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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

Quillicious said:
Fenrir shook his head.
"I'm not lying, Paint. If you ever need me, I'll be there from now on. I wouldn't ever dream of stabbing you in the back. Never."

He slowly approached her, his hands raised in a sign of peace.

@Quiet Is Violent
"You're LYING!" She screamed, moving backwards away from him. She ran out of room on the platform so she stopped after a moment. "You're lying, just like dad lied, just like Mary lied! You're lying! You abandoned me! I'm not worthy of you!"

Friar quickly fumbled about with his satchel and cried, "Pin her down!" Immediately he found Artemis push the female down onto the ground, pulling her away from the staircase and holding her arms down. The man's hands were shaking, the girl already seemed mad, what if none of these medecines worked? But they had to.

Inserting in a transparent liquid into an injection. Holding her arm still, Friar inserted in the sharp needle. The medicine was something to calm her nerves, "She will be a little drowsy for a good half an hour, I did not use much of the liquid. It will give me enough time to diagnose her and figure out what set her off. It could just be that she had a melt-down, in this environment, it certainly has not been the first." The brown-haired male pushed up his glasses. "If you will, we could go to the quaters." He asked anybody who was willing to take her and he found Stallion pick up the small girl and alk towards the corridor. "
Well, coming doc?" Friar supposed that was his cue to follow and he did, only to find Artemis following behind him, that woman was always involved in something, it did annoy him sometimes, seeing as she was the cause Amber always dashed in looking for plasters and painkillers.

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Paint shrieked and kicked at Artemis, screaming things she didn't mean or understand. Her screams got louder when the needle entered and pushed clear liquid into her system. Then she started to still. She was sobbing and mumbling complete nonsense. The words 'betrayed' and 'end it' came out repeatedly, mixed this curses and pleads that contradicted themselves.

A member picked her up and she writhed. She wanted to get to the roof, she remembered. She needed to get to the roof. She was going to kill herself. She'd just been interrupted. "Let go... Let me go..." She pleaded. Paint whined and squirmed to no avail. Soon she was put on a bed and her wrist was tied to the bed post. She started to cry again.

Artemis seemed quite concerned, Paint's little tantrum soon turned into a big situation and the raven-haired girl seemed curious as to why. As she carefully observed Stallion rest her head onto a pillow and tie her heands with a bedsheet, she also examined how Friar approached this problem and watching how all the members flooded in there, Artemis narrowed her eyes. She was second-in-command, she knew Paint did not need this, call it a leader hunch. "Out!" She ordered, even having the courage to oust Stallion out of the room, she then shut the door. Looking at Friar, she gestured towards Paint. "What... Is wrong with her?" She asked, then Friar raised an eyebrow whilst he took in her pulse and observed her body language. "Nothing is wrong, it is just a little bit of a fit. I think she has depression. Of course, I sensed that she had this before, alot of members did but it was quite mild. Now it has developed, my guess is because it is because of rejection and feeling pushed aside, since everything she is muttering seems to lead to more or less that." He explained. Artemis sighed, maybe she was a little harsh on her. "Get out." She said, pointing towards the door. She always tried lendng a hand in everything but this time, maybe she could actually fix the problem.

Amber was amongst the crowd which entered and soon was pushed back from the door, trying to get a sight of Paint. As the door shut, the crowd which formed slowly rippled away and let the matter go. "I think it's another one of those messed up 'uns." She mumbled to Zeus who scowled.

Zeus shook his head at Amber's statement, "She is not mad, just a little confused. She is fifteen." He attempted reasoning with her, but his mind drifted off to Artemis again. He snapped back, forcing himself to keep the idea of Fenrir and Artemis out of his mind, Paint needed all of them.

Slim looked up as the figure entered, and he sighed. "I'll give you what you want, but you have to let me go." He pleaded, clenching his trapped fists.

The Huntress entered, pushing the other members aside. "Has he spoken yet?" She said in a soft tone to Phantom.

Kobra scoffed, "Sure, kid. Now, I wanted information, not begging." He said, folding his arms and allowing members to flood into the room and observe the scene. "Meet Slim, fellas. Now, Slimmy here used to roll with The Blood. He just recently left because, well I am planning on keeping that confidential unless he does not open up." Around him fierce members cracked their knuckles and growled. That was it, Slim was their way in.

The game was on.

@BubbleBoo @Quillicious @Of the Red

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Paint sobbed gently. She felt so helpless. "I can't do anything right. Can't even kill myself right. Failure. Failure is the darkness winning. Darkness..." Paint cried softly, burying her face in her pillow. All she could think about was her failures. Her failure to save her parents marriage. Her failure to save her twin sister. Her failure in every foster home she's been in. Failure, failure, failure. "Failure is a spray can and canvas without the guts to paint." Paint was formulating an image in her mind. One that no one knew of but her. A silhouette of a thin girl, set against a light yellow haze. There's the shadow spray can pointed at her left temple, and a blood splatter on the other side of the silhouette's head. The blood spells failure.

Paint looked around frantically for her sketchbook. It was in her backpack, in her room. She started hyperventilating. That thing was the equivalent of her diary. There were sketches in there that no one needed to see. She was protective of it. And she left it in her damn room. She couldn't leave, because she'd been tied to the bed. "L-let me go!" She pleaded loudly. "Please! I need to-- I need my backpack! Let me go!" Paint didn't know who to ask for help. For the moment, her room was empty. She felt tears in her eyes. "Please." Her voice was just a whisper now.

Artemis widened her eyes at the scene, was it a good decision to throw the doctor out? The raven warrior was certainly not used to this level of energy so she thrust Paint's bag to her, one of the members must have found it where she dropped the paints before they made their way to the ice-cream parlour. She even untied the girl's hands, the reason why she was treated like an animal was unknown, she did not scare Artemis, just made her raise an eyebrow at the peculiar behaviour. "Paint?" Was the member still on Earth or in her own world. "You have not really failed, we did not even set you a task to complete." Artemis reassured her, resting a firm grip on her shoulder.

Paint found her backpack in her hands and she smiled. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." She breathed, pulling out her sketchbook. Her hands were shaking, and the wrist that was tied was slightly raw. She fumbled with the pages and dropped it. A small cry escaped Paint and she didn't bother to pick it up. She just buried her face in her hands and cried.

Then Artemis spoke. Paint looked at her through teary eyes. "You don't think I've failed?" Paint whispers softly, tears still leaking down her face.

Artemis shook her head, "If anything, I would say that you have developed your skills and character." She admitted. It was the truth, Paint soon grew to like the ways of the gang, they were not all fearless or immortal but they were all just as crazy. "We all fail sometimes, and that is okay. I mean, look at me. Failed as a daughter." She was not really open to share what happened with her. Artemis figured if Stallion and Slim were keeping their stories locked away, then that meant she had to keep hers under the cover too, seeing as now was not the time for a bedtime story.

Fenrir couldn't stand it any longer. The guilt almost drove him mad. He pushed and shoved his way through the crowd quickly. When he got to the door, he saw Stallion and Friar both come out, but Artemis was still in there. He turned to the audience, clapping to get its attention.

"Listen up! This isn't a reality show, you've got better things to do! Go, get outta here!"

He put a hand on Stallion's shoulder and leaned beside him.

"Paint doin' okay? I'm gonna go in there, this is my fault."

@Chocoholique @Quiet Is Violent

Stallion was pushing away the crowd and watched as everybody moved away, but out of the corner of his eye, he could see somebody pushing forward. As Fenrir put a hand down on his shoulder, the leader looked towards the door. "What are they doing in there?" Friar shrugged his shoulders as he put vials back into the safety of his satchel. Stallion needed to be there, he took care of this lot. "Right, well. Come on then Zeus. Oh, and you too, Fenrir." Both had developed relationships with Fenrir but as soon as the crowd was shuffling in all directions, Stallion cried, "Oi! Where do you think you are all going?" Everybody stopped as his voice boomed, but Stallion did not want to be that sort of leader, the one who frightened everyone as he spoke, so he coughed and spoke in a lighter tone. "Urm, go outside. Paint and the rest of us will meet you there. Onyx, I'm putting you in charge."

Slim glanced towards Huntress and Phantom, he needed to tell them, he could die.

Everything Kobra said was surprisingly true.

"I don't know much but they were going to scout you and send in Zeus and Artemis undercover, to infultrate your gang. I also know a few camps. But that is it." Being third-in-command, he only accessed the areas where he was needed, he was needed to make plans for a few bases which he soon knew the location of and was supposed to know the plans Stallion had for the gang.

Zeus nodded, he was concerned for both of them in there.
Fenrir rushed past Stallion and Friar, going into the room. He saw the two girls in the room and took a shuddering breath.

"Is she calmed down? Paint, are you...better? I'm sorry for leaving you, okay?"

He went to Artemis' side and watched Paint closely for any sort of behavior out of the ordinary.

@Chocoholique @Quiet Is Violent
Paint looked sadly at Artemis. "But... But I thought failure was... Unforgivable." Paint whispered. She was calming down just a little bit. Just enough to talk normally.

Then Fenrir walked in. She started screaming and crying. "No! I failed you! Don't! Don't!" She climbed under the covers on the bed and buried herself in them, shaking and sobbing uncontrollably.

Artemis shook her head, "Failing is just part of human nature and-" The raven followed Paint's gaze as she heard the door creak open, only to rest her eyes on Fenrir. Suddenly, Paint began to shriek and scream, just when she had finally simmered down. "I- Paint." Artemis cupped the girl's hand in hers. "Shush, please. He will not hurt you and you heard him, he is sorry." Artemis had never been so gentle in her life, she too was bent like everybody else, but Paint here was broken. "Just calm down because if anybody has failed, it would have been me. I put my personal affairs and problems before The Blood and even if it lasted for a good day, it was my biggest mistake." She admitted, realising how she was wrong, sometimes, "If I was not so forward, maybe Slim would still be here and The Grotto would not have to be... Burned down to the core. Which reminds me, we need to get moving or else we might be set on fire too." She said, loosening her grip on the girl but still hovering her hand over Paint's palm.

Paint tried to calm down. She really did. But her tears didn't stop. Her hands were shaking. She was having difficulty breathing. "You don't fail, you're the goddess." Paint whispered, pointing at her sketchbook. "You always hit your mark, and you never ever fail." Paint was calming down. "I'm just a shadow. Shadows fail to show sometimes. I fail. But you... You don't..." Paint looked st Fenrir. "I failed you. I know you can't forgive me. I'm still s-sorry." Paint was calming down. She could think now. Her voices were quieted down. Then she remembered they were burning the place down. "Oh. Okay. We should... We should go..."

Artemis looked down towards Paint's sketchbook. The sketches and rough scribbles seemed so life-like and then there it was, the image Paint was pointing to. It was Artemis, killing a wolf. The message was correct, she would kill them. But her name belonged to a goddess, and she was not perfect. "It is beautiful, I really like it." She whispered, touching the edge of the book and turning it around lightly to get a better view, she studied the image whilst Paint whimpered. "Yes, we should be heading out." She held out a hand, for Paint to hold but if the girl did not want to, it was fine with the raven, whatever.

Paint smiled lightly. "You, you like it?" Paint asked, not believing her ears. Artemis hated her. How could she like Paint's art? "I could- I could p-paint it for you." She whispered, taking the hand Artemis offered.
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Artemis did not want to be soft but she decided she would be gentle and kind for this one day. Her views on Paint were changing, the girl was not just some menacing wannabe, she was just a lost and troubled cause. "Sure, why not." She accepted, "But maybe we should get out of here first." She stated, it was not safe anymore. Not in The Grotto anyway.

Chocoholique said:

Artemis did not want to be soft but she decided she would be gentle and kind for this one day. Her views on Paint were changing, the girl was not just some menacing wannabe, she was just a lost and troubled cause. "Sure, why not." She accepted, "But maybe we should get out of here first." She stated, it was not safe anymore. Not in The Grotto anyway.

Paint smiled widely. She couldn't believe it. Was Artemis actually interested in her work? Color flooded her cheeks and she picked up her backpack and her sketchbook. "Yes, we should go. Uh, Fenrir?" Just saying his name made her want to cry. "Are you coming?"

Artemis slowly exhaled, knowing that the situation was now calming down. She made way for the door, shooting a reassuring smile to Fenrir. Grasping the handle, she opened the door only to find Stallion plastered behind it. The leader just raised an eyebrow, "Situation solved," she claimed quietly. Artemis took her usual place of standing in between Zeus and Stallion, "Right, so, we off then?" She asked, brushing a hand through her thick waves. It had certainly been a day

@Quiet Is Violent @BubbleBoo @Quillicious

Fenrir felt troubled at the sketch. Artemis, a benevolent godess, killing an evil wolf. A nagging thought bothered him as he pondered his name. Fenrir, the evil son of Loki, father of wolves, and was foretold to slay Odin, the Allfather. Hell, his last name meant wolf in Scandanavian. It couldn't be a prophecy, of course, but it still worried him. He wasn't one to be superstitious at all, so he pushed it to the back of his mind.

"You guys go ahead, I'll be out the back."

Fenrir stayed in the room for a moment and thought before he walked out and went the opposite direction of the crowd, to the back exit.

@Chocoholique @Quiet Is Violent @BubbleBoo
Paint nodded as he left. Then she slowly let go of Artemis' hand, to follow Fenrir. Tears dripped down her face. "Fenrir?" She called, trying to catch up with him but not succeeding. "Please, wait for me." Her breath was hiccuping and then she fell to her knees. She had to hear him pardon her for her failure. Otherwise, she'd break down every time Fenrir was mentioned.
Fenrir was lost in his thoughts, but Paint's call jerked him out. He turned his head and slowed down, coming to a stop.

"Huh? What is it?"

He walked back to her and kneeled down beside her. His hand wiped away her tears and brushed the hair from her face.

"Paint, what's wrong?"

@Quiet Is Violent

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