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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"Then we'll drink the night away." He said as he downed his second shot. He smiled at her and placed his free hand on top of her own. "I'm glad we decided to tell each other how we felt." He said. (This'll have to be my last post. Whoever's got a reply to send me, send it and try not to move things along too much while I'm gone. I'll reply in the morning. Night! @Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
DrTrollinski said:
"Then we'll drink the night away." He said as he downed his second shot. He smiled at her and placed his free hand on top of her own. "I'm glad we decided to tell each other how we felt." He said. (This'll have to be my last post. Whoever's got a reply to send me, send it and try not to move things along too much while I'm gone. I'll reply in the morning. Night! @Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
Hunter smiles a bit as she downs her second shot and wrinkles her nose up a bit. "Me too.. It's nice... Having someone in my life that's closer to my heart and important." She said softly while holding his hand. (Night, @DrTrollinski)
Chris rubbed his head for a second as he turned his head towards Sherry who was infact staring at Nate. She opened her mouth. " Poor thing.... He doesnt deserve this, is this what war does to you. " Chris took a deep breath, his memories shot back to Afghanistan. His first moment when he watched his best friend be blown up by a road side explosive. He mentioned to her. " War, turns you into a monster... Its not pretty... " Chris glanced around a moment and changed the conversation. " There has to be somewhere we can go.... " Sherry shook her head in disbelif. " Military has to be going south maybe? "
Tom left Eric and walked back toward the new ground, he couldn't help but look at Scarlet. He knew red heads were trouble, especially red heads who were in the military. He smiled a little at his thoughts and looked over at Alex and Hunter and smiled at them. They'd definitely need multiple houses, from the way those two look at each other, and the way Eric's eyes lit up when he thought about Jenna. Oh lord.
Scarlet thinking as she sits down, thinking about the past slightly and when she was in the military and a few years before that when she first held Jenna in her arms. She sighed slightly and took a flask out of her jacket and sipped it. (@DrCompton)
Skyler looks over at Scarlet and Tom. She lets out a small sigh and runs her fingers through her hair. Her head droops down, a result of her not getting much sleep this past week due to nightmares.
Tom sits down next to her and sips from the flask, making a funny face. "Oh god, you weren't joking." He took another sip and handed it back. He looked over at Skylar for a moment and frowned, "Everything okay Sky?" Tom watched her, blinking a little. He was feeling pretty tired himself.
DrCompton said:
Tom sits down next to her and sips from the flask, making a funny face. "Oh god, you weren't joking." He took another sip and handed it back. He looked over at Skylar for a moment and frowned, "Everything okay Sky?" Tom watched her, blinking a little. He was feeling pretty tired himself.
Scarlet takes it back and takes a good swig of it. "Told you." She said while sitting back.
Tom took his eyes of Sky and looked back at Scarlet, "So what did you do in the military? You talk like a Sergeant and drink like one too." He grinned a little as they sat there.
He nods, "I see." He scratched his jaw. Tom was never good at talking to girls. "Well, Im gonna get to bed." Tom walked over to Carl, scooting his mattress over so they'd have some more room in the store, then laid down. Tom stared at the ceiling.

(Im going to bed, night!)
William frowned, he took the small note and folded it in half. Within the slip of paper it read.


I'm sorry I'm leaving. I don't belong with the group. You all are good people with bright futures, forging for a fresh world. I am stuck in the past, the people I've killed and I left to die I see them every time I close my eyes. The faces never leave nor do the screams. I can't be around humans that are still alive, I'm afraid I'll go back to the person I was and hurt you all. I don't want that to happen. -A long line of scribbles, the only words recognizable within this is Kill, and leave.- This is a benefit for the group I eat food and drink water, with me gone you will have more time to find more food and water. I can support myself I took 1 can of beans and some water, enough to keep me alive until I find more food.

I'm traveling to the people I killed. I want to face them and bury the bodies, I wish to atone for my sins.

I've left 2 homemade bombs, they might come in use. They're pretty easy to use, light the small fuse and hurl them/lay them down where you want.

Maybe once I'm done I'll come back if I don't die on the way.

Good luck,

William Griffin"

Placing this note on a wall by stabbing it with a screw William let it hang. Looking around he took up his backpack and gun he stepped through the door and on his way to redemption.

Eric spent only thirty minutes in the store that sold paper, pens, paint, pencils, etc, etc. drawing up something on several large pages, followed by sticking them to the wall; it just looked like boxes in different locations. Some of them had crosses through them. He was happy enough with that as it was, but he needed some sleep. He went through to the sleeping area and saw a bit of paper dangling from the wall; he frowned as he walked up and took hold of it, followed by quickly reading over the words that had been hastily scribbled down. His frown grew bigger.

".. Gone." He whispered gently as he folded up the piece of paper and tucked it into his pocket. ".. He'll be back..." He added, as he wandered over to his mattress. He noticed that Carl was wide awake, just staring up at the ceiling. He looked possessed, and it made him shiver, but he knew his younger brother was only being like this because of another nightmare. He slowly walked up and ducked down beside him, holding one of his hands. ".. Hey, bro... You okay? Have another nightmare?" He asked. Carl nodded.

".. I need the bathroom--.." He whispered, Eric yawned but nodded and took him by the hand to walk him through to the staff bathroom within the back storage room of the store. He waited for Carl to come back out and then escorted him back to his own bed; he lied down with him and made sure he got his equal share of the blanket and then the pillow, and then put one arm over him as he kissed the top of his head.

".. Okay... try and get back to sleep. If you get scared at all, turn over and hug me tight, okay?"

"Okay... 'night, Eric... I love you."

"Love you too." He muttered before kissing his head and closing his eyes over.


After the half hour, Alex had already poured them both their fifth shot already. He was... He was getting to be quite drunk now, as would Hunter. Whiskey's strong, after all, and yes, after the first three - just like Alex said - your head starts to spin, but it was a great and warm feeling. Now what were they going to do? Two teenagers, drinking the night away while everyone else was in bed? What could go wrong, exactly?

".. Hunter--.. I wish I could find a way to..." He took a deep breath in through his nose, an alcohol-induced smile on his face as he loosely gripped her hand. Her skin felt so much softer than his own, and that made him feel... a bit more uplifted than he should have been. ".. find a way to show you... just how much I love you." He slurred, grinning at her. (@Soul OMU)


Nathan eventually fell asleep in the back of the car. His face was now relaxed and more steady - he realized that he was with two people that cared about him, so he found comfort in that. He tried to block out all of the images of the people dying around him, and eventually managed to drift off into a little snooze while lying all snuggled up under his blanket with his head on his pillow. He had no idea where they were going to be going, but he didn't care, as long as it was away from this wretched place. (@Rifleman)


"You don't have the right..." The old man snarled. "You can't just come in here and take people back there to die!" He snapped, followed by giving a couple of shaky coughs. ".. There's a reason I use this cane, and God forbid, if you go back there, you're gonna' end up the same..." He choked. He gave a disapproving stare to anyone that agreed with Levi, as if to say 'How could you betray us in such a way?' He then walked towards another room, but turned when he reached the doorway. "If you're going to take people, you leave us one man. And they--" He pointed at the woman and young girl. "Do not go near that place." He added coldly, he then walked in and slammed the door behind him. (@TheHarlequinnCat)


Dominic and the crew arrived back within the thirty minutes that passed. They'd lost one man, but everyone else was untouched, just a little shaken up. The first thing Dominic did was go home. He hoped to find Daniel there, all tucked up and safe and sound. But he wasn't tucked up anywhere - Daniel had gotten Conner to sit on the couch with him until they found out about his dad. He was clung to him, almost as if Conner was the only thing he had left. Then he saw Dominic. He instantly burst out into tears and sprung up to run at him - he was so relieved that his dad was okay.

"Dad!" He cried, Dominic swept him up in his arms and then walked over to sit beside Conner, Daniel was sat on his lap and he was merely rubbing his back while he blubbered near enough gibberish to him. ".. We--.. We got attacked by this big monster, and--.. and it had big teeth and claws and it was all red with blood and muscles and stuff, and... and I thought you were dead! I thought I lost you, too!" He sobbed, Dominic hushed him. ".. I'm scared, and--.. and when we got back I threw up a lot and--.. and I, I... I... I don't wanna' die..." He added, Dominic rolled his eyes but also felt a little bit saddened. He hated seeing his son this way. He hugged him tight and kissed his cheek, doing his best to quieten him down.

".. Now, now... You know I'd never leave you like that, son... Has Conner been looking after you while I've been gone?"

"Uh-huh--.. He made me food and--.. and he stayed with me when you were gone..."

"Aw... Good, good. Come on, you've got yourself in a state - It's really late, so I think you should go and climb into my bed tonight. I'll be in in a minute, okay? You need the bathroom, or anything?" He asked, Daniel nodded quickly and slowly stood up, wiping his eyes and hugging him tight again. He then went to Conner, gave him a hug and wished him goodnight, and then walked off across the room to go into the little 2x4 bathroom. He closed the door over and locked it.

"Thanks, Conner..." Dominic muttered, doing his best to hold back the tears. He placed a hand on his shoulder. "Seriously. Thank you." He added. (@Beowulf)

(We'll have a timeskip later on in the day, everyone. Don't worry.)
"Is it only Nick who needs our help?"

The mustached man said. His voice was deep and his tone the warmest. As soon as he opened his mouth the tension in the room almost disappeared.

"As much as it pains me. We cannot risk ourselves for only one man. Be it even Nick. I am sorry West,but it can turn for the worst if we are not careful."

And so the voice of reason spoke aloud for everyone to hear.

@TheHarlequinnCat @DrTrollinski

(writing this in school)
"I can't let you carry me so much. If I do I'm gonna havee to carry you soon. We need to find a place away from the walkers and rest."

She listened to him and thought about her mom who used to do the same thing. Only difference was that there wasn't any 'West's mom' and her.

"My mom was an alcoholic and my dad a heroin addict. And I'm missing my mixing hand...Come on Nick you need to rest"

She said with a weak voice,still affected by the sobbing from earlier.

Eric sat up after a while once Carl was asleep. He sat on the edge of his mattress and then stood up to walk to the bathroom. He looked pale and distraught; he ran into the back room and into the staff bathroom before dashing to the toilet only to throw up in it. He felt dreadful. So many thoughts went through his head, and generally he was quite upset. When he was done he flushed the toilet and sat against the wall. He hoped he didn't wake anyone up with the noise he made. (@DrCompton)
DrTrollinski said:
Eric spent only thirty minutes in the store that sold paper, pens, paint, pencils, etc, etc. drawing up something on several large pages, followed by sticking them to the wall; it just looked like boxes in different locations. Some of them had crosses through them. He was happy enough with that as it was, but he needed some sleep. He went through to the sleeping area and saw a bit of paper dangling from the wall; he frowned as he walked up and took hold of it, followed by quickly reading over the words that had been hastily scribbled down. His frown grew bigger.
".. Gone." He whispered gently as he folded up the piece of paper and tucked it into his pocket. ".. He'll be back..." He added, as he wandered over to his mattress. He noticed that Carl was wide awake, just staring up at the ceiling. He looked possessed, and it made him shiver, but he knew his younger brother was only being like this because of another nightmare. He slowly walked up and ducked down beside him, holding one of his hands. ".. Hey, bro... You okay? Have another nightmare?" He asked. Carl nodded.

".. I need the bathroom--.." He whispered, Eric yawned but nodded and took him by the hand to walk him through to the staff bathroom within the back storage room of the store. He waited for Carl to come back out and then escorted him back to his own bed; he lied down with him and made sure he got his equal share of the blanket and then the pillow, and then put one arm over him as he kissed the top of his head.

".. Okay... try and get back to sleep. If you get scared at all, turn over and hug me tight, okay?"

"Okay... 'night, Eric... I love you."

"Love you too." He muttered before kissing his head and closing his eyes over.


After the half hour, Alex had already poured them both their fifth shot already. He was... He was getting to be quite drunk now, as would Hunter. Whiskey's strong, after all, and yes, after the first three - just like Alex said - your head starts to spin, but it was a great and warm feeling. Now what were they going to do? Two teenagers, drinking the night away while everyone else was in bed? What could go wrong, exactly?

".. Hunter--.. I wish I could find a way to..." He took a deep breath in through his nose, an alcohol-induced smile on his face as he loosely gripped her hand. Her skin felt so much softer than his own, and that made him feel... a bit more uplifted than he should have been. ".. find a way to show you... just how much I love you." He slurred, grinning at her. (@Soul OMU)


Nathan eventually fell asleep in the back of the car. His face was now relaxed and more steady - he realized that he was with two people that cared about him, so he found comfort in that. He tried to block out all of the images of the people dying around him, and eventually managed to drift off into a little snooze while lying all snuggled up under his blanket with his head on his pillow. He had no idea where they were going to be going, but he didn't care, as long as it was away from this wretched place. (@Rifleman)


"You don't have the right..." The old man snarled. "You can't just come in here and take people back there to die!" He snapped, followed by giving a couple of shaky coughs. ".. There's a reason I use this cane, and God forbid, if you go back there, you're gonna' end up the same..." He choked. He gave a disapproving stare to anyone that agreed with Levi, as if to say 'How could you betray us in such a way?' He then walked towards another room, but turned when he reached the doorway. "If you're going to take people, you leave us one man. And they--" He pointed at the woman and young girl. "Do not go near that place." He added coldly, he then walked in and slammed the door behind him. (@TheHarlequinnCat)


Dominic and the crew arrived back within the thirty minutes that passed. They'd lost one man, but everyone else was untouched, just a little shaken up. The first thing Dominic did was go home. He hoped to find Daniel there, all tucked up and safe and sound. But he wasn't tucked up anywhere - Daniel had gotten Conner to sit on the couch with him until they found out about his dad. He was clung to him, almost as if Conner was the only thing he had left. Then he saw Dominic. He instantly burst out into tears and sprung up to run at him - he was so relieved that his dad was okay.

"Dad!" He cried, Dominic swept him up in his arms and then walked over to sit beside Conner, Daniel was sat on his lap and he was merely rubbing his back while he blubbered near enough gibberish to him. ".. We--.. We got attacked by this big monster, and--.. and it had big teeth and claws and it was all red with blood and muscles and stuff, and... and I thought you were dead! I thought I lost you, too!" He sobbed, Dominic hushed him. ".. I'm scared, and--.. and when we got back I threw up a lot and--.. and I, I... I... I don't wanna' die..." He added, Dominic rolled his eyes but also felt a little bit saddened. He hated seeing his son this way. He hugged him tight and kissed his cheek, doing his best to quieten him down.

".. Now, now... You know I'd never leave you like that, son... Has Conner been looking after you while I've been gone?"

"Uh-huh--.. He made me food and--.. and he stayed with me when you were gone..."

"Aw... Good, good. Come on, you've got yourself in a state - It's really late, so I think you should go and climb into my bed tonight. I'll be in in a minute, okay? You need the bathroom, or anything?" He asked, Daniel nodded quickly and slowly stood up, wiping his eyes and hugging him tight again. He then went to Conner, gave him a hug and wished him goodnight, and then walked off across the room to go into the little 2x4 bathroom. He closed the door over and locked it.

"Thanks, Conner..." Dominic muttered, doing his best to hold back the tears. He placed a hand on his shoulder. "Seriously. Thank you." He added. (@Beowulf)

(We'll have a timeskip later on in the day, everyone. Don't worry.)
Hunter gave an airy giggle, the alcohol had definitely got to her eventually just as it had Alex. "Heh~! U-You dont... You don't have to.." She said while holding his hand and humming slightly.

Scarlet and Jenna fast asleep on their mattresses just a little bit away from The boys corner obviously. (@DrTrollinski)
"Now..." After one more shot he went and sat beside her, followed by hugging her closely with one arm and giving a long kiss. "Tell me... We ain't got nothin' better to do. You up for something that's a little more exciting?" He asked with a playful grin and a seductive tone before kissing her lips once again. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
"Now..." After one more shot he went and sat beside her, followed by hugging her closely with one arm and giving a long kiss. "Tell me... We ain't got nothin' better to do. You up for something that's a little more exciting?" He asked with a playful grin and a seductive tone before kissing her lips once again. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter kissed him back while gripping his shirt slightly before he pulled back. "What... W-what did you have in mind?" She asked while looking up at him and biting her lip slightly. (@DrTrollinski)

Jenna wakes up slightly and rubs her eye. Always been a light sleeper, she quietly got up and made her way out of the sleeping room and thought of a good place to go and think before deciding to wander around quietly before heading to the second floor.
"Whatever you want." He smiled at her and have another gentle kiss. "I thought we could do something... 'Fun'." He shrugged. (@Soul OMU)
Tom awoke with a start, reaching for the pistol he slept with. He had dreamt about men taking Carl and killing him. He sat up and looked at the young boys mattress. He relaxed when he saw Carl but then he noticed 4 missing bodies. "God damn teenagers, they better be using condoms." He got up and decided to walk around, just in case they weren't just having fun.

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