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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

DrTrollinski said:
".. Holy shit... I swear, when it comes to us, luck is just everywhere except home." He sat on the edge of the truck and drank some of the water, taking a deep breath thereafter. "Lucky rainbows and four-leafed clovers just seem to fall out of our asses whenever we're apart." He chuckled a little and drank some more of the water. "I'll show you something when we get back. It's one of the things that makes it worth staying there for." He smiled at her and looked around, taking a deep breath.

".. Poor guy." Alex said. "I don't know how I'm going to tell his daughter--.. Well. Not his daughter, but... he sort of adopted her. She's only about... around the age of four." He said, sighing. "It'll be hard on her. She's got nothing left." He added while helping them wrap up Matty's body. (@Soul OMU)


Carl rolled over after Tom walked away from tucking him in so he could face Skyler again. He gave a tired smile and yawned while he inspected her. ".. Goodnight, Skyler..." He yawned, snuggling up once again. (@Aryn Harris)
Jenna blinks slightly and raises a brow. "I'm guess those are some fancy city terms that I have no idea whether or not your serious bout..." She said while sipping her own water and looking at him. "You from here?" She asked while keeping an eye out.

Scarlet sighs. "Poor little darling..." She said while cleaning Matty up a bit, stitches his wound close so they won't have to see it. Hunter nods while helping. "...the group will take care of her thought... I just don't know who she's going to latch onto for support..." (@DrTrollinski)
"Yep. Born and raised not too far from here... It's nice to still be here, but it's equally sad at the same time." Eric said, finishing off the remainder of his water. ".. I've got my brother Alex, if you couldn't see the resemblance. Then there's Carl, he's only five. He's our youngest brother." He smiled a little and looked around. The nighttime was actually quite peaceful when you ignored the creatures that roamed the streets. "You got any brothers or sisters?" He asked.


".. I don't know. She needs parents, more than anything. A kid that young does." He sighed a little. "Tom's got his hands full, so we'll have to wait and see how things go. We just have to be there for her - I'll break the news to her, so leave it to me." He added. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
"Yep. Born and raised not too far from here... It's nice to still be here, but it's equally sad at the same time." Eric said, finishing off the remainder of his water. ".. I've got my brother Alex, if you couldn't see the resemblance. Then there's Carl, he's only five. He's our youngest brother." He smiled a little and looked around. The nighttime was actually quite peaceful when you ignored the creatures that roamed the streets. "You got any brothers or sisters?" He asked.

".. I don't know. She needs parents, more than anything. A kid that young does." He sighed a little. "Tom's got his hands full, so we'll have to wait and see how things go. We just have to be there for her - I'll break the news to her, so leave it to me." He added. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna nods slightly as she listens. "Wow... Must be nice having siblings... I never had any... Only child unfortunately..." She said and sipped her water while leaning back.

Hunter sighs softly as she gets up and picks up the legs. "Carry the top half?" She said to Alex as Scarlet waited at the door for them so they could pass through. (@DrTrollinski)
Chris picked up Nate and put him inside the hmmvw, Sherry just watched as the boys face was frozen, he just seen all this, she was still uneasy about it too. Chris immidiately shot up and got inside the drivers seat of the HMMVW and Sherry soon followed after. If they didnt find shelter or more supplies soon, who knows.... Sherry entered the passenger side as the HMMVWs rear wheels spun as he drove away, south bound.
"It's alright. It was better before all of this..." He sighed, rubbing the side of his face. ".. Me and Alex drifted away from each other when this began, had a few fights, caught out little bro in the middle of it all. He's doing better, though." He smiled and looked around. "It's times like this that makes you appreciate it... Before all this I sat in my room practicing guitar, and now, I don't even want to take my eyes off them." He shrugged.


He nodded and leaned over, sweeping the body up off of the blood via the upper section of it. He grunted as he looked down the stairs and propped the body up more. "Roll out." He said softly. (@Soul OMU)


Nathan needed someone there, but he was sat in the back on his own. He lied down in the back seat with his blanket and pillow and continued shaking; a tear slowly ran down his cheek, and he just stared at the back of Chris' seat. (@Rifleman)
DrTrollinski said:
"It's alright. It was better before all of this..." He sighed, rubbing the side of his face. ".. Me and Alex drifted away from each other when this began, had a few fights, caught out little bro in the middle of it all. He's doing better, though." He smiled and looked around. "It's times like this that makes you appreciate it... Before all this I sat in my room practicing guitar, and now, I don't even want to take my eyes off them." He shrugged.

He nodded and leaned over, sweeping the body up off of the blood via the upper section of it. He grunted as he looked down the stairs and propped the body up more. "Roll out." He said softly. (@Soul OMU)


Nathan needed someone there, but he was sat in the back on his own. He lied down in the back seat with his blanket and pillow and continued shaking; a tear slowly ran down his cheek, and he just stared at the back of Chris' seat. (@Rifleman)
Jenna smiles a bit in amusement, sipping her water. "Guitar Huh? I've always wanted to play one when I was younger... But I have this instead." She said and took out her harmonica.

Hunter nods as she starts making her way down carefully while carrying Matt's lower half. Scarlet leading the way and opening doors for them. (@DrTrollinski)
"Heh, I've reached professional level, I sing, too. I've been doing that since I was seven... And it's great that you play a harmonica. I don't really know how to play it, but there's one song that needs a harmonica to play it properly. If you want, I could teach you a bit about guitar when you have some free time, and in return, maybe you could share some tips about the harmonica." He suggested, shrugging and smiling as he rested his hands on his knees. He liked Jenna. She was a kind person, and hanging out with her was definitely going to be a nice change of pace compared to everyone else - she seemed friendly enough, and she was smart, too, so maybe he'd let her in on his little idea that he had running. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
"Heh, I've reached professional level, I sing, too. I've been doing that since I was seven... And it's great that you play a harmonica. I don't really know how to play it, but there's one song that needs a harmonica to play it properly. If you want, I could teach you a bit about guitar when you have some free time, and in return, maybe you could share some tips about the harmonica." He suggested, shrugging and smiling as he rested his hands on his knees. He liked Jenna. She was a kind person, and hanging out with her was definitely going to be a nice change of pace compared to everyone else - she seemed friendly enough, and she was smart, too, so maybe he'd let her in on his little idea that he had running. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna smiles a bit in amusement. "Alright city boy... You got yourself a deal." She said and finished her water bottle and put it in the back slightly. "I hope Scar and y'all group is okay with us staying with ya... It's nice... Having someone around my age to talk too.. Hunter is quite nice to talk to as well..." She said while blowing at her bangs slightly. (@DrTrollinski)
"Oh, trust me. I've spent the pass four months with all different kinds of people. Both young and old, when I heard your age, I thought I was hearing things." He gave a humored chuckle and then took another deep breath. He looked a lot more well now. "You'll be fine staying with us, I bet. We had a bit of a dilemma because our food sources depleted faster than we realized, so it's good you've brought plenty with you - in a way you've kinda' saved us." He smiled at her.


Alex walked out of the door while holding the upper part of the body in his arms. He grunted as he stepped out onto the street and quickly looked around. ".. We'll need to drive this back." He said, "Let's get back to the car. We'll see if the other two want to sit in the back with the body, but I doubt that - if they want to walk back they can." He said. (@Soul OMU)


(@DrCompton - Near enough, yeah. Let's move this along ASAP, @Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
"Oh, trust me. I've spent the pass four months with all different kinds of people. Both young and old, when I heard your age, I thought I was hearing things." He gave a humored chuckle and then took another deep breath. He looked a lot more well now. "You'll be fine staying with us, I bet. We had a bit of a dilemma because our food sources depleted faster than we realized, so it's good you've brought plenty with you - in a way you've kinda' saved us." He smiled at her.

Alex walked out of the door while holding the upper part of the body in his arms. He grunted as he stepped out onto the street and quickly looked around. ".. We'll need to drive this back." He said, "Let's get back to the car. We'll see if the other two want to sit in the back with the body, but I doubt that - if they want to walk back they can." He said. (@Soul OMU)


(@DrCompton - Near enough, yeah. Let's move this along ASAP, @Soul OMU)
Jenna smiles a bit in amusement and laughs softly. "Oh really? Huh, that's pretty interesting to hear.." She said before looking at her aunt and the other two. Scarlet opens the back of the truck and closes the side parts where the food is. "Pass him up." She said as Hunter passed her the legs and looked at them. "You two good to go? Cuz you'll have to walk back unless you want to sit in the back.." Jenna shook her head. "We'll walk.. Good exercise." She said and started heading off. Hunter nods and let's Alex get in first as Scarlet closes the back of the truck and gets in the driver seat. "Let's go." (@DrTrollinski)
"Great." Eric replied. He waved the others off and then began walking with Jenna - the others would be back a couple of minutes before they would, but they had the pleasure of taking care of hiding the body somewhere safe. He began walking with her and kept his eyes out for anything as they walked side-by-side, soon enough, he started off another conversation. "What were your dreams in life?" He asked her.

Before they knew it, they arrived back at the mall. "Drive around the side. We'll hide Matty in one of the dumpsters like I said, then we'll go and get everyone introduced." He said to them. (@Soul OMU)
Tom saw the car coming and looking through his scope. He saw Alex and Hunter, and then a third female. "Shit." He wasnt sure if she was forcing them to drive her or not. He stayed low following the car as they pulled up to the side of the mall, with his pistol pulled, ready to kill the woman if she threatened Hunter or Alex.
Jenna walking with Eric back towards the mall, she fixed the straps on her bag. "Uhm... Well shit... I can't remember... I'm pretty sure I wanted to be a mechanic, an auto mechanic and fix cars." She said while rubbing the back of her head.

Scarlet nods and drives them around to the back of the mall before getting out and going to the back to grab Matty's body carefully and easily. "Open the dumpster for me?" She asked as Hunter nodded and opened the one side and waits for Alex to help her. (@DrTrollinski)
Tom aimed the pistol at her, and then she asked for help from the other two. He lowed it, "Guess she is a new mouth to feed." He blinked. Eric. "Alex! Where is Eric!?"
Nick knew he had to answer her, he didn't want to make here think more about her phantom limb, but instead maybe counteract the thoughts with something interesting. He spoke low, soft, and naturally; keeping his voice quiet enough so only the two of them could hear, no walkers would've been able to pick up on such a gentle whisper, "My mom used to get drunk at night, but I didn't blame her. I remember that one time she was passed out on the couch, and West's mom brought over homemade cornbread. She knew my family wasn't put-together like their's, so she would sometimes bring over the extra food she cooked." An empty smile pulled on the corners of his lips, "To be honest it was a little more than a neighborly gesture, she damn well brought a whole feast when my mom was sick." He tried to tell her descriptions of his childhood in peaceful fragments; hoping to engage her mind with something else. Anything other than her missing hand, soon to be more when he got his hands on a sharp weapon; the blunt rock probably did more harm than help when it left gravelly chunks in her jagged nerves.

God, she must be in more pain than he was; but he had to carry her for what had already been miles. They hadn't stopped walking, their quick pace slowing to this steady drag; to which Nick was only achieving based on the fact his mind willed him to. If he stopped, he'd surely collapse; his legs past aching and into a deeper seated dread. His ribs felt unstable, as if his breathing were rickety and his arms were turning to gelatin. He wasn't about to stop, though, he'd keep moving.


Levi turned to hear the door creaking open; two tall men and an additional woman coming in with gutted chunks of what looked like the meat of a deer. They were bloodied up, but the pride showed in their eyes. He faintly wondered if West would recognize him as the passerby from beforehand. The farm boy looked different in this light; now that Levi focused on his features. He was tall, but not too far above average; maybe 5'10 or 5'11. His face was chiseled, strong with its acute edges and prominence; high cheekbones and a slightly upturned nose. He was well on his way to growing a beard, but nowhere in comparison to the comically mustached man at his side. West's hair was darker in this light, his eyes a murky deep caramel; he almost lost himself when the man cleared his throat, "Can I interest you in anythin'?" Levi noted that southern twang, something thicker than Nick's occasional quirk, and the man didn't have a booming voice; but it was low and definitely held a presence. It was the kind of voice people would pay to listen to just to try and pinpoint who this guy was behind it; but those puppy-dog eyes didn't look quite right in contrast.

"You know Nick?" Levi curtly asked, sliding over the photograph he snatched from Nick's clothes before he ditched his car. Upon seeing this, West went quiet; and the room fell to an uncomfortable pause, no one moved. As though to make sure it was really his Nick, he lifted the photograph close to his face; staining the sides with his bloody hands. Brows furrowing and eyes intense, he finally nodded and looked for an answer; sliding the image back over to the stranger. Upon this, Levi felt obligated to tell the story of how they got here; but he didn't do any such thing, instead retorting with, "He's at Wellington looking for you." Fixing his glasses, he pushed them to the bridge of his nose and fixated in on West; trying to analyze any deceit or indication he could just go after the two by himself, because he had a hard time believing someone like this would be romantically involved with an equally-masculine companion. They just didn't make the cut for what he had seen before, even as a pansexual it was strange to even imagine the two opposites getting along.

"Nick's dead..." West stated bleakly, but there was a questioning tone at the end of it; the small dark girl peering out at Levi, then back to West. She was trying to read people the way Levi did, whose stoic expression gave away nothing of what he was thinking; the only indication he was human being the flurry of analyzing in his eyes, masked only by the thick glass frames. Levi shook his head just barely, watching confusion and near-hysteria fill every single person in the room who he assumed knew about the tragedy. Especially the child, her massive eyes were so painfully curious that Levi nearly leaned down to explain everything. "I need a small group to come with me to find... Him." Levi nearly stumbled into saying 'them', but he figured Tina wasn't an essential key into getting these people to come with him. When he said that, their cooperation seemed to dwindle; people did not want to go back there, they didn't trust someone asking them to go back to their personal hell. Even West seemed hesitant to agree, but he told the man beside him he at least had to try.

@DrTrollinski - Feel free to answer and add NPCs, I BTW don't know what to do with Delaney and Brad because I forgot if it was still night or like what... THere's not much we can do right now)
".. He's walking back... with a girl." Alex replied, gulping. ".. Shit me... Tom, we--.. We lost Matty... I don't know what happened. Eric and Jenna saw it all, they've got food that'll help us last for longer until we figure out a more permanent arrangement, but--.." He sighed and helped her lift the sheet-wrapped body into a dumpster for temporary storage. ".. Now's not the time for business... Tomorrow, we're burying him... I just--.. I don't even know what happened, it happened so fast..." He shook his head and then looked at him. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)


"Hah, nice. I always wanted to be a musician, if not that, then a teacher." He shrugged. "That's just me." He smiled at her. They were already half way back. (@Soul OMU)


"Oh, hell no!" The old man called out, slamming his stick on the ground. "We ain't goin' on no escapades to get killed, boy. What do we look like to you?!" He snapped at him, coughing harshly for a few seconds thereafter. (@TheHarlequinnCat)

(@TheHarlequinnCat - I'll be moving it forward to the next day at some point. It probably won't be tonight, though. We'll get Brany responses out at that point.)
"Ah shit... Alright... Hurry up inside.. I'll keep an eye out for Eric and.. .uh... the girl... What the hell, I let you two idiots go out for a few hours and you bring home two more chicks?" Tom was trying to keep the mood light, but he sighed, "Fuck.... who is gonna tell Caitlyn?"
Hunter rolls her eyes as she walks past Tom. "Oh hush." She said while heading inside. Scarlet puts him down carefully before jumping out of the dumpster and going over to her truck to start unloading some food. "Help me out here and stop gawking soldier." She said gruffly while getting some food out of the hidden side parts of the truck, more was in the back seat of the truck.

Jenna smiles a bit while walking with him. "Cool. Sounds like a good plan. If I didn't become a mechanic I would have tried for maybe an engineer or something fancy." She said while grinning a bit. (@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
Tom made his way down and walked out to Scarlet. "Soldier, huh? They told you?" He frowned a little. He didn't like the fact that Alex and Hunter would talk openly about the group with new people. He grabbed some supplies with his one good arm.
".. I will. I need you to talk to Eric about it. He was pretty shaken up - he was the one that finished Matty off - we've got another problem. These big fuckers, they're like huge dogs, or werewolves, one of them tore Matty clean open and Eric and Jenna only just made it out of it." He sighed and went over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He then hugged him for a moment. "Thanks for being there for them. Times have been tough recently." He said, sighing. He looked at Scarlet after her comment, frowning. "I don't think you're in any position to be giving orders after everything that's been going on in our group, so chill the fuck out, eh?" Alex said, sighing. (@Soul OMU


"Quite a jump." Eric grinned. "Yeah, all sounds good." They were back by now. He smiled as he saw Tom. "Hey!" Eric called out, waving. (@DrCompton)
Tom looked over at Eric, "Eric! Thank god." He set the supplies he had taken down and walked over to the boy and gave him a hug. Then looked the girl over, "New girlfriend huh?" Tom grinned and put his arm around Eric, "Help me and the new lady carry in shit." He walked back to Scarlet and the car with his good arm around Eric
DrCompton said:
Tom made his way down and walked out to Scarlet. "Soldier, huh? They told you?" He frowned a little. He didn't like the fact that Alex and Hunter would talk openly about the group with new people. He grabbed some supplies with his one good arm.
DrTrollinski said:
".. I will. I need you to talk to Eric about it. He was pretty shaken up - he was the one that finished Matty off - we've got another problem. These big fuckers, they're like huge dogs, or werewolves, one of them tore Matty clean open and Eric and Jenna only just made it out of it." He sighed and went over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He then hugged him for a moment. "Thanks for being there for them. Times have been tough recently." He said, sighing. He looked at Scarlet after her comment, frowning. "I don't think you're in any position to be giving orders after everything that's been going on in our group, so chill the fuck out, eh?" Alex said, sighing. (@Soul OMU

"Quite a jump." Eric grinned. "Yeah, all sounds good." They were back by now. He smiled as he saw Tom. "Hey!" Eric called out, waving. (@DrCompton)
Scarlet raises a brow at him. "No they didn't, I was just using the term, and I wasn't trying to Private, old habits die hard and besides don't you want the food and water inside instead of out here?" She said while looking at him. "I'm guessing you served then." She directed the comment to Tom as she started pilling some of the food up by the truck. Hunter comes back and starts helping take some in.

Jenna walking back with Eric, sees them unloading the truck and smiles a bit before going to go help. (@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
He hugged him back and took a deep breath as he rested his face against his side. He went red at his comment and gently punched his side. ".. Come on..." He pleaded, grinning a little while avoiding eye-contact with anyone. "Jenna. Help us out? He's got a bad arm." He nodded at Tom; he followed him over and swept up one of the boxes from the vehicle. He looked at Scarlet and Alex and sighed. "Fighting already, eh?" He sighed.

"Please. Stop using all the military terms, we've already got another guy that does that." Alex sighed and picked up a box. (@Soul OMU)
"Six years, Army. I was Staff Sergeant before the world decided to implode on itself." He lifted what he could, "You?" He watched Scarlett, he couldn't see her well in the dark, but he walked in with her.

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