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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"Huh? Of course you can. I thought I already told you I was okay with it?" he rustled his hair, "Alright? Get some sleep Carl, its way late" He got back up and smiled, the kissed Carl's forehead. "Night bud."
".. Yeah. My name's Eric." He said as he wet one of the shirts and used it to clean the blood from his chest, sighing a little. "We've been here for about four months now." He added, sighing as he wiped his face and continued rubbing his body. He didn't want to, but he had to kick his shoes and pants off so he start cleaning the blood from his legs. He felt more dizzy so he placed one hand on the sink. ".. It's been a long fight, but--.. It's been worth it so far, for the most part. What about you and your--.. Your mom, is it?" He asked, his voice a little weak. (@Soul OMU)


"First floor's clear. Move to second." Alex whispered as he turned towards the stairs. (@Soul OMU)


Carl smiled in relief and happiness. He quickly sat up and hugged Tom tightly and closed his eyes as he lied back down and rolled over onto his side, a smile glued to his face. He hesitated for a moment, but then muttered something. ".. Night, daddy..." He said, he then hugged a part of his blanket while he tried to drift off to sleep. (@DrCompton)
Tom got up and walked toward the the roof, he took a rifle, even though he wouldn't be able to shoot it very well with just his left hand. But that was fine, he didn't plan to shoot unless he absolutely had too. He looked around, hoping to see the other others. He yawned a little looked around the, hoping to seen signs of life.
"I don't know where he is, but I do know he's alive and well. He can handle himself, he's a big boy." Connor said to the kid. Wiping away the tears, think of nothing else to do, he says. "Even if those things did get him, he'd make it his personal mission to come back to you and say goodbye. Now clean up, got an early day tomorrow."

(@DrTrollinski )
DrTrollinski said:
".. Yeah. My name's Eric." He said as he wet one of the shirts and used it to clean the blood from his chest, sighing a little. "We've been here for about four months now." He added, sighing as he wiped his face and continued rubbing his body. He didn't want to, but he had to kick his shoes and pants off so he start cleaning the blood from his legs. He felt more dizzy so he placed one hand on the sink. ".. It's been a long fight, but--.. It's been worth it so far, for the most part. What about you and your--.. Your mom, is it?" He asked, his voice a little weak. (@Soul OMU)

"First floor's clear. Move to second." Alex whispered as he turned towards the stairs. (@Soul OMU)


Carl smiled in relief and happiness. He quickly sat up and hugged Tom tightly and closed his eyes as he lied back down and rolled over onto his side, a smile glued to his face. He hesitated for a moment, but then muttered something. ".. Night, daddy..." He said, he then hugged a part of his blanket while he tried to drift off to sleep. (@DrCompton)
Jenna smiles a bit in amusement, back is turned to him while he changes. "She's my aunt actually... My mom and dad were killed in a car accident when I was 8 and I lived with her since her husband died in the war and she lost her child in a miscarriage... Sorry you probably didn't need to or wanted to know that." She said while rubbing her arm slightly.

Hunter following after Alex, keeping an eye out over his shoulder while Scarlet is watching the rear, keeping an eye out for danger of any kind. (@DrTrollinski)
Sherry said to the man. " Thats more like it. " Removing the tan blouse and unbuttoning the ACU trousers, she slowly began to shift her hand behind the mans head, while kissing him, she moved her other hand to his cheek and thrusted her arms, with a loud snap his neck was broken. The man fell forward, his lifeless body mirrored by a shifted head, as he fell on her, she quickly shifted his body aside. She grabbed the USP that she had tucked underneath her tan shirt and peeked out the window. She was worried, how was she going to get them out of this.... She froze..... She wasn't battle tested she was just a cadet. She peeked over one more time and froze as she moved towards the door opening it silently. Chris said out loud to the men. " So any patriots fans here? " One of his favorite sports was football, watching it anyways. He slowly began to shift to the right towards the stair case when he saw boots coming from the stair case, then a loud creek came. Chris quickly grabbed his hatchet from behind his back and chucked it at a man as Sherry came down and shot another two in the chest. He rips his hatchet from the chest cavity of one of the men and got another in the side of his neck and shoulder.... Watching blood squirt out as he ripped it out. Sherry squeezing off the trigger twice dropping the other two, managably with in short time. Chris stood staring down at the man as his blood began to spill from the open wound on his neck to the ground.

He was panicking, it was war all over again, people dying to some needless extent, atleast that was what his ego said. He just glared at the dead body panting as blood stained his face. " Fuck.... " He said quietly, his hands shaking, a moment of the horrors of war striking him again, he moved his arm, with the hatchet, still panting, then shifted his other arm and rubbed his head. Then he put the hatchet back in the sleeve on his back. He shouldnt of used that.... " Made a mess.... " He backed up and grabbed his assault rifle and loaded a magazine. They had to find somewhere safe to go a safe haven.

Sherry chuckled for a second willingly. " Dirty old man, not letting him inside these pants. " She chuckled as she looked at Chris who was prepping the HMMVW. She looked around for Nate.
He sobbed and hugged him again. ".. I wanna' wait for him to get back... I don't wanna' lose my dad too!" He cried out, putting his face in Conner's chest once again. (@Soul OMU)


Nathan was caught in the middle of all of it. He was stood in the center of all the gore, his eyes tightly closed. His body was shaking, all of the blood and shooting reminded him of the day his mother was killed. He could tell by the clothes that these were the men that came into his house on that scary day and started shooting. He heard his mother scream, but had no idea she was killed. He waited under the bed while the men walked around his house - some came into his room. In fact, only one did, and it was the leader. He could tell by the man's boots which is why he looked so scared when he saw him. The thing about him waiting under the bed had one main reason behind it.

He was waiting for his mother or father to come and find him. To come and hug him and tell him that it was okay, and that all the loud noises and strange men were gone. But they never did. He spent forty-eight hours under that bed, for the most part of it, he was covered in his own urine, but then after the first twelve hours it was his feces. That happened twice in the two days. He had no food, no water, and no courage. He didn't go out and go to the bathroom because he was terrified. He didn't get up and get something to eat because he was terrified. And he didn't get up to find his mother because he knew something bad happened.

'Mommy...' Was the one word that went through his head. He whimpered for her in the middle of the the first night. But no one came running, she left him to sob himself to sleep - so he thought, at least. He called out for her when it started to get dark, because she always tucked him into bed and kissed him goodnight before telling him a bedtime story, or she'd prepare a glass of warm powdered milk and take it up to him. He missed her, and after all of that, it just all came right back to him and he was unable to move, unable to comprehend what was going on around him. He was back to that terrified state. (@Rifleman)
DrTrollinski said:
He sobbed and hugged him again. ".. I wanna' wait for him to get back... I don't wanna' lose my dad too!" He cried out, putting his face in Conner's chest once again. (@Soul OMU)

Nathan was caught in the middle of all of it. He was stood in the center of all the gore, his eyes tightly closed. His body was shaking, all of the blood and shooting reminded him of the day his mother was killed. He could tell by the clothes that these were the men that came into his house on that scary day and started shooting. He heard his mother scream, but had no idea she was killed. He waited under the bed while the men walked around his house - some came into his room. In fact, only one did, and it was the leader. He could tell by the man's boots which is why he looked so scared when he saw him. The thing about him waiting under the bed had one main reason behind it.

He was waiting for his mother or father to come and find him. To come and hug him and tell him that it was okay, and that all the loud noises and strange men were gone. But they never did. He spent forty-eight hours under that bed, for the most part of it, he was covered in his own urine, but then after the first twelve hours it was his feces. That happened twice in the two days. He had no food, no water, and no courage. He didn't go out and go to the bathroom because he was terrified. He didn't get up and get something to eat because he was terrified. And he didn't get up to find his mother because he knew something bad happened.

'Mommy...' Was the one word that went through his head. He whimpered for her in the middle of the the first night. But no one came running, she left him to sob himself to sleep - so he thought, at least. He called out for her when it started to get dark, because she always tucked him into bed and kissed him goodnight before telling him a bedtime story, or she'd prepare a glass of warm powdered milk and take it up to him. He missed her, and after all of that, it just all came right back to him and he was unable to move, unable to comprehend what was going on around him. He was back to that terrified state. (@Rifleman)
Jenna turned around slightly and passed him the katana while looking at him. "14 since last December." She said while rolling her shoulder and checking herself to make sure she wasn't injured or cut with open wounds from that thing. (@DrTrollinski)
He reached out and took hold of the katana, bringing it to his side as he picked up the old t-shirt and wet it once again. "Really?" He smiled. "I'm fourteen as well. My birthday's in September, so we're not far off." He gave a thoughtful smile and began gently cleaning the blade of the katana, wiping all of the blood from it. ".. You born and raised here? Or are you from far out?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)
Chris hugged Nate softly his blood stained hands reaching up to the back of his head. " Its ok, your safe. " Chris saw the boy, he had his fair share of horror, he knew that he needed someone by his side so he was going to be there, then Sherry approached soon. After behind Chris where Nate would be able to see.
DrTrollinski said:
He reached out and took hold of the katana, bringing it to his side as he picked up the old t-shirt and wet it once again. "Really?" He smiled. "I'm fourteen as well. My birthday's in September, so we're not far off." He gave a thoughtful smile and began gently cleaning the blade of the katana, wiping all of the blood from it. ".. You born and raised here? Or are you from far out?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna smiles a bit before looking away. "I'm from Bloomington, Indiana... S'not to far I suppose... Under 4-5 hour drive..." She said softly while thinking slightly and leaning back. (@DrTrollinski)
At the General Store. (@Soul OMU)

"Second floor's clear. Move up." Alex said, leading the two girls upward. They got to the landing at the top of the stairs and then they saw it. They saw Matty's body. His chest was ripped wide open and his ribs and internal organs were broken and crushed up into a paste. There was blood everywhere, and he had one small and straight line that cut right through his head. It was the mark of a sword of some sort. ".. Oh, shit... Matty..." He gasped in a whisper and crouched down. ".. What the fuck...? Oh, Jesus... No, no... No..." He shook his head and closed his eyes. He saw that in the center of the large room there was a pool of blooding seeping across it. There was another body there. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna managed to catch him slightly and starts helping him up right. "Of course... It's happens to all of us at some point..." She said softly while helping him on his feet.

Hunter gasped slightly at the sigh of Matty's body. "Oh god... Matt..." She said softly and went over with Alex as Scarlet made her way to the other body, being cautious. "....it's not your buddy or Jenna... It's that crawler thing." She called out while keeping an eye on it. (@DrTrollinski)
".. Thanks. We best get back to the others." He said, a soft smile on his face. ".. Thanks for the help... I don't think I would have had the drive to do all of that if you weren't here. I don't know, I just sort of got inspired, so... You know, I get that sometimes." He laughed under his breath and relied on her for guidance in walking.


"Yeah, what the fuck..." He walked over and looked at the body. Severed front legs, and a decapitated head. ".. Shit, this must be Eric's work. They must be alive... Think they're on the fourth floor?" Alex asked, scratching his chin. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
".. Thanks. We best get back to the others." He said, a soft smile on his face. ".. Thanks for the help... I don't think I would have had the drive to do all of that if you weren't here. I don't know, I just sort of got inspired, so... You know, I get that sometimes." He laughed under his breath and relied on her for guidance in walking.

"Yeah, what the fuck..." He walked over and looked at the body. Severed front legs, and a decapitated head. ".. Shit, this must be Eric's work. They must be alive... Think they're on the fourth floor?" Alex asked, scratching his chin. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna helping him slightly since she doesn't need him falling again. "Inspired Huh? Didn't know I was that inspirational." She said and laughed lightly while checking around the corner carefully.

Scarlet nods. "It seems logical if they were trying to get away from it... Or they might be in one of them rooms..." She said while moving around the body. Hunter follows along side Alex, looking around. (@DrTrollinski)
".. Yeah... I've seen enough people die. I didn't want to see it happen to anyone else." He looked sad for a minute but then sported a smile. "Plus, it'd be nice to have someone who's my age around here." He smiled thoughtfully at her while leaning on her shoulder with one arm. They began walking off towards the exit of the restroom.

"Yeah, sure." Alex said. "Be careful. You two go and search the dressing rooms, I'll check the restrooms." Alex muttered. He began to slowly creep up to the restroom doors and went in through the women's door first. He thought that if Eric took Jenna to hide anywhere, he'd take her there so that she was more 'comfortable' in a sense.. He was a gentlemen, in a way - he was pretty much a lonely musician, which was a perfect line-up for a TV show. Alex was confident that - if they were both alive - they'd be good friends if they all stuck together. He thought about Eric for the most part, especially with all of the shit he'd been through recently. He thought Carl was hit hard, but it became evident that it was actually Eric that was hit hardest. He looked around the women's restroom and found nothing. Until he reached the last stall. It was closed, so he withdrew his knife from his belt and slowly creaked it open, only to have an obese undead woman pour out of it and onto the floor in front of him; he gasped in panic and stamped on the back of her head, followed by ducking and sinking the blade into the back of her skull. Where the hell was Eric and Jenna? (@Soul OMU) 
(For anyone who's curious, the creatures sort of look like this, but it has black eyes, the feet have longer nails, and more muscle is exposed:

DrTrollinski said:
".. Yeah... I've seen enough people die. I didn't want to see it happen to anyone else." He looked sad for a minute but then sported a smile. "Plus, it'd be nice to have someone who's my age around here." He smiled thoughtfully at her while leaning on her shoulder with one arm. They began walking off towards the exit of the restroom.
"Yeah, sure." Alex said. "Be careful. You two go and search the dressing rooms, I'll check the restrooms." Alex muttered. He began to slowly creep up to the restroom doors and went in through the women's door first. He thought that if Eric took Jenna to hide anywhere, he'd take her there so that she was more 'comfortable' in a sense.. He was a gentlemen, in a way - he was pretty much a lonely musician, which was a perfect line-up for a TV show. Alex was confident that - if they were both alive - they'd be good friends if they all stuck together. He thought about Eric for the most part, especially with all of the shit he'd been through recently. He thought Carl was hit hard, but it became evident that it was actually Eric that was hit hardest. He looked around the women's restroom and found nothing. Until he reached the last stall. It was closed, so he withdrew his knife from his belt and slowly creaked it open, only to have an obese undead woman pour out of it and onto the floor in front of him; he gasped in panic and stamped on the back of her head, followed by ducking and sinking the blade into the back of her skull. Where the hell was Eric and Jenna? (@Soul OMU) 
(For anyone who's curious, the creatures sort of look like this, but it has black eyes, the feet have longer nails, and more muscle is exposed:


Jenna helping him walk as they leave the men's restrooms and stops when she hears something which is Alex stomping on the dead women's head. "....what was that?" She said softly while holding him up.

Scarlet and Hunter currently checking out the dressing rooms, making sure it's secure and if Jenna and Eric are there. They checked each room but came up with nothing. (@DrTrollinski)
"Nick...I...I can still feel the fingers,Nick. I can feel them moving."

She lost blood and got tired. Her eyes were half closed.

Tina looked at her hand which was covered by cloth ,but she could still see something. She didn't know what it was. Vein,tendon she couldn't tell.

The nauseus feeling came back,but it was weaker. She looked away and couldn't help but lean her head on Nick's back and start crying.

Tina had no left hand anymore,but she could still feel it.

Eric reached down to his pants and slowly pulled out his silenced pistol. His shaky hand aimed the gun off at the door, and now they merely had to wait.

Alex decided that he'd check the Men's restroom instead. But he heard that door just creak open. He slowly walked to the exit and pushed the door open even slower. Eric gritted his teeth, his finger itching on the trigger of the gun as he watched it open up - he almost shot, but then he saw who it was. He gave a weak smile and tucked the gun back in as Alex walked over to him and hugged him.

"Jesus Christ... You scared the living shit out of me." Alex said, Eric chuckled and leaned back onto Jenna and took a deep breath. "We're fine... We got it dealt with, we just couldn't save Matty..." He said in a sad tone, Alex patted him and then Jenna on their shoulders.

"It's not your fault. I don't know what the fuck that thing was, but you're lucky to have gotten away from that. They're not easy to kill, evidently." He said to them both, Eric hesitated but gave a soft nod, he looked at Jenna and gave a half-smile. They were alive after just fighting and defeating probably the toughest thing the virus had thrown at them so far. They kicked ass. And it felt so good.

".. We'll walk down, I need some air." Eric said, he did look pale, and some fresh air would probably do him some good. He let himself be lead on by Jenna, but Alex ran off to find Hunter and Scarlet.

"Hey!" He yelled as he reached the dressing rooms. "I've found 'em. They're heading outside because Eric isn't feeling so hot. And no, he's not infected." He sighed and looked around. "I don't want to leave Matty in here, so while those two are heading downstairs, look for some sheets and we'll wrap him up. We'll hide him in a dumpster around the back of the mall so that the dead don't eat him, and then we'll bury him tomorrow." He explained, nodding thereafter. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
Eric reached down to his pants and slowly pulled out his silenced pistol. His shaky hand aimed the gun off at the door, and now they merely had to wait.
Alex decided that he'd check the Men's restroom instead. But he heard that door just creak open. He slowly walked to the exit and pushed the door open even slower. Eric gritted his teeth, his finger itching on the trigger of the gun as he watched it open up - he almost shot, but then he saw who it was. He gave a weak smile and tucked the gun back in as Alex walked over to him and hugged him.

"Jesus Christ... You scared the living shit out of me." Alex said, Eric chuckled and leaned back onto Jenna and took a deep breath. "We're fine... We got it dealt with, we just couldn't save Matty..." He said in a sad tone, Alex patted him and then Jenna on their shoulders.

"It's not your fault. I don't know what the fuck that thing was, but you're lucky to have gotten away from that. They're not easy to kill, evidently." He said to them both, Eric hesitated but gave a soft nod, he looked at Jenna and gave a half-smile. They were alive after just fighting and defeating probably the toughest thing the virus had thrown at them so far. They kicked ass. And it felt so good.

".. We'll walk down, I need some air." Eric said, he did look pale, and some fresh air would probably do him some good. He let himself be lead on by Jenna, but Alex ran off to find Hunter and Scarlet.

"Hey!" He yelled as he reached the dressing rooms. "I've found 'em. They're heading outside because Eric isn't feeling so hot. And no, he's not infected." He sighed and looked around. "I don't want to leave Matty in here, so while those two are heading downstairs, look for some sheets and we'll wrap him up. We'll hide him in a dumpster around the back of the mall so that the dead don't eat him, and then we'll bury him tomorrow." He explained, nodding thereafter. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna helping Eric carefully as they slowly but surely make their way downstairs and outside to get fresh air. "...want some water? I think we have quite a bit in the back of my aunts caur." She said, her slight southern accent coming through a bit.

Scarlet nods. "That's good to ear... And Jenna? She alright?" She asked while Hunter went to find some sheets or some blankets to wrap Matty in. (@DrTrollinski)
"Yeah, sure. Definitely." He said, gasping a little as the cold air hit him. He looked even more sickened as they went outside, but color soon came back to his face as they walked onward towards the car. ".. How much food and water do you have?" He asked out of curiosity.


"Yeah, she's fine. She's helping Eric right now - Neither of them are hurt, just a bit shaken up." Alex reassured her and nodded once he was done speaking; he wiped his knife on a nearby shirt and then tucked it back into his belt. "I'm just happy that we didn't lose them as well, you know?" He said with a soft sigh and smile. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
"Yeah, sure. Definitely." He said, gasping a little as the cold air hit him. He looked even more sickened as they went outside, but color soon came back to his face as they walked onward towards the car. ".. How much food and water do you have?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah, she's fine. She's helping Eric right now - Neither of them are hurt, just a bit shaken up." Alex reassured her and nodded once he was done speaking; he wiped his knife on a nearby shirt and then tucked it back into his belt. "I'm just happy that we didn't lose them as well, you know?" He said with a soft sigh and smile. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna walking with him over to the car and let's him lean against it while she opens the truck which is stockpiled with canned food and water bottles, the back seat is the same. "Quite a bit... We raided only about half the house of our town.." She said while getting him a bottle of water.

Scarlet and Hunter nodded slightly while getting sheets and started covering and wrapping Matty's body in it. "Mhm..." Hunter said softly while Scarlet closed Matty's eyes. (@DrTrollinski)
".. Holy shit... I swear, when it comes to us, luck is just everywhere except home." He sat on the edge of the truck and drank some of the water, taking a deep breath thereafter. "Lucky rainbows and four-leafed clovers just seem to fall out of our asses whenever we're apart." He chuckled a little and drank some more of the water. "I'll show you something when we get back. It's one of the things that makes it worth staying there for." He smiled at her and looked around, taking a deep breath.


".. Poor guy." Alex said. "I don't know how I'm going to tell his daughter--.. Well. Not his daughter, but... he sort of adopted her. She's only about... around the age of four." He said, sighing. "It'll be hard on her. She's got nothing left." He added while helping them wrap up Matty's body. (@Soul OMU)


Carl rolled over after Tom walked away from tucking him in so he could face Skyler again. He gave a tired smile and yawned while he inspected her. ".. Goodnight, Skyler..." He yawned, snuggling up once again. (@Aryn Harris)

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