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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

"Your birthday? A party must be prepared then. Perhaps in the grotto this time." Coriolanus stated, referring to the accident that had happened not too many days ago.

"Oh, I think I have the perfect gift for you." The italian grinned toward the soon to be seventeen year old, his mind going back to quite the interesting object.

Or perhaps would she like something a little more traditional, the third in command's gaze slipped to Stallion, his leader would most likely know.

Finally he'd have a reason to wear his suit.

Paint shifted her feet. "Um... Are we fighting against someone? And if so, why?" Paint was almost completely new to the gang life. She really joined in the hopes she would find a family. But, she wasn't aware of the turf wars and the dangers associated with gang life.
Coriolanus gave a curt nod upon noticing Slim, before setting his focuses back on Paint.

"Not openly. When we were celebrating for my promotion someone trashed The Grotto, and Artemis found out this guy taking pictures. He says he's from this...Wolves gang, not sure how strong they are but if they want to fight, they're going down."

The third in command thought a fight would probably weaken both sides, even if he was certain The Blood would win.

They'd lose men, money, time. But their supremacy on Darkbridge would expand and it would become likely that more and more would wish to join them.

His eyes immediately moved to his british leader, he trusted Stallion with his life, he'd know what to do.

@BubbleBoo @Chocoholique @Quiet Is Violent
Couldyoustfu said:
Coriolanus gave a curt nod upon noticing Slim, before setting his focuses back on Paint.
"Not openly. When we were celebrating for my promotion someone trashed The Grotto, and Artemis found out this guy taking pictures. He says he's from this...Wolves gang, not sure how strong they are but if they want to fight, they're going down."

The third in command thought a fight would probably weaken both sides, even if he was certain The Blood would win.

They'd lose men, money, time. But their supremacy on Darkbridge would expand and it would become likely that more and more would wish to join them.

His eyes immediately moved to his british leader, he trusted Stallion with his life, he'd know what to do.

@BubbleBoo @Chocoholique @Quiet Is Violent
Paint nods, but she still has questions. Maybe the best person to ask is Red. After all, Coriolanus must be busy. He is in a commanding position after all. "Um, sir? If you'll permit me... Why would they want to fight us?" Paint looks at the ground again, uncomfortable and embarrassed.
The commander's eyebrow twitched slightly.

"Again, just Coriolanus."

The eighteen year old casually started to clean one of his knives.

The dagger had quite an interesting story, an object with a past that some would envy.

"You can't be that stupid. Isn't the reason obvious?"

He had been younger, just arrived in US. The italian district was a perfect home for an immigrant unable to speak english. The at the time boss had approached him with a smile, almost a welcoming.

'Like father like son, Coriolano.' Vito had said.

"You see Paint, a gang to survive needs to be strong, needs to be feared. But most of all it needs the money. Those who sell weapons or drugs don't go and do affairs with the weakest gangs, they search for the best one in town. That is how a gang maintains it's title: as long as the dealers choose them since they are the ones who control the city, money flows."

Then Vito had been murdered, like it happened to most bosses. A wound so deep in his chest many wondered if a sword hsd been used. But no, only Coriolanus's knive.

The italian back in the present cleaned it thoroughly, smiling at his own reflection.

"So if an other gang wishes to obtain that record, they must fight the gang in control."

The dark haired male put the weapon back in his boot, turning to Paint with a sigh.

"Too bad for them they chose the wrong gang to fuck with. If you are interested in staying in The Blood, know a war is most likely coming."
Red stifles her laughter at Paint's innocence and niceties, instead focusing on the glances Coriolanus was giving Artemis. It was adorable, they made such a cute couple. When Coriolanus spoke about war, her eyes hardened and she unconsciously fingered her new switchblade, twirling it between her fingers as she thought.
Paint bites her lip and lowers her head. "Of course, si-- Coriolanus. Sorry." Paint wants to run from the situation, go and hide or something, but she can't. She has to stay here until dismissed.

Paint studied her shoes for a moment, noticing the dark spot on the red canvas. That's the only spot that isn't paint. She doesn't like to think about it.

She was 13 when it happened. Her father got so drunk he could barely stand. Her mother was missing in action. The only other person who seemed able to function was Mary, her twin. But Mary went upstairs that day, claiming a headache. Mitchy was left with her drunk father.

After he slapped her, she ran up to the room she and her twin shared. Only to find Mary, collapsed on the floor, with a five-inch long gash on the inside of her arm. Mitchy did everything she could. But it was too late. Mary was dead. Mary's blood never washed out of Mitchy's shoes.

Mitchy didn't notice the first tear that fell down her cheek, but the moment she did she wiped it away. Secrets, secrets, secrets. Mitchy reminded herself, unable to make eye contact with anyone.
Red twitched, regarding Paint as the tear dripped down her cheek. She wanted to say something, but she understood that didn't want to talk about it. On the roof, she had already classified most of her life as secrets, and that's something Red could respect. She hesitantly placed a hand on Paints shoulder and squeezed it lightly, before withdrawing it to her side once again, unsure how to deal with this situation.
The italian raised his girl at both Red and Paint's strange behavior.

"Women these days." The italian muttered underhis breath, frowning slightly as the youngest out of the two moved her gaze on her shoes.

"Hey," The commander called to the both of them, fighting back a sigh "You two don't have to worry about anything. We'll keep you safe, no matter if your problems are inside or outside of The Blood. Got it?"

He'd heard Red's backstory, vaguely knew Artemis', Slim's and Stallion's, but Paint was a mystery to him.
Red regarded Coriolanus. She wasn't scared to fight, she fought all the time. "I understand Coriolanus. And trust me, I'm not scared of a little fight, I've been in plenty before." She chuckled, and glanced at Paint from the corner of her eye before regarding the leaders in the room. "Do we have a plan of action yet?"
Paint looked at Red with a well faked smile, something that had fooled more than one person into not worrying. But Paint couldn't sell it this time. She just couldn't. She'd made herself look ignorant to Coriolanus and then embarrassed herself in front of everyone. She was a mess.

Coriolanus' remark about safety fixed nothing. "Got it..." Paint whispered, almost as if she didn't want him to know she got it. She wanted to redo the night. But she couldn't. She could only pretend to be okay.
"We are just done with the Hunter business, we'll probably have to make some kind of contact with this other gang before we decide a anything." Coriolanus cracked his neck, feeling an annoying sensation of soreness build up in his spine.
Paint looked around her. She's faded into the back again. Good. She takes her sketch book out of her backpack and starts to sketch a wolf. It's the first thing that came to mind. A wolf. And Artemis. Artemis hunting a wolf. Paint smiled and ripped out the sketch of the wolf, drawing an image of Artemis hunting a wolf. Propaganda? Or a warning? Paint starts to smirk.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis shook her head, "I am not in the mood for a party." The raven-haired girl then faced towards Stallion, "Coriolano is correct, we need a good plan." Artemis was unaware of slipping up and giving up his real identity, she then recovered after a moment or so, "I mean, Coriolanus. My head just is not screwed on at the moment." She was helpless, everytime he spoke she felt unstable.

"If you are thinking about your birthday, I have it covered." Stallion whispered, swinging his hip playfully to push her, an action she reacted to by pouncing on him playfully and jumping onto his back, where Stallion then secured his hands at the bottom of her thighs and smirked.

Artemis the pulled his hair playfully, "I do not want a party, get it through your thick head."
Amber sighed, she was very observant, hence took up the role of being a scout. "Stallion, you are becoming too indulged in this serious business, I understand you are our most respected leader, but why not have a day off?" Around her a few members raised eyebrows at what sort of a day off, or was it the night off. "I think you need a nice earned cup of tea, shame you missed the scene Artemis... Stallion did a good job with Hunter." Amber wanted to see what Artemis' reaction would be, because something between Artemis, Stallion, Slim and Coriolanus was up.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis automatically rolled her eyes as Amber spoke, she then came down from Stallion but still clutched his arm for support. She was still possessive of him, he was the guy that just did not get it, no matter how many times she attempted to say those three words which could change their friendship forever. But now, she did not react so bad at Amber's attempt for desperate attention. This worried her slightly. "Are you waiting for me to give a fuck? And he does not want a cup of tea, he hates it. He likes coffee though." Artemis then jerked Stallion towards her and locked his hand in hers, glaring at Amber.

"Find yourself another best friend Amber, he is taken." She muttered and received a smirk from Stallion.
Coriolanus's eyes practically bulged out at Artemis' slip.

It's not that he cared about people knowing his real name, not that there was such a difference with his nickname, but he preferred to keep it private.

But for the moment the commander blessed her mistake, because he'd use it as an excuse to draw her out of the group and ask her something.

"Hey Artemis, can we go talk for a moment?" The italian gestured for the door, an eyebrow raised.

Amber would keep Stallion occupated and away from their conversation anyway.
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Amber narrowed her eyes, Artemis was not reacting the way she used to. Her gaze then turned to Slim, Artemis had not given him much attention so she could not have a little fun with him, there was only one person left.

Amber then came up to the little group and smiled at Coriolanus. "I can see why you are third in command, you have the body fit to rule. I would like receiving orders from you." Amber smirked.
Paint looked at the group, confused. She then looked at Red. "Are we dismissed? Is that a thing here? That you have to be dismissed to do anything?"
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis followed Amber's gaze as it fell on Slim and soon drifted onto Coriolanus.

She would not dare... Artemis thought, gritting her teeth. She felt very bothered as Amber flirted uncontrollably. Artemis then left Stallion's hand and jumped onto Amber, pinning her to the ground. Now everybody would know.

"Stupid little bitch." She shouted as members gathered and cheered at Artemis punching Amber's honey-coloured face. She kept on punching until blood came trickling down Amber's nose. Suddenly, a hand reached out and pulled her body on top of them, Stallion again.

"Artemis stop. Let me enjoy the view for a second." Artemis could literally hear the smirk crawling onto Stallion's face as his head was right near her arse, her legs dangling in the air as she struggled to break free.

"Let me go, I will kill this bitch!" Artemis yelled at the top of her lungs.
Coriolanus tapped restlessy with his foot on the floor, until his gaze fell on the girl that had complimented him.

"Thanks-" He were about to answer with a smile, before Artemis unceremoniously attacked Amber.

The italian immediately backed away, a confused frown on his brows.

"Women." He grunted, before too helping in separating them.

As Stallion took Artemis, he took Amber by the wrists.

"Alright, alright, let's not heat up.." He muttered, hoping no weapons wod be drawn.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis then felt her eyes narrow at a member as they smirked at the situation. "Fucking get me out of here, let me go. Stop being such a big dick!" She then rattled her wrists on Stallion's back until he spoke.

"I actually have one of those. You need to calm down small." He chuckled, putting her down and locking her wrists in his hands. "Do not make me do it, small." Stallion whispered. Artemis struggled and soon lost control and kicked his shin.

"That is it!" Stallion bellowed, Artemis soon simmered down and watched as Stallion's face lost a smile and gained a huge frown.

"You are coming with me!" Stallion then lifted her up again, flopping her curvy body ontop of him and carrying her to his room, where he shut the door behind them. Artemis fell back onto the floor and could hear the russling of heavy footsteps hurry round Stallion's door, the members were desperate to find out what would happen.
Red raised an eyebrow at the conflict. "Nah, you can leave." She glanced at Amber. "I'm Red. I'm assuming you're Amber." She glanced at Coriolanus, raising her eyebrows since he still had not released her. "This is a lot of drama for one night, and we have bigger fish to fry. Mainly the Wolves."
Paint nearly leapt to her feet, terrified and at the same time enthralled. This is interesting. Fighting within the family leads to a break in the chain. Stallion then basically abducts Artemis, and Coriolanus is with Amber. Paint goes through her backpack and takes out her bandanna. She wears it to avoid fumes when painting, but Amber looks like she could use it. "Here... Pinch your nose at the bridge and tilt you head back. The bleeding should stop soon." Paint whispered, handing the bandanna to Amber.

Coriolanus narrowed his eyes as Stallion brought Artemis away.

He released Amber with a muttered 'sorry', and made a step toward the direction the duo had went for...before immediately stopping since everyone seemed to have had the same plan.

Would he ever get to speak to the second in command alone?

The italian observed as Paint helped Amber out. "You're really good at angering her, huh?" He questioned with a light smirk.

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