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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

Red rolled her eyes. She ran all the time, she was excellent at it. She quickly passed Fenrir and turned a few streets, quite a few blocks before she slowed in front of an adorable little ice cream parlor, large open windows. She walked forward. "And here we are."

@Quillicious @Quiet Is Violent @Quillicious
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Artemis nodded her head, she was determined to receive answers from

Fenrir. Her legs carried her light weight and she sprinted, her surroundings becoming a blur as she disappeared into the streets only to stop alongside Fenrir and Red. She had not come here for any ice-cream, you could tell that by her facial expression but she would not make a scene, not yet. Her eyes perred past Fenrir, watching Paint come after the three, they were currently not on good terms and Fenrir made it clear how disinterested he was to explain everything so the only person worthy of conversation was Red.

Fenrir looked at Artemis, and his hard glare softened as soon as he tried to look angry. He scoffed as he realized he couldn't stay mad at her for long. When she looked near him, his heart nearly leapt out of his throat, but he calmed down a little when he noticed she was looking at Red. His gaze averted and settled on the ground.

Dammit! Why does she have to have those beautiful eyes?! And that amazing hair! Fuck you, heart! I blame you for this.

He looked up at Paint, who had caught up to them after he had slowed down for her.

Restraint. Keep your interests low. Stickin' your dick in every girl you see isn't a good strategy.

Then he looked at Red. She was okay, a little bit of his type. Maybe he could catch her alone.


@Quiet Is Violent @Chocoholique @Altaynna
Red glanced back, regarding the small group. This was certainly...interesting. She eyed all of them and sighed, nodding. "All right, we take the ice cream, simple enough. Everyone order something, then sprint out. It's gonna be a tad difficult to climb with an ice cream cone, but go for the building over there." She nodded towards a red brick building.

OOC: I feel kinda bad for Red...she's just constantly getting overlooked and she's trying so hard

@Chocoholique @Quillicious @Quiet Is Violent
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Red opened her mouth before shutting it. "If you insist, I can't really say no to free food." She smiled light-heartedly, but that wasn't truly the case. "But I tend to order two scoops with gummy bears, so if you don't want to pay for that..." She wiggled her eyebrows. "Too bad, you already offered."

@Chocoholique @Quillicious @Quiet Is Violent
Red squeaked and shot him a playful glare, rolling her eyes and tucking her wallet back in her pocket. "Rainbow sherbert?" She tilted her head, pushing open the door to the store, stepping inside and smiling in delight as she looked around, holding the door open for the others. "I'm telling you, they have amazing ice cream."

OOC: BRB in about an hour

@Quillicious @Chocoholique @Quiet Is Violent
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Artemis raised an eyebrow, it was the first time she stayed quiet during a small crime. She just observed him, trying to think of reasons to not inform Stallion and Zeus. He offered to pay for the ice-cream. Would any harmful gang member pay for anything? Not really. That gave Artemis some hope that there was some sort of loyalty and innocence in him but a few things still remained unclear.

Why had Fenrir almost immediately admitted it to Artemis of all people? What was he doing here if he was classified as a traitor? What exactly did he do that made Kobra angry enough to gauge his eye out? Artemis had no idea, but she intended to find out. "Two scoops of triple chocolate ice-cream, chocolate flakes and coconut shavings." She mumbled her order, crossing her arms. Her grey eyes then searched for his, forcing him to agree to talk later, she then looked down, quite pleaed by her discovery. 'I hope nobody dies in this episode.'

Fenrir raised his glasses up and secured them on his head, revealing his scar for the first time in public. He quickly glanced at Artemis and their eyes met for a second before he looked away. He chewed on his bottom lip in thought before speaking.

"Meh, I won't mooch. Double scoop of mint chocolate chip. Waffle cone. Then a rainbow sherbert with gummy bears."

He counted out the cash for the ice cream and slapped the exact change on the counter. He was handed Artemis' and his first, and quickly and efficiently handed her ice cream to her. He got a little paler when their hands brushed together, so he turned around and started on eating his treat.

@Chocoholique @Altaynna

Artemis watched as Fenrir retrieved their orders, paying the cashier at the front. "Thanks." She said, quite casually. As her finger accidently brushed his, she flinched. He was a part of The Wolves, surely he was no safe to be around but Artemis, for the first time would not judge. Artemis revealed her pearly teeth and licked the ice-cream, the sweet flavours taking over her tongue. The coconut shavings did add that soft crunch and the chocolate shavings melted in her mouth. She wondered, was it wrong what she was doing? It was purely for investigation reasons, but she felt guilty. Zeus should at least know. 'Will I hecks tell him.' She thought to herself, she had her own life where she could do whatever she wanted. Nobody could tell her what to suddenly do.

(Artemis' relatable song right now.)



This was extremely awkward. Venus had always been a social butterfly and could easily begin a conversation with anyone but now ? Now she was just biting her lips and repeatedly flicking through the money Zeus gave her, glancing at the people around her. This was one of the longest amounts of time Venus was quiet but one glance at her and anyone could tell she was bursting with the need to talk.

It wasn't starting a conversation that intimidated her-it was who to start it
with. It was some random member who would probably dismiss her, Amber who was practically begging for a backhand slap and Stallion who was...Stallion. They had a "professional" relationship except for the occasional wisecrack and she wanted to keep it that way lest she be drawn into the mess that was Stallion,Artemis,Amber,Zeus,Slim and whoever else was interesting in one of them. It was bad enough the guy was devastatingly handsome and if he wasn't an asshole, Venus would punch someone.

Tucking the money away in one of the many, many pockets and extra layers in her hoodie, Venus gathered whatever courage she thought she had and walked over to Stallion. If you asked she before this, she would've said she had a brilliant and engaging conversation starter but instead of saying that, Venus would fish out the bag of candy and shake it ever so slightly. "I
accidentally took this from convenience store on my here and I would return it but the chocolate might melt and-yeah, I'm done. I stole this, do you want some ?".


Stallion walked back into The Grotto only to find a small crowd around two members, a moment or teo later the leader witnessed a small brawl over who had a bigger role and deserved more respect. "Now, boys. I say you pull apart." Surely enough when he spoke all members drufted away and Stallion tutted at the two men. "Ripper and Crash, you just never learn do you. But you better start learning soon because if you do such things at our new home, you will have one." Both members quickly apologised and found Stallion looking blank. "Jesus, I was kidding. I would never- Why does everyone always shit their pants when I speak?" He asked himself.

Dismissing the duo, Stallion retreated back to the boardroom where he found Venus and Amber. "Ladies." He gestured, flicking out his pen-knife and carving into a piece of wood he retrieved some time ago. He was creating an image of a pair of eyes, instead of tears, blood was found on the waterline and dripping down. 'Think of it as a warning.'

Stallion looked up, surprised he was offered some candy, it was a kind gesture but he passed, "I do not do chocolate and sweets, unfortuantelyy." He smile at Venus.

@Of the Red

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Fenrir flipped his glasses back on and walked outside. As soon as he did, he dropped his ice cream. He looked back inside the shop and shuffled to the left, where the glass ended and a wall began. His hands were slightly raised as he did so. A muffled "Fuck..." could be heard. Someone said the shut up and Fenrir complied. 'You're in Wolf territory, bitch. I saw you with Blood earlier. Now you're gonna explain why you're here, or your brains'll be graffiti.'

Fenrir's relatable song. Kind of. I just like this song.


Artemis raised an eyebrow, not realising that they were supposed to leave. The raven wondered if he needed to clear his head and go for some fresh air, and hopefully tell her the story leaving out no important and intrequate details. Seeing as a few minutes passed and Fenrir was not present in the parlour, Artemis shrugged. "Come on then, guessing he left." She said towards Red and Paint. But as soon as she turned her head after opening the entrance door, she came face to face with Fenrir pinned to the wall by an unfamiliar person. "Friend of yours?" She asked. Now Artemis had a motto, 'If anything comes near you, kick it in the face.'

And that is what she did, kicking her foot up high and making her sneakers clash with the man's chin. "I hope that was enough for a first impression. Now what?" She said, talking to herself quietly.

The man stumbled back, recognizing Fenrir and Artemis for the first time.

'Erik? I thought you were...they said you died. Are you still working on the mission? This is the girl you sa-'

Fenrir drew his gun and shot him in the stomach twice. As the man fell to the ground, he knelt down to his side.

"I'm sorry, Craig."

He dipped three of his fingers in the still breathing man's blood and ran them down his face, from his forehead, over his eyelids, and down his cheeks, nose, and lips, to his chin. The man struggled to breathe and talk in tandem.


With an exhalation, his neck went limp and he closed his eyes. Craig was dead. Fenrir looked like he was shaking as he buried his face into the deceased man's chest.

Zeus watched as Stallion led and united Artemis with the new member who he had not yet been introduced to. His girlfriend was stunning, dark, thick, shoulder-length hair with grey eyes which you would lose yourself in. He wondered, could this Fenrir keep his hands off? Seeing as after the short tour Artemis seemed quite flustered. But what Zeus was concerned about was could she keep her hands to herself? He was positive he gave her everything she wanted, he devoted time to her and showed interest in her daily doings and rants, and he showed her passionate love. Considering they slept in the same bed, without anything happening, he had never done that with a girl, not doing anything at all, just lying there staring at the ceiling and protecting the one thing he cared about. "I'm off." Zeus said, he needed to do his daily routine of hardcore training. Especially now to keep his mind off things.

Artemis examined the scene and saw the sorrow in Fenrir's face, she needed more answers now. "Mission?" She muttered, sure she understood losing family, but HER family came first. If The Blood was in danger, she needed to know. "You fessed up but I want the truth. And the whole fucking story." She said coldly. Stepping over the body, Artemis began to walk away. Mission? Was he on a mission? What mission?

But he told her he got thrown out. "It never made sense in the first place. I should have realised that. Why would you be thrown out for betreyal when your superiors saved you from losing an eye. Surely they would allow you to stay too." She mumbled to herself. Why did she not tell anybody? She felt as if she should know more about the situation, she would not be like Paint, accusing Artemis of being a whore because she 'slept' with Zeus. Yes they did sleep together but no intimate activity was involved.

Coming across The Grotto, Artemis entered only to ask where Zeus was. She needed him now, she needed him to embrace her and tell her everything would be fine even if he had no idea what the fuck was going on. A few members directed her to the training room, making Artemis roll her eyes. She should have known, his daily routine was performing his training every morning or so. Walking along the corridors, she invited herself into the room,.

Fenrir walked after Artemis, leaving Red and Paint behind. He followed her, crushed about having to kill his best friend. The Wolves had been told that he was dead, so it must've been Kobra. Fuck the mission, he wanted revenge now. Nothing, nothing was going to stop him from personally tearing out Kobra's throat and skinning him, filet him like a fish, and hang him for all the Wolves to see. Most of all, he needed to be honest with Artemis. She made his heart ache so much he thought he'd die from cardiac arrest on the spot. He didn't care about sex or her body, he loved he for the defiant, truely strong person she was, and he was determined to show her he could be trusted. He was gonna tell the entire gang. He followed her until he got to the training room and grabbed her arm, towing her to the center of the Grotto. Most of the members were there.

"Art, get everyone out here. Now."

OOC: Yasss.

Zeus strolled around the hallway, pushing the door open to reveal the deserted area. "Finally, peace and quiet." He muttered, taking off his leather jacket. The third-in-command then immediately shifted towards the punching bag where, gloveless, he bagan to punch the stuffed bag. He would do this every morning, then he would skip several times inbetween his routine, jump on the treadmill and lift weights. Suddenly, a bang of the door caught his attention, Zeus stopped punching, watching as the bag still swung from left to right. His eyes fell on Artemis, his face siftened and he sighed. "Artemis..." He had no idea what to say, she looked troubled, he just wanted her to tell him what was wrong.

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