would he do? It was a surprise when he removed his glasses to reveal his scar which streched across his eyelid. She wondered what happened, but the word 'traitor' averted her attention. "Traitor? Superiors? Hold on a good, long second. What the fuck are you on about?" She demanded, confused. Hearing the muffled callings from Zeus, Artemis waved Fenrir away. "I have to go." She struggled to get past, trying to seize hold of the door handle, she was still curious about his past. He seemed scarred, literally and metaphorically.

Hearing Zeus call for Artemis, Venus walked up to him. Curling his index in finger towards her, she'd wait until he was close enough that she could stand on her toes and whisper in his ear as if she was telling a secret. "Artemis took Mr.Sunglasses on a tour of The Grotto. They're probably discussing some very important things as we speak". Venus stood flat on her feet again. "but that's all I know. Go find your woman, champ".
"I'm a member of the Wolves. Or used to be. I was doing some independant scouting on...you guys and one of my not-so-friendly gang brother decided to rat me out and I was persecuted for treason. I got this scar and was thrown out. That's why I'm here."

Fenrir held his breath for her reaction. He didn't give any details to his reconnassiance, and with good reason. A while ago there was a small shootout with the Blood, where he first saw Stallion and Artemis. Secretly, he had saved her life. While she was approaching a broken down house with another member, he and another Wolf ambushed them. The Blood member was taken quietly, and when Artemis' back was turned, his fellow member took aim at her. With some deep-down tug on his heartstrings, he tackled his friend and effectively saved Artemis. He wasn't telling her that anytime soon, nor tell her that he would sometimes watch her. That's how he got busted. Maybe it was karma from saving the enemy, or maybe it was some lovey-dovey fate shit. In either case, it hurt him to have to betray her eventually.

Paint wandered the grotto shyly. She was rather scared. Erik was only growing angrier and angrier. If she wasn't careful, she'd lose control. She didn't want to call out to Artemis, she didn't want to stay put either.

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