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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis held out both hands and allowed the blade to slip in between them, this just missed the centre of her chest. Artemis then hummed, "Your aim could be better, a little more power needs to be put in there. I think as a spy you may be fine."

Artemis then looks up to see Paint scrunching up her nose as she shuts her eyes. "The worst it could do is stab me, but that is slightly minor."

Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

Stallion raised an eyebrow, "Something must have happened though, surely." He pestered. Stallion did not really realise why most members would chase after Artemis, she had slapped them before, she would get defensive easily and not very friendly with outsiders.
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Chocoholique said:
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command
Artemis held out both hands and allowed the blade to slip in between them, this just missed the centre of her chest. Artemis then hummed, "Your aim could be better, a little more power needs to be put in there. I think as a spy you may be fine."

Artemis then looks up to see Paint scrunching up her nose as she shuts her eyes. "The worst it could do is stab me, but that is slightly minor."

Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

Stallion raised an eyebrow, "Something must have happened though, surely." He pestered. Stallion did not really realise why most members would chase after Artemis, she had slapped them before, she would get defensive easily and not very friendly with outsiders.
Paint opened her eyes and sighed in relief. She listens to Artemis' critics and comments and she nods. "I'm not much of a fighter... Mostly art... Kind of the quiet type..." Paint scratches her arm, looking at the ground. "Wait a spy? Who would I spy... Never mind, it's not my place to question you."
Coriolanus' grin guilty grin didn't leave his face, but he was as honest as he spoke.

"I'd never hurt her, trust me on that one."

He said in the most sincere voice he could manage.

The situation was growing uncomfortable, but nothing the italian couldn't handle. Yet, the need to simply escape the room was strong.

"E ci siamo solo baciati." He admitted finally under his breath, in italian, so that he had technically told him.

He felt better. taking with a soft 'thank you' the shaving cream.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

"Wow, you are the most obedient person I have actually met." Artemis smiled, slipping her dagger back into the pocket of her shorts, where she knew it would be safe.

Paint seemed quite shy, keeping her hands to herself and speaking only when spoken to, Artemis had enough of good-mannered people but Stallion must have invited her to be in this pack for a reason, she trusted Stallion.
Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

Stallion raised an eyebrow as he heard the muttering of another language. "Go, get out of here." He joked, picking up a pillow and throwing it at Coriolanus back as he left.

"I think I need to make a sign, something which says,'Unless you speak the following languages: english, sarcasm and utter bullshit, don't come walking in here bitches.' No, that might need a bigger sign." Stallion concluded, before closing the door and creeping out. His eyes then fell at a familliar girl being put on the spot by Artemis.

"Does she have to pass your exam?" Stallion chuckled, most saw him as a leader and thought of him as a big, bulky man with a horrible personality. He was actually kind-hearted and quite humerous.
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He made a 'tsk' noise at Stallion's statement, catching the pillow before it would have hit him square in the face.

With his shaving cream, he finallt went to the closest common bathroom and started the process, beginning with the left side of his face. As he dipped the razor in the cold water and then passed it on his face, Coriolanus got distracted.

His mind just seemed to fly back to the scene with Artemis.

"Shit!" He hissed as the blade cut through she skin of his sharp jaw, a little trail of blood making it's appearance. With a frown, the italian cleaned his face.
How does one define being asocial?

Is it simply not having friends, or not wanting to have them?

Harley hadn't have had friends in a long while, from the moment she left Vernon's group actually. Since the pale skinned girl had joined The Blood she had barely met anyone.

The girl walked the halls of The Grotto with confidence, sending a few winks to the guys who were actually decent.

Feeling the need to wash her hands after having helped out with the reparationreparation of a car, she entered a bathroom.

*Speaking about decent* Harley thought as she saw Coriolanus, the Third in Command, cleaning his face. Harley had never really spoke to him before, but rumors had it that out of the three commanders, he was the most approachable one. "Hey, you're bleeding." She told him, tapping with her finger a spot on her chin when blood was trickling down his.

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He'd been glaring at his reflection in the mirror when the unknown voice had resched his ears. Coriolanus' pupils sharply analyzed the girl with the incredibly colored hair.

"Yeah, I'll survive." He smirked toward her, splashing water once again on his face.

After the third in command passed the towel on his wet face, he turned to Harley.

He'd definitely seen around once or two, it was hard to miss her with her hair, but they had never spoken before.

Outstretching his large hand he kept his smirk on, hoping he hadn't got any shaving cream on his clothes.

"Coriolanus, but I think you already knew that one."

"So the rumors are true, you're not that bad."

Harley shook his hand with her tiny one, her eyes studying him. She had to admit boys in The Blood were quite handsome, if she hsd to judge by Stallion and Coriolanus, but she'd heard too many rumors about the first in command and the second.

They're together! Just hide it." She had once heard a guard say to another during night about Artemis and her boss. Maybe she'd have more luck with the italian.

"Do you happen to know a place where I can smoke a cigarette in peace? I've been getting grunts everytime I even say the word 'smoke'."

She smiled innocently, having heard about Coriolanus being a smoke machine.
Paint smiled at Artemis' comment. "Thank you." She whispers, not daring to look up. When Stallion speaks, Paint takes a step back. She's frightened of stallion. He is powerful and, most importantly, in charge.
"No, not really." He lied with a sly smile.

Coriolanus thought there was something off about this girl's behavior, something faked, and his insticts rarely betrayed him.

Excusing himself he walked back in the place where the others had gathered. "Are you two done torturing the newbies?" The italian asked sarcastically, looking down at Paint and Red

Out of instinct, he put an hand on Paint's head, amazed by how small the fifteen year old seemed to him. "I think you might need a gun, a knife won't help you that much if you fight against a brute."

The dark haired male then proceeded to silently take a passing soldier's gun directly from it's holder. Didn't matter, that guy would have no trouble getting one. For Paint it wouldn't have been that easy.

"Here, don't use it home though." Coriolanus smirked at her, sending a secretive smirk in Artemis' direction.

@Quiet Is Violent @Chocoholique
Paint looks at Coriolanus, not taking the gun. She isn't comfortable with weapons. The knife was hard enough for her to accept. A gun? She doesn't trust herself with a gun. Guns are extremely dangerous. "Thank you, but I... I don't fight..." Paint whispers, averting her eyes to the ground. "I just... don't ever really... get anyone angry enough to want to fight..."

In her discomfort, Paint looks to Red, hoping that her friend could help her in this situation. "I don't even know how to... use a gun..."
A smile automatically made it's way up the italian's features at Paint's innocence.

Was it real? Was it faked? He wasn't sure.

It didn't make the third in command stop insisting. "Perhaps, but some people don't need a reason to attack you. And sometimes a gun just isn't enough. When you're in a gang you're a target, take it if you value your safety."

@Quiet Is Violent
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis looked down as Coriolanus, she was afraid she would be too obvious that something had happened. "I am not torturing anyone, it is my version of nice." The raven-haired girl then brushed a hand through her hair.

"So, what should we do with Hunter?" She asked.

Artemis somehow felt a tad sorry for the male, he was young and clearly new to the whole thing.

"Will Kobra kill you if you go back?" Artemis asked him, he then looked up meeting her grey orbs and left her unanswered.

"That is fine with me, freak. Taking photographs of all of the members..." She tutted, at the same time she fumbled around with the ring Coriolanus gave her, it slipped in perfectly into her finger.
Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

Stallion raised an eyebrow at Paint's behaviour, "I wish I was not referred to the bad guy, sometimes." He whispered into Artemis' ear, drawing in close to her.

"What the fuck do you expect?!" Artemis smirked, whispering back and pushing him away.

Stallion then noticed the ring that was placed on the middle finger of Artemis' right hand, "Stolen?" he questioned, slightly impressed.

"No, a gift actually." Artemis replied, hiding her hands in the pockets of Coriolanus' leather jacket.

"That reminds me, your birthday is right around the corner." Stallion was unable to contain his smile, he was occupied with Amber a lot but that did not mean his best friend could not get the attention she deserves.

"I guess Small is turning big."
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Paint sighs. She doesn't want the gun. However, Coriolanus is in a commanding position. That means Paint must take the gun. So Paint reluctantly took it, looking at it intently. "Thank you..." Paint whispers, fiddling with it awkwardly.

She looks at Stallion, then averted her gaze. "I just... Don't fight..." She whispers, stepping back a little.
Red hummed, watching Paint try and decline the gun. "If she doesn't know how to use it, it probably won't be of much help to her." She shrugged, doing her best to help the girl out of the awkward situation. "Besides, a gun would be hard to hide with her family at home." She smiles a little and gestures for Coriolanus to hand the gun back to the soldier, grinning a little and shrugging. "Paint, you might as well hand it back, you can't use it."
Paint starts to feel overwhelmed. One person is telling her to do one thing, and another wants her to do the opposite. Paint feels her phone vibrate in her pocket and she pulls it out. Her foster mom is asking where she is. Paint texts back, saying that she is going to stay with a friend for a few days. It's too easy to get out of obligations with these foster parents. Paint puts her phone away. "I um... I think I should just keep it on me... In case I suppose... Right Coriolanus?"

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(Sorry was at my birthday parteeh sprry for shortness)

The italian raised an eyebrow at Red's observations.

"She doesn't need to use it, just seeing a gun will make some people fuck off, trust me." Coriolanus grinned toward the younger "Right."
The artist opened her backpack, placing the gun in amongst her paints. However, a couple fell out and she cursed. Paint sighed, zipping up the bag and reaching for the cans. "Sorry..." She mutters.
"Don't apoligise, you didn't do anything wrong." Red kneeled, helping to pack away a few of Paint's paints. She blushed and muttered, "Sorry for using your paints earlier, I can buy you new ones if you want." She shook a few, the empty clanging sound echoing.
Altaynna said:
"Don't apoligise, you didn't do anything wrong." Red kneeled, helping to pack away a few of Paint's paints. She blushed and muttered, "Sorry for using your paints earlier, I can buy you new ones if you want." She shook a few, the empty clanging sound echoing.
"No, it's okay. I can get money from Sharon. She gives me whatever I want." Paint smiles kindly and takes the cans. "Coriolanus, sir? Um... May I ask you a question?" Paint whispers, looking at her feet.

"Oh, please. Just Coriolanus, sir makes me feel old." The italian was impressed with the girl's education. But nodded anyway at her inquiry.

What does she want? He pondered, before his eyes automatically fell on Artemis.

Even in her formal attire she was a beautiful sight. His irises held a promise in them as the third in command watched the sixteen year old: "let's meet up later."

@Quiet Is Violent @Chocoholique
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

"Oh, my birthday. Right..." Artemis rolled her eyes, she was uncomfortable with birthdays, she felt so young. Her grey eyes then met Coriolanus' and she looked down, unable to think of what to do next.

A hand then sat on her head and ruffled her hair, "You are turning seventeen in a few months, children are growing up so fast these days." Artemis then blushed and smacked Stallion's hand away from her hair.

"I am not a child," She muttered, she had been treated like one lately though. The ruffling of hair that Stallion did to her usually, how Slim would attempt to fight playfully with her, even some of the members would play a few games. That moment she had with Coriolanus was beautiful and she felt as if she was being treated like an adult. She wanted to be taken seriously, but even with the possession of knifes and guns, she was labelled as a 'naïve, young child'.
Slim rose up from one of the stools which had been dealing with his weight on there cheap legs. He had been observing the situation with the rest of the members and watched as Artemis and Stallion were playfully talking and how she would occasionally look at Coriolanus. Her eyes looked everywhere, but not at Slim. "Are you going to have a birthday bash then?" He forced a smile, ruffling his own auburn hair.

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