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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

Quillicious said:
Fenrir was lost in his thoughts, but Paint's call jerked him out. He turned his head and slowed down, coming to a stop.
"Huh? What is it?"

He walked back to her and kneeled down beside her. His hand wiped away her tears and brushed the hair from her face.

"Paint, what's wrong?"

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint whimpered helplessly. "Forgive me. Please. I can't live with myself knowing I failed you." She couldn't stop crying. "I don't know what I did, but I failed and... And I can't..." She embraced him tightly. "Please, I'm begging you, forgive me."

Artemis felt the warmth of Paint's hand leave her and for some reason, she became incomplete. Artemis always felt like she would have made the a good big sister, but she never had a younger sibling. Looking up towards Stallion and then drifting her gaze towards The Grotto, she sighed. She could tell just by Stallion's troubled expression that in the next few moments, they would watch The Grotto burn. Around them members hauled in barrels of petrol and pushed them towards the centre of the building. They would have to stand at a distance as Stallion fired the gun, which Artemis did not want to, but had to do.

"Paint? Fenrir? Get your asses here." She said softly, before taking her place next to Zeus' side and resting her head on his shoulder.

Sometimes, she just wanted to drift away.

Quillicious said:
Fenrir squeezed her tightly. He stroked her hair and shushed her. Truthfully, he had no idea how she failed him. He thought he failed her.
"I forgive you. Calm down, okay. You're forgiven."

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint started to calm in his embrace. "You, you really forgive me? Even though I fail?" Paint asked, shaking. She didn't know what she did, but for him to have left she must have done something atrocious.
Fenrir nodded.

"Yeah, I forgive you. Now get going. I'll be right there in a little bit. I gotta swing back by my room, Art! Don't wait for me, I'll be out in a flash."

Fenrir softly kissed Paint on the cheek and escaped her grasp, walking fast to the end of the hallway and pretending to go down the stairs. When the hallway was finally clear, he ran into his room and locked the door.

@Quiet Is Violent @Chocoholique
Quillicious said:
Fenrir nodded.
"Yeah, I forgive you. Now get going. I'll be right there in a little bit. I gotta swing back by my room, Art! Don't wait for me, I'll be out in a flash."

Fenrir softly kissed Paint on the cheek and escaped her grasp, walking fast to the end of the hallway and pretending to go down the stairs. When the hallway was finally clear, he ran into his room and locked the door.

@Quiet Is Violent @Chocoholique
Paint whimpered and stood up. Then she went to Artemis, took her hand, and smiled. She watched Fenrir. She was scared he hated her, but she had her orders to leave.
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]Paint whimpered and stood up. Then she went to Artemis, took her hand, and smiled. She watched Fenrir. She was scared he hated her, but she had her orders to leave.

((What?! How did she get that he hated her from a kiss?! She's clueless lol.))
Quillicious said:
((What?! How did she get that he hated her from a kiss?! She's clueless lol.))
((She thinks she failed so badly he abandoned her, so she is scared that he will always hate her no matter what))
Zeus observed the scene and found something quite light rest on his shoulder, he slightly turned to find Artemis. Displaying a sad but a smile nonetheless, he wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her closer. "Who would have thought. Nice met naughty here?" He smirked, looking down at her.

He then loosened his grip as Paint returned, "Are you fine?"
BubbleBoo said:
Zeus observed the scene and found something quite light rest on his shoulder, he slightly turned to find Artemis. Displaying a sad but a smile nonetheless, he wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her closer. "Who would have thought. Nice met naughty here?" He smirked, looking down at her.
He then loosened his grip as Paint returned, "Are you fine?"
Paint looked at Zeus with a small, frightened expression. "A-a-as fine as I-I can be a-at th-the moment, sir." She whispered. She didn't know him well, in fact those were the first words she'd said to him. She clung childishly to Artemis' hand, her eyes wide with terrible fear and confusion.

Artemis scowled, "More like Naughty met Nice." And then she found Paint approaching them, so she too stood up straight like Zeus. Seeing the sudden fear in her eyes she squeezed Zeus' hand. "Fucking be gentle with her dimwit." It was her sweet talk, which she finished off with a small, reassuring smile. "Paint, this is Zeus. You have seen him around, I am sure." She gestured between the two, "Zeus, this is Paint, she painted the tag for us, to warn any members of The Wolves." She introduced them both.

Looking amongst the crowd, she raised an eyebrow. "Fenrir, he does not seem to be here. He went to his room a minute ago." Artemis sighed, boys could never follow instructions. The raven looked up at The Grotto and asked Stallion to hold fire as a member was still in there. "Just, stop for a minute, the new one's there." She explained, realising how some members were grateful, being that they could stare at their home one last time before it would be destroyed with a big kablooey!

The kiss her and Fenrir shared seemed so unreal, she wanted to forget about it and she did for a while but how long would it last? She was with Zeus and held such guilt over a kiss, god damn it.

OOC: No, he can't die.
:( Shit goes down whenever Artemis and Stallion ain't round for a while.

((He won't die. Just light it and realize he isn't there, or have someone go check on him and get him. It's part of his character development. Also, what the heil?! Artemis is still thinking about the kiss?))
Paint kept close to Artemis. She needed an anchor, and it was Artemis for the moment. Paint glanced shyly at Zeus. Then a small laugh escaped her. Artemis and Zeus. Two Greek Gods. One was the father of the other. An image came to mind that she had the urge to draw, but not at the moment. Not when another home was being destroyed.

"Zeus was Artemis' father in Greek mythology." Paint blurted. "She was one of his favorites. He loved her because she was clever and strong. She figured out how to save her and her brother when they were just infants."

Paint turned bright red and hid her face. "Sorry, I didn't mean to--" paint felt tears in her eyes and decided to just shut up.

"Shouldn't someone get Fenrir? So he doesn't burn in the fire?" Paint whispered.
Quillicious said:
((He won't die. Just light it and realize he isn't there, or have someone go check on him and get him. It's part of his character development. Also, what the heil?! Artemis is still thinking about the kiss?))
*Shrugs* I did want there to be a relationship, but oh well.

Stallion sighed, there was yet again another delay. Sure, every member counts but as the clock slowly ticked, ten full minutes past and that was it for Stallion. "He still cannot be in there." He snapped getting ready to pull the trigger. "The Wolves are on our tail, Fenrir is probably in the crowd somewhere." He attempted to reason with Artemis until finally, the girl gave him permission by waving her hand in approval. He pulled the trigger and all it took was one bullet...

Boom! Gone... Stallion watched as a huge red cloud formed over the building and sparks flew and bricks fluttered all over the place, bringing dust and debris with them. At least he had the guts to do it, but he could not carry on, so he passed the gun into a random members hands and waved it off. "Bin that thing."

Fenrir was still in his room, but there was a complication. He couldn't find all the messages he had written to the Wolves. They had extremely important information about the gang, weaknesses and strengths of Artemis, Zeus, and Stallion, access points for an invasion, and the weapon supply. He needed to find them before anyone else did. If someone brought that to Stallion or Artemis...that'd be the end of him. Another gang to see him as a traitor. Another punishment. So he searched and searched for several minutes, but to no avail.

Fenrir ran downstairs, the place deserted, and crept into the crawlspace under them. It was where he kept most of his secret belongings. He crawled about 10 feet before he reached his stash. He reached up and scoured the underside of the floorboards, and his heart slowed. They were there. In an envelope were multiple incriminating, unused letters to the Wolves, a silver wolf pendant, and two pictures of different girls, one his sister and the other...Artemis. His sister was on a raggety couch, laughing, wearing a leather jacket, her beanie, jeans, and a matching pendant he had. Artemis was looking off in the distance, alone, in front of a beautiful sunset. It was his favorite time of day. He swallowed hard as he folded the envelope, careful not to crease the photos or harm the necklace. It was a gift from his father before he died, given to him by his father, and so on. He got out of the crawlspace and was about to exit the stairwell into the main hall, but an explosion knocked him off his feet to the back wall. With a loud thump he slammed his head on the wall and fell hard. His head pounded and he saw stars, but he didn't get knocked out. He just sat there as flames licked the outside of the door to the stairwell.

@Chocoholique @Quiet Is Violent
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Paint screamed when the explosion sounded. The noise itself was enough to set her into a panic. Fenrir not being out of the fire was what made her lose sanity. She sprinted into the flames, fast enough that she didn't catch fire. She found a small space that wasn't burning yet, and screamed for Fenrir. When he didn't answer, she kept running, tears in her eyes as she looked frantically for her friend.

Her pant leg caught fire and she screamed, decided to just take them off instead of pat the flames away. "Fenrir! Fenrir where are you!" She screamed, avoiding falling bricks. "Fenrir!!" She reached the stairs and saw him, sitting dazed as the fire spread up the steps. "Fenrir!" She grabbed his shoulders and slapped him to get him focused. "Fenrir! Wake up! Please! The building's burning down!"

Fenrir groggily blinked slowly at her. His eyes burned and he coughed softly at the smoke. The man was about 185 pounds, pretty much dead weight. His eyes fluttered as he closed them. He needed a nap, to go to sleep. It was so hot and loud, and sleep would make it all go away. He went limp. A large goose egg could be felt on the back of his head, a nasty bruise. The fire had crept near the stairs now, slowly engulfing the hallway.

((That's pretty hot.


@Quiet Is Violent
Quillicious said:
Fenrir groggily blinked slowly at her. His eyes burned and he coughed softly at the smoke. The man was about 185 pounds, pretty much dead weight. His eyes fluttered as he closed them. He needed a nap, to go to sleep. It was so hot and loud, and sleep would make it all go away. He went limp. A large goose egg could be felt on the back of his head, a nasty bruise. The fire had crept near the stairs now, slowly engulfing the hallway.
((That's pretty hot.


@Quiet Is Violent
"No! No, please! Fenrir!" Paint sobbed. She didn't know what to do. She wrapped one of Fenrir's arms around her shoulders and dragged him up the stairs, coughing as the smoke practically suffocated her. The next floor up was slowly catching fire as well. But there was a window. Paint cried and opened it, positioning Fenrir to push him out.

They were about ten feet off the ground. Paint sobbed. She didn't know what to do. If she pushes him out, he could die. If she leaves him here, he definitely would. Then she pulled him back in. She ripped off the sleeve of her shirt, wrapping his arms around her neck and using the sleeve of her shirt to tie his wrists together. That way she could carry him down. He was heavy, and she was weak, but she was determined to save him. She climbed out of the window and down the side of the building, at least to the point where jumping would to minimal harm. She jumped, landing on her feet. She untied Fenrir and dragged him a safe distance away before collapsing, the smoke had cut off her air supply considerably and the exercise of carrying 185 pounds down a building had left her exhausted. "Artemis!" She cried desperately before passing out.

@Quillicious @Chocoholique
Fenrir woke up as she carried him out. He was so tired, but he got up as she fainted. She had helped him. He frowned as he looked at her bare legs and underwear. It wasn't first time he woke up in the middle of nowhere with a half naked girl. Or a fully naked girl for that matter. As he felt his pocket was empty his eyes widened.

Fenrir had left the envelope in the crawlspace. He needed to get to the necklace, he needed to get the letters, he needed to get the picture of his sister, the only way he can see any sign of her, and, most of all, the picture of Artemis. She kept him going. She was what he woke up to, what he fell asleep to. That picture would last forever, but Artemis wouldn't. So he did the logical thing and ran back into the burning, collapsing, blown up building. No matter how much his lungs or legs ached, no matter how hard his head was pounding, he would get that envelope.

@Quiet Is Violent @Chocoholique

Artemis rubbed her eyes, "Fuck, why is it whenever I listen to you things go wrong." She cursed towards Stallion as she ran towards the building and with two kicks, the door was down. As her grey orbs rested on two figures, she was unsure of what to do. "Put the fucking fire out!" She called, watching as members gathered water and everything they had to tone down the flames. Artemis searched for Paint's voice and as her cry for help died, Artemis sprinted in full speed, the smoke strangling her but she kept on going. "Paint." She called, clutching both of them. "Come on! Fucking hell, seriously?" The raven flicked her eyes away as she saw Paint with barely any clothes on, and the ones she did have on were slightly torn now due to the current environment.

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Fenrir looked back once to see Artemis helping Paint. He nodded to himself and looked around the side of the building for a window. When he found one, he smashed it with his elbow and hopped in, slicing his hands on the broken glass. He winced but kept going. Down the hall, around the corner, up the stairs, across the floor, down the stairs. The entire building was an inferno, and he was sweating and his back hurt for some reason. As he felt his back, he grimaced. It was blistered and burned, the shirt missing most of its material in the back, the sleeves were ripped, and the front was charred. His pants were torn in the knee, but except for all that, he was fine.

The stairwell was almost fully engulfed, but he dove in anyway. The heat was killing him. He jumped through a small fire and tripped, landing on his stomach. It scorched him and he shot up and away, rolling on the floor so he didn't get burned even worse. Now his shirt was literally half a sleeve and a collar, but some in the back stuck to the skin. He peeled it off with some trouble, and tossed the fragments away. Any other time, he would hate being shirtless. It made him feel exposed. Now he was shirtless in a fire, so he was even more uncomfortable. His back and torso were very toned, sure, and his abs were 'chisled' as some girls called it, but he still felt awkward. Every time someone looked at him at the pool as a teenager, he hated it. A searing pain sent him back to reality as a flaming piece of wood crashed down beside him. Fenrir finally reached the crawlspace. The smoke barraged his lungs yet again, his head feeling dizzy like last time.

@Quiet Is Violent @Chocoholique

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