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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Jenna already carrying some food inside as he says this comment and raises a brow. "I am, I'm not going to be dead weight." She said while walking in, Hunter walking with them, carrying stuff in.

Scarlet nodded slightly. "I'll try too... I served 10 years before this whole thing happened... When it did I rushed back to our home state as fast as I could to make sure Jenna here was okay... She was, smart and brave gal. Locked herself in the house, in the basement cellar, the lock being on the inside rather then out." She said and ruffles Jenna's hair. Jenna smiles a bit before looking around. (@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
".. Hey," Eric took one hand away from the box and quickly nudged Tom. "Is Carl in bed? I've just realized how late it is, and--.. If it's alright, could we--.." He looked around for a moment. "Could we have a quick talk about something once all this is inside? Please?" He asked. It seemed as if he was begging rather than requesting. He looked happy enough, but he also had that 'look' in his eyes. Eric lead them to the storage room and placed his own box down, brushing off his hands thereafter. (@Soul OMU)
Tom walked into the mall and saw Scarlet's hair and damn near dropped his supplies, "Oh.. fucking.. shit." He manages to recover and keeps carrying them. A red head? Damn it. Im screwed. He cleared his throat and set the stuff down in the supply room. "Whats up bud?" His eyes kept darting to Scarlet.
"I'd prefer to talk somewhere more..." He looked around at everyone and then rubbed his head while looking at Tom again. ".. Private." He added quietly. He looked rather distressed and a little upset now. He wasn't pale like he was before, but he definitely looked rough. "Just for a few minutes." He choked, followed by quickly turning to walk out of the storage room. Alex watched him. (@Soul OMU)
Tom frowned and walked with Eric, "Whats up pal?" He put his good arm around Eric's shoulders. "You can always come to me, with whatever you need." He squeezed his shoulder a little.
Hunter smiles a bit and pecks his lips back. "Your welcome. I'll keep unloading the truck." She said as she went back outside to the truck as Scarlet blinked and followed Alex, Jenna did as well, a small grin on her lips as she saw what happened to the older guy who seemed to be the father figure here when he saw her aunt, she didn't say nothing but just grinned in knowing.

(@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
He walked him to a nearby store where they kept all their guns and ammo. He sat down in a chair and also pushed a chair to Tom so he could sit opposite him once the doors were closed. He struggled to speak at first, but he didn't look at him when he eventually did. His head remained bowed. ".. I--.. I know I can talk to you, I mean--.. You answered all my questions when I discovered the..." He went a bit red in the face and motioned his hands over his groin area. "'Changes'... But... this is something a little different, I... It's about what happened to Matty, I just--.." His voice started shaking and he looked Tom in the eyes. ".. I let him die." He blurted in a whisper. ".. I had a chance to stop that thing from attacking him, but I was so--.. so scared, and... I don't know. I just couldn't--.. I watched it tear him to pieces, dad." He added, not realizing he'd called Tom 'dad'. He was too upset to even care; he quickly wiped his face with both hands. (@Soul OMU)
"Come here." Tom too Eric into a hug and held him. "Im sorry you had to see that... to deal with... but this is a different world, and a different life for us." he pulled back just a little, "But I dont believe you let him die, I know you. and I knew Matt. I dont think he would given you a chance to save him... In fact, Im sure whatever happened, Matt actually saved you some how. Dont blame yourself for anyone's death in this fucked up world. It wont help you the next time you have to deal with the monsters." He hugged him again. "You're gonna nightmares. I have them, Carl has them. If you ever need help with anything, I am here for you." Tom squeezed him a little.

"Now, tell me about that cutie pie you managed to find and walk back here?" He put his arm around Eric and grinned.
Levi didn't react, he just stared at West; watching the man struggle between his leadership and his feelings. Clearly, there was some bad blood with this Wellington place that ran deeper than words could say, he noticed a few hands shaking and all eyes falling on West to find out what he would say in response; but the younger seemed frozen like a deer in the headlights, fighting his head and his heart in a method that was all too obvious to someone like Levi. His face fell as he began the words of surrender, but when Levi raised his eyebrow West retaliated with "How do I know you aren't tryna trick us?"

It almost irritated him that he saw no visible reaction from the older, who was really in no place to trick them to begin with. His face then changed, just enough for West to see he really was being honest; it was a purposeful manipulation tactic, one that Levi was all too skilled in applying. "Why would I have any reason to lie about this? You're either with me or not, I've seen enough blood in these past months and I'd like to imagine I could at least try to spare someone else the suffering." Wesley was taken aback by how bluntly the older man put it; he seemed older than he looked, that was for sure. He stopped guessing early-to-mid twenties and bumped it up to maybe early thirties. He didn't have much a retort to that, and nodded his head.

"I'll go... But if we ain't findin him then we ain't findin him.." The words didn't sound too sure, West's eyes flicking to the elder man in their group. "I won't endanger anyone here, but I will take a small group to check this out." Now, he seemed to indirectly be asking who wanted to go.

DrTrollinski said:
He walked him to a nearby store where they kept all their guns and ammo. He sat down in a chair and also pushed a chair to Tom so he could sit opposite him once the doors were closed. He struggled to speak at first, but he didn't look at him when he eventually did. His head remained bowed. ".. I--.. I know I can talk to you, I mean--.. You answered all my questions when I discovered the..." He went a bit red in the face and motioned his hands over his groin area. "'Changes'... But... this is something a little different, I... It's about what happened to Matty, I just--.." His voice started shaking and he looked Tom in the eyes. ".. I let him die." He blurted in a whisper. ".. I had a chance to stop that thing from attacking him, but I was so--.. so scared, and... I don't know. I just couldn't--.. I watched it tear him to pieces, dad." He added, not realizing he'd called Tom 'dad'. He was too upset to even care; he quickly wiped his face with both hands. (@Soul OMU)
Scarlet nodded and followed him as did Jenna who was eager to help and do something else for the group.

Hunter finally brings in the last of the food and goes into the supply room to put it down, wipes her brow. "Finally..."

Eric hugged him tight and listened to his reassuring words. It was nice to have that support. He laughed at Tom's comment.

"Her name's Jenna... She was with Scarlet. We kinda' kicked some ass together, and I saved her from being torn in half." He chuckled a little. "She's nice, and seeing as she's the same age as me, she's... 'different' to talk to." He smiled and shrugged, but his eyes sort of sparkled when he thought about it. A smile finally crept back onto his face. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
Eric hugged him tight and listened to his reassuring words. It was nice to have that support. He laughed at Tom's comment.
"Her name's Jenna... She was with Scarlet. We kinda' kicked some ass together, and I saved her from being torn in half." He chuckled a little. "She's nice, and seeing as she's the same age as me, she's... 'different' to talk to." He smiled and shrugged, but his eyes sort of sparkled when he thought about it. A smile finally crept back onto his face. (@Soul OMU)
Scarlet nods and chuckles a bit. "Got it. We'll cover it for now." She said as she started moving the first one over for Jenna as Jenna got the blankets and pillows from Alex so he could go.

Hunter thinking slightly as she starts taking stock on the supplies they have now. "Should last us at least another three weeks plus the two weeks already if we ration it carefully. Maybe one can a day..." She said thoughtfully while looking over the supplies. (@DrTrollinski)
Carl awoke due to the noise and looked up at them. Oh, new people. He gave a tired smile and then looked up at Alex. Alex ducked down in front of him and stroked his hair. "Hey, buddy... Did we wake you up?" He asked, Carl shrugged and yawned.


"Sorry, pal. These are some new friends of ours." He said as he looked at Jenna and Scarlet. "We've got Jenna and Scarlet right here." He smiled, "They brought us food. They'll be staying with us." He said, Carl gave a tired grin and waved at them both.

"Hi, Jenna. Hi, Scarlet..." He yawned and then closed his eyes again. He crashed out. He'd see them in the morning.

"That was Carl." He said to them. "Feel free to get your stuff unpacked. It's late." He smiled and then shot out of the room and ran to the storage room to find Hunter. "Hey, beautiful." He muttered, grinning. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
Carl awoke due to the noise and looked up at them. Oh, new people. He gave a tired smile and then looked up at Alex. Alex ducked down in front of him and stroked his hair. "Hey, buddy... Did we wake you up?" He asked, Carl shrugged and yawned.

"Sorry, pal. These are some new friends of ours." He said as he looked at Jenna and Scarlet. "We've got Jenna and Scarlet right here." He smiled, "They brought us food. They'll be staying with us." He said, Carl gave a tired grin and waved at them both.

"Hi, Jenna. Hi, Scarlet..." He yawned and then closed his eyes again. He crashed out. He'd see them in the morning.

"That was Carl." He said to them. "Feel free to get your stuff unpacked. It's late." He smiled and then shot out of the room and ran to the storage room to find Hunter. "Hey, beautiful." He muttered, grinning. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna smiles a bit and waves quietly as Scarlet smiles a tiny bit but says nothing as she puts down the other mattress carefully, to not wake anyone else. Jenna puts down the blankets and pillows before stepping out slightly.

Hunter blinks and snaps out of her thoughts and looks at him with a small smile. "Hey you." She said softly while turning around to face him slightly. (@DrTrollinski)
"Now. Why would I ask you for a drink if I wasn't free?" He grinned and quickly kissed her, followed by leading her out and down to the liquor store. He grabbed a bottle of whiskey and two glasses and then went to the donut store that was never used with her. He sat down in one booth and poured two shots. "This should be a good night." He grinned excitedly. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
"Now. Why would I ask you for a drink if I wasn't free?" He grinned and quickly kissed her, followed by leading her out and down to the liquor store. He grabbed a bottle of whiskey and two glasses and then went to the donut store that was never used with her. He sat down in one booth and poured two shots. "This should be a good night." He grinned excitedly. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter smiles a bit in amusement as she follows him to the liquor store then to the donut store to sit down in the booth. "It definitely has been interesting so far." She said and picked up her shot while sitting back in her seat. (@DrTrollinski)
"Too right. Now it's time to relax, drink, and see where the night takes us." He grinned and held up his glass, followed by chiming it against her own. "To good health." He swept the drink down and coughed a little, his eyes watering. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
"Too right. Now it's time to relax, drink, and see where the night takes us." He grinned and held up his glass, followed by chiming it against her own. "To good health." He swept the drink down and coughed a little, his eyes watering. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter laughs softly and clinks her glass against his lightly. "Not so much for our livers thought." She said as she downed her drink and gave a small cough but grinned slightly. "Still feels the same." She said while smiling a bit. (@DrTrollinski)
"Trust me. After two or three of these, your head's going to be spinning." He laughed loudly and poured them both another shot. "So. Can you hold your drink?" He teased in a playful way. (@Soul OMU)

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