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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

Paint got caught up in this scene and quietly distanced herself. Slim had left. Why would he do that? Because of what happened with Artemis? Because he was demoted? How could he do that to the Blood? He was one of the founders! She wanted to help, but didn't know how. So she quietly left the building, going back to her painting.

She picked up the green spray cans. She can do this now. There was just enough anger inside that she wanted to see someone dead.
Slim sighed, clutching his bag as he collapsed, falling onto the street. "At least I have some of my savings." The auburn-haired boy opened up his bag to find a good grand and some small food and necessary items like a butterfly knife. What could he do now, beg and starve on the streets? No, he needed to survive, get himself back on his feet, he needed to be normal again and forget any of this happened. But he couldn't, could he? Suddenly, something tightened his mouth and as he yelped in fright, he began to get blurred vision and everything just went pitch black. And now, he felt senseless.
Upon seeing the two members he'd sent return with a grave expression, Coriolanus didn't need to see the slight shake of their heads to get the message.

He'd gotten away.

The italian rolled his eyes in annoyance, struggling to maintain his usual cool. Did the ex third in command seriously leave for rejection? That was unusual, and somehow sad. Coriolanus' eyes slid to Stallion and Artemis as they entered the halls, but the commander cared little for his leader's wrath as he approached Artemis and spoke reassuring words to her.

"I hope you're not blaming yourself because of this, you have no faults."

He offered a small smile, but it was short lived as he could feel Stallion's rage from where he was standing a few feet from the man.

Coriolanus at that point to understand his priorities: was it Stallion's trust? Artemis' affection? The Blood's respect?

In time the italian had thought he'd earned all of them, some more than other, but everything had happened so quickly.

His promotion to third in command, the kiss with Artemis and the rivalry with Slim.

He wanted so badly to just live those few worthy moments again but the ongoing chatter of the halls made it impossible for him.

So with a deadly glare the third in command turned toward the soldiers, and made his voice all around the base.

"Everyone, go back into your rooms or go and have breakfast! I don't want to see your fucking faces in the halls! Understood?"

Most nodded and in just a few minutes silence filled the corridor where himself, Artemis and Stallion were.

The leader had seemed about to have a rage fit so perhaps he'd thank him, or beat him, so that the others would have not had to see his fury unleashing again. With quiet blue eyes Coriolanus searched first for Artemis' gaze, and then for Stallion's.

Artemis clenched her fists and followed Paint out of the room, she needed air, a lot of it. As the raven-haired girl marched through the crowds of the members, all eager to find out what exactly happened, Artemis puffed. "Give me a little fucking space would you? It is like you are stuck to my hip." And with that, the members all shuffled back, not daring to pick a fight with the second-in-command. Suddenly a voice called out, instructing all members to go and hide in either their rooms or to go and eat their breakfast.

The raven-haired beauty looked up, her grey orbs focused on Coriolanus, "I seriously want to rip his fucking head off. He puts himself first before The Blood, selfish bastard." Artemis then looked towards Stallion, expecting a reaction by either agreeing or telling her off for ranting about the situation.
Temporary Character

Fizzy hauled his target into the boot of the stolen car, "He weighs a hell of a lot! Give me a hand, will you." He instructed his accomplices who then assisted him in closing the boot on the senseless culprit.

"I have no idea how he was right, but he was. Slim was here all right." Fizzy rubbed his hands together as the Winter's chill got to him, "Come on, before Kobra snaps. I would not want to end up like the last guy." Stating that line, he jumped into the driver's seat of the car where he felt the weight of the other members affect the car as it bounced slowly down. Starting the engine, they were off to deliver the 'misled' member to their boss.

Fizzy knew that this was his chance to shine, unlike Hunter he was a new member who saw a future in criminal activity. He was determined to prove his worth so his loyalty satyed with Kobra, our of resoect but mostly fear as the dominant male knew of several methods to kill you without actually being there. If his appearance did not scare you enough, then the way he ruled things would frighten you. The boy did not want to end up like Hunter, dying in the enemy's hands, so striking a hand through his dirty blonde hair, he accelerated and forced the vehicle inbetween two cars, driving way past the speed limit. He needed to complete this task quickly, he needed to be punctual. Kobra liked punctual.
Kobra rattled the chains of the dungeon, now made into his temporary boardroom. "Right Officer, the two drug dealers committed suicide as they had no way out of being caught by the police. I want that in tomorrow's headlines." As his eyes fell on the trembling officer, he smiled as the man nodded hastily. "Right, now please. Get out as I have some very important business with a friend." As he said those words, the policeman had already exited. The leader had killed many in his time, but now he wanted to befriend somebody frrom the enemy side, it was necessary. Pressuring a member who feels like an outside could be a chance in, The Wolves needed to relocate and they could not stay in this shack, squeezing in a rising amount of members. They needed The Grotto, they needed Darkbridge, they needed to be feared and they needed Stallion and The Blood out of the way. Kobra wanted one thing, everybody's blood. All of it.

The man was ruthless, he was insane, inhumane, or maybe he was hurt.
Amber was among the few who wondered what had happened, but she decided to not get involved. Everybody was constantly bickering and creating false rumours. They were not true, it was clear he gad left, it was clear they wer searching for him and as she observed Stallion's face, they were going to kill him. "It was about time." She said loudly, "The guy got on my nerves." She whispered, a few snickered and agreed quietly whilst most pulled disgusted faces and threatened to break her nose again as Slim was no to be bad-mouthed. Of course the brunette rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth, she was seen as a mean-girl, but what she saud was true, everybody was thinking about it but they were too loyal to The Blood and respected its purpose.
The raven-haired beauty then flinched as she heard a familliar voice speak, saying such awful things. Most of them just caught Slim on his bad side, which was most days, she had to admit. Artemis was far too distracted to lecture Amber or even threaten to oust her out if the gang. She gulped, rubbing her neck as she wondered what would happen next since their leader did not utter any words. She had to think like Stallion then maybe she could get the answer she needed and was impatient on receiving. She thought hard, focusing before she came up with a decent answer.

"You think we should relocate." She mumbled, and only then did Stallion meet her and Coriolanus' gaze. She was correct, they needed to move. There was not much to take anyway, the whole place had been trashed when they were attacked, there was only the safe and the members' personal belongings and the food supplies which they shared. "The first camp?" She asked, it was fairly big, containing only a few members to take care of the place.

No, the lakehouse." He finally spoke. Artemis was surprised, only the pair and Slim were aware of its location. Why would Stallion locate them to somewhere which held such personal memories. But then, Artemis realised her selfish thinking and nodded, they needed to stick together, all of them. The lakehouse was their best option.
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Coriolanus nodded his agreement at the raven haired girl's statement, feeling more and more the need to reach for his cigarettes.

The Blood came first than any personal issues, that was a point he'd always agreed on. If they were to be a perfect machine even a single screwed piece could doom them all, and that was what Slim had decided to be.

His attention turned back and vivid to Stallion, who's words made him straighten. The italian raised his chin, feigning ignorance. Truly he'd heard of this lakehouse as if it was a legend, and he could recall during his few overhearings it's name, but he had no idea what the place truly was.

Was it really the safest of places?

Letting his paranoias temporarily slid away and instead trusting his leader's judgment, Coriolanus dared a suggestion.

"Perhaps we could split the members both in the first camp and this...this lakehouse of yours. I suppose Slim is aware of both locations, and just
in case of betrayal the enemy wouldn't find an empty place to ravage twice. Especially with those few at first base, in case of attack they'd most likely be fucked."

With just the three of them in the empty corridor the commander found a small part of himself thanking Slim for leaving, else he'd have to face an extremely awkward and most likely painful discussion with Stallion.

But the reasonable part of him knew that their lives were officially at risk now, and only because of an heart break. But was Slim ever so trustable anyway? Both first and second in command seemed certain that Slim would be keen on traitorous acts, as though he was never to be trusted.

His pupils jumped from one to the other out of the two person in front of him, a sudden doubt filling his subconscious.

Do you trust me?

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Paint sat back and looked at her piece. It was... gory and violent and terrifying. Just what she wanted it to be. Her mind was racing. Where is slim? Why'd he leave? And where did he go? Paint went back to the base, scratching her wrist so much it grew raw. It didn't really matter to her. She wanted to figure out why Slim betrayed his family.

"What if one of us infiltrated the Wolves?" She thought out loud. "Then we could figure out what they are planning. Maybe we'd find Slim there. He wouldn't go there. No, he would. Probably not willfully but he would end up in the Wolves' territory. I could save him, talk some sense into him... Why would he just betray his family? Doesn't he know how hard it is to live without family?" Paint muttered this as she walked through the halls, talking to herself as though others really cared what she thought. Her eyes found the three commanders and a short scowl crossed her face. They let this happen. She thought, this time silently.
Amber's dark waves were soon tied into a pony tail as members gathered, ripping open breakfast bars and the lot. It was like a war in the morning, you had to make sure you had enough to eat before patrolling and strikes started. Then her dark eyes fell on Paint, why was the individual lurking around the three commanders? "Why the fuck can she go there unnoticed, but we get banished. She has been here for a day!" Around her, some agreed and others shook their heads at her behaviour and carried on as they were.
Artemis shook her head at both of the males' ideas. "The lakehouse is in no shape, it is filled to the top with debris and clutter. And we need the whole force together." Suddenly a voice shouted such a statement that she could hear members muttering. Artemis knew it was Amber, yet again. "Why does that slut always want attention?!" The raven-haired beauty was frustrated that the brunette could not keep quiet for a moment at the least. Shooting her head up, she saw the person the shout was directed too. The innocent-looking member's eyes were fixed on the small crowd, and a disgusted expression was what she wore on her face.
Paint's fists clenched an possibly the stupidest thing she ever said escaped her. "I wouldn't be calling other girls sluts when you were just caught whoring it up with Coriolanus!" Paint snaps. Then she realized that the slut comment was aimed at Amber and she paled. "Oh shit, I didn't mean that. Please don't get mad." Paint apologizes, her eyes wide with fear.
Artemis was quite surprised the member even mustered up a reply. Paint may have taken it back but the alpha female would carry the conversation on. She approached Paint with a very rude tone. "Really now. I think you did mean that. You do not know what happened behind those closed doors unless you are some perverted creep. So keep that shut. Oh and atleast I am not like Amber, sleeping with almost all of the troupe. I know right. Just when you thought you were getting the hang of things, when you knew us. You cannot learn anything in twenty-four little hours." Artemis scoffed, cracking her knuckles.She was tempted but restrained from causing a scene as finding Slim was all she cared about, not rookies like Paint who could hardly throw a knife.
Coriolanus rolled his eyes dramatically as soon as Artemis took on Amber's provocation. It was true, Amber was annoying, but the second in command made it too easy for the girl. He almost decided to retire from the scene until he heard his name leaving Paint's lips.

He turned sharply toward the girl, barely listening to Artemis' own rant, before snapping.

His voice was vicious and cold, mocking even, but his body was set in place.

"Family there, family that, you barely know what happens around you and want to judge us all anyway." The italian hissed terribly, moving his glare between Paint and Amber.

"If all you care about is causing issues and annoying us, then leave. We don't need kids to babysit, you can go and play with your dolls for all I care about as long as it's kilometers away from here."

Had a man made a comment like that about Artemis and himself then he'd probably be dead, but since Paint was just a young girl and even with his scolding Coriolanus somehow liked her he'd let it slide.
Artemis felt some protection as Coriolanus became involved, but he was being far too leniant for Artemis. The raven-haired girl then duverted her attention to the brunette, her honey-coloured complexion seeking attention. "And you, fucking keep it down. We are not performing in front of a crowd. If you do not understand me then I suppose I would have to treat you like a child, 'shall we use our indoor voices then?'" She whispered harshly to Amber. Artemis had had enough, if only Stallion would give permission to kill.
Part of Paint wanted to apologize and run off, but there was a new side of her too. A side that wanted to make Artemis eat her words. "You'd be surprised what a shadow can learn in a day." Paint counters. "I know that you had an interest in Stallion for quite some time before today, but you never got the gut to ask him. I think you might still like him, but the Coriolanus train came in and you just had to jump onto that before it left the station. You didn't ever think about Slim, of course, and with his foundation being rocked you also rejected him and that sent him spiraling. So congrats, Artemis, for being the weak link in the chain."
Artemis scoffed, "Stallion, Coriolanus knew. Everybody did. Slim, my best friend. You wanted me to accept him forcing a kiss? Why you can talk," The girl then held Paint up by her collar and pinned her against the wall. "You know you can observe quite well, but what are you still doing here. Come and do shit about it." As her fingers slipped into the side of her sneaker, she grabbed the worn piece of paper which stuck out. "How well did you know Slim? Because he is still with me everyday." She emphasised her words, and all she wanted to do was punch Paint in the face and teach her a lesson. She was about to, her fists clenched and ready for them to collide with Paint's skin when suddenly, Stallion's hands shielded her fist.

"Right, quite a morning. Show is over. Ginge, cook us all that stuff we love." Artemis was surprised as Stallion warned off members, plastering on a smile and pretending everything was alright. "Paint, I think you should go home. Your
real home." Artemis held back her smile, keeping a solemn expression as the member was temporarily banished. "Artemis, go to the training floor. Calm down..." His words rattled in her ears. How could she calm down?

"I have not had breakfast but alright." The raven turned around, her shoulder-length waves flying as she walked past the members, who huddled to the scene with their cereal bowls and juice. As she walked past Coriolanus, she gave him a soft reassuring smile, but she found it hard to convince herself that she was going to be alright. The corridors were deserted, everybody must have gotten out of bed after hearing about the situation and now they must be lining up for Ginge's breakfast stew. Kicking the furthest door open she rushed in, searching for something to punch. The punching bag? The dummies? No, she needed somebody's face.
Coriolanus raised his chin solemnly at Paint's words, but they stung anyway. His gaze slid dangerously toward Artemis a few times, just to study her reaction to the younger girl's words, but then returned ferociously on Paint.

"You little-" His girl friend's attack graciously stopped him from lashing at the girl, and he found no guilt in watching the small girl behind somehow bullied.

She looked for it.

The italian smiled weakly back at Artemis as she walked past him, but the doubts still remained. Did she really still feel something for Stallion?

Unsure, he turned his attention on said man with a raised eyebrow. His leader probably thought him and Artemis had slept together, and if he was to be honest he didn't mind it, but he supposed trying to change the man's mind was a must.

"About me and Artemis, we didn't do anything. Truly." He searched for his leader's gaze, offering the most sincere look he could manage.

"I suppose you're about to give me the talk now?"
Paint scowled at Artemis. She wasn't afraid of her. She wasn't afraid. Odd. Paint is usually terrified. Stallion stops Artemis before she punches Paint and Paint laughs at her. "You're an emotional train wreck heading for disaster!" Paint called after her. She glared at Stallion when he told her to go home. "Fine. I don't think I like it here that much anyways. And by the way, your stupid tag is done. Hope you're happy." Paint turned on her heels and stormed out, somehow angry. Paint never gets angry. Ever.
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Stallion was about to direct everybody to carry on as they were when he was approached by Coriolanus. "I believe you, I suppose. You are eighteen, do what you must. Just so you know though, if you dare hurt her, I will hurt you and make sure you never open those eyes of yours again. Now as you were!" The leader displayed a small smile before turning his body away and walking a few steps into the corridor where footsteps disappeared into a room. He had just missed Artemis, but the room would give them the privacy they needed. He needed to talk to her, he was confused as Paint spoke such an accusation, how could Artemis love him as something more than a friend? It was impossible, but he needed to find out her real feelings so the thought could vanish from his mind. He just hoped nobody would follow, which was likely as The Grotto was bustling with several members walking in different directions at the same time.

OOC: I think Coriolanus should just listen in, since he has his doubts.
As Stallion prepared to make his exit, he heard Paint yelling and trying to sound angry but she just seemed as uf she was trying too hard. "Some people are just not worth it, well that is one less member I guess." As he made his way he instructed Coriolanus to gather everything up, lock up The Grotto and get everybody out. It was the only way now.

@BubbleBoo remember that character Sierra? Just decided even though we locked up The Grotto she could come in, it was so unrealistic. I will delete posts and write innapropriate words if any jackass dies that.
Paint runs down the stairs and runs out, tears streaming down her face. "Fuck this. Fuck this place! It's all about Artemis! Artemis and her stupid love affairs! Why is it always about Artemis? She caused all this Slim business!" she screams to no one, reaching her painting and scowled. "Fuck them! Why did I try to do anything for them! All they did was shove me aside. Just like everyone else. Just like everyone else." Paint sat against the wall and cried.
So I turned into a presentation person...


Artemis caressed the fabric which protected the stuffing of the punching bag. She did not need gloves, she put in so much force into her punches and kicks that the punching bag began to swing back and forth. Her eyes widened and her pupils dilated as she focused on the bag, swiftly moving her fist and allowing it to collide with the bag, sending a thud! echoing through the room. Around her, dumbells surrounded her, weights, the treadmill, shotputs, ropes and mats, it was her second home.

Red had heard the chaos and screaming echoing inside the grotto and had immediately avoided it, knowing better than to approach something as fragile as a family falling apart. It's what she did best. Running. She ran and she ran and she never looked back. She would think...for even a moment, that she had finally found someplace, finally found what could be a family, but it would all be ripped apart. She was nothing to anyone and it would always stay that way. She felt her eyes sting with tears and furiously wiped them away, before she stumbled upon Paint crying and immediately jogged over, kneeling down next to the smaller girl. "Paint! Are you alright?"

(sorry, I haven't been getting notifications and I have been checking up as much because it's been sort of silent here, hope you guys aren't too mad)

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