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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

".. Heh, yeah..." He linked his hands on top of his knees. ".. I guess you all were right." He smiled and nudged her back. ".. Adelaide--.. I'm not sure if you've seen him, but there's this new guy that came today. He's young-ish. Arrived with Eric and Tom. He's our old middle school teacher, but--.. We found Eric torturing him, or something... Do you--.. Do you think that this guy's got something to hide that Eric found out, or do you think it's Eric with the thing to hide? Honestly. I'm scared. Everyone's just breaking apart and going against each other, and--.. You know." He sighed and bowed his head. (@october_rain)


Brad woke back up abruptly after only five minutes sleep with a gasp. He saw his face. He saw her face. What was happening? Why was this visiting him now? Why was he seeing the children that died a long time ago? They died while in school, their only escape from the next to shitty life that they lived at home on a low income - they watched their father waste away on numerous occasions, all because he wanted to keep them clean, clothed, and fed. They had aspirations, aspirations to do well in school and work to bring their sad old man back up from the ground. He heard them talking about it one night before they went to sleep - this was when they were eight that they thought in such a complex manner. They spoke of 'feeding dad and helping him like he helped us', and 'buying dad nice clothes' when they were businessmen or teachers. They spoke about 'buying dad a big house'.

Brad thought of it, their whole conversation coming back to him, clear as day. It broke his heart. He rolled over and buried his face in the pillow that his head rested on. He broke out into quick and raspy sobs that occasionally faded into soft cries. He tried to keep it quiet, but the movement he put the bed through and the general noise was loud enough to eventually wake up Delaney and Oreo. (@DryPunishment)


Nathan heard the ruckus. He was worried, but thankfully he was done or he would have easily ended up making a mess. He flushed the toilet and quickly washed his hands, followed by running over to the door and unlocking it. He quickly went out to see what was going on and saw Chris hugging a woman. He looked at her and forced a shaky half-smile while also nervously linking his hands in front of his mouth. (@Rifleman
".. This motherfucker needs to take bullets." He said, suddenly his knife slipped and went straight through something soft and then through the rest of the skull. Half a brain was inside the part that he separated. The brain was the size of a golf ball. ".. Jesus fucking Christ... What the hell...? Is that its brain?!" He asked in amazement, tossing the knife down onto the table. (@Beowulf)
"Well, it certainly ain't it's stomach. Looks like they are going to be tough little buggers to kill." Great, another problem to deal with. First day on his new job and he is met by this thing. How could he deter them? Traps could stem the tide, but not stop it. The wall, useful as it may be, could only do so much. "How the hell are we supposed to kill these thing? Check the chest, see if it's heart is in good shape. If I remember right, walker hearts are half rotten."

(@DrTrollinski )
"Nick! I'm stuck!"

She was getting surrounded by walkers. Her hand was stuck.

"Fuck! Fuck! Nick throw me a rock!"

Tina looked around for a sharp looking rock while Nick was fighting off the wretched creatures.

Time felt like it was passing slower and slower.

Her sight fixating on a rock 4 feet away. She pulled and cut her hand. It hurt like hell,but she grabbed the rock. What was about to come would be all the more powerful.

"Nick! Cover me!"

First strike at the wrist. Blood.

Second strike. Pain and panic.


Third strike. She saw bone. Tears running down her face.

Fourth strike. Almost there. She cried in pain and agony. Tina yelled in desperation. She couldn't tell what Nick was doing.

Fifth strike. Only some more tendons holding it toghether.

Sixth strike. She was free.

Tina's eyes went blurry with tears,but she got up,grabbed Nick and dragged him away.

The man nodded and sent a knife into the lower part of its chest. He brought the blade up a little so that it didn't damage the heart and then used his hands to pull the chest open. He didn't need to worry about damaging the heart.

There wasn't one. (@Beowulf)
(Last reply @DrTrollinski )

"That's what I'm talking about,Eric. I'm only dragging you guys down."

He wiped a tear and sniffed.

"I'm just too much of a wreck right now. I am weak and can't fend for myself any longer. I am useless now."

He looked at Caitlyn who was crying and kissed her on the forehead.

"Don't worry,sweetie. It'll be fine. You'll be fine with Tom and Alex and Carl and Eric..."
Eric wasn't sure on what to say. He'd just prove himself wrong - Matty had beaten him to all of his ideas of fixing this problem, and none of them worked. He cleared his throat as he walked over and sat down beside Caitlyn, hesitantly moving one arm around her. (@DryPunishment)
Now that he had mentioned it, Adelaide could recall seeing a new face among the group, but hadn't thought much of it at the time. His face was badly bruised and his lip was split open. Was it really Eric who caused that? "It's hard to tell. I don't know the man at all to be judging his character. I do know that Eric must have had some good reason for doing what he did." She reached out and took his hand gently. "I think you should trust Eric, or at least talk to him about it. And as for everybody turning against each other, it's not so different from before. Families fight, but they're still family." (@DrTrollinski )
"Shit." he muttered, running a hand through his hair. Small brain and no heart, how the hell were they supposed to kill it? "Tomorrow, tell everyone that we are going to set up bear traps. Put some warning signs up so we don't get one of our own."

Tom looked around, "Alex! Quit kissing Hunter and get over here! We still need to finish this meeting." He sighed, "We're still where we were when you called this. Stuck with 80 cans of beans and 80 bottles of water." he rustled Carl's hair.
(He's not. He went out of the store. @Soul OMU)

".. Yeah, I'll talk to him. Looks like there's a disturbance though. Let's go." He helped her to her feet and then quickly shot off to the store. "What's up? I'm not with Hunter. Look, as for food, we're alright for now. We have food and water--.." He said while looking around the group. He began to trail off. ".. Where's Hunter?" He said, noticing that she wasn't with the rest of the group. (@october_rain)


"We need the doc and Kendrick back. Shit... I'm thinkin' of his boy. What was his name? Dylan? He can't lose him as well." He sighed and drove the knife down into the stomach of the creature, leaving it sitting there. "How the fuck do these things even move, anyway? They fast?" He asked. (@Beowulf)
Tom looks around, "I thought she was with you Kid... I havent seen her since I've woken pal. Fuckin' A, when did she leave?" He get up, setting Carl down.
"Like a rabbit." he replied, trying not to over exaggerate. "Where is Dylan? You have to refresh my mind a bit. Daniel went out hunting with me and saw Ugly here as well. I told him to run back and get some people, you." Wasn't Daniel that teen boy? Seemed right. "Tomorrow, we can also send someone to recall the scavengers. I don't think he'll be able to catch up to them though, not in a day at least."

(@DrTrollinski )
".. You've lost me. Daniel's his name, yeah, Dominic's son - Poor kid could barely talk when we got him in here. He's up in the place he and his dad stay in - he hangs with you a lot, you should go and speak to him about it. We'll get this cleaned up and we'll get a search party ready." He said. (@Beowulf)


"Okay, hold up." Eric quickly stood up, grabbing his katana as he did so. "Me and Alex will go out and look for her. The rest of you stay here just in case--.. Da--" He paused and stopped himself from saying the whole word. He just nodded at Tom in shame - he didn't feel like he'd earned the right to call him 'dad' just yet. "You're hurt, so you should rest up... and Carl--." He looked down at Carl who was already busy walking off - he had his head bowed while he held the picture he drew in both hands in front of him; he walked off and into the sleeping quarters and went over to Tom's bed, placing the drawing down on it. He'd wait for some proper input until later.

"What's up with him...?" Alex asked.

"Oh, I don't know, Alex. Maybe with everyone jumping down each other's throats for the past twenty minutes has actually upset him?!" He sighed and stormed out. "Alex. Let's go find Hunter - this night is too tiresome." He murmured, Alex followed him out and they walked to the door, leaving Tom to deal with the drama that was happening here. What suddenly got into Carl? Well, once he left the picture on Tom's bed he walked up to his own and curled into a fetal position on his own bed. (@DrCompton)
Hunter and Jenna had been talking and slowly getting to know each other since it was Jenna's watch and her aunt Scarlet needed the rest, Hunter had learned that they came from Bloomington, Indiana and that she wasn't far off with their ages. Jenna had learned that Hunter wasn't much older then her and had come pretty far in order to get here. "...so I'm guessing you lost someone too huh?" Jenna asked softly since she noticed Hunter gazing off slightly sometimes. Hunter blinked and looked at her. "...something like that..." She said before hearing a clicking noise. "...that's not your aunt is it?" Jenna shook her head and noticed her aunt was missing and looked around worriedly, a bit of a scuffle could be heard going on downstairs before a few shots went off, the two quickly got up and ran downstairs to find a dead body of a creepy zed that seemed to have multiple arms and Jenna's aunt who seemed fine despite a few bruises and cuts in her clothes but no blood drawn.

If the boys listened they would have heard the shots as well.

Tom jogged over to the two brothers as best he could, "Hey you two... find her.. bring her back, I'll keep everyone together until you two get back okay?" Tom looked at Alex for a moment, then Eric, "And Come back god damn it." He put his good hand on Eric's shoulder, "I cant lose you, and Carl can't either understand?" He nodded to the two of them, then walked toward Carl to reassure him that they'd be okay. He hadn't realized he was ignoring the youngest brother during the small fight
"Alright then. Scrub everything down and burry that deep." he said pointing to the various items that he was talking about. Once he made sure they understood what he meant, he began to make his way towards Dominic's house so he could talk to Daniel about what happened.

(@DrTrollinski )
Carl didn't move when Tom walked in. He stayed curled up on his bed - he felt a bit offended and left out. He didn't like it when people fought, and he felt like his efforts to make Tom happy went unnoticed. Which they kind of did. He knew that he'd see the picture on his bed when he went to sleep, so now it was a matter of playing the waiting game - he didn't intend to take any digs at Tom, he just wanted him to take a good look at the picture he worked on while he was out earlier.

Eric and Alex rushed out into the dark; Eric had his sword out rather than a gun, and Alex had his rifle. They soon heard the gunshots and tears came to Alex's eyes. What the hell happened?

"HUNTER!?" Alex cried out, hoping she'd be able to hear him. (@Soul OMU)


"Will do." He said.

When Conner arrived in Dominic's ground-level apartment, he saw Daniel sat on the couch. His eyes were wide and his skin was pale. He was shaking like crazy, and didn't even acknowledge Conner when he walked in - he just stared at the wall. (@Beowulf)
Hunter heard them and looks at Jenna and her aunt, "I'll be right back..." Scarlet looks at her sternly. "There might be more of these things... Be careful." She said as Hunter nodded and quickly, and carefully stepped towards the door and looked around for danger. "I'm fine! Just had a run in with a nasty creepy crawler zed..." She said as she looked at the dead zed, Scarlet and Jenna watching as they listen. (@DrTrollinski)
Tom walked toward Carl, but then noticed the picture, the bent down and grabbed the picture and looked at it and smiled, then walked over to Carl, "Hey Pal... You made this for me?" Tom sat down next to Carl, "You, Me, Eric and Alex?" He raised a brow and smiled, "This is pretty awesome stuff, if I had an office, I'd frame it."
"Hey, buddy, you ok?" Connor said, taking a seat near Daniel. He wasn't sure how to handle this, he had been a father but wasn't one during the apocalypse. First things first was that he had to calm down the kid.

Carl rolled over and looked at him, a tinge of sadness plaguing his eyes. He gave a soft smile and looked at him, followed by taking his hand. ".. I'm glad you like it..." He smiled. "It took me a long time. We're like one big family, huh?" He said. (@DrCompton)

Daniel flinched and squirmed away from him as soon as he sat close. He curled up at the end of the couch and started shaking more strongly. His breathing was shallow and shaky, and he didn't look well at all. He looked very green. (@Beowulf)
"Thats right Pal, the four of us. We'll be together forever alright?" He laid down with Carl, holding him a little. "Eric and Alex went out to go find Hunter. But they'll all be back pretty soon okay?" He rubbed Carl's arm.

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