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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

A cringe passed through Coriolanus' body, and he shut his eyes open for a moment.


He observed Paint tag, trying to force himself to be interested. The italian was usually attracted to everything resembling any form of art, but there was a clear and strong distraction only a few meters from them.

Coriolanus only glanced at the two, giving Artemis a significativement look.

Do you need help? He wanted to shout to her.

Do you want me to step in? To rip him in pieces?

The third in command bit the inside of his cheeck, instead following the patterns drawn by Paint with the spray.

But his mind just couldn't help but go back to Slim touching Artemis, and it made him lose his usually calm confidence so much that even when his grip on the spray tube caused it's material to break, black chemicals now all over his fingers and hand, he didn't really notice.

@Quiet Is Violent @Chocoholique
Couldyoustfu said:
A cringe passed through Coriolanus' body, and he shut his eyes open for a moment.

He observed Paint tag, trying to force himself to be interested. The italian was usually attracted to everything resembling any form of art, but there was a clear and strong distraction only a few meters from them.

Coriolanus only glanced at the two, giving Artemis a significativement look.

Do you need help? He wanted to shout to her.

Do you want me to step in? To rip him in pieces?

The third in command bit the inside of his cheeck, instead following the patterns drawn by Paint with the spray.

But his mind just couldn't help but go back to Slim touching Artemis, and it made him lose his usually calm confidence so much that even when his grip on the spray tube caused it's material to break, black chemicals now all over his fingers and hand, he didn't really notice.

@Quiet Is Violent @Chocoholique
Paint sighed. "Coriolanus." She takes the broken can and throws it on the ground. Distract him? Will do. "Get yourself together." She says firmly, trying to anger him. Maybe she can be the brunt of his anger so he doesn't hurt his relationship with Artemis. "You're being a jealous idiot!"
Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

Stallion groaned as she heard muffled boices. One he recognised, it belonged to Yue. Before he could even rest and sit down on his bed, Stallion opened the double doors. "I hate this hell hole." He then shut the doors quickly as he stepped out into the dark hallways. "Nobody comes into my room, you want to discuss business then we discuss such things in the boardroom." He stated, he was not having the best day.

[ Joan Fa-lin ] — Yue

Yue heard the sound of the door opening, and stepped back to give Stallion room.
"I hate this hell hole." The woman let out a scoff, nodding her agreement—ignoring the fact that his words were addressed to her. "A lot of your members are.. inexperienced, to say the least," she paused, beginning to walk,"but they do have an advantage against The Wolves. You want to know what that is?"

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"Oh, nonono." Coriolanus held one finger up in a warning way, still not moving his glare from Slim's form. "I know what you want to do, don't." The italian calmed his mind enough to reason, not lowering his hand.

"Do me a favor, go call Stallion."

The leader would help him ruin Slim's face enough and then would probably stop Coriolanus' own fury, since he doubted that Paint on a physical level would be such an obstacle to him. Also in the time the girl took to walk up to the brit, who was probably reclused in him, he could have his "rant".
Paint sighed. There goes that idea. She nods quickly. "Don't do anything you'll regret." She whispers to Coriolanus before running into the grotto. The small girl looked around, found the staircase, and ran up stairs to find Stallion talking to another girl. Paint slowed down and stood in front of Stallion.

"Sir? Coriolanus wants to speak with you. I think he's gonna hurt Slim if we don't hurry." Paint says quickly, obviously panicked.

[ Joan Fa-Lin ] ~ Yue

The corners of Yue's mouth quirked in curiosity as a small girl ran up to them and talked of a possible fight. "I can handle this, dear, don't worry," the woman spoke familiarly with Stallion, giving him a pat on the cheek before turning to Paint. "Alright, let's go see what's up, shall we?" And with that, she casually stepped down the staircase and followed after her. Once they reached Coriolanus, she offered a friendly smile. "Cory.. was it? Ah, never mind. What seems to be the problem?" Ignorant of the fact she was speaking to third-in-command, she dared give him a pet name.
Coriolanus had been trying to get the black paint out of his skin, his expression now calm and deadly. The spray had practically colored his whole hand, leaving a bad staint on his jacket's wrist and an horrible smell of chemicals on his flesh.

At the call, he slowly turned his head.

"I'm sorry, dare to repeat?" He asked quite softly, never having seen the girl before.

He felt his jawline clench again, were people out there only to make him mad?

His cold eyes studied her form, analyzing her every moment so that she would soon become predictable to him.

"I don't think I've ever seen you, whatever your name is, but mine is actually Coriolanus. And I'm your third in command."

Paint nervously looks at the woman, but follows her down. She hears the name she gives Coriolanus and winces at his response. This is not going well. "Coriolanus?" Paint whispers, walking up to him. "Calm down, okay? Stallion's a bit busy right now..." She could feel herself shaking as she looked between the two adults. "Um... Please don't hurt her?"
Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

Stallion rolled his eyes, and pushed Yue out of the way. "The reason why I assigned you to the first camp, to get you out of my way. Now what the heck is going on?" Stallion folded his arms and sighed. "This is the sort of drama you get into when you involve yourself with a sixteen year old." The young man glanced in the direction of two figures, recognising Artemis' curvy body and Slim's lean figure. "They are just talking."
Yue could feel his cold stare penetrate her soul. Unlike most people, however, it didn't make her the least bit uncomfortable. Instead, her smile glowed in a somewhat sheepish manner. It looked terribly faked. "Oh, my bad, Coriolanus." Then, her eyebrows shot up. "Third-in-Command? My, my. Why the problem, then? You could snap your fingers and anything would be fixed," she pointed out, her hands folded behind her back in a military-like manner. Upon hearing the girl ask him not to hurt her, she offered her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, he won't. We're on the same side, after all."

With that, Stallion pushed her out of the way. She looked up at Stallion, saying,"I'm sure you don't mean that." Of course, they knew the real story. But would she tell anyone else? Heck to the no.
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The commander sneered, lighting himself a cigarette.

"There's only one I wish to hurt right now." Coriolanus muttered under his breath, looking away from the two girls.

Just like he'd snapped at Red for brushing him off, he'd snap at Yue for even the little form of 'bravery' from the redhair. But hurt her for such futile reasons? No.

As Stallion made his entrance the third in command stepped right in the eighteen year old's face. "Don't act dumb, Stallion. That fucking ass feels like I stole everything from him, he fucking put his nasty hands on her. If he tries anything you better not try and stop me. I heard about your like for...interfering, but this is between me and him."

He didn't feel like Artemis was his property, not in the least, but since he'd been a young boy there had been one virtue valued amongst others in his life: respect. And Slim didn't seem to have any for him.

Glancing again at Yue's supposedly humorous action. With a faked smirk of his own, he snapped his fingers, following her suggestion "Let's see if it works...don't get in my business."
Paint cowered into the background, watching the scene unfold. But she had a better idea. Instead of just watching them bicker, she snuck over to Artemis. If she got Artemis away from Slim, the problem is fixed. But what could Paint say to get Artemis away?

Paint looked at Slim with slight fear as she walked up behind Artemis and tapped her shoulder. "Excuse me? Miss? May I talk to you?" Paint asks Artemis quietly, trying to be as respectful as possible.
Slim sighed, how could the girl be so lost as to what he was trying to say. "No, I meant me." There. He had gotten it out, but what would the love of his so-called life reply with? Just then Paint entered the scene, asking for Artemis, "No. She's busy. Come back in a few minutes, it is all I need." He needed to know the answer.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis scowled, what did he mean? Just then, the gang's new rookie came and politely requested for her time. "No, not now. He is right, I need five minutes to think about this." The young girl then took a few steps to the right, wanting to guide Slim to the back of The Grotto. "If anybody follows us, I will kill you all." Artemis then turned around, walking away. Was it a misunderstanding? Slim had lost his position and respect, was Artemis just some teddy bear he needed to cuddle to make everything better. Stallion would kill him, he almost killed Coriolanus and he was the man who actually asked her permission to take her out.
Yue wanted so bad to bash Coriolanus's head open. She could do it, too, without him even realizing. But instead, she offered him one of her realistic smiles. "Darling, Coriolanus, I was just trying to help. But if you don't want a hand, I understand," she paused to give him a formal Chinese bow, before turning to walk away. Quickly, she whispered in Stallion's ear so that no one except for him could hear,"Meet me in the sparring room once you're finished with this." With that, she started back up the stairs. "Oh, and Coriolanus? I was merely playing. Don't snap(your fingers). It's... unbecoming of gentlemen," she told him, then she was gone.
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Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

Stallion smirked at Coriolanus fuming with such anger. "Calm down, boy. Let me just tell you that if you kill Slim. You are killing one of our most precious soldiers. He has such intellegence which would be of use to us, and we need him on our side. Trust me, he may be clever but Artemis is stronger. She can take care of him." Stallion reassured the third-in-command.

Then, Yue whispered such demanding words into his ear. "I will meet you there. But watch your place, you know you do not belong." Stallion would keep her secret, if anybody knew she would be thrown out.
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"It's unbecoming of a soldier to give names to their commanders, in case you didn't know." He shook his head.

How far are these rookies going?

Coriolanus had always been resentful in fighting women, and opted not to if it wasn't strictly necessary. But there was something deeply irritating about the half-chinese's confidence, as though her beauty could justify her actions.

The commander scoffed, but didn't really pay much mind to the rookie at all.

It wasn't her presence that bothered him: he was a third in command, he could get his petty revenge on her whenever he wanted.

It was the fact that Artemis had led Slim inside that truly upset the italian; he took a long drag from his cigarette, which would have had any other person coughing, and exhaled it slowly.

"I know she can outtake him, and who ever talked about killing him? Death is sweet compared to what I'll do if that figlio di puttana even touches her."
Slim followed the female to the back of the building. He would die fighting for this love. He recalled many events where Stallion warned Slim that Artemis was off limits to both of them. But her beauty was something that attracted him, and the fact that her personality was something so opposite. She was nowhete near a girl who cared about her current state.

"Listen. I know. Coriolanus. Stallion. Not me. But if you gave it a chance." Slim then had an idea as they reached the back of the building, he flipped Artemis around and held her hips, determined not to let go. Staring deeply into her eyes, he made his lips touch hers.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis did not know what to reply with, not that Slim allowed her to talk as she felt her hips being gripped and her lips being kissed. Artemis closed her eyes in surprise,
This is not Coriolanus. Artemis then widened her eyes and attempted to push him back, but his firm grasp made it hard to escape.

"Slim-" She was forced back into the short kiss due to the small amount of space between them.

The young girl then pressed both of her hands on his chest and pushed the man back.

"Stop!" Artemis was disgusted, she showed this by wiping her mouth with the back of her palm and spitting on the ground. "How fucking dare you." She screamed, he was her best friend. One of her best friends. Full stop.

Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

Stallion raised an eyebrow as he heard a familliar voice shout, echoing throughout the area. "That does not sound like talking." The leader then jogged over, worried. What had happened between the two? As Stallion entered the scene, he found Artemis in such an unhappy state and Slim standing a few paces away from her.

"You did not." Stallion took his head into his hands and shook his head. "Slim." He groaned.

He then shot up his head and found Artemis making some sort of growl before jumping onto Slim and punching him.

"Why is every fight started by you? This is the third one today, but this time, hell I will not stop you." Stallion felt like joining in, but restrained himself.

After a minute or two, after Slim had bruises and a bloody nose Stallion gripped hold of him. "You are my brother. I will never forget what you did for me. But I can not forget what you did to your own." The leader then jerked Slim's head to face Artemis.
The commander paced forth and back, occasionally taking a puff from his cigarette.

Nicotine usually brought a sweet relief to his nerves, but this time it had little effect.

A long list of swearwords kept coming from his mouth, just in his old and familiar roman slang.

"Ma chi se crede de esse? Sto figlio de na mignotta. Io lo sfonno, glie apro il culo, porco de dio."

But as soon as Artemis' scream reached his ears he froze for a second, threw the cigarette on the ground, and practically ran in The Grotto.

His blue eyes flared with pure hatred upon seeing Slim tightly gripping the second in command, a disgusted expression on her face.

"Testa de cazzo!" He shouted, gripping Slim's shoulder from behind and pushing him off Artemis. Done the job, he took the ex third in command by his collar and smashed him against the closest wall. Once, twice, and three times.

"Fucking be a man, you little coward."

@BubbleBoo obviously feel free to avoid my hits I'm not a powerplayer

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