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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

Stallion raised an eyebrow as he heard a voice. "Venus." He muttered, and he turned his heel, only to find the member looking for him. He hoped the member had done what he had asked and brought the weapons, they would need them as they journey to a place which may not even be safe. The male raised his hand, signalling his presence to the young woman and displaying a small smile which faded very quickly. Of course, Stallion was not in the mood to be grinning, he did not want to leave. But that would be selfish, The Wolves could find them and he did not want to duel in his home of all places. Brushing The Grotto and the memories they had here under the rug would symbolise a new start, somewhere fresh as a family. Maybe they could act like one this time.


Venus had been plucking at her curls, waiting for someone to tell her what to do with all the weapons when she heard Stallion's voice mutter her name. Guess someone was here. She returned his wave with a two fingered mock salute but didn't bother with the smile. There'd be a time for smiling, yes, but judging by how armed she was, this wasn't it.

As he got closer, Venus gave him the obligatory once over and damn, Artemis was lucky she'd was the first to make heart eyes at him. Stallion was tall, almost a foot taller than her, and broad with several scars and narrowed eyes that only added to that gang leader appeal. It had struck her many times how attractive all everyone here was but Stallion really took the cake.

"Stallion", she said in a slightly bemused tone. Gesturing towards her body and the bags, she'd shrug. "I have everything we need. Now, where does it go ?."


Stallion gestured over to a few passing members, "Skinner and Seth, take these to the storage room, among our other resources which Red brought over." He ordered as the men nodded almost immediately before taking the weapons off the girl's shoulders, "We cannot let something so small carry such heavy things." He smirked. He looked down at Venus, she was simillar to Artemis, small so he had to peer down at her but she was deadly. Thinking about his friend, he looked over at the direction of the cafeteria, "We should get back in there, it is almost time to leave." Stallion sighed, he was afraid of how it would come to something like this. The home he dreamed about, destroyed. It was too much of a risk to stay here, it would be stupid too. It would give others an advantage and before they knew it, bullets would go throught their brains.

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Priest looked around, taking in the view of it all. "Hardly seems like home, but I have little room to speak... No pun intended." He cleared his throat. "So, are you going to show me in? I am not really one for making myself at home unless invited to." He mentioned. "When we do get inside, I will want to first talk about the gang you want me to infiltrate. All information you can give to me would be very helpful."

@Quiet Is Violent
Red looked up at Stallion as she walked in, a frown crossing her face. "Are you alright, Stal?" Either not noticing or not caring about the nickname she had just dubbed him, she tilted her head slightly, concern etching it's way back across her face.

Tetro said:
Priest looked around, taking in the view of it all. "Hardly seems like home, but I have little room to speak... No pun intended." He cleared his throat. "So, are you going to show me in? I am not really one for making myself at home unless invited to." He mentioned. "When we do get inside, I will want to first talk about the gang you want me to infiltrate. All information you can give to me would be very helpful."
@Quiet Is Violent
Paint smiled and led him in. Her house was really more of a camp-out in the corner of the garage. She had blankets to sleep in, a cardboard box with her belongings, and a lot of empty paint cans. There were half-finished projects on the tar and poles, along with some completed paintings. Paint sat on the blankets and smiled at Priest. "Here's home! It's not much, but it's enough I suppose." She thought for a moment. How to even start with the Blood?

Paint sighed and looked at her feet. "The Blood, it's a pretty well-run operation. I think. I'm knew to gang life so I wouldn't know. The leader, Stallion, he's only 18. His second-in-command is Artemis. She's younger and smaller, and has a lot of boy problems. That's actually why I got kicked out, I called her out on her boy drama. Anyways, she's a total jerk. I wish she were dead." Paint's eyes widen at that last statement. "No! I don't wish that. I don't. Sorry. That was... not me. Anyways. The third in command... Coriolanus... He's nice enough. I thought. I told him a lot about myself... He betrayed me for Artemis. He needs to pay." Paint jumped up. "What is wrong with me! No! Stop it! I'm not myself, I'm saying these things I don't mean!" Paint was on the verge of tears. "Priest, what... what is wrong with me?"
He listened to her carefully, giving his complete attention to her as she spoke. When she looked like she was going to cry he moved over and put a hand on her shoulder. "You're just in pain. You are trying to cope with what's happened to you. Don't worry I'll help you." He smiled reassuringly and gave her a side hug, putting his arm around her shoulder. He held her a little, "Artemis... Is that what she is called? Where can I find her?" Priest looked at Paint. It seemed Paint was wronged, deeply, and she was suffering for it. Artemis hurt this troubled girl and he was no stranger to people wronging others. When he found Artemis he was going to make her suffer. The word revenge echoed in his mind. He just needed to get close enough to the girl and he would be able to do what he felt needed to be done.

@Quiet Is Violent
Tetro said:
He listened to her carefully, giving his complete attention to her as she spoke. When she looked like she was going to cry he moved over and put a hand on her shoulder. "You're just in pain. You are trying to cope with what's happened to you. Don't worry I'll help you." He smiled reassuringly and gave her a side hug, putting his arm around her shoulder. He held her a little, "Artemis... Is that what she is called? Where can I find her?" Priest looked at Paint. It seemed Paint was wronged, deeply, and she was suffering for it. Artemis hurt this troubled girl and he was no stranger to people wronging others. When he found Artemis he was going to make her suffer. The word revenge echoed in his mind. He just needed to get close enough to the girl and he would be able to do what he felt needed to be done.
@Quiet Is Violent
Paint took a shaking breath and calmed herself down. "Artemis. You can find her glued to Coriolanus' hip. They just started dating. Um. The problem is, the Blood might be moving. But I don't know where to. So you'd have to get in fast." Paint sat down again and looked around her. It was a strange home, but it felt more like home than her foster home did. She wondered if she had been reported missing yet. And if she was reported, what would Priest do? "You don't have to help, I don't know why I'm doing this. I've never wanted to seek revenge before. I don't really know that I want to. It might just be the voice telling me to do it."

The girl gave her signature pearly little smirk at Skinner and Seth, happily letting them take the bag and backpack. She also gingerly removed her weapon filled hoodie and handed it to them. "Be careful, boys". Looking back at Stallion, Venus would shrug. "I might be tiny but at least I got one hell of a right hook", she said, only half kidding. Venus had eight older brothers, she knew how to
fucking punch.

She nodded and looked at Stallion, noticing the distraught expression on his face. "Don't be sad, Boss Man. There are brighter skies waiting for us out there somewhere, all we need to do is find them".

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Artemis then motioned a minute to the brunette. "Actually, you can come to my room. I need to pack my things." The raven left Amber in the lounge and sauntered past the members who were now cleaning up their bowls and cutlery. Walking past the board room, Artemis spied a girl, Venus. She quirmed uncomfortably as Venus gave that smile to Stallion, why did she feel so uncomfortable? Shaking off the thought of Venus and Stallion getting 'friendly', Artemis went to the hallways and located herroom. Pushing the door open, the girl was revealed to the messy state she left the room in. Well she could not tell whether it was the vandals or her, it had been left the same. "Right." Where could she start? Her grey eyes examined the items she could possibly take with her. The many weapons she possessed and her clothes was all she could think about. Stuffing the bag with her sleeveless tees and her jeans and shoes and also slipping in the pen knives and guns in, Artemis wondered if she missed something. 'The secret'. The words made her shudder and she tucked her fingers into the side of her sneaker. Pulling out a piece of paper, she opened it up, gulping. The paper was a little brown and torn but it still had three drops of dried blood forming the dots of a triangle. The Blood was originally a children's game, something they did for fun until they took it seriously and offered places for the club. The drops of blood had been created by softly poking themselves with a sharp object and then having their fingers hover over the paper where their blood would slowly drip down. It was a ritual the original founders did. "I just want to forget everything." She whispered as she scrunched up the paper and flinged it to the other side of the tipped room.


Stallion nodded, reassuring Red that he was fine and he displayed a small smile at Venus. "I guess, but when we start up at the lakehouse it will be stuffy. Which is why I am not planning on taking anybody else in. Seventy-five members in this base camp and about twenty-five in all of the other camps. I think that should be enough." He said to himself, he wanted to accept more but what would he force the loyal members to do? Sleep on the floor to make space for the others? Starve so that the possible traitors could get a few mouthfuls of food? No, he would not do that, instead he would help clean up the abandoned lake house and name it as the new Grotto. "I hope you have packed your things. I do apologise that you have not been here long enough to find a room." He said to the two girls. "But we should leave, we have half an hour tops."

Amber raised her eyebrow as Artemis called her to her room. "She is asking for my help? Must be worth doing then." She said to herself as she pushed herself up, pulling up her bag and swinging it onto her shoulder. As the brunette exited the room she found Stallion and the other two members, having not talked to either of them, Amber still decided she disliked the two as she grimaced, "I'll claim my thing back, but some things seem more important." She muttered making herself to Artemis' room. She opened the door without knocking, "Okay, so-" The brunette widened her eyes at the state of her room. "Those vandals really did it in. You must have had something they wanted and liked if they left your room like this!"

Artemis jerked her head up as Amber entered and after her statement, she blushed. "I- Yeah. They did not really take anything just messed the place up a bit." The girl was quite unorganised, but that was only because her image was not how she looked like at a glance, but you had to really know her, emphasis on the really, to discover how lethal she could be. "Raz, where the fuck do I even start? The thingymijig." Artemis pointed to the device. "Use it to contact the leaders of the camps, all of them." She said, quite straight forward. Artemis would offer a place for amber to sit but, would she really want to sit in this pig sty?

Amber was surprised at Artemis' request, "This? Um, and say what to them? What is all of this about. And could you say please?" Amber pouted, grasping hold of the two way radio. She wanted to know what she was doing before she did anything.
Priest smiled and stood up, "Well then maybe we can take a more civilized approach. Personally take me to them and I'll have her apologize to you. She redeems herself, you get peace of mind, and I help another person. Everyone wins." He suggested. "After this whole thing maybe you and I can find a place to live. It isn't everyday a runaway comes to me for help." He smirked at her. "I promise I won't tell anyone either."

@Quiet Is Violent
Tetro said:
Priest smiled and stood up, "Well then maybe we can take a more civilized approach. Personally take me to them and I'll have her apologize to you. She redeems herself, you get peace of mind, and I help another person. Everyone wins." He suggested. "After this whole thing maybe you and I can find a place to live. It isn't everyday a runaway comes to me for help." He smirked at her. "I promise I won't tell anyone either."
@Quiet Is Violent
Paint sighs. "Artemis doesn't apologize. She thinks she's justified in everything she does." Paint stood anyways. What, you're not seeking revenge? Pathetic. You're a weak, pathetic excuse of a person. "No I'm not! Shut up!" She shouted. Paint then remembered that priest was there. She blushes deeply. "I... I'm sorry. He keeps talking to me." Then he mentioned her being a runaway and she winced. "Thanks. I don't know if they put up a missing notice yet, but cops will be after me soon."


Artemis sighed, did everything really need an explanation? The girl rubbed her eyes, "I need to find Slim's movements. I need to track him down." Artemis wanted to kill the man but right now she was just genuinely concerned. Amber was one of the few people who first joined, surely she should understand the pain that was eating away at her? Artemis could not contain herself any longer and her lip began trembling, she was not going to cry, she was going to scream. "I wonder where it all went wrong." She laughed, hiding the sadness badly. She looked into Amber's chocoate eyes, as if the brunette would give her an answer. Artemis just wanted it to be like the old days where the two boys would constantly pick at eachother and Artemis would end up being the serious and tough one who would call them both pathetic. Maybe not that time, since that was the first time Stallion tapped her button nose and laughed, causing a few sparks to be seen before her as she tasted love for the first time. Surely Coriolanus was the real thing? Why was she even questioning it?

Amber shook her head, "This is what you and Stallion do, you cannot accept wrong from those you love." The brunette then hesitated, should she admit what she knew?

"I was aware of his feelings toward you. It was just little things I ignored, like the way he looked at you. The way he treated you differently. The way he struggled to keep his tears in when he looked at how you smiled being with Stallion. The way he clenched his fists knowing he was not Stallion. Not what you wanted." Amber then looked up, what would Artemis say?

"Now after his departure, it just made sense."
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Artemis could not believe what she was hearing. Was it obvious? All Artemis thought of the pair was possessing a sibling-like relationship. It must have hurt him, she noticed, how Artemis would complain to Slim and sometimes sob about her jealousy with other women and Stallion. He would just say reassuring phrases and comfort her.

Pfft! Amber? He would not choose her over you, she is not the girl that can go through hell and back for him. She is not you." Is what he would say, causing Artemis to gain her confidence again and bin her insecurities. Now it was obvious about Slim's feelings, how she would dress before for Stallion and how Slim would remain silent and stand in awe and then finally reply with a casual compliment. Artemis was now deep in thought, reliving the moments and picking out the scenes she was oblivious to Slim's love. She almost forgot Amber was in the room.

Amber sensed the quiet and awkward atmosphere, resting her hand on Artemis' shoulder, she hoped the girl snapped back, paying attention. "I will help you. It is a transmitter, it delivers messages and receives them." She explained, gesturing towards the many buttons. If this is what it took to erase her new frenemy's sadness, she was prepared to do just that.

Artemis was occupied in deep thought. She now admitted how she was merciless even when she did not want to be, she broke hearts which she could not help but not love. It was upsetting how those very people were the ones whom she accepted to be her friend, she just had to tear that relationship down. A deep sigh escaped from her plump lips and escaped into the cold air of November. The forecast on the old, battered radio in the lounge did say the temperatures would drop quite suddenly. Not only did she feel cold in the literal sense, but she felt cold in her heart too. Suddenly, a hand freed her from the trance, she blinked. She was back in The Grotto, surrounded by her clutter with a brunette by her side. Artemis looked around blankly, she now wondered whether you could have 'daymares'*.

* A nightmare often experienced during broad daylight.

The raven then plastered on a fake smile as Amber agreed to help. One part of her felt unsure about wanting to find Slim but another part of her wondered where he was. Was he out of this country already? Did he decide to stake out a few blocks away? Was he still in the grounds of The Grotto? The last two could not have been right at all, Coriolanus' men searched the whole area from top to bottom and not being the athletic type with a strong build, Slim would have been crushed by the muscular men. And Slim with his mind is more brains than brawn, which idiot would stake out a few streets away from his old street gang? Unless he was suicidal. Which could have been a chance.

Artemis peered down at the object, inspecting the different buttons. They were all in unique shapes and sizes, possessing different colours. "What can we do then? To find him?" She asked, toning down her volume to hide the hesitation. She was a commander, she could not be seen as indecisive, even if she was one of the few who were the youngest of the gang.

Venus nodded in agreement when Stallion started going over the arrangements for the lake house. "Smart, smart. Not enough people that we're crowded but enough that we're still strong. Good thinking". Don't think that Venus didn't notice the minuscule smile Stallion showed her. He was clearly stressed but if it wasn't enough that he could force a smile, that was good enough for her. "Considering I can stuff everything I own into my pockets, I'm already packed and ready to go".

Stallion nodded at Venus. The girl did not really have a room at The Grotto due to her many leaves to get tasks done for Stallion, he knew now she deserved one. Venus seemed really eager but he had to admit she could not have lived an easy life like everybody else here, it had to be a cover-up. This was her fresh start, she may have started out by begging for scraps of food but now she was a member of the gang. Everybody had a worth here. Artemis was quite the warrior, more tough than some if the men here but she was scarred, she refused to talk about it with him. Coriolanus seems unbothered and may slack off at times but he too can give a good punch. Amber was a scout, she would get a piece of information with a snap of her fingers. Slim was a master in tactics, his genious mind always conjuring up the most bizarre ideas which always worked. Too bad he was gone, when they needed him.

Red and Venus were a few new members but Venus showed stealth as she received the goods and Red showed craftiness as she delivers and retrieves packages in the nick of time. Stallion then concluded that Red was best as a spy and Venus as a scout. Both roles needed some combat experience but he would train and test them later. Now was clearly not the time.


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