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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

Paint laughed. "I was always in control. She was just a puppet to my will." Tears leaked out of Paint's eyes. "So weak, it's too easy."
Paints eyes slammed closed. A couple minutes passed before she opened them again with a faint moan. She was on the verge of tears. Her eyes found Red and she smiled. "You have a lovely voice, Red." She whispered honestly. Then she realized she was pinned down. "Fenrir. Oh god, Fenrir what did I do?"
Quillicious said:
Fenrir sighed in relief and got off of her. He pulled her into a tight hug, putting his arm around Red and bringing her into the hug as well.
"Nothing. It's nothing, Paint. Don't worry about it, alright?"

@Quiet Is Violent @Altaynna
Paint shivered. "Are you sure I didn't do anything? I'm so scared I did something. I can't control him anymore. He's getting stronger."
Paint sighs softly. "I'm not stronger. I can't control him. He says- no, please, no!" Paint clasps her hands over her temples, speaking to her voices. "Please, don't, I'm sorry." She looks up at Fenrir helplessly. "I can't speak about him anymore."
Altaynna said:
Red sighed softly. "Who's...who's he, Paint?" She sighed softly, stroking her hair softly.
@Quiet Is Violent @Quillicious
"Erik." Paint replies. Her eyes widen and her muscles lock in place. A malicious smile forms on her face. "Dumb bitch." Paint says after a moment. "She can't even follow orders correctly. Oh well, she's too broken to try to fight me."
"Hmmm... Mikayla? You wanna have a go?"

Moments later, Paint was hysterically sobbing. There was a fear behind her actions, a hesitancy that was the only remnants of Paint's true conscience's control.
Fenrir put his gun away and heavily sighed, running a hand through his hair. He got off the bed and leaned on the door of the room, closing his eyes. This was too much for him, and very tiring. Paint was probably gone for good, and he regretted not being able to help.

"I'm done. This isn't gonna help, Red. She's a lost cause."

He opened the door and slammed it shut, leaning on the wall in the hallway outside.

@Quiet Is Violent @Altaynna
Red shot him a glare, turning to Paint. "Erik, huh?" She shook her head sadly and laughed. "What do you win like this? Killing her kills you. Hurting her hurts you." She chuckled softly. "Remember when I brought you to the roof, Paint? I painted that graffiti for you, remember?"

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint jumped at the sound of the door closing. She stopped sobbing suddenly. Don't abandon me. She wanted to say. Don't leave me alone. I'm a danger to myself. I'm not safe alone. All that came out was a whimper. Paint felt like she'd been stabbed in the gut. Fenrir left her. Red was going to leave her too.

"I painted that graffiti for you, remember?" Red said. Paint nodded. She remembered. She remembered all of every moment she spent with Red. And it all felt so distant now. Like none of it could possibly matter. She'd been abandoned by her parents, by her sister, by her gang, by Priest, and now Fenrir. It was only a matter of time before Red turned too. Paint couldn't let herself get hurt again.

Don't do it. Erik told her in her head. He knew what she was thinking. Don't do it, that won't fix anything. That won't stop the pain. That will just cause more. It was too late. Paint had made up her mind. She was going to end everything the moment she could.
Fenrir had a few things nagging in the back if his head. Leaving Paint, not telling the Blood the whole truth, and not confronting Zeus about him taking his anger out on Artemis. He groaned and let his head hit the wall, hard.

"Shit just completely hit the fan, right after it was awesome..."

His heart burned with an inferno-like passion that struck him with the power of a supernova. Why had he fallen so hard for Artemis? He only had seen her up until he joined, but for some reason he felt like he needed to be with her. No, he needed to protect her. Not until his death, no. He wouldn't die for her, not ever. It wasn't because he didn't want to sacrifice himself, he would do that quicker than a heartbeat with no hesitation whatsoever. He wouldn't ever leave her alone without the one who loved her as much as he did. Artemis was his entire world now. He couldn't give a fuck about anything else besides her. Fenrir ached to his core as he thought about their kiss. It made him sick to his stomach how much emotion he had for her. He was her guardian, her protector. He was meant to keep her out of harm's way, and he couldn't let himself die. Dying would let her down. From that moment when he saved her onwards, Fenrir knew Artemis was the only one for him, and he was the only one that could truly care for her and love her the way she deserved.

He stood up, and the only thing he felt was determination. A man who turns on the one they love in rage does not truly know how to love. Well, he knew all about love. He stormed into Artemis' room.

@Chocoholique @BubbleBoo
Red sighed, taking Paint's hand. "I'm here for you. I'm always here for you, Paint. I'm going to do everything I can to help you, I promise. But you have to learn me help."
Altaynna said:
Red sighed, taking Paint's hand. "I'm here for you. I'm always here for you, Paint. I'm going to do everything I can to help you, I promise. But you have to learn me help."
The words fell on deaf ears. Paint was done with life, done with fighting, done with it all. "You're very sweet." Paint said, almost mechanically.

Artemis found it very hard to explain how she was feeling, she felt a little bit selfish. She had no idea why even if she was with Zeus, and very happy, why any woman with Stallion made her heart sink. Maybe she was dissapointed? Dissapointed at how that could have been her if she waited and 'matured', but looking at Zeus she was happy she did not. She needed to eliminate any remaining love for Stallion from the back of her mind, it was hard to since the day they met he saved her life. She would not have lasted long until he laughed at the fact that a gang wanted to take in a young girl. At first, Artemis wanted to show him that she was worth picking up from the streets but then softened her expression when she realised his urging eyes, begging her not to show them what she was made of. 'You do not want to join these people.' That was how she first acted weak, to put off The Snipers, a local gang made of very few and have probably died out now. Ever since then she had seen Stallion brawling on the streets often.

Then Slim, Slim just helped her during the time. He felt kindness towards her and they quickly became friends. The man even met Stallion, and they even hit it off. After hearing Stallion had been called to a brawl for pissing off a member of another gang, Slim told him a few secrets when the show would start. 'He has a limp on his right leg, three kicks and he will be down. Trust me.' And it had indeed worked, he was so precise, even Stallion could see how one kick only made the man wince, the second made the man clutch his leg and by three he was down, surrendering. She always admired Slim, he was always taken for granted by Stallion but Artemis always did thank him on behalf of the dominant male. She was always unaware of his love.

Zeus, he was just a member who was a friend but that day when they went to The Devil's Playground and how he kissed her afterwards. After the whole Hunter situation, she still remembers how the man screamed in pain as the members shot at him, any prisoners always faced death. She was a little more sensitive than Stallion and so did feel uncomfortable about hearing Hunter die in the treason room but she soon grew to like it, all of that power. Zeus was there to comfort her and now she was so sure that in no way would she ever turn her head for another boy. Never Slim, all she thought of him was as a friend. Not Stallion, she hoped. Just Zeus. But now another problem had formed, Fenrir.

Artemis' smile and kaughter died out as Fenrir entered the room, "I would like it if you knocked." The raven muttered, looking up at Zeus, trying to find his eyes and tell him to ignore him. She knew that Fenrir must annoy him, especially recently.

Zeus was about to press a small kiss on Artemis' forehead until the door flung open. "Seriously? When will anybody give us some space and a little bit of time?" He muttered, looking up only to find Fenrir. What was he doing back here? He felt his hands curl up into a ball of fist and his expression harden. His eyes then drifted to Artemis, her face so innocent-looking but everybody here knew otherwise. He held back, but only for her. And to add the effect he placed his hand on her waist, pulling her closer.

@Chocoholique @Quillicious

Amber smiled, watching as Stallion returned but immediately frowned as he addressed Venus and then insisted that they should work together. Looking at the other female, the brunette rolled her dark eyes. "Well he could not have forced me to work with someone who I disliked more, since it is you." She spat, smirking. "Why looking glum? We all know Stallion gives attention to who he loves. You are just some lonely, little member. Anyway, I'm just going to do my job." Amber's waves were flipped over her shoulder and she was walking down the corridor with her hands stuffed in her hoodie.

@Of the Red

Slim shook his head, he would not Kobra get to him.

OOC: The last para, well more like line, is bad because writer's block hit me hard.

Kobra felt quite amused watching Slim squirm, "You cannot ignore the truth." That one line placed a smile on the leader's lips. "I mean look around, treasured member my arse. They would have found you by now, they would have searched for you. The scouts would have been on the job. Have you heard a word from them yet?" Kobra asked, standing up straight and burying his hands in the pockets of his jeans. He would manupilate the man until he was forced to be on their side. "She could have been yours but a few people were just in the way. You were more suited to ge a leader, you had the mind and the patience with everyone. But you are not. Surprising really. Why fight for those who would rather drop you. Do not fight us, give us what you know and I can guarantee you a place in our board. There is one more place for you since I got rid of a member, but that was what happened to Fenrir." Now pacing the room and hovering by the door where one of his men offered to open the door, Kobra turned back to face the man. "The choice is yours. I will leave Phantom here to be with you. Don't let him out of your sight." Kobra ordered and then turned to Fizzy.

"More obediant than your late partner. Now, let me reward you." He smirked, allowing the beaming member to follow him out.

Slim looked down, his hands still imprisoned by the rope. As Kobra left, Slim was speechless. Could he have been correct? Was Slim actually worthy of becoming a leader? Of course, the man did question the tactics of Stallion, knowing he could add a little more here and there but he was not confident enough to speak against the leader. Not possessing much of a muscular build but instead a lean and hard body, Slim would not have lasted long.

Kobra was right, he could have had Artemis if they were just school kids, but they were the members if a street gang. Looking up to his 'guard', Slim pouted. "Will he let me go?" He asked.

Phantom nodded at his leader's leave, being left with the prisoner. He constantly played the part of the 'big 'un who never talks, just does', so he leant across the door as soon as everybody left. Looking upon Slim, he felt sorry for the man, if he did not give Kobra the right answer then everything could end up wrong, well for him, anyway.

As a shaking voice spoke, Phantom was surprised Slim addressed him. His voice was rather raspy since he did never talk, but the man needed to know what he was in for. "Not if you say the right fing, you ain't." He concluded, resuming to guard the door, but letting his guard down a little bit seeing as Slim would hardly be able to be free and beat the man to exit. And even if he did, the wharehouse was scattered with members who were hungry for blood.


Artemis felt Zeus' hand wrap her waist and pull her towards him. She supposed he wanted to make Fenrir know that she was with him. As she stumbled towards him and clashed with his body, Artemis wondered how this boy could have insecurities, he was indeed gorgeous and it was nonlie how she thought he would end up with Red after catching them two talking about their sob stories, or how she figured Amber would eventually get onto Zeus, being bored of Stallion not taking the damn hint. Artemis' then looked at Fenrir, wondering why he was here, surely someone needed him more if he went to aid someone.

Aid someone. She shook her head, she had been so selfish, especially now. She was here talking to Zeus whilst another member was uncontrollably screaming. Not her best moments and not the most romantic setting. "Um..." She attempted to break the silence with something clever and genuine, but nothing came to mind.

Venus stared at Stallion as he walked out , her eyes wide with suprise. Did he just say what she think he said ? Because if he did, it was never too late for Venus to throw herself in a ditch. Turning her head to glance at Amber, the expression on her face showed that the other girl felt the same. Stallion was either some mastermind or oddly optimistic but as long as she had to work with the same bitch that constantly begged for his attention, Venus would be pissed at him.

"You're not exactly the best person to work with, honey", Venus said with sickly sweet sarcasm oozing out of her words. Narrowing her eyes at Amber's next comment, Venus would scoff. "You wanna talk to me about love when you're constantly whoring yourself out just so he'll look at you for a second ? You're hilarious, Amber". Venus would close her eyes for a second, calming herself down and then walk up to Amber until they were wide by side. "Bitch all you want but I ain't going any anywhere till
I do my job".

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