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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

Artemis was startled as she heard a thud at the door and them some curses, until finally Fenrir entered among the scene. She watched as he pinned up Zeus, "Stop!" She shrieked, "He was not hurting me, just let go of him." Artemis then watched as Fenrir advised her and soon left to probably aid a crying member. "What is his problem? He just- I'm sorry Zeus." She sighed, taking his hand and lacing their fingers together.

Fenrir nodded and stroked her hair, trying to soothe her.

"Yeah, sure. Of course I would."

He gaped at her arm and jumped up looking franticly for first aid supplies. He finally found some and got out rubbing alcohol, gauze, some medical tape, and painkillers. He popped a couple pills into her mouth and offered her his forearm.

"If it hurts at all, just squeeze my arm. I'll be fine. And bite down on this. The painkillers won't work fast enough."

He rolled up some gauze and put it between her teeth.

"On three. One...two...three..."

Fenrir got a cotton ball and doused it in rubbing alcohol. He himself winced as he pressed it lightly to her wound, hating that he was hurting the girl.

@Quiet Is Violent
Zeus fixed his collar and was about to go for Fenrir, the man set off his short temper.

He then stopped upon seeing Artemis' face, her hands holding his. "It is fine, he just will keep bothering us until we ignore him." Zeus decided to be the bigger person, because that was what Artemis did, he made her change himself, he bottled up his dark feelings as he looked down at the girl. "Oh, and I love you too." He smirked. Finally, they had said that 'L' word.



<div style="text-align:center;">

<a href="http://fontmeme.com/brush-fonts/" rel="external nofollow"><img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Artemis&name=Claudette%20aime%20le%20Chocolat.ttf&size=50&style_color=1D899C&key=e103550adf98a73ece523826cbc62a7d90055cac7b999602b1d65a6083872fae" alt="embed.php?text=Artemis&name=Claudette aime le Chocolat.ttf&size=50&style_color=1D899C" /></a><br /><br /><span style="font-size:12px;">Artemis was unable to supress her smile, he said it and he could not take it back. He was taller than her, obviously, so it took her to stand on the tips of her toes, her sneakers rubbing against his shoes, and she kissed him. It was small, but it had the feel. She parted from Zeus and rested her head on his chest. She now knew what she did, she put him on a pedestrial and devoted herself to him. She loved him. She was so sure. He changed her, but then she pulled back. "When the fuck did I turn soft?" She punched his arm playfully, grinning.</span>



Quillicious said:
Fenrir nodded and stroked her hair, trying to soothe her.
"Yeah, sure. Of course I would."

He gaped at her arm and jumped up looking franticly for first aid supplies. He finally found some and got out rubbing alcohol, gauze, some medical tape, and painkillers. He popped a couple pills into her mouth and offered her his forearm.

"If it hurts at all, just squeeze my arm. I'll be fine. And bite down on this. The painkillers won't work fast enough."

He rolled up some gauze and put it between her teeth.

"On three. One...two...three..."

Fenrir got a cotton ball and doused it in rubbing alcohol. He himself winced as he pressed it lightly to her wound, hating that he was hurting the girl.

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint opened her mouth to tell him, when he realized her wound. She didn't bother to protest, she was far too tired and distraught. He placed gauze in her mouth, and she took a shaky breath from behind it. When he pressed into the wound, she bit down on the gauze and practically screamed in agony. The wound was deep, and the alcohol stung horribly.

When the pain stopped, Paint's tears didn't. Mikayla was sobbing uncontrollably, and Erik was laughing at Paint's pain. She was a mess. All she wanted to do was hug Fenrir and never let go. She found herself petrified, unable to move or speak or even think. Tears dripped out of her eyes, fell down her face, and onto her shirt.

Stallion shook his head, smiling. "Well, some people just do not know when to give up." He then turned around finding Amber and Venus. "Good work out there, Amber. Hench member." He joked. He then turned to Venus, "You're a little quiet aint'chya?" He raised a brow. @Of the Red

OOC: Sorry for brief post, I have to go to school... Yes, that hell-hole.

"It's over. You're alright. The painkillers should be working now. It won't hurt anymore, they're fast-acting."

Fenrir placed some layered gauze into her wound and secured it with more gauze, then adhering it to itself with medical tape. He patted her arm.

"You're all fixed up."

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint looked at her arm, and then at Fenrir. "Erik says that you shouldn't have given me pain meds. He says it's fun to watch me hurt." Paint whispered. She started shaking. "He hates it when I tell people about him. Mikayla doesn't like it either, but all she does is cry." Paint tucked her knees to her chest. "They're always so loud. And they don't stop." Paint looks at Fenrir helplessly. "Please don't tell anyone?"

Fenrir looked puzzled at first, but relaxed. He put an arm around the Paint, sighing.

"Your secret's safe with me. Calm down, okay? Everything's fine."

He rested her head in the crook of his neck and comforted her.

"Just close your eyes and focus on me. Only me, no one else."

@Quiet Is Violent
Quillicious said:
Fenrir looked puzzled at first, but relaxed. He put an arm around the Paint, sighing.
"Your secret's safe with me. Calm down, okay? Everything's fine."

He rested her head in the crook of his neck and comforted her.

"Just close your eyes and focus on me. Only me, no one else."

@Quiet Is Violent
"They scare me, Fenrir. They scare me so much. They tell me these awful things, and I don't know what to do." Paint closed her eyes and hugged Fenrir tightly. She was exhausted, terrified, and just generally not okay. "They want me to hurt people. They want me to hurt myself. And sometimes... Sometimes I can't control them... And I think that's why I bit my arm..."
Fenrir wasn't surprised at how she was hurt.

"You just need some rest, that's all. I'll be outside if you need me, okay? There's no need to be scared, Paint. I'm here, I'll just be right outside."

He gently pried her off and stood up.

@Quiet Is Violent
Quillicious said:
Fenrir wasn't surprised at how she was hurt.
"You just need some rest, that's all. I'll be outside if you need me, okay? There's no need to be scared, Paint. I'm here, I'll just be right outside."

He gently pried her off and stood up.

@Quiet Is Violent
Paint whimpered and clutched a pillow tightly. "Please don't go to far. They're stronger than me. I'm scared of them." Paint curled up and let herself drift asleep.
Paint woke screaming a couple hours later. She was clawing at her throat, as though trying to tear out her trachea. Tears fell down her face.
Red wandered through the halls before hearing a scream. She had been left begin at the ice cream place, as always, second rate and over looked. She wasn't going to lie again, say it was useful. It stung.

That scream...was that Paint?! She took the stairs two at a time, flinging open the door and quickly stepping over Fenrir and rushing over to Paint. "Shh...are you alright?" She took her hands away from her neck and held them in her own.

@Quiet Is Violent @Quillicious
Venus had stuffed her hands in her pockets and turned away, planning to make leave so Stallion and Amber could have their 'moment'. She only managed to get a few feet away when she heard Stallion's voice behind her. It was too late to slip away so her turned to face him and Amber. "I'm just, uh, celebrating in my head". Venus waved her hands in some fake mock cheer. What she said was clearly an excuse but there was no way she'd admit she was jealous.
Paint couldn't stop her thrashing. She screamed and kicked and clawed at her throat, effectively scratching it raw. Paint was helpless to her spasms. The voices had taken over her body.
Fenrir's eyes snapped open and he jumped to his feet. He quickly remembered what had happened and ran to the bed.

"Shit! No, no, no!"

He brushed Red away and examined the girl's arm and throat. Her wound hadn't reopened, and she could still breathe.

"Dammit... "

Fenrir looked at Red, and when Paint started thrashing, he hopped on top of the bed and straddled her, putting most of his weight on her and pinning her arms down.

@Altaynna @Quiet Is Violent
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Stallion raised an eyebrow at Venus' sentence. She hardly looked like she was celebrating. "Oh, I think we should gather everybody up now. Sooner now rather than later." He mumbled. Looking upon the two girls he smiled, "I am guessing you can do a better job than my men? Do find wherever Artemis had wondered off to with Zeus and find the others. I will gather those outside." Then the male left the scene, he trusted the two would get along, they might be best friends already. Of course the optimistic Stallion never saw much fault in anything.

@Of the Red @BubbleBoo

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Quillicious said:
Fenrir's eyes snapped open and he jumped to his feet. He quickly remembered what had happened and ran to the bed.
"Shit! No, no, no!"

He brushed Red away and examined the girl's arm and throat. Her wound hadn't reopened, and she could still breathe.

"Dammit... "

Fenrir looked at Red, and when Paint started thrashing, he hopped on top of the bed and straddled her, putting most of his weight on her and pinning her arms down.

@Altaynna @Quiet Is Violent
Paint cried in frustration and fear. Her eyes locked on to Fenrir, and her expression pleaded for help. She couldn't control herself. "You should have let her kill herself." Paint voiced Erik's opinion. She wailed loudly, terrified.
"Shaddup! Douchebag!"

Fenrir secured Paint's hands beneath his legs and sighed. He couldn't keep listening to this. Either knock her out, leave, or endure this to try some other way. He ran a hand through his hair helplessly and closed his eyes.

"Paint, just keep hangin' in there. I'm here, it's okay. You can't hurt yourself anymore."

He wiped her tears away and gave her a smile.

@Quiet Is Violent
Red turned back and forth befor she did the only thing she could think of. She started singing. "Blackbirds singing in the dead of night...take these broken wings and learn to fly..." She moved forward, unsure but grabbed lotion and starts smoothing it on her throat. "All your life...you were only waiting for this moment to arrive."

@Quiet Is Violent @Quillicious
Paint's wails died away gradually. She was terrified. Paint smiles maliciously, under her voice's control. "She's weak, isn't she?" She laughs. Her eyes were frightened but her words were cold. "She's funny when she's weak. So fragile, this one." Paint sobs softly and writhes. She hears the song, and physically calms, but her head is still a mess. "She's so scared of me. So scared, for no reason."
"Blackbird singing in the de a of night...take this sunken eyes and learn to see..." She moved her hand back and began stroking Paint's hair softly. "All your life...you were only waiting, for this moment to be free." She sighed softly. She didn't want to stop singing, it seems to be calming her, and perhaps Fenrir got this.

@Quiet Is Violent @Quillicious
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