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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

Venus wasn't suprised Stallion didn't like candy. Fuck, he probably ate puppies, kittens and souls for breakfast ! However, the smile he gave her was completely unexpected. "Come on, you have to like something sweet". The alternative meaning of the sentence hit the dark eyed girl just after she said it but hell, she meant it either way. Taking another lollipop out of the bag, she'd unwrap it and stuff it in her cheek while leaning over Stallion's shoulder to see what he was carving. "My, my, Boss man, you're a real talent".

Artemis looked down and before she said anything, she ran to him. Her arms hugged his waist and her head on her chest. Sometimes she did not want to say anything, she just wanted it to be silent and still. Suddenly, she was parted from her boyfriend as Fenrir dragged her away, ordering for her to gather all of the members in the boardroom. Some members turned their gaze to look at the duo and some followed them to see if they were needed. Artemis jerked away from him, fixing the collar of her denim jacket. "Fine, but only because this is worth seeing." She growled. "Hey, listen up!" She then instructed for everyone to gather around and told Hitchins to go and fetch the remaining members and Stallion. The boss should at least listen to what was happening.


Stallion nodded his head, "It is fine, I suppose. I need a little dab of paint though." He said, imagining rich, cherry red coating the piece of wood. Suddenly, a member burst through the door, babbling on about Artemis calling everybody in. His smile was quickly replaced with a frown, "I make the important announcements. What is she-" He did not even bother finishing off his sentence, this was typical Artemis. She would constantly break and bend rules.

Upon entering the boardroom, members looked back at his appearance and looked down out of respect. "What is it now?" He questioned.

Zeus did not reply, instead his hand was placed on the back of her head, buried in her hair and his hand secured around her waist but before he could ask what was wrong, she disappeared. Drifting away from him, Zeus was furious. "Who the fuck do you-" The commander followed the new member out of the training room, trudging behind them. He raised an eyebrow at how it came to the scene where Artemis willingly called everybody in at his command.

He for one, was stunned. Artemis never listened to him, let alone some outsider. He watched as Stallion made an entrance, clearly frustrated.
When everyone was gathered, Fenrir frowned.

"Fuck it..."

He cleared his throat and started to speak, his voice reaching the volume needed for everyone to hear him without much effort.

"As you know, The Wolves are our greatest enemy, are our nemesis, blah, blah, blah. Well, tough shit, but I'm one of them. At least, I used to be! Not anymore. I was thrown out of the Wolves and given this scar to remember my sins. I commited treason, in my rival's eyes. I was doing reconassiance on my own on this place. Yeah, I knew where this was, but only I did. Then I was caught tailing a group of you making a deal by my rival and was ratted out. Kobra almost sliced my eyes out, but I had been a loyal memeber and close ally to him in the past, so he didn't give me the full punishment, the loss of an eye. Then, my friend, Craig, offered me a way back in. All I had to do was take down this gang from the inside."

He glanced at Artemis.

"While I was out today, he found me and didn't recognize me because he thought I was dead. Kobra told the Wolves I was dead. I killed Craig to keep my secret, but it killed me inside to do it. That's why I'm really here. Now, I'm gonna personally dismember Kobra himself! We, as a family, will take down the Wolves!"

Fenrir sighed and put his hands on his hips, the light reflecting off his aviators.

"Now, who's with me?!"


Artemis listened carefully and was quite surprised with the turn out. She had not expected that. "You basically saved some of us?" She questioned, "Kobra gave you the scar you told me about and showed me?"

You knew about his?!" Stallion bellowed, in which Artemis quite bravely nodded. "I knew, some bits and bats but his sums up the whole story." She explained,

And it did not cross your mind to tell me this?" Her leader asked, folding his arms.

"No, not really. What the heck would you have done? Sent him to that room full of guns and execute him by allowing members to shoot at him?" Artemis declared, to which Stallion shrugged. A few were surprised about her tone, but Stallion must have been aware that she spoke what the thought, to her it was a good characteristic to have. "If you have left your bad ways in The Wolves then I would consider accelting you."

Meh, I guess we could make an acception." Stallion's response surprised them even more. Considering he loved the idea of execution falling on enemies, he loved making friends. Quite the opposite of his right hand woman. The members muttered but they too agreed.

He saved our kind."

It seemed like a genuine confession. I'll say yes to that."

He seems to be one of us, now anyway."

Fenrir fist pumped the air. It actually worked. As he jumped in the air and did a little victory dance, his glasses fell off. It didn't matter to him anymore.

"Woo! I'm a hero!"

After his celebration, he ran up to Artemis and looked her straight in the eyes. He hesitated for a moment before giving her an unsure smile.

"Thanks, Art. Just...thanks."

Without a second thought, he pulled her into a kiss, supporting her back firmly with his hand and leaned down, angling her into a dip. It was a sincere one, from deep down inside, something urged him to do it. His heart felt like it actually exploded inside his chest as he did it. Nothing else mattered. He blocked out every other person and thing in the room. It was only he and Artemis, all he had left. No, he had the Blood. He had a family now.

Amber slipped into the crowd, observing the story and she agreed that he deserved a chance. He just saved a Blood, it could have been her, Stallion or Red but it did not matter, he was one of them. Amber watched as Fenrir celebrated and soon the members surrounding them too cheered, out of happiness, it pulled Amber into an embrace with Stallion.

Zeus' eyes widened at Fenrir's approach to Artemis. Watching her leave a kiss on Artemis' lips. Zeus gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, breathing deeply. He was about to be angry, and when he is angry, he just does not stop. What would he do? He had no idea, the monster inside of him would take over.

Artemis' eyes widened as her lips clashed with Fenrir's. It was an unexpected one, she assumed he just about missed her cheek and wanted it to be PG and friendly but out of the corner of her eye she saw Stallion embrace Amber back but eventually turn a head to the scene. A few members looked at Zeus to inspect his reaction. She did not want this to happen, not again. She didn't want to break another heart, but she had to.

Her hands oushed Fenrir back and she slapped him, her palm clashing with his face and silencing the crowd. From the kiss her lips were a little flushed, she wiped them with the side of her hand, taking in a sigh. Watching as a few members held back Zeus, afraid of what he would do, Artemis covered her eyes with her hands, frustrated. "I cannot do this anymore." She stated, exiting the room. As she left she could hear Stallion attempting to calm everybody down. "
Calm it, Zeus. Alright everyone. Show is over. Off you jet."

"The show has just begun." Artemis whispered, why did this always happen to her? One day without drama would have made her actually be nice.

OOC: Income Zeus into her room.

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Fenrir raised his eyebrows in reaction to the slap. His face stung and there was red handmark, but it was worth it. He opened his mouth to say he was sorry, but he wasn't. Not really. He nodded slowly.

"Huh. That wasn't that bad."

He turned to Zeus with an approving look.

"I can see why you like her. Well, I can see why I like her as well, but who's keeping score, eh?"

@BubbleBoo @Chocoholique
Zeus was now raging, "Let me at him!" He snarled, attempting to fight the wught of the heavy hands pulling him back. Then Amber, a friendly figure instructed him to go and find Artemis instead of fighting. "Pathetic. Just go to her, go on then!" She shouted, gesturing towards the corridors.

Pushing everybody off and walking past Stallion with a look which read 'I don't like the new guy', Zeus followed Artemis into her room. Well outside of it, where he then knocked on the door but invited himsekf in anyway, slamming the door shut. "What the fuck was that? You looked happy with him playing tonsil tennis with you." He accused, obviously angry.
Venus has followed Stallion to where everyone wants grouped, wanting to see what all this was about. She would've almost assumed someone had gotten shot by the way the member was babbling on. Never one to miss the drama, she stood up and crept behind Stallion and prepared herself for a show.

Throughout Fenrir's little motivational speech, Venus had stood directly behind Stallion but her head peeked out from behind his shoulder almost comically. Her expression was anything but humorous. She agreed with him but his use of the word 'family' irked her. He wasn't family, he was a stranger who knew his way around a crowd. Venus had an apathetic front on though she was weighing through the details of everything that Fenrir said and the pros and cons of keeping him. "I say keep him. You can still make an example of him even if he's alive, you know ?".

People began celebrating and before you know it, Amber had practically threw herself at Stallion and they hugged each other tight. Looking away to snuff that little spark of jealously, Venus would roll her eyes at the way Fenrir kissed Artemis. Family, her ass.
Fenrir shrugged and walked up to Stallion after finding his aviators. He crossed his arms and tilted his head.

"Maybe got a little caught up in the moment. Just a little bit. Did I ruin it for everyone?"


Artemis entered her room, filled with clutter. She pushed the scattered objects away with her feet and heard footsteps becoming clearer. 'Don't ket it be Zeus.' A knock on the door was heard and Artemis was about to eply with, 'Fuck off!' but instead stayed silent as the door creaked open and was shut abruptly, making her turn around to face Zeus.

The man was really pissed, he should be, it was a normal thing to feel and she could see that little bit of jealousy in his eyes. "I was just as surprised as you and everyone else." Artemis replied, not bothering to even raise her voice. Boy, he was mad.


Stallion sighed, letting go of his grip on Amber. "I get you like her. She is fucking sixteen years old with a boyfriend who is a couple of years older than her. I might as well ban her from dating seeing as all she does is feel bad for not liking someone. But, I just want to warn you," He placed a firm hand on Fennrir's shoulder, "Slim left because of the heartache, because of his reputation being torn apart. She still blames herself and she is broken. Just, um, take it a little easy." He advised him, knowing for some reason it would not do good.

Zeus rubbed his eyes, grustrated, he should not be angry at her. She did nothing wrong.

"I'm sorry, it's just... I think you know what I see when I look at you. Everybidy does. Everybody thinks the same thing. Slim left because I had you, Stallion dislikes me because I am with you and Fenrir kissed you yet knowing I had you. I would take my life for you, you know that. I have not looked at any other girl since I first kissed you in that dark street, after Red left. You in that dress, you made me be the most luckiest man on earth. I just question myself all the time, so many men chasing you and you are just a few years younger than me, but two years makes a difference. Can you estrain yoursekf from things like 'that' happening?" He saut, looking down at her and then cupping her face in his hands, "I just get woried, insecure even , that's all." He then embraced her, wrapping his hands around her figure, she was his.

Artemis looked diwn as he spoke, she felt all sorts of emotions run through her bidy but the one which made her cheeks flush red and eyes light up was when he took hold of her, wrapping himself over her, hands on her body. She found it adorable that he was insecure, not in that way it was just, cute. Cute how he would talkm about fearing about the fact that he will lose her. Her hands and forehead on his chest, she felt his hard build feel soft as they embraced in her messy bedroom. "You will never have a reason to feel insecure." She whispered, "I love you." She blurted out. She could not take the words back, that was how she felt.

He was like her oxygen, without him, she had no idea where she would be.

But without Fenrir, she would not even be standing here.

There was a loud bang as Fenrir tried to kick the door down. There was a muffled "Fuck..." and he opened the door regularly.

"First of all, most luckiest is incorrect grammar."

He walked toward Artemis and Zeus and separated the two. He jabbed a finger into Zeus' chest and backed him up into the wall.

"Second of all, you're a comeplete douchebag for blaming Artemis, you tool! She's the most loyal, kind, amazing girl you could ever find, and you really are the luckiest guy in the world for getting to be with her. Yet you don't deserve it. You treat her like that again, and I can cross one more gang I'll kicked out of off my list."

@BubbleBoo @Chocoholique
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]I've been on a plane for seven hours what have I missed?

((Fenrir's a cool guy now, he admitted to being a Wolf and being tasked to destroy the Blood. He killed his best friend, who also was a Wolf, and some sexy times went on. You can enter Paint as listening to Fenrir's speech, and he and Artemis fled the ice cream shop.))
Paint got ice cream with them, and ended up in an alley somewhere. She had a psychotic fit and left the group. When she woke, she found she had bit a chunk of flesh out of her arm. She flinched at the wound.

Paint stood up shakily, finding her way back to the grotto. She shouldn't have gone with them. She was hearing two voices now. One was just crying and Erik was shouting at it to stop. Paint moaned softly, holding her head as she went into the grotto.

Her feet found their way up the stairs to hear Fenrir shouting at someone. She started crying uncontrollably. What was wrong with her? Paint walked past, going to her room and lying face down on the bed to muffle her sobs.
Fenrir heard Paint and turned to the doorway. He recognized her and started to exit the room.

"I'll deal with you later. Artemis, don't let yourself become a doormat. Remember what I said about what to listen to."

He left the room and hurried after Paint. Slowly entering, he closed the door and sat down on her bed beside her, softly rubbing her back and looking around the room. He decided not to talk and let her get it out of her system.

@Quiet Is Violent @Chocoholique @BubbleBoo
Paint couldn't stop crying. "Fenrir... Is that you?" She whimpers, tears still streaming down her face. She was terrified of herself, of everything around her, of her voices... "I have to tell you something. You can't tell anyone else. Can you keep my secret?" She didn't ask if he could help, she knew he couldn't.

Paint sat up, and her tears finally slowed down. Mikayla (the weeping conscience) had stopped crying. Erik had stopped shouting. For once her mind was at peace. She looked at Fenrir and then at her arm, which was still slowly oozing blood. Mikayla started crying again.

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