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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

Zeus raised an eyebrow along with Amber as Artemis and Stallion were dragged away. What was so important that he could not know? He was in position of a superior role himself. The boy would not stand and watch his girlfriend be in the same room as two other men who could potentially develop an interest in her or already have. He was about to actually boot the door down until the door finally opened. It was Artemis he was hoping for, but Stallion came out, closing the door.

Now the situation was worse, Artemis in the same room as Fenrir of all people. He furrowed his eyebrows but watched as she returned flustered. It did not last long since she was rejoined by Fenrir for a short moment. It confused him, why would she apologise? Why would he look more upset as he spoke. As Fenrir left to go to his room, Zeus walked upto his girlfriend, "What just happened her, Meredith." He addressed her with the name that few knew of, quietly.
Fenrir put a finger gun to his head and acted like he blew his brains out, making the sound effect of a gun firing.

"Blam. Just like that. That's how it's gonna end, Kobra puttin' a bullet right through me."

He respected Artemis' feelings, he really did, but he didn't know if he should respect his own needs, or just push them down with all the other feelings he had for Art. They had bubbled up to the brim before, but they didn't spill over just yet. He didn't think so. As he laid there, his arms behind his head, he couldn't get the thought of what could happen between them out of his head. He resisted the urge to just sock Zeus in the face and knock him clean out, but only for Artemis. He wondered how Paint was doing. She was young compared to most others, but she still had problems like the rest. Venus and Stallion were most likely havin' a ball together, literally. Red was hopefully taking care of Paint. He wondered who would miss him when he left.

Slim took Phantom's suggestion into mind. What other choice did he have? Die later or die hard, now?

Slim slowly stopped the struggling and slowly nodded, "Get your boss, would you?" He asked, his voice cracking. He was afraid, he thought being intellectually strong would be enough but his great mind was not preoared for this. 'It never works out, brains and beauty'. He thought, referring to Artemis. She looked at guys who were mysterious and were physically built, sure it may have been the heart she was interet

sted in but, could everything have changed if he was like Zeus or Stallion. He thought not. He was angry, yet lovesick.

Artemis looked up to meet Zeus, questioning what scene took place. Could she tell him the parts which she cinstantly played in her head? 'He kissed me, and at first I let him. But I pulled away.' The last part would not work, how could she justify her actions? Could she lie? No, she could not bring herself to do such a thing. Could she tell him not to worry and pretend that everything was fine? Of course, she had been doing that fir quite a long time now.

"Nothing, just a little misunderstanding." She reassured Zeus. Her smile was not at all genuine, it was forced and showed her light dimples, she was very bad at hiding things. Her hand took hold of Zeus' hand and she squeezed it lightly. "I think we should go now, Stallion called us out a while a go." She changed the subject, pointing towards the deserted corridors. All of the members must have been outside by now.

Fenrir had no clue they were deserting the Grotto. He had completely forgotten about it, so he just decided to sleep.

((Sorry it's short, can't think if anything worth writing besides that.))
Zeus knew she was lying, she did not smile the usual way where her glimmering teeth were revealed and her laugh came out of her mouth, it wa ps a smile which was sad. As she held his hand, he felt some heat blanket his body. She was a diamond among coal. "Yeah, I suppose." He said, softly. And then he turned to the brunette who had not quite said much. "You coming or do you want your hair set on fire?"

Amber looked up at Zeus' statement, "I don't do crispy." She smirked. She then motioned to the two of them, "And can I say how cute you two are."

This time Artemis' smile was indeed geniune as Amber complimented her relationship with Zeus. "Well, it took a few moments to realise who the right guy was, I suppose." She then could sense her smile would fade, and it did. She had no idea who the right guy was anymore. Everybody was asking too much from her, she was only sixteen. "So, anybody have your eye?" Artemis asked Amber, she was curious about the brunette's love life, seeing as she already knew about her sex life. The woman worked fast, getting men in her bed ever since she came here. Of course, Artemis had a vague idea about who Amber had an interest in. It was Stallion, the most masculine male in this gang, sure she was admirable but Artemis hoped she would not get with him. This was from a friendly point of view seeing as he saw as his best friend. She knew that Amber may just drop him after the first taste of the third base. Not that she imagined Stallion complaining, all Stallion would say are lines which seemed like lyrics in Artemis' head:




Phantom nodded, he knew Slim would eventually come to see the right way. Phantom opened up the door only to find two members gyarding the outside and questioning why his eyes were not on Slim. "He wants to speak to the boss man." He explained, a member nodded and disappeared, only to trail behind Kobra moments later

So he talks after all. Let me see what he has to see." Kobra grumbled, first referring to Phantom's quiet nature but soon the topic changed to Slim. Phantom made way for their as he trudged in.

Sure, Phantom felt like killing the man but if Kobra said anything, everybody would agree. Phantom was in no position to snap at the leader.


Kobra marched into the room and with every step he took, his hard and deep frown soon changed into a real smile. But ofcourse it was all just for show, to make it look as if he understood, as if he had a heart. "Now then Slim, or do I call you Adam?" He asked, clenching his fists before the man, "What have you decided?"

He was curious to see whether he had won this auburn haired lad and persuaded him to join their side, they needed information, of course without the regular tip offs from regular citizens and residents, they would have won this feud all the same. Kobra blinked, staring down at the figure which was held down by rope, they would only set him free if he talked, which could have been a possibility.

Kobra's face was scarred, somebody tried to take him down and claim the gang throne, but everybody knew how traitors ended up, at the bottom of the river.

(I'm just gonna skip @Altaynna its been over 24 hours)

Paint sighed, sat up, and hugged Red. "You're a great friend." Paint whispered. Then she left her room, walking almost absently down the hall. She looked around her, memorizing the halls and doors as she walked. So many memories in just a few weeks. Paint reached out to touch the walls, grazing her fingertips across it. She'd remember the feeling for the few minutes left of her pitiful excuse of a life. Fenrir, Priest, the Blood, her sister, her parents. All of them turned their backs on her. Maybe it was just a sign that she should not exist.

Artemis sauntered down the corridor, walking between Amber and Zeus. She had never imagined the two ever getting along but somehow they managed to prevent anything violent happening. The raven's mind was on one thing and one thing only, Fenrir. That kiss made her feel so guilty, looking at Zeus who stood clueless by her side, all Artemis did was bite her lip at even allowing Fenrir to touch her.

She looked behind her shoulder, attempting to catch a glance of Fenrir's bedroom door but all she saw was Paint walking along the far end of the hall. Artemis was not in the mood, so she turned around and sighed, "Give it a matchsick and we'll all say goodbye in a few minutes." She figured everybody was gathering their belongings in the last moment, before everything went up into flames.

Paint heard Artemis' words and looked at her blankly. "Goodbye." Paint repeated. She looked almost ghost-like. She walked to the staircase, looking at the stairs as though she'd never seen the before.

Artemis scowled at Paint as she spoke and she raised a questioning eyebrow as the young girl stared blankly at the staircase. Of course, Artemis figured that Paint was peculiar anyway, being strangely quiet, but she could not help but find this time to be different. "Paint?" She sooke softly, not physically touching Paint since Artemis was not at all for that soft stuff. "Are you, um, okay?" Given the circumstances and the current situation, it would have sounded quite ridiculous, nobody was okay. Their home was going to be burnt down and they would have to go to the trouble of relocating, looking over their shoulder constantly since they had no idea who to trust.

Artemis watched and examined Paint's current state, "Do you need, help?" She suggested, of course the girl would not bend diwn and get her hands dirty to help this member but she looked, quite lost and sligtly troubled, but Artemis worried that may have been an understatement. Could Paint walk down the steps of the stone staircase by herself or did she actually require assistance? If so, Zeus was always there to help, the raven would plan on sitting and watching is amusement.

Paint looked at Artemis, her skin as pale as paper. "Okay..." She repeated, studying the girl with care. "Help... No one helps..." Paint scratched at her wrist roughly. The skin cracked and began to bleed. "No one helps, everyone leaves, no one helps, everyone leaves." Paint went down one step and came back up. "They don't leave. They don't every leave. They stay and scream at me and tell me I'm nothing." Paint let tears fall down her face. "I was mean to you. I'm sorry. It wasn't me. It was Erik." Paint paused to breathe. "Erik doesn't want me to do this. I don't care what he wants anymore."

Artemis raised an eyebrow as Paint mumbled and babbled nonesense. She was confused and was quite surprised when as soon as Paint's nails came into contact with her pale skin, blood appeared. The raven was quick to react as she grabbed hold if Paint's wrist. "Jesus Christ, what the fuck is wrong with you?" She muttered. As Paint edged closer to the staircase and stepped onto the first step and then returned back to the platform, Artemis shook her head. 'Well it was you who got yourself banished, so you were the one who technically left.' The only reason why she did not say that out loud was due to preventing herself from being harsh.

Then, something surprised her. Paint apologised. This made Artemis feel right, she was always right, she always got her way and in return, others would not have to suffer her never-ending wrath. But then, the raven could feel the confusion sinking in once again, Erik? Who was Erik? An outsider? A Wolf?

"Erik?" Artemis asked, holding onto Paint tight, if Artemis did not know better, she assumed Paint was going through an emotional breakdown, the reason why seemed unclear but the raven had a vague feeling that somehow, she played a part in this.

Paint looked at Artemis in shock. She couldn't breathe for a moment. "Wrong. Wrong. I'm wrong. I'm what's wrong." Paint whispers. Her eyes flicked about nervously. "Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong! Shut up! Shut up!" Paint jerked away from Artemis. "I'm not wrong! You're wrong! It's all your fault! That's why I'm killing you!" She wasn't talking to Artemis. She was talking to Erik. "You won't leave me alone! You don't deserve to be left alone. Yes I do you don't know what I deserve! You deserve death! Then die with me!" Paint was nearly screaming now, and she fell to her knees. "Wrong, wrong, wrong... I'm all wrong, Artemis. All wrong."

Artemis was shocked as Paint threw hersekf onto the floor, wailing uncontrollably. What could Artemis do? Help her? Well the raven was not at all sure how she could do that. She needed help but all Amber could do was pick up signals from a transmitter and present information, and Zeus? Well when things get bad, that is when Zeus arrives. But in this situation, he was not needed. Artemis could do nothing, but to calm the pale girl down, she drew her arm back and slapped Paint, hard. Not meaning to but it was all she could think of. Seeing Fenrir walk up, and other members crowding, Artemis only screamed for that one person who knew what to do, always.

"Stallion!" She called, only to find her leader behind her.

Friar." His British drawl said, and he revealed a rather slim male from behind.

Friar, a recognised member who was training to become a doctor to work with the army, but when he dropped out of school to care for his ill mother, he left the books but still carried the knoledge, aiding the injured members and creating medecines and ointments for them. "Don't fucking stand there, just do something." Paint was absolutely insane, of course Artemis did not wish she would be, just because she might hate family, she would not wish insanity on them, let alone death.

@Quiet Is Violent @Quillicious

Paint heard Fenrir's voice and screamed bloody murder. She couldn't do anything but scream and cry. Her body shook uncontrollably. She scratched at her wrist and drew as much blood as she could. Then she was slapped.

*Flashback (2 years earlier)*

Mitchy sat on the couch, drawing a vase filled with flowers. Then the door opened with a creak and then slammed shut. Mitchy jumped to her feet. Her father was slobbering drunk. "Dad, you shouldn't go drinking so much." She said softly. Her dad looked at her murderously. "Don't tell me what to do, child" he replied, approaching her. She frowned. "You'll destroy your liver. You'll kill yourself and leave Mary and me to survive on my own." Mitchy argued. Her father glared. The next think Mitchy knew, she was on the ground with a stinging sensation spreading across her cheek. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO!

*present day*

Paint only screamed louder, now in distress, confusion, and anger. She could barely breathe between her shrieks, and her face was flushed with tears and sweat. She couldn't hear anything but her screams and the voices.
Fenrir snapped awake and ran toward Paint, pushing himself to the front of the crowd beside Artemis, Stallion, and that guy he's seen before, taking care of some sick members. He rushed to Paint's side and held her shoulders.

"Paint! Paint, come on!"

He looked back at Friar and scowled at him.

"Get some gauze, dammit! Do your fucking job!"

He held Paint's hands with her palms up and tried to stem the bleeding with his shirt.

@Quiet Is Violent @Chocoholique
Paint looked at Fenrir and screamed only louder, struggling away from him. "You abandoned me!" She shrieked, pulling away towards the staircase. "You abandoned me like everyone else! You left me!" She shoved him off, her eyes narrowed in hatred. "Don't touch me, I'm not worth you!"
Fenrir stumbled back as Paint shoved him away. He frowned and stepped foward towards her.

"Paint, I didn't..."

He trailed off as he realized he did abandon her. With a sinking feeling, he felt horrible about it. She probably hurt from the betrayal.

"I did, and I'm sorry about it. So sorry. Please, just talk to us and I promise I won't ever leave you again. Ever."

@Quiet Is Violent
Abby adjusted her beanie and tucked her hair behind her ears. She had just found out Craig was dead, and was waiting for more news. What was strange was that Craig had three lines of his own blood down his face, a way if respecting a fallen comrade that ber brother, Erik, had started one day. Maybe it was him. She smirked at the way he always treated her, like their past never happened. That night would never go away, they both knew that. Fenrir was always reluctant to talk to her when she brought the event up and teased him about it. With a sigh, she crossed her legs and leaned back onto the couch. She was wearing a black, low-cut tank top that showed the tattoos on her arms, not to mention her eye-catching cleavage, and extremely short daisy dukes. Guys in the gang always shot looks her way because of the way she dressed, but she didn't care. In fact, she kinda liked it. She leaned her head back and looked at the door as it opened.
Quillicious said:
Fenrir stumbled back as Paint shoved him away. He frowned and stepped foward towards her.
"Paint, I didn't..."

He trailed off as he realized he did abandon her. With a sinking feeling, he felt horrible about it. She probably hurt from the betrayal.

"I did, and I'm sorry about it. So sorry. Please, just talk to us and I promise I won't ever leave you again. Ever."

@Quiet Is Violent
"You're lying." Paint hisses. "You're lying, they always lie when they apologize." Paint clenched her hands into fists. "They always lie. They tell you they won't hurt you then they stab you in the back."
Fenrir shook his head.

"I'm not lying, Paint. If you ever need me, I'll be there from now on. I wouldn't ever dream of stabbing you in the back. Never."

He slowly approached her, his hands raised in a sign of peace.

@Quiet Is Violent

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