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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

The creature turned when he heard Matty. With a shrill shriek he pounced on him and took him down to the ground, his claws sunk straight into his chest and the creature merely stared at his face to watch him die. (@DryPunishment)


"I--" He paused when he heard Matty's voice. Tears at streamed down his face. He had to watch die. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna covers her mouth in shock, keeping back her scream in surprise as it killed him, trying to think of someway for it to let go of him, so it's not feasting on him, quietly moves away from where Eric is and towards the stairs, let's loose of her bag of marbles and throws one at its head.

"Hey! Let go of him you big spider ass bitch!" She said as she glared at it, getting ready to move. (@DryPunishment, @DrTrollinski)
He opens his hand revealing a poorly made dead-man's switch.

It was a small bag of illegal firecrackers.

The explosions were supposed to deafen the beast and cover Eric and Jenna's escape.

@Soul OMU 
(The crackers went off. I realized I made that post really ambiguous. @Soul OMU )
"For fuck sake he's dead! You don't need to die as well!" He grabbed Jenna's arm and ran her back behind their cover. As soon as the crackers went off, the creature shrieked and ripped Matty's chest clean open and then sprung away towards wherever Eric and Jenna went. It was deaf, but it had its smell.

It slowly creeped over towards where they were and began the prowl. It's front, clawed limb stuck around the corner. Eric didn't even hesitate, he slammed the sword down and severed it, blood went everywhere and the creature gave an ear piercing shriek as it used his free hand to take the top the shelving unit off, Eric pulled Jenna up again and sprinted away with her to a smaller unit across the other end of the floor. The creature wasn't in sight.

".. Shit, where is it..?" He whispered, wiping his eyes as he peeked over the top of the unit and looked around. "Whatever you do.. Stay down.." He whispered. (@DryPunishment, @Soul OMU)
Jenna looks at him stubbornly. "Was he or was he not part of your group? A comrade? He deserve to at least be buried and shot to the head so he doesn't come back as that thing!" She hissed softly to Eric while staying down and quietly cutting part of her sleeve to wrap around her knee. "Either it's gone... Or getting ready for a jump scare..." She said softly and had a faint grin that didn't reach. (@DrTrollinski)
"Don't you lecture me about losing people." He snarled, his mind flashing back to the images of his dead parents and the undead best friend that he had to put out of his misery. His anger soon faded to sadness and he began to look generally just more offended and upset. There were noises of footsteps scraping along the floor. Eric slowly peeked and gave an angered frown as he peered upon the creature that had now rose onto its two hind legs. "You want him to get what he deserved? Fine. You get the front row seats of the watching it happen." He muttered, he sprung over the counter, numbing out all of the fear within him so he gave the impression that he was entirely fearless. He went up and slashed its one remaining hand, causing it to shriek as he cut it off in the heat of the moment. While the creature screamed he slashed its leg and brought it to the ground, he then started hacking away at its neck with the sword, eventually severing its head once the screams finally died down. He took several deep breaths and then walked over to Matty's body and didn't even hesitate in sinking the blade into his skull, he then sat down, covered his face, and began crying. He was covered in blood, but the two of them were alive. (@DryPunishment, @Soul OMU)
(Wow...well. There goes Matty...I'll begin makingnthe CS now. *wipes a tear* @Soul OMU )

Matt was lying there. With his chest ripped open. Dead. Before he died. He felt sorry for Caitlyn,for leaving her and for letting her down. This way nobody would starve,right? A small tear slowly making its way down on his face.

When he got stabbed he felt cold. In his last moments, Matty remembered the first time his mother kissed him as a baby. The first time he saw his father. The first time he kissed someone. 'That' first time. But most valuable of all. He remembered when he first met Caitlyn.

His face forming what's left of a frown.


Jenna didn't seem all that bothered by the blood and gore like most girls as she slowly got out of their hiding spot and made her way over to him and kneeled down beside him before hugging him lightly. She knew she didn't know what he had been through but sometimes it's best to tell them it's okay. "...thank you... Also he won't feel any more pain now... He's free..." She said softly while hugging him lightly, rocking slightly, she didn't know what compelled her to hug him like this but she let go right after since she figured he wouldnt be okay with a total stranger hugging him.

Hunter wipes her blade off. "That's the last of them..." She said before freezing at the final screech. "...Eric and Jenna!" She said and quickly headed in. Scarlet followed after her swiftly. (@DrTrollinski)
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Tom looked at Carl, then the other woman, he hadn't interacted with her much, Skylar? Skyler? Sky someting or another. He looked back to Carl, "Yeah pal, they'll be back soon. But what do you think about leaving? All of us together? Going to a farm, or a small community and making it for ourselves there? Growing our own food and what not?" @DrTrollinski @Aryn Harris
".. I think that could be good. I dunno' - I wanna' live in a town again, and I wanna' live in a house with you and Eric. Like a family does." He smiled as he put a cross down on one of the Tic Tac Toe boxes; once he was done he looked back up at Tom. ".. I don't want everyone to fight about it again, though... My teacher at school said you've always gotta'.." He paused. "Treat others how you wanna' be treated." He nodded curtly and proudly having remembered it. "It'd be nice, and--.. Maybe if we do that--.. we won't fight no more!" He smiled, hopefully. (@Soul OMU


"Wait! I know you're panicked, but if that thing's still in there with them, the last thing we want to do is get ourselves killed as well. The way that thing moved was insane, but to me it sounds like it's all gone quiet - regardless, just in case there's anything else up there, let's take it slow and quiet and cover every angle in case anything jumps out on us. We don't know what floor they're on, so we need to be careful." Alex said, grabbing both of their shoulders after following them into the store. ".. I'll take lead with the rifle. One of you watch our backs, and then the last person will help me scout each floor out." He said with a nod as he began walking over to the stairs, starting to be a little more quiet in his steps once he got onto them. (@Soul OMU)
"No more fighting? That'd be wonderful." Tom lost to Carl again, and sighed, "Man Im not good at this game, you must be a genius or something."

"No more fighting? That'll happen. Someone will find us, and want our stuff... sure some groups they'll join us peacefully... but others? Others will try to hurt us... Hurt Carl." He reached over and rustled Carl's hair and smiled. "I'll just have to kill those people before they have a chance to hurt any of us."
Chris was playing a gamble with the kid, he thought he was going to be found. He hesitantly opened his mouth, trying to figure out who these guys were. " So... Why are you here.... Looking for something.... Or someone? "Sherry eyed the other men around the two and the HMMVW. She wanted to kick their ass personally for this. She wanted to beat the living shit out of this man and his men. Chris was hoping that the gamble of them not finding the child would pay off.
".. Yay!" He flew over and hugged Tom tight, smiling as he lied against him. ".. I'm tired..." He yawned and looked around. It was indeed past his bedtime, coming up to the ripe time of one o'clock in the morning. "Can you tuck me into bed, pleaaaaaase...?" He asked playfully, lying down on his lap. (@DrCompton)


".. Hm..." The man took a deep breath. "Looking for anyone, to be honest... We've been going around, checking places out here and there, ran into a lot of hostility and ended up taking a lot of people down." He said, it was an obvious lie. The other two were checking the car, and of course, typically, they found Nathan with ease.

"Hey! They've got a kid here!" One man called out as he grabbed Nathan by the shirt and pulled him from the car. He dragged him over to the boss man and shoved him up to him. The boss smirked at the two and then crouched beside Nathan, grabbing his hand tightly when he tried to run.

"Well, well, little man... What's your name?" He asked.

".. N-N-Nathan..." He stuttered in a whimper.

"Nathan... That's real interesting. These are your mommy and daddy?"

He shook his head. "Nuh-uh... They're my friends." He closed his eyes tightly. ".. Don't hurt me.." He whimpered as a tear rolled down his face. The man spun him around to face the two and then moved behind him, gently stroking his hair and the side of his face. ".. Now, now... Technically, you did hold out on what you had with us - So. You're going to have to make a deal with me here." He said to them. (@Rifleman)
"Sure thing bud.' Tom stood and picked Carl up with his good arm, carrying him to where they slept. He laid him down and was sure to tuck the covers under him, he looked down and smiled. "Im gonna head to the roof, take a looksies out for the others alright Pal?" He brushed Carl's hair as he looked down at him.
Chris sighed, as he said out loud. " I was protecting him, he doesnt deserve this.... " He hung his head in anger as Sherry said to him. " What is it that you want? " Either they were about to be shot and end up the same as the boys parents, or he wanted something...
Tom looked at Carl, then shrugged, "Sure." He laid down next to Carl, taking half of the mattress the young boy was on, "Whats up Pal?"
".. You." He pointed at Sherry. "You and me. Half hour. Upstairs in the house - You do as I ask, and precious little Nathan here gets to walk away from this, with you two as well." He smirked a perverse smile. (@Rifleman)
Sherry threw up in her mouth, the thought of just getting naked with that man really pissed her off. Chris looked at her for a second his hands were shaking, he knew Sherry wouldnt of liked that. They had little choice.... He shrugged his head as she took off her tactical gear wearing just the acu combat jacket and trousers. She smirked for a second as she noticed Chris glimpsing over. Chris, seen that face before, she was up to something, he stepped to the side the assault rifle hanging off his chest, his pistol wasnt inside of his holster though, Sherry is quick, but she isnt that smart to come up with a plan like this, she had the pistol hidden somewhere. She approached the middle aged man and said staring into her eyes. " Well... We gotta do what we gotta do. " She slowly began to feel him up and held his hand passionately as she led him up the stairs and shut the door behind them.
DrTrollinski said:
".. I think that could be good. I dunno' - I wanna' live in a town again, and I wanna' live in a house with you and Eric. Like a family does." He smiled as he put a cross down on one of the Tic Tac Toe boxes; once he was done he looked back up at Tom. ".. I don't want everyone to fight about it again, though... My teacher at school said you've always gotta'.." He paused. "Treat others how you wanna' be treated." He nodded curtly and proudly having remembered it. "It'd be nice, and--.. Maybe if we do that--.. we won't fight no more!" He smiled, hopefully. (@Soul OMU

"Wait! I know you're panicked, but if that thing's still in there with them, the last thing we want to do is get ourselves killed as well. The way that thing moved was insane, but to me it sounds like it's all gone quiet - regardless, just in case there's anything else up there, let's take it slow and quiet and cover every angle in case anything jumps out on us. We don't know what floor they're on, so we need to be careful." Alex said, grabbing both of their shoulders after following them into the store. ".. I'll take lead with the rifle. One of you watch our backs, and then the last person will help me scout each floor out." He said with a nod as he began walking over to the stairs, starting to be a little more quiet in his steps once he got onto them. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna held the katana and quickly turned away slightly as he started to change kinda in front of her, she couldn't help the slight blush rising in her cheeks a bit and blew at her bangs. "Jenna. I would have introduced myself earlier but we didn't have the time." She said while keeping watch for danger. "...it's okay... Sometimes you gotta do what ya gotta do... It's a tough time right now and you can't make mistakes or you'll end up dead like everyone else... I'm a guessing you been here awhile then?" She asked softly while looking around.

Hunter followed after Alex while Scarlet took the rear, keeping an eye out for life or undead life with her sniper rifle as Hunter carried her machete tightly, she was worried yeah, but she hoped to God they were alright. She cared about Eric and she had just gotten to know and like Jenna. (@DrTrollinski)
".. I--.. Well--.. Seein' as you're kinda' like my daddy now, is it okay if I call you daddy, 'cause I don't wanna' say it and make you sad." He looked him in the eyes, a soft frown on his face. (@DrCompton
"Wonderful." The man dragged her upstairs and forced her into the main bedroom, followed by pushing her onto the bed. Outside, Nathan was kept hold of by one of the armed guards. He was crying. He was scared. He felt so alone. (@Rifleman)

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