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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"I got up to go to the bathroom and I heard him whisper." He blurted, he looked absolutely terrified. He didn't rarely have outbursts of emotion. This time was worse that any others, though. "Why did I hear that? Why?" He blubbered quietly. "Things were becoming so perfect... Delaney, I--.. I'm scared." He whispered the last part and shut his eyes. He didn't know if it was a trick of the mind or if he was going insane. (@Soul OMU)
"I got up to go to the bathroom and I heard him whisper." He blurted, he looked absolutely terrified. He didn't rarely have outbursts of emotion. This time was worse that any others, though. "Why did I hear that? Why?" He blubbered quietly. "Things were becoming so perfect... Delaney, I--.. I'm scared." He whispered the last part and shut his eyes. He didn't know if it was a trick of the mind or if he was going insane. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
"I got up to go to the bathroom and I heard him whisper." He blurted, he looked absolutely terrified. He didn't rarely have outbursts of emotion. This time was worse that any others, though. "Why did I hear that? Why?" He blubbered quietly. "Things were becoming so perfect... Delaney, I--.. I'm scared." He whispered the last part and shut his eyes. He didn't know if it was a trick of the mind or if he was going insane. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna nodded as she ran with him up the stairs, not glancing back once. "Damn it! This is the second one this night!" She said softly as she followed Eric.

Scarlet nods as she starts slashing at the horde that Hunter was currently fighting off. (@DrTrollinski)
Delaney shook her head and whispered back, not turning to face him again, "I hear him too.." She mused, clearly meaning Mason; but for but a moment they were talking one and the same. She added on, softer yet, "Try not to think about it.. Think about the future we can make." She added, rubbing her own stomach before starting to drift off again. Mumbling still she continued as she sunk farther into herself, "We'll have a chance to do it over."

"Yes, we are. And don't you think otherwise. Mankind has adapted before and we will now. I'm going to talk to everyone about it tomorrow and tell them what I want to do." After he said that, he just sat there, a comforting presence in the room.

(@DrTrollinski )
"There's more of these? For fuck sake!" Eric yelled as he reached the third floor with her. This floor had clothes and lots of shelving on it. He put his free hand on her shoulder and ushered her over to behind one of the shelving units. He sat down on the floor beside her and took a minute to catch a breather as sweat poured down his forehead. "You good? Sorry if I hurt you when I took you down like that, but I'd rather see you get a scraped elbow rather than see you get torn in half." He said, giving a faint and humoured smile. (@Soul OMU)


"I wanna see my dad..." He sobbed while gulping down some of the food. "Where is he? Did he get killed by one of those monsters?!" He asked in urgency, some tears suddenly flooding down his cheeks. (@Beowulf)


"Okay, okay, okay." He whispered shakily. He began to think of Delaney's baby and his fears suddenly melted away. He gently placed one of his rough but soothingly warm hands down on top of her arm and then began to drift off to sleep once more, the dog lying between him and Delaney. (@TheHarlequinnCat)

(Last post. Goodnight.)
Chris raised his head in order to see what was going on, instead what he saw throughout darkness of the streets was flashlights coming in this direction. Sherry quickly put Nate in the HMMVW and tried to ignite the engine, Chris watched as the gleaming flashlights in the distance begin to close in. He was outnumbered with a kid here.... He quickly jumped in the bed of the hmmvw and aimed to cover their escape. The question was where to next.
DrTrollinski said:
"There's more of these? For fuck sake!" Eric yelled as he reached the third floor with her. This floor had clothes and lots of shelving on it. He put his free hand on her shoulder and ushered her over to behind one of the shelving units. He sat down on the floor beside her and took a minute to catch a breather as sweat poured down his forehead. "You good? Sorry if I hurt you when I took you down like that, but I'd rather see you get a scraped elbow rather than see you get torn in half." He said, giving a faint and humoured smile. (@Soul OMU)

"I wanna see my dad..." He sobbed while gulping down some of the food. "Where is he? Did he get killed by one of those monsters?!" He asked in urgency, some tears suddenly flooding down his cheeks. (@Beowulf)


"Okay, okay, okay." He whispered shakily. He began to think of Delaney's baby and his fears suddenly melted away. He gently placed one of his rough but soothingly warm hands down on top of her arm and then began to drift off to sleep once more, the dog lying between him and Delaney. (@TheHarlequinnCat)

(Last post. Goodnight.)
Jenna nods as she sits down on the floor next to him. "Yeah.. I'm good... Just knocked the air out of me a bit but I'm fine really... And I suppose that's true." She said and smiled a bit while catch her breath. (@DrTrollinski)
Nate was confused and quite scared. He watched from the complete darkness while the glaring headlights of other vehicles that were mostly civilian-grade approached. They were Range Rovers, for the most part, he ducked down a little more so he could peek out of the window instead. What was happening? Were these the friends of the nice people that had been helping him? He didn't know, and his four-year-old gut told him to just sit quietly and watch until he knew otherwise.

The cars screeched to a halt in front of Chris and Sherry. Slowly but surely, six men climbed out of the vehicles, their guns held by their chests; they were in black pants and tight black sweaters; they wore tactical belts and vests but there was no way that these guys were part of the army. All of their gear was from the military, by the looks of it, so that answered the question of whether or not these guys were the murderers of the military forces. Just like the dying soldier described: Black clothes, silenced guns. These were definitely the ones.

One man took a few extra steps forward and took a deep breath through his nose, inspecting Chris, but then inspecting Sherry in a very perverse and grotesque manner.

"Good evening, my friends." He said. His voice was rough as sandpaper; this guy was blatantly a smoker. (@Rifleman)
Chris grumbled for a second as he stood there staring at him. He was hesitant to raise his rifle, even though he felt payback was necessary. Chris didnt remove his shemagh as his dark brown eyes shined from the light of the vehicles. He looked at the man, trying to get an ID of who he was. His thick voice shot out to the man saying.

" Easy for you to say. Are we really your friends? "

Chris had to know if these were also the same guys that hit the bases. Then all that talk of pay back, well it might go to waste... If they end up the same way. Sherry gripped her bolt action rifle and cupped it close to her shoulder with a firm grip, she was confused at the situation they could of just shot at first sight
Eric got a spark of confidence string through him when he saw Jenna smile. At least he and her were on good grounds now - t (hat was good, she was capable, and she was quick, very much like himself. He liked the fact that she wasn't scared to jump straight into a plan or deal with problems head-on. He liked her, so he was glad that things weren't going to start off as sour.

Providing they got out alive.

Eric placed a hand on her shoulder and used her to more slowly push himself up; he peaked over the shelving unit and saw the creature just reaching the floor they were on via the stairs, stalking them in a very slow and wary manner - its horrendous claws tapped loudly against the ground as it walked. That was its disadvantage - it made too much noise when trying to be stealthy. Eric saw its teeth and this time he was a little more scared, but held that feeling back. He quickly ducked back down beside her and readied himself, holding the sword up.

".. It's here..." He looked over his shoulder. ".. We're going to wait. We'll outsmart this son of a bitch and do some damage. Instead of provoking a fight we'll wait for him to come to us." He said to her, nodding curtly and taking a quiet deep breath to stabilize himself. (@Soul OMU)


"Well. That all depends," They suddenly all raised their guns and aimed at the two of them. It was six versus two - doing anything here would mean leaving Nathan to these potential murderers. He'd either be killed straight up, or forced to endure more pain. "What have you got in the car?" He asked as he nodded towards the Humvee. Nathan ducked down further in worry - he didn't want to be seen by them! What if they found him? (@Rifleman)
" Theres nothing inside the vehicle... What is it that you want. We obviously arent here for trouble and you guys would of surely killed us by now. " He chuckled for a second keeping one hand on his m4, as he raised the other to his shemagh and removed it from covering his mouth and beard. He sighed for all but two seconds, there was a reason why they were here. The question is what.
The man looked at him for a moment, but then frowned in anger as he turned his head to look at two of the men that were with him. "You two. Search their vehicle." He ordered, they nodded and quickly jogged off towards the Humvee. Nathan's eyes went wide and he scrambled into the front seat and then down into the foot area; it was even darker down here, so he hoped that they'll never see him--

They both flicked on some tactical flashlights. Damn it. The first thing they checked was the trunk of the car, and as this was a new vehicle, the only thing in there was a bag of clothes for Nathan. They hadn't a clue whether or not this little group had any food or water.

"Nothin' here! Just some clothes, no use to us!" One called out, the man sighed.

"Search the rest of it." He said. "I bet they're holdin' out on us." He smirked and looked back to Chris and Sherry. (@Rifleman)
Skyler stands form where she was sitting and nods her head. "Only a few months?" She asks for confirmation. "Then we either need to look for a new place with more food for when we run out, or go out looking for food." She says softly. "If we go out looking for food then I volunteer to go." She adds and runs her fingers through her hair.
Carl looks up at her from playing Tic Tac Toe and smiled and shrugged mindlessly. "We'll get more food... Eric will find some for us." He smiled and looked at Tom. "Right?" He asked for confirmation, (@Aryn Harris, @DrCompton)
Skyler smiles at Carl and places her hands on his shoulders. "Yes he will." She murmurs, before turning away and sitting in a chair.
He gave a confident smile and went back to his game with Tom while speaking to Skyler. "Eric's the best brother ever. He always brings back nice stuff that I like." He grinned. "If you ask him, he'll get somethin' nice for you, too!" He said to her in a somewhat shy manner. (@Aryn Harris)
"C'mere you ridiculous excuse for a living thing...I'll show you something real nice..."

Matty said in his thickest british accent,holding a hammer slowly approaching the creature.

"I'll freaking destroy you..."

He was getting close.

"Eric.run! But,before you do. Burn my corpse after this shit...

(I know what you meant@DrTrollinski
DrTrollinski said:
Eric got a spark of confidence string through him when he saw Jenna smile. At least he and her were on good grounds now - t (hat was good, she was capable, and she was quick, very much like himself. He liked the fact that she wasn't scared to jump straight into a plan or deal with problems head-on. He liked her, so he was glad that things weren't going to start off as sour.
Providing they got out alive.

Eric placed a hand on her shoulder and used her to more slowly push himself up; he peaked over the shelving unit and saw the creature just reaching the floor they were on via the stairs, stalking them in a very slow and wary manner - its horrendous claws tapped loudly against the ground as it walked. That was its disadvantage - it made too much noise when trying to be stealthy. Eric saw its teeth and this time he was a little more scared, but held that feeling back. He quickly ducked back down beside her and readied himself, holding the sword up.

".. It's here..." He looked over his shoulder. ".. We're going to wait. We'll outsmart this son of a bitch and do some damage. Instead of provoking a fight we'll wait for him to come to us." He said to her, nodding curtly and taking a quiet deep breath to stabilize himself. (@Soul OMU)


"Well. That all depends," They suddenly all raised their guns and aimed at the two of them. It was six versus two - doing anything here would mean leaving Nathan to these potential murderers. He'd either be killed straight up, or forced to endure more pain. "What have you got in the car?" He asked as he nodded towards the Humvee. Nathan ducked down further in worry - he didn't want to be seen by them! What if they found him? (@DryPunishment)

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